9,383 research outputs found

    A teachable semi-automatic web information extraction system based on evolved regular expression patterns

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    This thesis explores Web Information Extraction (WIE) and how it has been used in decision making and to support businesses in their daily operations. The research focuses on a WIE system based on Genetic Programming (GP) with an extensible model to enhance the automatic extractor. This uses a human as a teacher to identify and extract relevant information from the semi-structured HTML webpages. Regular expressions, which have been chosen as the pattern matching tool, are automatically generated based on the training data to provide an improved grammar and lexicon. This particularly benefits the GP system which may need to extend its lexicon in the presence of new tokens in the web pages. These tokens allow the GP method to produce new extraction patterns for new requirements

    Can a Machine Replace Humans in Building Regular Expressions? A Case Study

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    Regular expressions are routinely used in a variety of different application domains. But building a regular expression involves a considerable amount of skill, expertise, and creativity. In this work, the authors investigate whether a machine can surrogate these qualities and automatically construct regular expressions for tasks of realistic complexity. They discuss a large-scale experiment involving more than 1,700 users on 10 challenging tasks. The authors compare the solutions constructed by these users to those constructed by a tool based on genetic programming that they recently developed and made publicly available. The quality of automatically constructed solutions turned out to be similar to the quality of those constructed by the most skilled user group; the time for automatic construction was likewise similar to the time required by human users

    Towards automatic extraction of definitions

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    Definition extraction can be useful for the creation of glossaries and in question answering systems. It is a tedious task to extract such sentences manually, and thus an automatic system is desirable. In this work we review various attempts at rule-based approaches reported in the literature and discuss their results. We also propose a novel experiment involving the use of genetic programming and genetic algorithms, aimed at assisting the discovery of grammar rules which can be used for the task of definition extraction.peer-reviewe

    Variable length-based genetic representation to automatically evolve wrappers

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-12433-4_44Proceedings 8th International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multiagent SystemsThe Web has been the star service on the Internet, however the outsized information available and its decentralized nature has originated an intrinsic difficulty to locate, extract and compose information. An automatic approach is required to handle with this huge amount of data. In this paper we present a machine learning algorithm based on Genetic Algorithms which generates a set of complex wrappers, able to extract information from theWeb. The paper presents the experimental evaluation of these wrappers over a set of basic data sets.This work has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under the projects Castilla-La Mancha project PEII09-0266-6640, COMPUBIODIVE (TIN2007-65989), and by V-LeaF (TIN2008-02729-E/TIN)

    Automated retrieval and extraction of training course information from unstructured web pages

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    Web Information Extraction (WIE) is the discipline dealing with the discovery, processing and extraction of specific pieces of information from semi-structured or unstructured web pages. The World Wide Web comprises billions of web pages and there is much need for systems that will locate, extract and integrate the acquired knowledge into organisations practices. There are some commercial, automated web extraction software packages, however their success comes from heavily involving their users in the process of finding the relevant web pages, preparing the system to recognise items of interest on these pages and manually dealing with the evaluation and storage of the extracted results. This research has explored WIE, specifically with regard to the automation of the extraction and validation of online training information. The work also includes research and development in the area of automated Web Information Retrieval (WIR), more specifically in Web Searching (or Crawling) and Web Classification. Different technologies were considered, however after much consideration, NaĂŻve Bayes Networks were chosen as the most suitable for the development of the classification system. The extraction part of the system used Genetic Programming (GP) for the generation of web extraction solutions. Specifically, GP was used to evolve Regular Expressions, which were then used to extract specific training course information from the web such as: course names, prices, dates and locations. The experimental results indicate that all three aspects of this research perform very well, with the Web Crawler outperforming existing crawling systems, the Web Classifier performing with an accuracy of over 95% and a precision of over 98%, and the Web Extractor achieving an accuracy of over 94% for the extraction of course titles and an accuracy of just under 67% for the extraction of other course attributes such as dates, prices and locations. Furthermore, the overall work is of great significance to the sponsoring company, as it simplifies and improves the existing time-consuming, labour-intensive and error-prone manual techniques, as will be discussed in this thesis. The prototype developed in this research works in the background and requires very little, often no, human assistance

