4 research outputs found

    All night analysis of time interval between snores in subjects with sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome

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    Sleep apnea–hypopnea syndrome (SAHS) is a serious sleep disorder, and snoring is one of its earliest and most consistent symptoms. We propose a new methodology for identifying two distinct types of snores: the so-called non-regular and regular snores. Respiratory sound signals from 34 subjects with different ranges of Apnea-Hypopnea Index (AHI = 3.7–109.9 h−1) were acquired. A total number of 74,439 snores were examined. The time interval between regular snores in short segments of the all night recordings was analyzed. Severe SAHS subjects show a shorter time interval between regular snores (p = 0.0036, AHI cp: 30 h−1) and less dispersion on the time interval features during all sleep. Conversely, lower intra-segment variability (p = 0.006, AHI cp: 30 h−1) is seen for less severe SAHS subjects. Features derived from the analysis of time interval between regular snores achieved classification accuracies of 88.2 % (with 90 % sensitivity, 75 % specificity) and 94.1 % (with 94.4 % sensitivity, 93.8 % specificity) for AHI cut-points of severity of 5 and 30 h−1, respectively. The features proved to be reliable predictors of the subjects’ SAHS severity. Our proposed method, the analysis of time interval between snores, provides promising results and puts forward a valuable aid for the early screening of subjects suspected of having SAHS

    Исследование методов создания базы знаний для системы поддержки медицинских научных исследований психогенных форм бронхиальной астмы

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    Объектом исследования являются физиологические и психологические особенности у пациентов с психогенными и непсихогенными формами бронхиальной астмы. Цель работы – выявление скрытых закономерностей в клинических данных у пациентов с различными формами бронхиальной астмы, а также создание базы знаний для системы поддержки медицинских научных исследований на основе выявленных закономерностей.The object of the study are physiological and psychological characteristics in patients with psychogenic and nepsihogennymi forms of asthma. It is necessary to reveal hidden patterns in clinical data in patients with various forms of asthma, as well as to create a knowledge base for the system support of medical research based on identified pattern

    Automatic breath-to-breath analysis of nocturnal polysomnographic recordings

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    Diagnosis of sleep-disordered breathing is based on the presence of an abnormal breathing pattern during sleep. In this study, an algorithm was developed for the offline breath-to-breath analysis of the nocturnal respiratory recordings. For that purpose, respiratory signals (nasal airway pressure, thoracic and abdominal movements) were divided into half waves using period amplitude analysis. Individual breaths were characterized by the parameters of the half waves (duration, amplitude, and slope). These values can be used to discriminate between normal and abnormal breaths. This algorithm was applied to six polysomnographic recordings to distinguish abnormal breathing events (apneas and hypopneas). The algorithm was robust for the identification of breaths (sensitivity = 96.8%, positive prediction value (PPV) = 99.5%). The detection of apneas and hypopneas was compared to the manual scoring of two experienced sleep technicians: sensitivity was, respectively, 89.2 and 88.9%, PPV was 54.1 and 59.3%. The classification of apneas into central, obstructive, or mixed was in concordance with the observers in 68% of the apneas. Although the algorithm tended to detect more hypopneas than the clinical standard, this study shows that the extraction of breath-to-breath parameters is useful for detection of abnormal respiratory events and provides a basis for further characterization of these events

    Snoring and arousals in full-night polysomnographic studies from sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome patients

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    SAHS (Sleep Apnea-Hypopnea Syndrome) is recognized to be a serious disorder with high prevalence in the population. The main clinical triad for SAHS is made up of 3 symptoms: apneas and hypopneas, chronic snoring and excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS). The gold standard for diagnosing SAHS is an overnight polysomnographic study performed at the hospital, a laborious, expensive and time-consuming procedure in which multiple biosignals are recorded. In this thesis we offer improvements to the current approaches to diagnosis and assessment of patients with SAHS. We demonstrate that snoring and arousals, while recognized key markers of SAHS, should be fully appreciated as essential tools for SAHS diagnosis. With respect to snoring analysis (applied to a 34 subjects¿ database with a total of 74439 snores), as an alternative to acoustic analysis, we have used less complex approaches mostly based on time domain parameters. We concluded that key information on SAHS severity can be extracted from the analysis of the time interval between successive snores. For that, we built a new methodology which consists on applying an adaptive threshold to the whole night sequence of time intervals between successive snores. This threshold enables to identify regular and non-regular snores. Finally, we were able to correlate the variability of time interval between successive snores in short 15 minute segments and throughout the whole night with the subject¿s SAHS severity. Severe SAHS subjects show a shorter time interval between regular snores (p=0.0036, AHI cp(cut-point): 30h-1) and less dispersion on the time interval features during all sleep. Conversely, lower intra-segment variability (p=0.006, AHI cp: 30h-1) is seen for less severe SAHS subjects. Also, we have shown successful in classifying the subjects according to their SAHS severity using the features derived from the time interval between regular snores. Classification accuracy values of 88.2% (with 90% sensitivity, 75% specificity) and 94.1% (with 94.4% sensitivity, 93.8% specificity) for AHI cut-points of severity of 5 and 30h-1, respectively. In what concerns the arousal study, our work is focused on respiratory and spontaneous arousals (45 subjects with a total of 2018 respiratory and 2001 spontaneous arousals). Current beliefs suggest that the former are the main cause for sleep fragmentation. Accordingly, sleep clinicians assign an important role to respiratory arousals when providing a final diagnosis on SAHS. Provided that the two types of arousals are triggered by different mechanisms we hypothesized that there might exist differences between their EEG content. After characterizing our arousal database through spectral analysis, results showed that the content of respiratory arousals on a mild SAHS subject is similar to that of a severe one (p>>0.05). Similar results were obtained for spontaneous arousals. Our findings also revealed that no differences are observed between the features of these two kinds of arousals on a same subject (r=0.8, p<0.01 and concordance with Bland-Altman analysis). As a result, we verified that each subject has almost like a fingerprint or signature for his arousals¿ content and is similar for both types of arousals. In addition, this signature has no correlation with SAHS severity and this is confirmed for the three EEG tracings (C3A2, C4A1 and O1A2). Although the trigger mechanisms of the two arousals are known to be different, our results showed that the brain response is fairly the same for both of them. The impact that respiratory arousals have in the sleep of SAHS patients is unquestionable but our findings suggest that the impact of spontaneous arousals should not be underestimated