265 research outputs found

    Fetal-BET: Brain Extraction Tool for Fetal MRI

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    Fetal brain extraction is a necessary first step in most computational fetal brain MRI pipelines. However, it has been a very challenging task due to non-standard fetal head pose, fetal movements during examination, and vastly heterogeneous appearance of the developing fetal brain and the neighboring fetal and maternal anatomy across various sequences and scanning conditions. Development of a machine learning method to effectively address this task requires a large and rich labeled dataset that has not been previously available. As a result, there is currently no method for accurate fetal brain extraction on various fetal MRI sequences. In this work, we first built a large annotated dataset of approximately 72,000 2D fetal brain MRI images. Our dataset covers the three common MRI sequences including T2-weighted, diffusion-weighted, and functional MRI acquired with different scanners. Moreover, it includes normal and pathological brains. Using this dataset, we developed and validated deep learning methods, by exploiting the power of the U-Net style architectures, the attention mechanism, multi-contrast feature learning, and data augmentation for fast, accurate, and generalizable automatic fetal brain extraction. Our approach leverages the rich information from multi-contrast (multi-sequence) fetal MRI data, enabling precise delineation of the fetal brain structures. Evaluations on independent test data show that our method achieves accurate brain extraction on heterogeneous test data acquired with different scanners, on pathological brains, and at various gestational stages. This robustness underscores the potential utility of our deep learning model for fetal brain imaging and image analysis.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, 2 TABLES, This work has been submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessibl

    Automated brain masking of fetal functional MRI with open data

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    Fetal resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rs-fMRI) has emerged as a critical new approach for characterizing brain development before birth. Despite the rapid and widespread growth of this approach, at present, we lack neuroimaging processing pipelines suited to address the unique challenges inherent in this data type. Here, we solve the most challenging processing step, rapid and accurate isolation of the fetal brain from surrounding tissue across thousands of non-stationary 3D brain volumes. Leveraging our library of 1,241 manually traced fetal fMRI images from 207 fetuses, we trained a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) that achieved excellent performance across two held-out test sets from separate scanners and populations. Furthermore, we unite the auto-masking model with additional fMRI preprocessing steps from existing software and provide insight into our adaptation of each step. This work represents an initial advancement towards a fully comprehensive, open-source workflow, with openly shared code and data, for fetal functional MRI data preprocessing

    Fully Convolutional Slice-to-Volume Reconstruction for Single-Stack MRI

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    In magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), slice-to-volume reconstruction (SVR) refers to computational reconstruction of an unknown 3D magnetic resonance volume from stacks of 2D slices corrupted by motion. While promising, current SVR methods require multiple slice stacks for accurate 3D reconstruction, leading to long scans and limiting their use in time-sensitive applications such as fetal fMRI. Here, we propose a SVR method that overcomes the shortcomings of previous work and produces state-of-the-art reconstructions in the presence of extreme inter-slice motion. Inspired by the recent success of single-view depth estimation methods, we formulate SVR as a single-stack motion estimation task and train a fully convolutional network to predict a motion stack for a given slice stack, producing a 3D reconstruction as a byproduct of the predicted motion. Extensive experiments on the SVR of adult and fetal brains demonstrate that our fully convolutional method is twice as accurate as previous SVR methods. Our code is available at github.com/seannz/svr.Comment: Accepted to CVPR 202

    Single-Input Multi-Output U-Net for Automated 2D Foetal Brain Segmentation of MR Images

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    In this work, we develop the Single-Input Multi-Output U-Net (SIMOU-Net), a hybrid network for foetal brain segmentation inspired by the original U-Net fused with the holistically nested edge detection (HED) network. The SIMOU-Net is similar to the original U-Net but it has a deeper architecture and takes account of the features extracted from each side output. It acts similar to an ensemble neural network, however, instead of averaging the outputs from several independently trained models, which is computationally expensive, our approach combines outputs from a single network to reduce the variance of predications and generalization errors. Experimental results using 200 normal foetal brains consisting of over 11,500 2D images produced Dice and Jaccard coefficients of 94.2 ± 5.9% and 88.7 ± 6.9%, respectively. We further tested the proposed network on 54 abnormal cases (over 3500 images) and achieved Dice and Jaccard coefficients of 91.2 ± 6.8% and 85.7 ± 6.6%, respectively

