91,141 research outputs found

    Multi-scale lines and edges in V1 and beyond: brightness, object categorization and recognition, and consciousness

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    In this paper we present an improved model for line and edge detection in cortical area V1. This model is based on responses of simple and complex cells, and it is multi-scale with no free parameters. We illustrate the use of the multi-scale line/edge representation in different processes: visual reconstruction or brightness perception, automatic scale selection and object segregation. A two-level object categorization scenario is tested in which pre-categorization is based on coarse scales only and final categorization on coarse plus fine scales. We also present a multi-scale object and face recognition model. Processing schemes are discussed in the framework of a complete cortical architecture. The fact that brightness perception and object recognition may be based on the same symbolic image representation is an indication that the entire (visual) cortex is involved in consciousness

    3d Face Reconstruction And Emotion Analytics With Part-Based Morphable Models

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    3D face reconstruction and facial expression analytics using 3D facial data are new and hot research topics in computer graphics and computer vision. In this proposal, we first review the background knowledge for emotion analytics using 3D morphable face model, including geometry feature-based methods, statistic model-based methods and more advanced deep learning-bade methods. Then, we introduce a novel 3D face modeling and reconstruction solution that robustly and accurately acquires 3D face models from a couple of images captured by a single smartphone camera. Two selfie photos of a subject taken from the front and side are used to guide our Non-Negative Matrix Factorization (NMF) induced part-based face model to iteratively reconstruct an initial 3D face of the subject. Then, an iterative detail updating method is applied to the initial generated 3D face to reconstruct facial details through optimizing lighting parameters and local depths. Our iterative 3D face reconstruction method permits fully automatic registration of a part-based face representation to the acquired face data and the detailed 2D/3D features to build a high-quality 3D face model. The NMF part-based face representation learned from a 3D face database facilitates effective global and adaptive local detail data fitting alternatively. Our system is flexible and it allows users to conduct the capture in any uncontrolled environment. We demonstrate the capability of our method by allowing users to capture and reconstruct their 3D faces by themselves. Based on the 3D face model reconstruction, we can analyze the facial expression and the related emotion in 3D space. We present a novel approach to analyze the facial expressions from images and a quantitative information visualization scheme for exploring this type of visual data. From the reconstructed result using NMF part-based morphable 3D face model, basis parameters and a displacement map are extracted as features for facial emotion analysis and visualization. Based upon the features, two Support Vector Regressions (SVRs) are trained to determine the fuzzy Valence-Arousal (VA) values to quantify the emotions. The continuously changing emotion status can be intuitively analyzed by visualizing the VA values in VA-space. Our emotion analysis and visualization system, based on 3D NMF morphable face model, detects expressions robustly from various head poses, face sizes and lighting conditions, and is fully automatic to compute the VA values from images or a sequence of video with various facial expressions. To evaluate our novel method, we test our system on publicly available databases and evaluate the emotion analysis and visualization results. We also apply our method to quantifying emotion changes during motivational interviews. These experiments and applications demonstrate effectiveness and accuracy of our method. In order to improve the expression recognition accuracy, we present a facial expression recognition approach with 3D Mesh Convolutional Neural Network (3DMCNN) and a visual analytics guided 3DMCNN design and optimization scheme. The geometric properties of the surface is computed using the 3D face model of a subject with facial expressions. Instead of using regular Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to learn intensities of the facial images, we convolve the geometric properties on the surface of the 3D model using 3DMCNN. We design a geodesic distance-based convolution method to overcome the difficulties raised from the irregular sampling of the face surface mesh. We further present an interactive visual analytics for the purpose of designing and modifying the networks to analyze the learned features and cluster similar nodes in 3DMCNN. By removing low activity nodes in the network, the performance of the network is greatly improved. We compare our method with the regular CNN-based method by interactively visualizing each layer of the networks and analyze the effectiveness of our method by studying representative cases. Testing on public datasets, our method achieves a higher recognition accuracy than traditional image-based CNN and other 3D CNNs. The presented framework, including 3DMCNN and interactive visual analytics of the CNN, can be extended to other applications

    Real-time 3D Face Recognition using Line Projection and Mesh Sampling

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    The main contribution of this paper is to present a novel method for automatic 3D face recognition based on sampling a 3D mesh structure in the presence of noise. A structured light method using line projection is employed where a 3D face is reconstructed from a single 2D shot. The process from image acquisition to recognition is described with focus on its real-time operation. Recognition results are presented and it is demonstrated that it can perform recognition in just over one second per subject in continuous operation mode and thus, suitable for real time operation

    Face recognition technologies for evidential evaluation of video traces

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    Human recognition from video traces is an important task in forensic investigations and evidence evaluations. Compared with other biometric traits, face is one of the most popularly used modalities for human recognition due to the fact that its collection is non-intrusive and requires less cooperation from the subjects. Moreover, face images taken at a long distance can still provide reasonable resolution, while most biometric modalities, such as iris and fingerprint, do not have this merit. In this chapter, we discuss automatic face recognition technologies for evidential evaluations of video traces. We first introduce the general concepts in both forensic and automatic face recognition , then analyse the difficulties in face recognition from videos . We summarise and categorise the approaches for handling different uncontrollable factors in difficult recognition conditions. Finally we discuss some challenges and trends in face recognition research in both forensics and biometrics . Given its merits tested in many deployed systems and great potential in other emerging applications, considerable research and development efforts are expected to be devoted in face recognition in the near future

    Multi-View Face Recognition From Single RGBD Models of the Faces

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    This work takes important steps towards solving the following problem of current interest: Assuming that each individual in a population can be modeled by a single frontal RGBD face image, is it possible to carry out face recognition for such a population using multiple 2D images captured from arbitrary viewpoints? Although the general problem as stated above is extremely challenging, it encompasses subproblems that can be addressed today. The subproblems addressed in this work relate to: (1) Generating a large set of viewpoint dependent face images from a single RGBD frontal image for each individual; (2) using hierarchical approaches based on view-partitioned subspaces to represent the training data; and (3) based on these hierarchical approaches, using a weighted voting algorithm to integrate the evidence collected from multiple images of the same face as recorded from different viewpoints. We evaluate our methods on three datasets: a dataset of 10 people that we created and two publicly available datasets which include a total of 48 people. In addition to providing important insights into the nature of this problem, our results show that we are able to successfully recognize faces with accuracies of 95% or higher, outperforming existing state-of-the-art face recognition approaches based on deep convolutional neural networks
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