7 research outputs found


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    Abstrak. Pengenalan citra wajah dengan variasi iluminasi dianggap sebagai salah satu masalah penting di bidang pengenalan wajah karena variasi yang disebabkan oleh pencahyaan lebih signifikan dari pada ciri fisik wajah individu sendiri. Salah satu pendekatan untuk memecahkan masalah ini  adalah dengan metode klasifikasi Robust Regression. Dalam penelitian ini metode Robust Regression dengan menggunakan teknik pra pemrosesan Tan and Triggs (TT)  dapat menghasilkan kinerja yang cukup handal. Pengujian dilakukan dengan menggunakan 2 basisdata standar yaitu CMU-PIE dan Yale Face B. Berdasarkan uji coba yang dilakukan, penggunaan pra pemrosesan TT pada robust regression menghasilkan tingakat akurasi yang lebih unggul daripada penggunaan pra pemrosesan Histogram Equalization (HE). Pada CMU PIE Face Database pencahayaan frontal dengan pra proses  HE akurasi sebesar 97,30% sedangkan dengan TT akurasi sebesar 97,82%. Pada kondisi pencahayaan ekstrim akurasi yang diperoleh HE sebesar 99,66% sedangkan TT sebesar 100%. Selain itu, dari hasil uji coba database lain yaitu dengan Yale Face Database B 50x50 akurasi menggunakan HE sebesar 84,7 % sedangkan dengan TT sebesar 93,95%.   Kata Kunci: Pengenalan Wajah, Normalisasi Iluminasi, Robust Regression, Tan and Triggs

    Face Detection and Identification

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    Práce se zabývá problematikou detekce a identifikace obličeje na fotografích. V úvodu jsou rozebrány nejznámější metody se stručnými popisy jejich pricipů. Některé z nich v rámci praktické části implementujeme a otestujeme na volně dostupných databázích. V závěru práce jsou zhodnoceny výsledky metod a uzavření celé práce.This work is focused on the problematic of face detection and identification in photography. The introduction is devoted to the most popular methods with briefly descriptions of their principles and rules. Within the practical part of this work we implement and test on free available databases the several of these methods. In the conclusion we evaluate the results and addition of this whole work.

    Frontal-view Face Detection in The Presence of Skin-Tone Regions Using a New Symmetry Approach

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    In this paper, an efficient algorithm for detecting frontalview faces in color images is proposed. The proposed algorithm has a special task; it detects faces in the presence of skin-tone regions such as human body, clothes, and background. Firstly, a pixel based color classifier is applied to segment the skin pixels from background. Next, a hybrid cluster algorithm is applied to partition the skin region. It is well known that the frontal face is symmetrical; therefore we introduce a new symmetry approach, which is the main distinguishing feature of the proposed algorithm. It measures a symmetrical value, searches for the real center of the region, and then removes the extra unsymmetrical skin pixels. The cost functions are adopted to locate the real two eyes of the candidate face region. Finally, a template matching process is preformed between an aligning frontal face model and the candidate face region as a verification step. We have tested our algorithm on 200 images from different sets. Experimental results reveal that our algorithm can perform the detection of faces successfully under wide variations of captured images.Facultad de Informátic

    Face Pose Estimation using a Tree of Boosted Classifiers

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    Face detection in images or video sequences is a very challenging problem. It has a wide range of applications but at the same time it presents a great number of difficulties, since faces are non-rigid and very changeable objects that can adopt a lot of different poses and with a high inter and intra-person variation and a high sensitivity to lighting conditions. Along this document, a new approach to the face detection and pose estimation problem is given. This approach is based on the method proposed by Viola and Jones in [1] but considering a wide range of face poses, varying the elevation and the out-of-plane rotation, and building specific classifiers for each one. The proposed method can be easily adapted to consider other poses or to detect other objects. Especially, this approach is interesting when an object that can adopt several positions want to be detected, since the partition of the pose space allows to build classifiers specialised in only one or a few poses, which limits the large variance of the global class, the class containing all the poses. In order to facilitate the reproduction of all the processes done in this document, we have used standard face datasets to train and test the system

    Information theoretic combination of classifiers with application to face detection

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    Combining several classifiers has become a very active subdiscipline in the field of pattern recognition. For years, pattern recognition community has focused on seeking optimal learning algorithms able to produce very accurate classifiers. However, empirical experience proved that is is often much easier finding several relatively good classifiers than only finding one single very accurate predictor. The advantages of combining classifiers instead of single classifier schemes are twofold: it helps reducing the computational requirements by using simpler models, and it can improve the classification skills. It is commonly admitted that classifiers need to be complementary in order to improve their performances by aggregation. This complementarity is usually termed as diversity in classifier combination community. Although diversity is a very intuitive concept, explicitly using diversity measures for creating classifier ensembles is not as successful as expected. In this thesis, we propose an information theoretic framework for combining classifiers. In particular, we prove by means of information theoretic tools that diversity between classifiers is not sufficient to guarantee optimal classifier combination. In fact, we show that diversity and accuracies of the individual classifiers are generally contradictory: two very accurate classifiers cannot be diverse, and inversely, two very diverse classifiers will necessarily have poor classification skills. In order to tackle this contradiction, we propose a information theoretic score (ITS) that fixes a trade-off between these two quantities. A first possible application is to consider this new score as a selection criterion for extracting a good ensemble in a predefined pool of classifiers. We also propose an ensemble creation technique based on AdaBoost, by taking into account the information theoretic score for iteratively selecting the classifiers. As an illustration of efficient classifier combination technique, we propose several algorithms for building ensembles of Support Vector Machines (SVM). Support Vector Machines are one of the most popular discriminative approaches of pattern recognition and are often considered as state-of-the-art in binary classification. However these classifiers present one severe drawback when facing a very large number of training examples: they become computationally expensive to train. This problem can be addressed by decomposing the learning into several classification tasks with lower computational requirements. We propose to train several parallel SVM on subsets of the complete training set. We develop several algorithms for designing efficient ensembles of SVM by taking into account our information theoretic score. The second part of this thesis concentrates on human face detection, which appears to be a very challenging binary pattern recognition task. In this work, we focus on two main aspects: feature extraction and how to apply classifier combination techniques to face detection systems. We introduce new geometrical filters called anisotropic Gaussian filters, that are very efficient to model face appearance. Finally we propose a parallel mixture of boosted classifier for reducing the false positive rate and decreasing the training time, while keeping the testing time unchanged. The complete face detection system is evaluated on several datasets, showing that it compares favorably to state-of-the-art techniques

    A new method for generic three dimensional human face modelling for emotional bio-robots

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    Existing 3D human face modelling methods are confronted with difficulties in applying flexible control over all facial features and generating a great number of different face models. The gap between the existing methods and the requirements of emotional bio-robots applications urges the creation of a generic 3D human face model. This thesis focuses on proposing and developing two new methods involved in the research of emotional bio-robots: face detection in complex background images based on skin colour model and establishment of a generic 3D human face model based on NURBS. The contributions of this thesis are: A new skin colour based face detection method has been proposed and developed. The new method consists of skin colour model for skin regions detection and geometric rules for distinguishing faces from detected regions. By comparing to other previous methods, the new method achieved better results of detection rate of 86.15% and detection speed of 0.4-1.2 seconds without any training datasets. A generic 3D human face modelling method is proposed and developed. This generic parametric face model has the abilities of flexible control over all facial features and generating various face models for different applications. It includes: The segmentation of a human face of 21 surface features. These surfaces have 34 boundary curves. This feature-based segmentation enables the independent manipulation of different geometrical regions of human face. The NURBS curve face model and NURBS surface face model. These two models are built up based on cubic NURBS reverse computation. The elements of the curve model and surface model can be manipulated to change the appearances of the models by their parameters which are obtained by NURBS reverse computation. A new 3D human face modelling method has been proposed and implemented based on bi-cubic NURBS through analysing the characteristic features and boundary conditions of NURBS techniques. This model can be manipulated through control points on the NURBS facial features to build any specific face models for any kind of appearances and to simulate dynamic facial expressions for various applications such as emotional bio-robots, aesthetic surgery, films and games, and crime investigation and prevention, etc