4,278 research outputs found

    Automatic Stress Classification With Pupil Diameter Analysis

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    This article proposes a method based on wavelet transform and neural networks for relating pupillary behavior to psychological stress. The proposed method was tested by recording pupil diameter and electrodermal activity during a simulated driving task. Self-report measures were also collected. Participants performed a baseline run with the driving task only, followed by three stress runs where they were required to perform the driving task along with sound alerts, the presence of two human evaluators, and both. Self-reports and pupil diameter successfully indexed stress manipulation, and significant correlations were found between these measures. However, electrodermal activity did not vary accordingly. After training, the four-way parallel neural network classifier could guess whether a given unknown pupil diameter signal came from one of the four experimental trials with 79.2% precision. The present study shows that pupil diameter signal has good discriminating power for stress detection

    Pupil response as an indicator of hazard perception during simulator driving

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    We investigate the pupil response to hazard perception during driving simulation. Complementary to gaze movement and physiological stress indicators, pupil size changes can provide valuable information on traffic hazard perception with a relatively low temporal delay. We tackle the challenge of identifying those pupil dilation events associated with hazardous events from a noisy signal by a combination of wavelet transformation and machine learning. Therefore, we use features of the wavelet components as training data of a support vector machine. We further demonstrate how to utilize the method for the analysis of actual hazard perception and how it may differ from the behavioral driving response

    Computational Psychiatry and Psychometrics Based on Non-Conscious Stimuli Input and Pupil Response Output

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    It is well known from the technical literature that non-conscious perception of emotional stimuli affects behavior, perception, and even decision making [e.g., see Ref. (1) for a comprehensive review]. Non-conscious perception can be obtained by inducing sensory unawareness, e.g., through backward masking and binocular rivalry (1). Experiments adopting such paradigms have evidenced that non-consciously perceived emotional stimuli elicit activity in the amygdala, superior colliculus, basal ganglia, and pulvinar. More specifically, it has been shown that a subcortical fast route exists between the thalamus and the amygdala, which, in turn, project onto different cortical and subcortical structures [e.g., onto the nucleus accumbens, NAcc, when appetitive stimuli are perceived (2)]. These findings agree with the hypothesis about amygdala functionality proposed by LeDoux (3, 4). In fact, LeDoux has hypothized the existence of a thalamic pathway to the amygdala; such a pathway would allow to automatically detect evolutionary prepared visual stimuli (such as emotional faces, sexual-related stimuli, spiders, snakes, and injuries). Note that this model is also supported by other results acquired by different researchers that have employed masking in normal participants (5, 6) or have observed brain activity in patients affected by cortical blindness (7, 8). According to this model about amygdala functionality, the superior colliculus stimulates the pulvinar nucleus of the thalamus, which then arouses the amygdala (4, 9, 10). This suggests that salient features representing biologically prepared stimuli could be stored in the amygdala since birth. From an evolutionary perspective, this can be related to the fact that fast and implicit (or unconscious) reactions are needed in dangerous and highly dynamical environments. Moreover, even ontogenetic stimuli (e.g., weapons) are encoded within the amygdala through implicit learning during life (11, 12). These data evidence the importance of subcortical regions associated with implicit emotional processing. In fact, since the brain structure works like a hierarchical network (13) in which the limbic system represents a lower hierarchical level with respect to the higher cortical structure, it is likely that the overall perception and emotional appraisal are influenced by low-level evaluations. More specifically, the signals coming from lower and higher hierarchical levels determine prediction errors (or error signals) at intermediate levels; such error signals propagate through the entire hierarchical structure, determining cognitive perception, causes attributions, emotional evaluations, actions, and behaviors (14). Hence, if subcortical limbic-brainstem regions are defective, all the network hierarchy functioning will be compromised. As a matter of fact, a dysfunction in the limbic-brainstem regions is associated with various psychiatric disorders with higher cognitive deficits including autism, schizophrenia, posttraumatic stress disorders (PTSD), attention deficits/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), neurosis, phobia, and others

    ForDigitStress: A multi-modal stress dataset employing a digital job interview scenario

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    We present a multi-modal stress dataset that uses digital job interviews to induce stress. The dataset provides multi-modal data of 40 participants including audio, video (motion capturing, facial recognition, eye tracking) as well as physiological information (photoplethysmography, electrodermal activity). In addition to that, the dataset contains time-continuous annotations for stress and occurred emotions (e.g. shame, anger, anxiety, surprise). In order to establish a baseline, five different machine learning classifiers (Support Vector Machine, K-Nearest Neighbors, Random Forest, Long-Short-Term Memory Network) have been trained and evaluated on the proposed dataset for a binary stress classification task. The best-performing classifier achieved an accuracy of 88.3% and an F1-score of 87.5%