931 research outputs found

    Profile Analysis of Mobile Application Security

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    ABSTRACT This thesis conducts profile analysis on the mobile application security using peer-review articles that were published from 2010 to 2018. From the analysis, we will identify prolific authors, intuitions, and geographic regions as well as the topics addressed by the articles. The profile analysis will reveal most frequently used research methods, research approaches (quantitative, qualitative and mixed), and theories used to study the field. This thesis reveals that none of the researchers have made significant contributions to the field, and researches are not collaborating to solve their research problems. The profile analysis shows that surveys and experiments are the most utilized research methods, and most researchers studied the field at a higher level, i.e., security was the focus of the research but did not go deeper into various aspects of security such as privacy, security vulnerabilities, and mobile application security best practices

    Kaistan ulkopuolisten todennuskanavien arviointi

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    One of the challenges in entirely wireless communication systems is authentication. In pervasive computing and peer-to-peer networks, it is often not possible to rely on the existence of a trusted third party or other infrastructure. Therefore, ad hoc verification of keys via an out-of-band (OOB) channel is often the only way to achieve authentication. Nimble out-of-band for EAP (EAP-NOOB) protocol is intended for bootstrapping security between IoT devices with no provisioned authentication credentials and minimal user interface. The protocol supports a user-assisted OOB channel to mutually authenticate the key-exchange performed over an insecure wireless network between the peer and the server. The protocol allows peers to scan for available networks and, based on the results, generate multiple dynamic OOB messages. The user then delivers one of these messages to the server to register the device and authenticate the key-exchange. We implemented the OOB channels using NFC, QR codes and sound with EAP-NOOB as the bootstrapping protocol. The implementation requires an auxiliary device such as the user's smartphone. We evaluated the usability and security as well as the benefits and limitations of the OOB channels. Our results show that NFC and QR codes are capable in displaying multiple OOB messages while the sound-based channel is suitable for one or two messages due to its lower bandwidth. When the peer device generates multiple OOB messages, the process becomes more complex for the user who needs to browse through them and identify the correct server. However, we showed that this cumbersome step can be removed with the help of a mobile application. Furthermore, we identified vulnerabilities in each technology when used as an OOB channel. While some of these vulnerabilities can be mitigated with the mobile application, some require more refined solutions.Yksi täysin langattomien järjestelmien haasteista on todennus. Sulautetussa tietotekniikassa sekä vertaisverkkoissa ei usein voida luottaa maailmanlaajuisesti luotettavan kolmannen osapuolen olemassaoloon. Siksi salausavainten ad hoc-varmennus erillistä tiedonsiirtokanavaa (OOB) käyttäen on usein ainoa ratkaisu turvallisen kommunikaation käynnistämiseksi. Se luo resilienssiä eri hyökkäyksiä vastaan tuomalla järjestelmään toisen, itsenäisen tiedonsiirtokanavan. EAP-NOOB protokolla on tarkoitettu IoT-laitteille, joilla on minimaalinen käyttöliittymä eikä esiasennettuja avaimia. EAP-NOOB tukee käyttäjäavustettua OOB-tiedonsiirtokanavaa, jota käytetään todentamaan suojaamattomassa verkossa suoritettu laitteen ja palvelimen keskinäinen salausavainten vaihto. Protokolla sallii laitteiden kartoittaa käytettävissä olevia verkkoja ja tuottaa sen perusteella dynaamisia todennusviestejä, jotka käyttäjä toimittaa palvelimelle laitteen rekisteröimiseksi. Tässä työssä tutkittiin EAP-NOOB protokollan OOB kanavaa käyttäen NFC:tä, QR-koodeja ja ääntä. Todennusviestin lukeminen laitteelta vaatii käyttäjältä älypuhelimen. Työssä arvioitiin toteutettujen todennuskanavien käytettävyyttä, tietoturvaa, hyötyjä sekä näitä rajoittavia tekijöitä. Työn tulokset osoittavat, että NFC ja QR-koodit soveltuvat näyttämään useita OOB-viestejä. Sen sijaan äänipohjainen kanava soveltuu vain yhdelle tai kahdelle viestille hitaamman tiedonsiirron johdosta. Kun IoT-laite tuottaa useita OOB-viestejä, käyttäjäkokemus muuttuu monimutkaisemmaksi, koska käyttäjän on tunnistettava oikea viesti ja palvelin. Työssä osoitetaan, että tämä käyttäjälle hankala vaihe voidaan välttää erillisellä mobiilisovelluksella. Lisäksi työssä tunnistettiin toteutettujen tiedonsiirtomenetelmien haavoittuvuuksia, kun niitä käytettiin OOB-kanavana. Vaikka osa näistä haavoittuvuuksista voidaan eliminoida mobiilisovelluksen avulla, jotkut niistä vaativat tehokkaampia ratkaisuja

