30 research outputs found

    Evolutionäre Generierung von Grundriss-Layouts mithilfe von Unterteilungsalgorithmen

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    Das Unterteilen einer vorgegebenen Grundfläche in Zonen und Räume ist eine im Architekturentwurf häufig eingesetzte Methode zur Grundrissentwicklung. Für deren Automatisierung können Unterteilungsalgorithmen betrachtet werden, die einen vorgegebenen, mehrdimensionalen Raum nach einer festgelegten Regel unterteilen. Neben dem Einsatz in der Computergrafik zur Polygondarstellung und im Floorplanning zur Optimierung von Platinen-, Chip- und Anlagenlayouts finden Unterteilungsalgorithmen zunehmend Anwendung bei der automatischen Generierung von Stadt- und Gebäudegrundrissen, insbesondere in Computerspielen. Im Rahmen des Forschungsprojekts Kremlas wurde das gestalterische und generative Potential von Unterteilungsalgorithmen im Hinblick auf architektonische Fragestellungen und ihre Einsatzmöglichkeiten zur Entwicklung einer kreativen evolutionären Entwurfsmethode zur Lösung von Layoutproblemen in Architektur und Städtebau untersucht. Es entstand ein generativer Mechanismus, der eine Unterteilungsfolge zufällig erstellt und Grundrisse mit einer festgelegten Anzahl an Räumen mit bestimmter Raumgröße durch Unterteilung generiert. In Kombination mit evolutionären Algorithmen lassen sich die erhaltenen Layoutlösungen zudem hinsichtlich architektonisch relevanter Kriterien optimieren, für die im vorliegenden Fall Nachbarschaftsbeziehungen zwischen einzelnen Räumen betrachtet wurden

    Evolution of architectural floor plans

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    Layout planning is a process of sizing and placing rooms (e.g. in a house) while a t t empt ing to optimize various criteria. Often the r e are conflicting c r i t e r i a such as construction cost, minimizing the distance between r e l a t ed activities, and meeting the area requirements for these activities. The process of layout planning ha s mostly been done by hand, wi th a handful of a t t empt s to automa t e the process. Thi s thesis explores some of these pa s t a t t empt s and describes several new techniques for automa t ing the layout planning process using evolutionary computation. These techniques a r e inspired by the existing methods, while adding some of the i r own innovations. Additional experimenLs are done to t e s t the possibility of allowing polygonal exteriors wi th rectilinear interior walls. Several multi-objective approaches are used to evaluate and compare fitness. The evolutionary r epr e s ent a t ion and requirements specification used provide great flexibility in problem scope and depth and is worthy of considering in future layout and design a t t empt s . The system outlined in thi s thesis is capable of evolving a variety of floor plans conforming to functional and geometric specifications. Many of the resulting plans look reasonable even when compared to a professional floor plan. Additionally polygonal and multi-floor buildings were also generated

    Evolutionäre Generierung von Grundriss-Layouts mithilfe von Unterteilungsalgorithmen

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    Das Unterteilen einer vorgegebenen Grundfläche in Zonen und Räume ist eine im Architekturentwurf häufig eingesetzte Methode zur Grundrissentwicklung. Für deren Automatisierung können Unterteilungsalgorithmen betrachtet werden, die einen vorgegebenen, mehrdimensionalen Raum nach einer festgelegten Regel unterteilen. Neben dem Einsatz in der Computergrafik zur Polygondarstellung und im Floorplanning zur Optimierung von Platinen-, Chip- und Anlagenlayouts finden Unterteilungsalgorithmen zunehmend Anwendung bei der automatischen Generierung von Stadt- und Gebäudegrundrissen, insbesondere in Computerspielen. Im Rahmen des Forschungsprojekts Kremlas wurde das gestalterische und generative Potential von Unterteilungsalgorithmen im Hinblick auf architektonische Fragestellungen und ihre Einsatzmöglichkeiten zur Entwicklung einer kreativen evolutionären Entwurfsmethode zur Lösung von Layoutproblemen in Architektur und Städtebau untersucht. Es entstand ein generativer Mechanismus, der eine Unterteilungsfolge zufällig erstellt und Grundrisse mit einer festgelegten Anzahl an Räumen mit bestimmter Raumgröße durch Unterteilung generiert. In Kombination mit evolutionären Algorithmen lassen sich die erhaltenen Layoutlösungen zudem hinsichtlich architektonisch relevanter Kriterien optimieren, für die im vorliegenden Fall Nachbarschaftsbeziehungen zwischen einzelnen Räumen betrachtet wurden