    Inference of Regular Expressions for Text Extraction from Examples

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    A large class of entity extraction tasks from text that is either semistructured or fully unstructured may be addressed by regular expressions, because in many practical cases the relevant entities follow an underlying syntactical pattern and this pattern may be described by a regular expression. In this work we consider the long-standing problem of synthesizing such expressions automatically, based solely on examples of the desired behavior. We present the design and implementation of a system capable of addressing extraction tasks of realistic complexity. Our system is based on an evolutionary procedure carefully tailored to the specific needs of regular expression generation by examples. The procedure executes a search driven by a multiobjective optimization strategy aimed at simultaneously improving multiple performance indexes of candidate solutions while at the same time ensuring an adequate exploration of the huge solution space. We assess our proposal experimentally in great depth, on a number of challenging datasets. The accuracy of the obtained solutions seems to be adequate for practical usage and improves over earlier proposals significantly. Most importantly, our results are highly competitive even with respect to human operators. A prototype is available as a web application at http://regex.inginf.units.it

    Adapting Searchy to extract data using evolved wrappers

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    This is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication inExpert Systems with Applications: An International Journal. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in Expert Systems with Applications: An International Journal, 39, 3 (2012) DOI: 10.1016/j.eswa.2011.08.168Organizations need diverse information systems to deal with the increasing requirements in information storage and processing, yielding the creation of information islands and therefore an intrinsic difficulty to obtain a global view. Being able to provide such an unified view of the -likely heterogeneous-information available in an organization is a goal that provides added-value to the information systems and has been subject of intense research. In this paper we present an extension of a solution named Searchy, an agent-based mediator system specialized in data extraction and Integration. Through the use of a set of wrappers, it integrates information from arbitrary sources and semantically translates them according to a mediated scheme. Searchy is actually a domain-independent wrapper container that ease wrapper development, providing, for example, semantic mapping. The extension of Searchy proposed in this paper introduces an evolutionary wrapper that is able to evolve wrappers using regular expressions. To achieve this, a Genetic Algorithm (GA) is used to learn a regex able to extract a set of positive samples while rejects a set of negative samples.The authors gratefully acknowledge Mart´ın Knoblauch for his useful suggestions and valuable comments. This work has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under the projects ABANT (TIN 2010-19872), COMPUBIODIVE (TIN2007-65989) and by Castilla-La Mancha project PEII09-0266-6640

    Regex-based Entity Extraction with Active Learning and Genetic Programming

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    We consider the long-standing problem of the automatic generation of regular expressions for text extraction, based solely on examples of the desired behavior. We investigate several active learning approaches in which the user annotates only one desired extraction and then merely answers extraction queries generated by the system. The resulting framework is attractive because it is the system, not the user, which digs out the data in search of the samples most suitable to the specific learning task. We tailor our proposals to a state-of-the-art learner based on Genetic Programming and we assess them experimentally on a number of challenging tasks of realistic complexity. The results indicate that active learning is indeed a viable framework in this application domain and may thus significantly decrease the amount of costly annotation effort required

    Active Learning of Regular Expressions for Entity Extraction

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    We consider the automatic synthesis of an entity extractor, in the form of a regular expression, from examples of the desired extractions in an unstructured text stream. This is a long-standing problem for which many different approaches have been proposed, which all require the preliminary construction of a large dataset fully annotated by the user. In this work we propose an active learning approach aimed at minimizing the user annotation effort: the user annotates only one desired extraction and then merely answers extraction queries generated by the system. During the learning process, the system digs into the input text for selecting the most appropriate extraction query to be submitted to the user in order to improve the current extractor. We construct candidate solutions with Genetic Programming and select queries with a form of querying-by-committee, i.e., based on a measure of disagreement within the best candidate solutions. All the components of our system are carefully tailored to the peculiarities of active learning with Genetic Programming and of entity extraction from unstructured text. We evaluate our proposal in depth, on a number of challenging datasets and based on a realistic estimate of the user effort involved in answering each single query. The results demonstrate high accuracy with significant savings in terms of computational effort, annotated characters and execution time over a state-of-the-art baseline
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