6 research outputs found

    Automatic mapping of nested loops to FPGAS

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    Automatic Nested Loop Acceleration on FPGAs Using Soft CGRA Overlay

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    Session 1: HLS Toolingpostprin

    High performance computing with FPGAs

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    Field-programmable gate arrays represent an army of logical units which can be organized in a highly parallel or pipelined fashion to implement an algorithm in hardware. The flexibility of this new medium creates new challenges to find the right processing paradigm which takes into account of the natural constraints of FPGAs: clock frequency, memory footprint and communication bandwidth. In this paper first use of FPGAs as a multiprocessor on a chip or its use as a highly functional coprocessor are compared, and the programming tools for hardware/software codesign are discussed. Next a number of techniques are presented to maximize the parallelism and optimize the data locality in nested loops. This includes unimodular transformations, data locality improving loop transformations and use of smart buffers. Finally, the use of these techniques on a number of examples is demonstrated. The results in the paper and in the literature show that, with the proper programming tool set, FPGAs can speedup computation kernels significantly with respect to traditional processors

    Throughput-optimal systolic arrays from recurrence equations

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    Many compute-bound software kernels have seen order-of-magnitude speedups on special-purpose accelerators built on specialized architectures such as field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). These architectures are particularly good at implementing dynamic programming algorithms that can be expressed as systems of recurrence equations, which in turn can be realized as systolic array designs. To efficiently find good realizations of an algorithm for a given hardware platform, we pursue software tools that can search the space of possible parallel array designs to optimize various design criteria. Most existing design tools in this area produce a design that is latency-space optimal. However, we instead wish to target applications that operate on a large collection of small inputs, e.g. a database of biological sequences. For such applications, overall throughput rather than latency per input is the most important measure of performance. In this work, we introduce a new procedure to optimize throughput of a systolic array subject to resource constraints, in this case the area and bandwidth constraints of an FPGA device. We show that the throughput of an array is dependent on the maximum number of lattice points executed by any processor in the array, which to a close approximation is determined solely by the array’s projection vector. We describe a bounded search process to find throughput-optimal projection vectors and a tool to perform automated design space exploration, discovering a range of array designs that are optimal for inputs of different sizes. We apply our techniques to the Nussinov RNA folding algorithm to generate multiple mappings of this algorithm into systolic arrays. By combining our library of designs with run-time reconfiguration of an FPGA device to dynamically switch among them, we predict significant speedup over a single, latency-space optimal array

    Empirically Tuning HPC Kernels with iFKO

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    iFKO (iterative Floating point Kernel Optimizer) is an open-source iterative empirical compilation framework which can be used to tune high performance computing (HPC) kernels. The goal of our research is to advance iterative empirical compilation to the degree that the performance it can achieve is comparable to that delivered by painstaking hand tuning in assembly. This will allow many HPC researchers to spend precious development time on higher level aspects of tuning such as parallelization, as well as enabling computational scientists to develop new algorithms that demand new high performance kernels. At present, algorithms that cannot use hand-tuned performance libraries tend to lose to even inferior algorithms that can. We discuss our new autovectorization technique (speculative vectorization) which can autovectorize loops past dependent branches by speculating along frequently taken paths, even when other paths cannot be effectively vectorized. We implemented this technique in iFKO and demonstrated significant speedup for kernels that prior vectorization techniques could not optimize. We have developed an optimization for two dimensional array indexing that is critical for allowing us to heavily unroll and jam loops without restriction from integer register pressure. We then extended the state of the art single basic block vectorization method, SLP, to vectorize nested loops. We have also introduced optimized reductions that can retain full SIMD parallelization for the entire reduction, as well as doing loop specialization and unswitching as needed to address vector alignment issues and paths inside the loops which inhibit autovectorization. We have also implemented a critical transformation for optimal vectorization of mixed-type data. Combining all these techniques we can now fully vectorize the loopnests for our most complicated kernels, allowing us to achieve performance very close to that of hand-tuned assembly

    Automatic Mapping of Nested Loops to FPGAs

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    This paper present a framework for automatic mapping of perfectly nested loops with constant dependences onto regular processor arrays, suitable for direct implementation on Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). The problem is modeled as that of finding a suitable completion procedure for a full-rank linear transformation on the iteration space. The approach enables extraction of necessary degrees of communication-free and pipelined parallelism to optimize performance under the resource constraints of limited logic resources and I/O bandwidth available on an FPGA. The generation of control signals for the custom processing elements is also addressed. Examples of automatic derivation of parallel designs for some common nested loops are provided. Experimental results on the Cray XD1 show that an FPGA-based matrix-multiplication design obtained using the framework attains significant speedup on the XD1’s attached FPGA, when compared to execution on the XD1 CPU