217 research outputs found

    Controlling a mobile robot with a biological brain

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    The intelligent controlling mechanism of a typical mobile robot is usually a computer system. Some recent research is ongoing in which biological neurons are being cultured and trained to act as the brain of an interactive real world robot�thereby either completely replacing, or operating in a cooperative fashion with, a computer system. Studying such hybrid systems can provide distinct insights into the operation of biological neural structures, and therefore, such research has immediate medical implications as well as enormous potential in robotics. The main aim of the research is to assess the computational and learning capacity of dissociated cultured neuronal networks. A hybrid system incorporating closed-loop control of a mobile robot by a dissociated culture of neurons has been created. The system is flexible and allows for closed-loop operation, either with hardware robot or its software simulation. The paper provides an overview of the problem area, gives an idea of the breadth of present ongoing research, establises a new system architecture and, as an example, reports on the results of conducted experiments with real-life robots

    Robots, Cyborgs, and Humans. A Model of Consumer Behavior in Services: A Study in the Healthcare Services Sector

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    La present tesi es basa en una investigació que proposa un ús futurista de l'robot i el cyborg com cirurgians oculars. El model desenvolupat investiga la intenció de l'consumidor per elegir cada cirurgià (és a dir: cirurgià robot, cirurgià cyborg o cirurgià humà). Les dades es van analitzar utilitzant la tècnica PLS-SEM. Els resultats de la investigació mostren que l'expectativa d'esforç, l'expectativa de rendiment, el risc percebut i la influència social van mostrar un impacte significatiu en la intenció d'utilitzar els serveis de l'robot cirurgià. Els resultats de el model per al cyborg cirurgià van confirmar l'impacte significatiu de l'expectativa d'esforç, l'excitació, l'expectativa de rendiment i la influència social en la intenció d'utilitzar els seus serveis. L'expectativa d'esforç i la influència social van confirmar un impacte significatiu en la intenció d'utilitzar els serveis de l'cirurgià humà. Els resultats mostren que en els tres models les variables influència social i expectativa d'esforç afecten significativament a la intenció d'utilitzar aquests serveis de cirurgia i que amb diferent intensitat entre els models per expectativa de esforç-. L'impacte de la influència social dóna una idea general sobre la naturalesa de el sector de la salut a Jordània, on una part de la societat presta més atenció a les recomanacions dels altres a l'elegir els seus cirurgians. A més, l'impacte de l'expectativa d'esforç contribueix a les expectatives per la simplicitat de l'servei dels pacients, en termes d'ús i interacció amb els cirurgians proposats. L'anàlisi multigrup va confirmar que les variables dels models estan afectant de la mateixa manera a l'comparar la intenció d'usar cyborgs i humans, i a l'comparar cyborgs i robots. No obstant això, sí que hi ha diferències significatives a l'comparar l'elecció entre robots i humans en l'impacte de l'expectativa d'esforç per utilitzar els serveis de cirurgia. D'altra banda, els participants van mostrar la seva preferència pel cirurgià humà sobre els cirurgians cyborg i robot, respectivament. Com a resultat, l'acceptació de les tecnologies de robot i cyborg per part de la societat podria donar una idea sobre la lluita esperada en el futur entre el desenvolupament de robots i la millora de les capacitats humanes.La presente tesis se basa en una investigación que propone un uso futurista del robot y el cyborg como cirujanos oculares. El modelo desarrollado investiga la intención del consumidor para elegir a cada cirujano (es decir: cirujano robot, cirujano cyborg o cirujano humano). Los datos se analizaron utilizando la técnica PLS-SEM. Los resultados de la investigación muestran que la expectativa de esfuerzo, la expectativa de rendimiento, el riesgo percibido y la influencia social mostraron un impacto significativo en la intención de utilizar los servicios del robot cirujano. Los resultados del modelo para el cyborg cirujano confirmaron el impacto significativo de la expectativa de esfuerzo, la excitación, la expectativa de rendimiento y la influencia social en la intención de usar sus servicios. La expectativa de esfuerzo y la influencia social confirmaron un impacto significativo en la intención de utilizar los servicios del cirujano humano. Los resultados muestran que en los tres modelos las variables influencia social y expectativa de esfuerzo afectan significativamente a la intención de usar esos servicios de cirugía –aunque con distinta intensidad entre los modelos para expectativa de esfuerzo-. El impacto de la influencia social da una idea general sobre la naturaleza del sector de la salud en Jordania, donde una parte de la sociedad presta más atención a las recomendaciones de los demás al elegir a sus cirujanos. Además, el impacto de la expectativa de esfuerzo contribuye a las expectativas por la simplicidad del servicio de los pacientes, en términos de uso e interacción con los cirujanos propuestos. El análisis multigrupo confirmó que las variables de los modelos están afectando de la misma manera al comparar la intención de usar cyborgs y humanos, y al comparar cyborgs y robots. Sin embargo, sí que existen diferencias significativas al comparar la elección entre robots y humanos en el impacto de la expectativa de esfuerzo para utilizar los servicios de cirugía. Por otro lado, los participantes mostraron su preferencia por el cirujano humano sobre los cirujanos cyborg y robot, respectivamente. Como resultado, la aceptación de las tecnologías de robot y cyborg por parte de la sociedad podría dar una idea sobre la lucha esperada en el futuro entre el desarrollo de robots y la mejora de las capacidades humanThe research proposes a futuristic use of robot and cyborg as surgeons in an eye surgery. Thereafter, the developed model has been applied to investigate the intention to use each surgeon (i.e. robot surgeon, cyborg surgeon, and human surgeon). The data was analyzed using the PLS-SEM technique. According to the research results, effort expectancy, performance expectancy, perceived risk, and social influence showed a significant impact on intention to use robot services. However, the results of the cyborg service model confirmed the significant impact of effort expectancy, arousal, performance expectancy, and social influence on the intention to use cyborg services. Furthermore, effort expectancy and social influence confirmed their significant impact on the intention to use human services. The results of the three models showed that the variables social influence and effort expectancy significantly affected the intention to use these surgical services, with a different intensity between the models for effort expectancy. The social influence impact gives a general idea about the nature of the healthcare sector in Jordan, where a part of society gives more attention to the recommendation from others while choosing their surgeons. Also, the effort expectancy impact contributes to patients' expectations of simplicity, in terms of use and interaction with the proposed surgeons. The multigroup analysis confirmed that the models' variables are affecting the intention to use cyborg and human service, and cyborg and robots in the same way. However, the differences were confirmed between robot and human cyborgs in terms of the impact of effort expectancy on the intention to use these services. On the other side, the participants showed their preference of the human surgeon over the cyborg and robot surgeons, respectively. As a result, the acceptance of the robot and cyborg technologies by a part of the society could give an idea about the expected struggle in the future among developing robots and enhancing human capabilities

    Brain Electrical Stimulation for Animal Navigation

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    The brain stimulation and its widespread use is one of the most important subjects in studies of neurophysiology. In brain electrical stimulation methods, following the surgery and electrode implantation, electrodes send electrical impulses to the specific targets in the brain. The use of this stimulation method is provided therapeutic benefits for treatment chronic pain, essential tremor, Parkinsons disease, major depression, and neurological movement disorder syndrome (dystonia). One area in which advancements have been recently made is in controlling the movement and navigation of animals in a specific pathway. It is important to identify brain targets in order to stimulate appropriate brain regions for all the applications listed above. An animal navigation system based on brain electrical stimulation is used to develop new behavioral models for the aim of creating a platform for interacting with the animal nervous system in the spatial learning task. In the context of animal navigation the electrical stimulation has been used either as creating virtual sensation for movement guidance or virtual reward for movement motivation. In this paper, different approaches and techniques of brain electrical stimulation for this application has been reviewed. Keywords: Rat Robot, Brain Computer Interface, Electrical Stimulation, Cyborg Intelligence, Brain to Brain InterfaceComment: in Fars

    Real Virtuality: A Code of Ethical Conduct. Recommendations for Good Scientific Practice and the Consumers of VR-Technology

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    The goal of this article is to present a first list of ethical concerns that may arise from research and personal use of virtual reality (VR) and related technology, and to offer concrete recommendations for minimizing those risks. Many of the recommendations call for focused research initiatives. In the first part of the article, we discuss the relevant evidence from psychology that motivates our concerns. In Section “Plasticity in the Human Mind,” we cover some of the main results suggesting that one’s environment can influence one’s psychological states, as well as recent work on inducing illusions of embodiment. Then, in Section “Illusions of Embodiment and Their Lasting Effect,” we go on to discuss recent evidence indicating that immersion in VR can have psychological effects that last after leaving the virtual environment. In the second part of the article, we turn to the risks and recommendations. We begin, in Section “The Research Ethics of VR,” with the research ethics of VR, covering six main topics: the limits of experimental environments, informed consent, clinical risks, dual-use, online research, and a general point about the limitations of a code of conduct for research. Then, in Section “Risks for Individuals and Society,” we turn to the risks of VR for the general public, covering four main topics: long-term immersion, neglect of the social and physical environment, risky content, and privacy. We offer concrete recommendations for each of these 10 topics, summarized in Table 1

    Artificial Intelligence in Medicine and Healthcare: applications, availability and societal impact

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    This report reviews and classifies the current and near-future applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Medicine and Healthcare according to their ethical and societal impact and the availability level of the various technological implementations. It provides conceptual foundations for well-informed policy-oriented work, research, and forward-looking activities that address the opportunities and challenges created in the field of AI in Medicine and Healthcare. This report is aimed for policy developers, but it also makes contributions that are of interest for researchers studying the impact and the future of AI on Healthcare, for scientific and technological stakeholders in this field and for the general public. This report is based on an analysis of the state of the art of research and technology, including software, personal monitoring devices, genetic tests and editing tools, personalized digital models, online platforms, augmented reality devices, and surgical and companion robotics. From this analysis, it is presented the concept of “extended personalized medicine”, and it is explored the public perception of medical AI systems, and how they show, simultaneously, extraordinary opportunities and drawbacks. In addition, this report addresses the transformation of the roles of doctors and patients in an age of ubiquitous information and identifies three main paradigms in AI-supported Medicine: “fake-based”, “patient-generated”, and “scientifically tailored” views. This Report presents: - An updated overview of the many aspects related to the social impact of Artificial Intelligence and its applications in Medicine and Health. A new ‘Technology Availability Scale’ is defined to evaluate and compare their current status. - Recent examples of the growing social concerns and debates in the general press, social media and other web-bases sources. - A ‘Visual Overview of AI and AI-mediated technologies in Medicine and Healthcare’, in which two figures show, respectively, a (newly proposed) classification according to their ethical and social impact, and the most relevant ethical and social aspects considered for such classification. Some key questions, controversies, significant, and conflicting issues are outlined for each aspect. - A ‘Structured Overview’, with a sorted list of technologies and their implementations, including perspectives, conflicting views and potential pitfalls, and a corresponding, extensive list of references. - A conclusive set of policy challenges, namely the need of informed citizens, key aspects (of AI and AI-mediated technologies in Medicine and Healthcare) to evaluate, and some recommendations towards a European leadership in this sector. - We finally relate our study with an update on the use of AI technologies to fight the SARS-CoV-2 virus and COVID-19 pandemic disease.JRC.A.5-Scientific Developmen

    Artificial Intelligence in Medicine and Healthcare: applications, availability and societal impact

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    Comisión Europea. Joint Research Centre. Serie: JRC Science for Police ReportThis report reviews and classifies the current and near-future applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Medicine and Healthcare according to their ethical and societal impact and the availability level of the various technological implementations. It provides conceptual foundations for well-informed policy-oriented work, research, and forward-looking activities that address the opportunities and challenges created in the field of AI in Medicine and Healthcare. This report is aimed for policy developers, but it also makes contributions that are of interest for researchers studying the impact and the future of AI on Healthcare, for scientific and technological stakeholders in this field and for the general public.This report is based on an analysis of the state of the art of research and technology, including software, personal monitoring devices, genetic tests and editing tools, personalized digital models, online platforms, augmented reality devices, and surgical and companion robotics. From this analysis, it is presented the concept of “extended personalized medicine”, and it is explored the public perception of medical AI systems, and how they show, simultaneously, extraordinary opportunities and drawbacks. In addition, this report addresses the transformation of the roles of doctors and patients in an age of ubiquitous information and identifies three main paradigms in AI-supported Medicine: “fake-based”, “patient-generated”, and “scientifically tailored” views.This Report presents:- An updated overview of the many aspects related to the social impact of Artificial Intelligence and its applications in Medicine and Health. A new ‘Technology Availability Scale’ is defined to evaluate and compare their current status.- Recent examples of the growing social concerns and debates in the general press, social media and other web-bases sources.- A ‘Visual Overview of AI and AI-mediated technologies in Medicine and Healthcare’, in which two figures show, respeComisión Europea. Joint Research Centr

    Human Enhancement Technologies and Our Merger with Machines

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    A cross-disciplinary approach is offered to consider the challenge of emerging technologies designed to enhance human bodies and minds. Perspectives from philosophy, ethics, law, and policy are applied to a wide variety of enhancements, including integration of technology within human bodies, as well as genetic, biological, and pharmacological modifications. Humans may be permanently or temporarily enhanced with artificial parts by manipulating (or reprogramming) human DNA and through other enhancement techniques (and combinations thereof). We are on the cusp of significantly modifying (and perhaps improving) the human ecosystem. This evolution necessitates a continuing effort to re-evaluate current laws and, if appropriate, to modify such laws or develop new laws that address enhancement technology. A legal, ethical, and policy response to current and future human enhancements should strive to protect the rights of all involved and to recognize the responsibilities of humans to other conscious and living beings, regardless of what they look like or what abilities they have (or lack). A potential ethical approach is outlined in which rights and responsibilities should be respected even if enhanced humans are perceived by non-enhanced (or less-enhanced) humans as “no longer human” at all

    Cyberspatial qualities of contemporary Tokyo

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    Thesis (M.S.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Architecture, 1995.Includes bibliographical references (p. 150-152).The cityscape of contemporary Tokyo is undergoing a dramatic transformation caused by a proliferation of technology, such as the rapid mass transit network and the advanced telecommunication system. On the one hand conventional urban design criteria such as physical proximity and spatiotemporal consistency are challenged or even rendered obsolete; on the other hand many new characteristics of the city are being established, and some of them have become prominent criteria in comprehending today's Tokyo. In order to apprehend this process of transformation and its impact on the city's form, and eventually to respond to the new situation, it is necessary to identify those unconventional characteristics brought to Tokyo by the proliferation of technology. In this thesis those peculiarities of contemporary Tokyo are pinpointed through a process of analogy with cyberspace, which bears tremendous resemblances to Tokyo. Contemporary Tokyo is found to contain two cities: the visible chaotic city and the invisible ordered city. In the visible city, the intonation of criteria used to form the mental image of a city is transformed; time is given importance over space; schizophrenia is a persistent theme; the boundary between human and machine is blurred; hierarchies and distinctions among objects are eliminated through codification. In the invisible city, the pattern of city's evolution is prescribed as piecemeal decentralized spontaneous growth; each node contains all the information of the whole system - the part equals the whole; connectivity becomes the prominent feature of a place - it promotes concentration and deconcentration simultaneously, and replaces Euclidean geometry with topology; layers of matrices cast ubiquitous control and circumscription over the whole city. The two cities rely on one another yet never compromise with each other; together they lay down the affordances and constraints of the city, and give it a new form. Both the visible city and the invisible city are the offspring of the Japanese culture of congestion, of which a full embrace or a total rejection will only cause lament.by Tong Chen.M.S