7 research outputs found

    Simulating dysarthric speech for training data augmentation in clinical speech applications

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    Training machine learning algorithms for speech applications requires large, labeled training data sets. This is problematic for clinical applications where obtaining such data is prohibitively expensive because of privacy concerns or lack of access. As a result, clinical speech applications are typically developed using small data sets with only tens of speakers. In this paper, we propose a method for simulating training data for clinical applications by transforming healthy speech to dysarthric speech using adversarial training. We evaluate the efficacy of our approach using both objective and subjective criteria. We present the transformed samples to five experienced speech-language pathologists (SLPs) and ask them to identify the samples as healthy or dysarthric. The results reveal that the SLPs identify the transformed speech as dysarthric 65% of the time. In a pilot classification experiment, we show that by using the simulated speech samples to balance an existing dataset, the classification accuracy improves by about 10% after data augmentation.Comment: Will appear in Proc. of ICASSP 201

    Automatic speech intelligibility detection for speakers with speech impairments: the identification of significant speech features

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    Selection of relevant features is important for discriminating speech in detection based ASR system, thus contributing to the improved performance of the detector. In the context of speech impairments, speech errors can be discriminated from regular speech by adopting the appropriate discriminative speech features with high discriminative ability between the impaired and the control group. However, identification of suitable discriminative speech features for error detection in impaired speech was not well investigated in the literature. Characteristics of impaired speech are grossly different from regular speech, thus making the existing speech features to be less effective in recognizing the impaired speech. To overcome this gap, the speech features of impaired speech based on the prosody, pronunciation and voice quality are analyzed for identifying the significant speech features which are related to the intelligibility deficits. In this research, we investigate the relations of speech impairments due to cerebral palsy, and hearing impairment with the prosody, pronunciation, and voice quality. Later, we identify the relationship of the speech features with the speech intelligibility classification and the significant speech features in improving the discriminative ability of an automatic speech intelligibility detection system. The findings showed that prosody, pronunciation and voice quality features are statistically significant speech features for improving the detection ability of impaired speeches. Voice quality is identified as the best speech features with more discriminative power in detecting speech intelligibility of impaired speech

    Modeling Sub-Band Information Through Discrete Wavelet Transform to Improve Intelligibility Assessment of Dysarthric Speech

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    The speech signal within a sub-band varies at a fine level depending on the type, and level of dysarthria. The Mel-frequency filterbank used in the computation process of cepstral coefficients smoothed out this fine level information in the higher frequency regions due to the larger bandwidth of filters. To capture the sub-band information, in this paper, four-level discrete wavelet transform (DWT) decomposition is firstly performed to decompose the input speech signal into approximation and detail coefficients, respectively, at each level. For a particular input speech signal, five speech signals representing different sub-bands are then reconstructed using inverse DWT (IDWT). The log filterbank energies are computed by analyzing the short-term discrete Fourier transform magnitude spectra of each reconstructed speech using a 30-channel Mel-filterbank. For each analysis frame, the log filterbank energies obtained across all reconstructed speech signals are pooled together, and discrete cosine transform is performed to represent the cepstral feature, here termed as discrete wavelet transform reconstructed (DWTR)- Mel frequency cepstral coefficient (MFCC). The i-vector based dysarthric level assessment system developed on the universal access speech corpus shows that the proposed DTWRMFCC feature outperforms the conventional MFCC and several other cepstral features reported for a similar task. The usages of DWTR- MFCC improve the detection accuracy rate (DAR) of the dysarthric level assessment system in the text and the speaker-independent test case to 60.094 % from 56.646 % MFCC baseline. Further analysis of the confusion matrices shows that confusion among different dysarthric classes is quite different for MFCC and DWTR-MFCC features. Motivated by this observation, a two-stage classification approach employing discriminating power of both kinds of features is proposed to improve the overall performance of the developed dysarthric level assessment system. The two-stage classification scheme further improves the DAR to 65.813 % in the text and speaker- independent test case

    운율 정보를 이용한 마비말장애 음성 자동 검출 및 평가

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    학위논문 (석사) -- 서울대학교 대학원 : 인문대학 언어학과, 2020. 8. Minhwa Chung.말장애는 신경계 또는 퇴행성 질환에서 가장 빨리 나타나는 증 상 중 하나이다. 마비말장애는 파킨슨병, 뇌성 마비, 근위축성 측삭 경화증, 다발성 경화증 환자 등 다양한 환자군에서 나타난다. 마비말장애는 조음기관 신경의 손상으로 부정확한 조음을 주요 특징으로 가지고, 운율에도 영향을 미치는 것으로 보고된다. 선행 연구에서는 운율 기반 측정치를 비장애 발화와 마비말장애 발화를 구별하는 것에 사용했다. 임상 현장에서는 마비말장애에 대한 운율 기반 분석이 마비말장애를 진단하거나 장애 양상에 따른 알맞은 치료법을 준비하는 것에 도움이 될 것이다. 따라서 마비말장애가 운율에 영향을 미치는 양상뿐만 아니라 마비말장애의 운율 특징을 긴밀하게 살펴보는 것이 필요하다. 구체 적으로, 운율이 어떤 측면에서 마비말장애에 영향을 받는지, 그리고 운율 애가 장애 정도에 따라 어떻게 다르게 나타나는지에 대한 분석이 필요하다. 본 논문은 음높이, 음질, 말속도, 리듬 등 운율을 다양한 측면에 서 살펴보고, 마비말장애 검출 및 평가에 사용하였다. 추출된 운율 특징들은 몇 가지 특징 선택 알고리즘을 통해 최적화되어 머신러닝 기반 분류기의 입력값으로 사용되었다. 분류기의 성능은 정확도, 정밀도, 재현율, F1-점수로 평가되었다. 또한, 본 논문은 장애 중증도(경도, 중등도, 심도)에 따라 운율 정보 사용의 유용성을 분석하였다. 마지막으로, 장애 발화 수집이 어려운 만큼, 본 연구는 교차 언어 분류기를 사용하였다. 한국어와 영어 장애 발화가 훈련 셋으로 사용되었으며, 테스트셋으로는 각 목표 언어만이 사용되었다. 실험 결과는 다음과 같이 세 가지를 시사한다. 첫째, 운율 정보 를 사용하는 것은 마비말장애 검출 및 평가에 도움이 된다. MFCC 만을 사용했을 때와 비교했을 때, 운율 정보를 함께 사용하는 것이 한국어와 영어 데이터셋 모두에서 도움이 되었다. 둘째, 운율 정보는 평가에 특히 유용하다. 영어의 경우 검출과 평가에서 각각 1.82%와 20.6%의 상대적 정확도 향상을 보였다. 한국어의 경우 검출에서는 향상을 보이지 않았지만, 평가에서는 13.6%의 상대적 향상이 나타났다. 셋째, 교차 언어 분류기는 단일 언어 분류기보다 향상된 결과를 보인다. 실험 결과 교차언어 분류기는 단일 언어 분류기와 비교했을 때 상대적으로 4.12% 높은 정확도를 보였다. 이것은 특정 운율 장애는 범언어적 특징을 가지며, 다른 언어 데이터를 포함시켜 데이터가 부족한 훈련 셋을 보완할 수 있 음을 시사한다.One of the earliest cues for neurological or degenerative disorders are speech impairments. Individuals with Parkinsons Disease, Cerebral Palsy, Amyotrophic lateral Sclerosis, Multiple Sclerosis among others are often diagnosed with dysarthria. Dysarthria is a group of speech disorders mainly affecting the articulatory muscles which eventually leads to severe misarticulation. However, impairments in the suprasegmental domain are also present and previous studies have shown that the prosodic patterns of speakers with dysarthria differ from the prosody of healthy speakers. In a clinical setting, a prosodic-based analysis of dysarthric speech can be helpful for diagnosing the presence of dysarthria. Therefore, there is a need to not only determine how the prosody of speech is affected by dysarthria, but also what aspects of prosody are more affected and how prosodic impairments change by the severity of dysarthria. In the current study, several prosodic features related to pitch, voice quality, rhythm and speech rate are used as features for detecting dysarthria in a given speech signal. A variety of feature selection methods are utilized to determine which set of features are optimal