115 research outputs found

    Automatic classification of cancer tumors using image annotations and ontologies

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    Information about cancer stage in a patient is crucial when clinicians assess treatment progress. Determining cancer stage is a process that takes into account the description, location, characteristics and possible metastasis of cancerous tumors in a patient. It should follow classification standards, such as TNM Classification of Malignant Tumors. However, in clinical practice, the implementation of this process can be tedious and error-prone and create uncertainty. In order to alleviate these problems, we intend to assist radiologists by providing a second opinion in the evaluation of cancer stage in patients. For doing this, SemanticWeb technologies, such as ontologies and reasoning, will be used to automatically classify cancer stages. This classification will use semantic annotations, made by radiologists (using the ePAD tool) and stored in the AIM format, and rules of an ontology representing the TNM standard. The whole process will be validated through a proof of concept with users from the Radiology Dept. of the Stanford University.National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - CNPqCAPE

    Quantitative imaging in radiation oncology

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    Artificially intelligent eyes, built on machine and deep learning technologies, can empower our capability of analysing patients’ images. By revealing information invisible at our eyes, we can build decision aids that help our clinicians to provide more effective treatment, while reducing side effects. The power of these decision aids is to be based on patient tumour biologically unique properties, referred to as biomarkers. To fully translate this technology into the clinic we need to overcome barriers related to the reliability of image-derived biomarkers, trustiness in AI algorithms and privacy-related issues that hamper the validation of the biomarkers. This thesis developed methodologies to solve the presented issues, defining a road map for the responsible usage of quantitative imaging into the clinic as decision support system for better patient care

    A Knowledge-based Integrative Modeling Approach for <em>In-Silico</em> Identification of Mechanistic Targets in Neurodegeneration with Focus on Alzheimer’s Disease

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    Dementia is the progressive decline in cognitive function due to damage or disease in the body beyond what might be expected from normal aging. Based on neuropathological and clinical criteria, dementia includes a spectrum of diseases, namely Alzheimer's dementia, Parkinson's dementia, Lewy Body disease, Alzheimer's dementia with Parkinson's, Pick's disease, Semantic dementia, and large and small vessel disease. It is thought that these disorders result from a combination of genetic and environmental risk factors. Despite accumulating knowledge that has been gained about pathophysiological and clinical characteristics of the disease, no coherent and integrative picture of molecular mechanisms underlying neurodegeneration in Alzheimer’s disease is available. Existing drugs only offer symptomatic relief to the patients and lack any efficient disease-modifying effects. The present research proposes a knowledge-based rationale towards integrative modeling of disease mechanism for identifying potential candidate targets and biomarkers in Alzheimer’s disease. Integrative disease modeling is an emerging knowledge-based paradigm in translational research that exploits the power of computational methods to collect, store, integrate, model and interpret accumulated disease information across different biological scales from molecules to phenotypes. It prepares the ground for transitioning from ‘descriptive’ to “mechanistic” representation of disease processes. The proposed approach was used to introduce an integrative framework, which integrates, on one hand, extracted knowledge from the literature using semantically supported text-mining technologies and, on the other hand, primary experimental data such as gene/protein expression or imaging readouts. The aim of such a hybrid integrative modeling approach was not only to provide a consolidated systems view on the disease mechanism as a whole but also to increase specificity and sensitivity of the mechanistic model by providing disease-specific context. This approach was successfully used for correlating clinical manifestations of the disease to their corresponding molecular events and led to the identification and modeling of three important mechanistic components underlying Alzheimer’s dementia, namely the CNS, the immune system and the endocrine components. These models were validated using a novel in-silico validation method, namely biomarker-guided pathway analysis and a pathway-based target identification approach was introduced, which resulted in the identification of the MAPK signaling pathway as a potential candidate target at the crossroad of the triad components underlying disease mechanism in Alzheimer’s dementia

    Going Deep in Medical Image Analysis: Concepts, Methods, Challenges and Future Directions

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    Medical Image Analysis is currently experiencing a paradigm shift due to Deep Learning. This technology has recently attracted so much interest of the Medical Imaging community that it led to a specialized conference in `Medical Imaging with Deep Learning' in the year 2018. This article surveys the recent developments in this direction, and provides a critical review of the related major aspects. We organize the reviewed literature according to the underlying Pattern Recognition tasks, and further sub-categorize it following a taxonomy based on human anatomy. This article does not assume prior knowledge of Deep Learning and makes a significant contribution in explaining the core Deep Learning concepts to the non-experts in the Medical community. Unique to this study is the Computer Vision/Machine Learning perspective taken on the advances of Deep Learning in Medical Imaging. This enables us to single out `lack of appropriately annotated large-scale datasets' as the core challenge (among other challenges) in this research direction. We draw on the insights from the sister research fields of Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning etc.; where the techniques of dealing with such challenges have already matured, to provide promising directions for the Medical Imaging community to fully harness Deep Learning in the future

    Molecular Imaging

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    The present book gives an exceptional overview of molecular imaging. Practical approach represents the red thread through the whole book, covering at the same time detailed background information that goes very deep into molecular as well as cellular level. Ideas how molecular imaging will develop in the near future present a special delicacy. This should be of special interest as the contributors are members of leading research groups from all over the world


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    The key ideas developed in this thesis lie at the intersection of epistemology, philosophy of molecular biology, medicine, and computer science. I examine how the epistemic and pragmatic needs of agents distributed across particular scientific disciplines influence the domain-specific reasoning, classification, and representation of breast cancer. The motivation to undertake an interdisciplinary approach, while addressing the problems of knowledge integration, originates in the peculiarity of the integrative endeavour of sciences that is fostered by information technologies and ontology engineering methods. I analyse what knowledge integration in this new field means and how it is possible to integrate diverse knowledge domains, such as clinical and molecular. I examine the extent and character of the integration achieved through the application of biomedical ontologies. While particular disciplines target certain aspects of breast cancer-related phenomena, biomedical ontologies target biomedical knowledge about phenomena that is often captured within diverse classificatory systems and domain-specific representations. In order to integrate dispersed pieces of knowledge, which is distributed across assorted research domains and knowledgebases, ontology engineers need to deal with the heterogeneity of terminological, conceptual, and practical aims that are not always shared among the domains. Accordingly, I analyse the specificities, similarities, and diversities across the clinical and biomedical domain conceptualisations and classifications of breast cancer. Instead of favouring a unifying approach to knowledge integration, my analysis shows that heterogeneous classifications and representations originate from different epistemic and pragmatic needs, each of which brings a fruitful insight into the problem. Thus, while embracing a pluralistic view on the ontologies that are capturing various aspects of knowledge, I argue that the resulting integration should be understood in terms of a coordinated social effort to bring knowledge together as needed and when needed, rather than in terms of a unity that represents domain-specific knowledge in a uniform manner. Furthermore, I characterise biomedical ontologies and knowledgebases as a novel socio-technological medium that allows representational interoperability across the domains. As an example, which also marks my own contribution to the collaborative efforts, I present an ontology for HER2+ breast cancer phenotypes that integrates clinical and molecular knowledge in an explicit way. Through this and a number of other examples, I specify how biomedical ontologies support a mutual enrichment of knowledge across the domains, thereby enabling the application of molecular knowledge into the clinics