    Cyber Security

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    This open access book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 17th International Annual Conference on Cyber Security, CNCERT 2021, held in Beijing, China, in AJuly 2021. The 14 papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 51 submissions. The papers are organized according to the following topical sections: ​data security; privacy protection; anomaly detection; traffic analysis; social network security; vulnerability detection; text classification

    Security Analysis of IoT Devices by Using Mobile Computing: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Internet of Things (IoT) devices are operating in various domains like healthcare environment, smart cities, smart homes, transportation, and smart grid system. These devices transmit a bulk of data through various sensors, actuators, transceivers, or other wearable devices. Data in the IoT environment is susceptible to many threats, attacks, and risks. Therefore, a robust security mechanism is indispensable to cope with attacks, vulnerabilities, security, and privacy challenges related to IoT. In this research, a systematic literature review has been conducted to analyze the security of IoT devices and to provide the countermeasures in response to security problems and challenges by using mobile computing. A comprehensive and in-depth security analysis of IoT devices has been made in light of mobile computing, which is a novel approach. Mobile computing's technological infrastructures such as smartphones, services, policies, strategies, and applications are employed to tackle and mitigate these potential security threats. In this paper, the security challenges and problems of IoT devices are identified by a systematic literature review. Then, mobile computing has been used to address these challenges by providing potential security measures and solutions. Hardware and software-based solutions furnished by mobile computing towards the IoT security challenges have been elaborated. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt to analyze the security issues and challenges of IoT in light of mobile computing and it will open a gateway towards future research

    Risk assessment of email accounts: Difference between perception and reality

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    The use of Internet is associated with a growing number of security threats. This thesis analyzes how users perceive the security of their email account based on the email account provider. With our study, we aim to contribute to the information security systems literature in three ways: First, by taking a more complete view on security online, and reviewing the concept of usable security, usability, human-computer interaction, trust and user perception. Second, by performing an analysis of providers of online services specifically emails. Third, by applying a renowned risk analysis method called Information Security Risk Analysis Method (ISRAM) for risk assessment. The ISRAM analysis revealed that Hotmail, Gmail and Yahoo email accounts have a medium risk level, while the reality analysis demonstrated no clearly more secure account provider with only low level risk counts

    Cyber Security

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    This open access book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 17th International Annual Conference on Cyber Security, CNCERT 2021, held in Beijing, China, in AJuly 2021. The 14 papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 51 submissions. The papers are organized according to the following topical sections: ​data security; privacy protection; anomaly detection; traffic analysis; social network security; vulnerability detection; text classification

    Modeling correlation between android permissions based on threat and protection level using exploratory factor plane analysis

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    The evolution of mobile technology has increased correspondingly with the number of attacks on mobile devices. Malware attack on mobile devices is one of the top security challenges the mobile community faces daily. While malware classification and detection tools are being developed to fight malware infection, hackers keep deploying different infection strategies, including permissions usage. Among mobile platforms, Android is the most targeted by malware because of its open OS and popularity. Permissions is one of the major security techniques used by Android and other mobile platforms to control device resources and enhance access control. In this study, we used the t-Distribution stochastic neighbor embedding (t-SNE) and Self-Organizing Map techniques to produce a visualization method using exploratory factor plane analysis to visualize permissions correlation in Android applications. Two categories of datasets were used for this study: the benign and malicious datasets. Dataset was obtained from Contagio, VirusShare, VirusTotal, and Androzoo repositories. A total of 12,267 malicious and 10,837 benign applications with different categories were used. We demonstrate that our method can identify the correlation between permissions and classify Android applications based on their protection and threat level. Our results show that every permission has a threat level. This signifies those permissions with the same protection level have the same threat level.PTDF/ED/PHD/AMA/1245/17/17: Petroleum Technology Development Fund (PTDF)