for accurate detection. After selecting an optimal set of prosodic features we use them as input to machine learning-based classifiers and assess the performance using the evaluation metrics: accuracy, precision, recall and F1-score. Furthermore, we examine the usefulness of prosodic measures for assessing different levels of severity (e.g. mild, moderate, severe). Finally, as collecting impaired speech data can be difficult, we also implement cross-language classifiers where both Korean and English data are used for training but only one language used for testing. Results suggest that in comparison to solely using Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients, including prosodic measurements can improve the accuracy of classifiers for both Korean and English datasets. In particular, large improvements were seen when assessing different severity levels. For English a relative accuracy improvement of 1.82% for detection and 20.6% for assessment was seen. The Korean dataset saw no improvements for detection but a relative improvement of 13.6% for assessment. The results from cross-language experiments showed a relative improvement of up to 4.12% in comparison to only using a single language during training. It was found that certain prosodic impairments such as pitch and duration may be language independent. Therefore, when training sets of individual languages are limited, they may be supplemented by including data from other languages.1. Introduction 1 1.1. Dysarthria 1 1.2. Impaired Speech Detection 3 1.3. Research Goals & Outline 6 2. Background Research 8 2.1. Prosodic Impairments 8 2.1.1. English 8 2.1.2. Korean 10 2.2. Machine Learning Approaches 12 3. Database 18 3.1. English-TORGO 20 3.2. Korean-QoLT 21 4. Methods 23 4.1. Prosodic Features 23 4.1.1. Pitch 23 4.1.2. Voice Quality 26 4.1.3. Speech Rate 29 4.1.3. Rhythm 30 4.2. Feature Selection 34 4.3. Classification Models 38 4.3.1. Random Forest 38 4.3.1. Support Vector Machine 40 4.3.1 Feed-Forward Neural Network 42 4.4. Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients 43 5. Experiment 46 5.1. Model Parameters 47 5.2. Training Procedure 48 5.2.1. Dysarthria Detection 48 5.2.2. Severity Assessment 50 5.2.3. Cross-Language 51 6. Results 52 6.1. TORGO 52 6.1.1. Dysarthria Detection 52 6.1.2. Severity Assessment 56 6.2. QoLT 57 6.2.1. Dysarthria Detection 57 6.2.2. Severity Assessment 58 6.1. Cross-Language 59 7. Discussion 62 7.1. Linguistic Implications 62 7.2. Clinical Applications 65 8. Conclusion 67 References 69 Appendix 76 Abstract in Korean 79Maste

    Subspace Gaussian Mixture Models for Language Identification and Dysarthric Speech Intelligibility Assessment

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    En esta Tesis se ha investigado la aplicación de técnicas de modelado de subespacios de mezclas de Gaussianas en dos problemas relacionados con las tecnologías del habla, como son la identificación automática de idioma (LID, por sus siglas en inglés) y la evaluación automática de inteligibilidad en el habla de personas con disartria. Una de las técnicas más importantes estudiadas es el análisis factorial conjunto (JFA, por sus siglas en inglés). JFA es, en esencia, un modelo de mezclas de Gaussianas en el que la media de cada componente se expresa como una suma de factores de dimensión reducida, y donde cada factor representa una contribución diferente a la señal de audio. Esta factorización nos permite compensar nuestros modelos frente a contribuciones indeseadas presentes en la señal, como la información de canal. JFA se ha investigado como clasficador y como extractor de parámetros. En esta última aproximación se modela un solo factor que representa todas las contribuciones presentes en la señal. Los puntos en este subespacio se denominan i-Vectors. Así, un i-Vector es un vector de baja dimensión que representa una grabación de audio. Los i-Vectors han resultado ser muy útiles como vector de características para representar señales en diferentes problemas relacionados con el aprendizaje de máquinas. En relación al problema de LID, se han investigado dos sistemas diferentes de acuerdo al tipo de información extraída de la señal. En el primero, la señal se parametriza en vectores acústicos con información espectral a corto plazo. En este caso, observamos mejoras de hasta un 50% con el sistema basado en i-Vectors respecto al sistema que utilizaba JFA como clasificador. Se comprobó que el subespacio de canal del modelo JFA también contenía información del idioma, mientras que con los i-Vectors no se descarta ningún tipo de información, y además, son útiles para mitigar diferencias entre los datos de entrenamiento y de evaluación. En la fase de clasificación, los i-Vectors de cada idioma se modelaron con una distribución Gaussiana en la que la matriz de covarianza era común para todos. Este método es simple y rápido, y no requiere de ningún post-procesado de los i-Vectors. En el segundo sistema, se introdujo el uso de información prosódica y formántica en un sistema de LID basado en i-Vectors. La precisión de éste estaba por debajo de la del sistema acústico. Sin embargo, los dos sistemas son complementarios, y se obtuvo hasta un 20% de mejora con la fusión de los dos respecto al sistema acústico solo. Tras los buenos resultados obtenidos para LID, y dado que, teóricamente, los i-Vectors capturan toda la información presente en la señal, decidimos usarlos para la evaluar de manera automática la inteligibilidad en el habla de personas con disartria. Los logopedas están muy interesados en esta tecnología porque permitiría evaluar a sus pacientes de una manera objetiva y consistente. En este caso, los i-Vectors se obtuvieron a partir de información espectral a corto plazo de la señal, y la inteligibilidad se calculó a partir de los i-Vectors obtenidos para un conjunto de palabras dichas por el locutor evaluado. Comprobamos que los resultados eran mucho mejores si en el entrenamiento del sistema se incorporaban datos de la persona que iba a ser evaluada. No obstante, esta limitación podría aliviarse utilizando una mayor cantidad de datos para entrenar el sistema.In this Thesis, we investigated how to effciently apply subspace Gaussian mixture modeling techniques onto two speech technology problems, namely automatic spoken language identification (LID) and automatic intelligibility assessment of dysarthric speech. One of the most important of such techniques in this Thesis was joint factor analysis (JFA). JFA is essentially a Gaussian mixture model where the mean of the components is expressed as a sum of low-dimension factors that represent different contributions to the speech signal. This factorization makes it possible to compensate for undesired sources of variability, like the channel. JFA was investigated as final classiffer and as feature extractor. In the latter approach, a single subspace including all sources of variability is trained, and points in this subspace are known as i-Vectors. Thus, one i-Vector is defined as a low-dimension representation of a single utterance, and they are a very powerful feature for different machine learning problems. We have investigated two different LID systems according to the type of features extracted from speech. First, we extracted acoustic features representing short-time spectral information. In this case, we observed relative improvements with i-Vectors with respect to JFA of up to 50%. We realized that the channel subspace in a JFA model also contains language information whereas i-Vectors do not discard any language information, and moreover, they help to reduce mismatches between training and testing data. For classification, we modeled the i-Vectors of each language with a Gaussian distribution with covariance matrix shared among languages. This method is simple and fast, and it worked well without any post-processing. Second, we introduced the use of prosodic and formant information with the i-Vectors system. The performance was below the acoustic system but both were found to be complementary and we obtained up to a 20% relative improvement with the fusion with respect to the acoustic system alone. Given the success in LID and the fact that i-Vectors capture all the information that is present in the data, we decided to use i-Vectors for other tasks, specifically, the assessment of speech intelligibility in speakers with different types of dysarthria. Speech therapists are very interested in this technology because it would allow them to objectively and consistently rate the intelligibility of their patients. In this case, the input features were extracted from short-term spectral information, and the intelligibility was assessed from the i-Vectors calculated from a set of words uttered by the tested speaker. We found that the performance was clearly much better if we had available data for training of the person that would use the application. We think that this limitation could be relaxed if we had larger databases for training. However, the recording process is not easy for people with disabilities, and it is difficult to obtain large datasets of dysarthric speakers open to the research community. Finally, the same system architecture for intelligibility assessment based on i-Vectors was used for predicting the accuracy that an automatic speech recognizer (ASR) system would obtain with dysarthric speakers. The only difference between both was the ground truth label set used for training. Predicting the performance response of an ASR system would increase the confidence of speech therapists in these systems and would diminish health related costs. The results were not as satisfactory as in the previous case, probably because an ASR is a complex system whose accuracy can be very difficult to be predicted only with acoustic information. Nonetheless, we think that we opened a door to an interesting research direction for the two problems