9 research outputs found

    Verification of Symmetry Detection using PVS

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    One of the major limitations of model checking is that of state-space explosion. Symmetry reduction is a method that has been successfully used to alleviate this problem for models of systems that consist of sets of identical components. In earlier work, we have introduced a specification language, Promela-Lite, which captures the essential features of Promela but has a fully defined semantics. We used hand proofs to show that a static symmetry detection technique developed for this language is sound, and suitable to be used in a symmetry reduction tool for SPIN. One of the criticisms often levelled at verification implementations, is that they have not been proved mechanically to be correct, i.e., no mechanical formal verification technique has been used to check the soundness of the approach. In this paper, we address this issue by mechanically verifying the correctness of the symmetry detection technique. We do this by embedding the syntax and semantics of Promela-Lite into the theorem prover PVS and using these embeddings to both check the consistency of syntax/semantics definitions, and interactively prove relevant theoretical properties

    Regular symmetry patterns

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    Symmetry reduction is a well-known approach for alleviating the state explosion problem in model checking. Automatically identifying symmetries in concurrent systems, however, is computationally expensive. We propose a symbolic framework for capturing symmetry patterns in parameterised systems (i.e. an infinite family of finite-state systems): two regular word transducers to represent, respectively, parameterised systems and symmetry patterns. The framework subsumes various types of "symmetry relations" ranging from weaker notions (e.g. simulation preorders) to the strongest notion (i.e. isomorphisms). Our framework enjoys two algorithmic properties: (1) symmetry verification: given a transducer, we can automatically check whether it is a symmetry pattern of a given system, and (2) symmetry synthesis: we can automatically generate a symmetry pattern for a given system in the form of a transducer. Furthermore, our symbolic language allows additional constraints that the symmetry patterns need to satisfy to be easily incorporated in the verification/synthesis. We show how these properties can help identify symmetry patterns in examples like dining philosopher protocols, self-stabilising protocols, and prioritised resource-allocator protocol. In some cases (e.g. Gries's coffee can problem), our technique automatically synthesises a safety-preserving finite approximant, which can then be verified for safety solely using a finite-state model checker.UPMAR

    Replication and Abstraction: Symmetry in Automated Formal Verification.

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    This article surveys fundamental and applied aspects of symmetry in system models, and of symmetry reduction methods used to counter state explosion in model checking, an automated formal verification technique. While covering the research field broadly, we particularly emphasize recent progress in applying the technique to realistic systems, including tools that promise to elevate the scope of symmetry reduction to large-scale program verification. The article targets researchers and engineers interested in formal verification of concurrent systems

    Probabilistic symmetry reduction

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    Model checking is a technique used for the formal verification of concurrent systems. A major hindrance to model checking is the so-called state space explosion problem where the number of states in a model grows exponentially as variables are added. This means even trivial systems can require millions of states to define and are often too large to feasibly verify. Fortunately, models often exhibit underlying replication which can be exploited to aid in verification. Exploiting this replication is known as symmetry reduction and has yielded considerable success in non probabilistic verification. The main contribution of this thesis is to show how symmetry reduction techniques can be applied to explicit state probabilistic model checking. In probabilistic model checking the need for such techniques is particularly acute since it requires not only an exhaustive state-space exploration, but also a numerical solution phase to compute probabilities or other quantitative values. The approach we take enables the automated detection of arbitrary data and component symmetries from a probabilistic specification. We define new techniques to exploit the identified symmetry and provide efficient generation of the quotient model. We prove the correctness of our approach, and demonstrate its viability by implementing a tool to apply symmetry reduction to an explicit state model checker

    Enhancing State Space Reduction Methods for Model Checking

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    Formal analysis of communication protocols for wireless sensor systems

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    Sensor technology is an increasingly popular area of research due to the prevalent use of sensor devices. With the need for accurate, detailed data sensors are increasingly often used together in sensor networks. As the size of these sensor networks grows, so does the importance of efficient methods for their analysis for the prevention of system errors and discovery of design flaws. The increasing number of sensor devices leads to an exponential increase is the state space of the associated model. As such models of realistic systems are decreasingly often small enough for their verification to be feasible. Symmetry reduction techniques developed over the last 30 years, have been shown to be effective in reducing the state space explosion problem, particularly in the case of heterogeneous sensor systems, which contain many identical sensor devices. In this thesis we present our approach to verifying Ctrl-MAC, a novel wireless network protocol that supports bidirectional communication of multiple simultaneous physical properties. We explore the extent to which symmetry reduction can aid the model checking process for a sensor network communication protocol. We present our results, and suggest statistical approaches based on our observations of the protocol. We investigate the use of automated tools for the application of symmetry reduction, in particular GRIP, which is well suited for symmetry reduction of wireless sensor network systems. Models of communication protocols often require the use of synchronisation to model the interaction between devices. We present GRIP 3.0, a new version of the tool, which provides support for the use of synchronised transition statements. We provide results from practical work, coupled together with a discussion of drawbacks and future improvements

    Automatic symmetry detection for Promela

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    We introduce a specification language, Promela-Lite, which captures the essential features of Promela but which, unlike Promela, has a formally defined semantics. We show how we can detect symmetry in specifications defined in Promela-lite by constructing a directed, coloured bipartite digraph called a static channel diagram, and applying computational group theoretic techniques. We extend our approach to Promela and introduce a tool, SymmExtractor, for automatically detecting symmetries of Promela specifications. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach via experimental results for a suite of Promela specifications. Unlike previous approaches our technique is fully automatic, and not restricted to fully symmetric systems