    Rohelisema tarkvaratehnoloogia poole tarkvaraanalüüsi abil

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    Mobiilirakendused, mis ei tühjenda akut, saavad tavaliselt head kasutajahinnangud. Mobiilirakenduste energiatõhusaks muutmiseks on avaldatud mitmeid refaktoreerimis- suuniseid ja tööriistu, mis aitavad rakenduse koodi optimeerida. Neid suuniseid ei saa aga seoses energiatõhususega üldistada, sest kõigi kontekstide kohta ei ole piisavalt energiaga seotud andmeid. Olemasolevad energiatõhususe parandamise tööriistad/profiilid on enamasti prototüübid, mis kohalduvad ainult väikese alamhulga energiaga seotud probleemide suhtes. Lisaks käsitlevad olemasolevad suunised ja tööriistad energiaprobleeme peamiselt a posteriori ehk tagantjärele, kui need on juba lähtekoodi sees. Android rakenduse koodi saab põhijoontes jagada kaheks osaks: kohandatud kood ja korduvkasutatav kood. Kohandatud kood on igal rakendusel ainulaadne. Korduvkasutatav kood hõlmab kolmandate poolte teeke, mis on rakendustesse lisatud arendusprotessi kiirendamiseks. Alustuseks hindame mitmete lähtekoodi halbade lõhnade refaktoreerimiste energiatarbimist Androidi rakendustes. Seejärel teeme empiirilise uuringu Androidi rakendustes kasutatavate kolmandate osapoolte võrguteekide energiamõju kohta. Pakume üldisi kontekstilisi suuniseid, mida võiks rakenduste arendamisel kasutada. Lisaks teeme süstemaatilise kirjanduse ülevaate, et teha kindlaks ja uurida nüüdisaegseid tugitööriistu, mis on rohelise Androidi arendamiseks saadaval. Selle uuringu ja varem läbi viidud katsete põhjal toome esile riistvarapõhiste energiamõõtmiste jäädvustamise ja taasesitamise probleemid. Arendame tugitööriista ARENA, mis võib aidata koguda energiaandmeid ja analüüsida Androidi rakenduste energiatarbimist. Viimasena töötame välja tugitööriista REHAB, et soovitada arendajatele energiatõhusaid kolmanda osapoole võrguteekeMobile apps that do not drain the battery usually get good user ratings. To make mobile apps energy efficient many refactoring guidelines and tools are published that help optimize the app code. However, these guidelines cannot be generalized w.r.t energy efficiency, as there is not enough energy-related data for every context. Existing energy enhancement tools/profilers are mostly prototypes applicable to only a small subset of energy-related problems. In addition, the existing guidelines and tools mostly address the energy issues a posteriori, i.e., once they have already been introduced into the code. Android app code can be roughly divided into two parts: the custom code and the reusable code. Custom code is unique to each app. Reusable code includes third-party libraries that are included in apps to speed up the development process. We start by evaluating the energy consumption of various code smell refactorings in native Android apps. Then we conduct an empirical study on the energy impact of third-party network libraries used in Android apps. We provide generalized contextual guidelines that could be used during app development Further, we conduct a systematic literature review to identify and study the current state of the art support tools available to aid green Android development. Based on this study and the experiments we conducted before, we highlight the problems in capturing and reproducing hardware-based energy measurements. We develop the support tool ‘ARENA’ that could help gather energy data and analyze the energy consumption of Android apps. Last, we develop the support tool ‘REHAB’ to recommend energy efficient third-party network libraries to developers.https://www.ester.ee/record=b547174

    Capture of UAVs through GPS spoofing using low-cost SDR platforms

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    The increased use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), better known as drones, by civilians has grown exponentially and their autonomous flight control systems have improved significantly, which has resulted in a greater number of accidents and dangerous situations. To help resolve this problem, in this paper, we address the use of low-cost Software Defined Radio (SDR) platforms for simulating a global navigation satellite system (GNSS), more specifically the global positioning system (GPS), in order to transmit false signals and induce a location error on the targeted GPS receiver. Using this approach, a defensive system can be implemented which can divert, or even take control of unauthorized UAVs whose flight path depends on the information obtained by the GPS system.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio