60 research outputs found

    Rain Streaks Removal from Single Image

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    Rain removal from video is one of the challenging problems. There are very few methods which address the problem of rain removal from single image. Existing methods removes rain streaks from video not from single image. These methods capture non-rain data from successive images. This data is then utilized to replace rain-part in current images. This approach removes rain streaks from single image. Morphological Component Analysis (MCA) [9 - 13] decomposes image into Low Frequency (LF) and High Frequency (HF) parts using bilateral filter. High frequency part is then decomposed into rain-component and nonrain-component by performing dictionary learning and sparse coding [2]. Non-rain component contains image features from which rain streaks are removed. Non-rain component is mixed with Low Frequency (LF) image component to form original image from which rain steaks are removed. The Morphological Component Analysis (MCA) [9 - 13] is a allows us to separate features contained in an image when these features present different morphological aspects. MCA can be very useful for decomposing images into texture and piecewise smooth (cartoon) parts or for inpainting applications. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150615

    Removing rain from a single image via Convolutional Neural Network

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    受恶劣天气的影响,室外视觉系统所获得的图像会劣化。雨是常见的恶劣天气之一,目前国内外关于去雨的问题已有一些解决的方案,但大多关注于视频去雨。由于该类方法是以丰富的时空相关信息为前提,因而并不适用于单幅图像去雨。近年来,单幅图像去雨的研究逐渐受到重视,然而现有方法需要在去雨效果和图像清晰度之间折中且计算效率低下,难以满足实际应用需求。 为此,本文针对单幅图像去雨,基于变分法和卷积神经网络提出三种新的单幅图像去雨算法,主要研究内容及成果如下: 1.提出基于梯度正则化的单幅图像去雨算法。首先设计一个引导平滑滤波器实现初步去雨。该滤波器在保证输出图像与输入图像一致性的前提下,引入梯度正则项,使其根...Affected by the bad weather, the images obtained by outdoor visual systems always degrade. Rain is one of the common bad weather. At home and abroad, there are some solutions about removal of rain, but most of it aims to videos. It can’t apply to single image since no temporal information can be obtained. Recently, the study of rain removal from a single image gradually receive more attention. Ho...学位:工学硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院_信号与信息处理学号:2332013115323

    Improving Mix-CLAHE with ACO for Clearer Oceanic Images

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    Oceanic pictures have poor visibility attributable to various factors; weather disturbance, particles in water, lightweight frames and water movement which results in degraded and low contrast pictures of underwater. Visibility restoration refers to varied ways in which aim to decline and remove the degradation that have occurred whereas the digital image has been obtained. The probabilistic Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) approach is presented to solve the problem of designing an optimal route for hard combinatorial problems. It\u27s found that almost all of the prevailing researchers have neglected several problems i.e. no technique is correct for various reasonably circumstances. the prevailing strategies have neglected the utilization of hymenopter colony optimization to cut back the noise and uneven illuminate downside. The main objective of this paper is to judge the performance of ANT colony optimization primarily based haze removal over the obtainable MIX-CLAHE (Contrast Limited adaptive histogram Equalization) technique. The experiment has clearly showed the effectiveness of the projected technique over the obtainable strategies

    Removing Water Droplets In Medical Images Using Textured Spectral Analysis

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    Some disease in human body is caused by accumulation of water molecules at particular place in an organ or entering of unwanted toxic foreign bodies. This may be in large or in negligible amounts. Many methods like CT, MRI can detect these abnormalities if present in appreciable amount. But if present in small amount, human vision on these scanned images cannot detect them. The visual appearance of moving water droplet is very complex. Each water droplet refracts and reflects both scene radiance and atmospheric illumination toward an observer. Water droplets are randomly distributed in space and move at high velocities. Thus, water droplets produce spatial and temporal intensity fluctuations in videos. Modelling, analysing and detecting these unwanted water molecules may benefit avoiding the negligence of presence of disease. In this paper, the proposed system that detect water molecules in the images of affected organ like lungs automatically .The crux idea is to exploit textural properties of droplets or fluid. To perpetrate this idea, we are aiming to model these droplets by laws of physical science and reveal this through block processing of image pixels. For partially occluded image portions, information of the image may be used to be applied in transform like DCT, blending functions and retrieve it. For fully occluded image, image completion techniques can be used. By using this we can detect the droplets even if they are in micron size

    Non-implementation of property rating practice, any impact on community healthcare in Bauchi Metropolis Nigeria?

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    The practice of rating real estate is essentially an internal revenue source, synonymous to tenement tax levied on the owner/occupier. Property rating in Nigeria is bedevilled by many factors that impeded its smooth implementation and operation, thus, this form of taxation yields zero revenue in Bauchi, due to failure of implementation. This study is aimed at measuring the impact of non-implementation of property rating on community healthcare in Bauchi metropolis of Nigeria. Two hundred and fifty (250) closed-ended questionnaires composed in five-level Likert scale were distributed to professionals in the field of real estate and facilities management, in the academia and estate firms, and two hundred and twenty one questionnaires (221) were mailed back for analysis. The Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) in IBM version of SPSS with AMOS was used to establish relationship between the variables. Findings from this study reveals that PRP does not command direct impact on community healthcare services, however, the services financed by property rating in the area of sanitation and sewage cleaning has the tendencies to curb the occurrence of diseases like cholera and malaria. Thus, it can be understood that a fully institutionalized practice of property rating could avert the outbreak of diseases