    Efficient multi-class fetal brain segmentation in high resolution MRI reconstructions with noisy labels

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    Segmentation of the developing fetal brain is an important step in quantitative analyses. However, manual segmentation is a very time-consuming task which is prone to error and must be completed by highly specialized indi-viduals. Super-resolution reconstruction of fetal MRI has become standard for processing such data as it improves image quality and resolution. However, dif-ferent pipelines result in slightly different outputs, further complicating the gen-eralization of segmentation methods aiming to segment super-resolution data. Therefore, we propose using transfer learning with noisy multi-class labels to automatically segment high resolution fetal brain MRIs using a single set of seg-mentations created with one reconstruction method and tested for generalizability across other reconstruction methods. Our results show that the network can auto-matically segment fetal brain reconstructions into 7 different tissue types, regard-less of reconstruction method used. Transfer learning offers some advantages when compared to training without pre-initialized weights, but the network trained on clean labels had more accurate segmentations overall. No additional manual segmentations were required. Therefore, the proposed network has the potential to eliminate the need for manual segmentations needed in quantitative analyses of the fetal brain independent of reconstruction method used, offering an unbiased way to quantify normal and pathological neurodevelopment.Comment: Accepted for publication at PIPPI MICCAI 202

    Semi-automatic segmentation of the fetal brain from magnetic resonance imaging

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    Background: Volumetric measurements of fetal brain maturation in the third trimester of pregnancy are key predictors of developmental outcomes. Improved understanding of fetal brain development trajectories may aid in identifying and clinically managing at-risk fetuses. Currently, fetal brain structures in magnetic resonance images (MRI) are often manually segmented, which requires both time and expertise. To facilitate the targeting and measurement of brain structures in the fetus, we compared the results of five segmentation methods applied to fetal brain MRI data to gold-standard manual tracings. Methods: Adult women with singleton pregnancies (n = 21), of whom five were scanned twice, approximately 3 weeks apart, were recruited [26 total datasets, median gestational age (GA) = 34.8, IQR = 30.9–36.6]. T2-weighted single-shot fast spin echo images of the fetal brain were acquired on 1.5T and 3T MRI scanners. Images were first combined into a single 3D anatomical volume. Next, a trained tracer manually segmented the thalamus, cerebellum, and total cerebral volumes. The manual segmentations were compared with five automatic methods of segmentation available within Advanced Normalization Tools (ANTs) and FMRIB’s Linear Image Registration Tool (FLIRT) toolboxes. The manual and automatic labels were compared using Dice similarity coefficients (DSCs). The DSC values were compared using Friedman’s test for repeated measures. Results: Comparing cerebellum and thalamus masks against the manually segmented masks, the median DSC values for ANTs and FLIRT were 0.72 [interquartile range (IQR) = 0.6–0.8] and 0.54 (IQR = 0.4–0.6), respectively. A Friedman’s test indicated that the ANTs registration methods, primarily nonlinear methods, performed better than FLIRT (p \u3c 0.001). Conclusion: Deformable registration methods provided the most accurate results relative to manual segmentation. Overall, this semi-automatic subcortical segmentation method provides reliable performance to segment subcortical volumes in fetal MR images. This method reduces the costs of manual segmentation, facilitating the measurement of typical and atypical fetal brain development

    Fetal cortical plate segmentation using fully convolutional networks with multiple plane aggregation

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    Fetal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has the potential to advance our understanding of human brain development by providing quantitative information of cortical plate (CP) developmen
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