    Wissen wer wo wohnt

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    In cities people live together in neighbourhoods. Here they can find the infrastructure they need, starting with shops for the daily purpose to the life-cycle based infrastructures like kindergartens or nursing homes. But not all neighbourhoods are identical. The infrastructure mixture varies from neighbourhood to neighbourhood, but different people have different needs which can change e.g. based on the life cycle situation or their affiliation to a specific milieu. We can assume that a person or family tries to settle in a specific neighbourhood that satisfies their needs. So, if the residents are happy with a neighbourhood, we can further assume that this neighbourhood satisfies their needs. The socio-oeconomic panel (SOEP) of the German Institute for Economy (DIW) is a survey that investigates the economic structure of the German population. Every four years one part of this survey includes questions about what infrastructures can be found in the respondents neighbourhood and the satisfaction of the respondent with their neighbourhood. Further, it is possible to add a milieu estimation for each respondent or household. This gives us the possibility to analyse the typical neighbourhoods in German cities as well as the infrastructure profiles of the different milieus. Therefore, we take the environment variables from the dataset and recode them into a binary variable – whether an infrastructure is available or not. According to Faust (2005), these sets can also be understood, as a network of actors in a neighbourhood, which share two, three or more infrastructures. Like these networks, this neighbourhood network can also be visualized as a bipartite affiliation network and therefore analysed using correspondence analysis. We will show how a neighbourhood analysis will benefit from an upstream correspondence analysis and how this could be done. We will also present and discuss the results of such an analysis

    Modern Optimization Algorithms and Applications: Architectural Layout Generation and Parallel Linear Programming

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    This thesis examines two topics from the field of computational optimization; architectural layout generation and parallel linear programming. The first topic, a modern problem in heuristic optimization, focuses on deriving a general form of the optimization problem and solving it with the proposed Evolutionary Treemap algorithm. Tests of the algorithm\u27s implementation within a highly scalable web application developed with Scala and the web service framework Play reveal the algorithm is effective at generated layouts in multiple styles. The second topic, a classical problem in operations research, focuses on methodologies for implementing the Simplex Algorithm on a parallel computer for solving large-scale linear programming problems. Implementations of the algorithm\u27s data-parallel and task parallel forms illuminate the ideal method for accelerating a solver. The proposed Multi-Path Simplex Algorithm shows an average speed up of over two times that of a popular open-source solver, showing it is an effective methodology for solving linear programming problems

    Designer-driven 3D buildings generated using variable neighborhood search

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    This paper presents a mechanism to generate virtual buildings considering designer constraints and guidelines. This mechanism is implemented as a pipeline of different Variable Neighborhood Search (VNS) optimization processes in which several subproblems are tackled (1) rooms locations, (2) connectivity graph, and (3) element placement. The core VNS algorithm includes some variants to improve its performance, such as, for example constraint handling and biased operator selection. The optimization process uses a toolkit of construction primitives implemented as "smart objects" providing basic elements such as rooms, doors, staircases and other connectors. The paper also shows experimental results of the application of different designer constraints to a wide range of buildings from small houses to a large castle with several underground levels

    Architectural Design of School Buildings in the View of Concepts and Applications of Artificial Intelligence

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    An enormous amount of data is usually needed for the design in the early phases of projects. Right now, computational tools are accessible to help the designer use data and information quickly and effectively to do this. Artificial intelligence, or AI,is a recent field of study that uses, analyzes, and manipulates data to complete tasks and reach goals. Modeling, anomaly detection, association, and grouping are just a few of the many sub-fields that make up the current state of AI, The goal of the current study is to make clear the benefits of using AI into architectural design and to motivate architects to begin doing so. A two-pronged approach is used to achieve this: showcasing the relevant literature and the applicable and desired project. Therefore, the continued promotion and implementation of new computer technologies, such as BIM technology, have had an inescapable significant impact on the Egyptian building sector. In this work, we provide the experiments using the Revit program and their conclusions based on the amount of college education. The architectural design major at higher vocational institutions has seen significant changes at this time. The educational objectives of the institution don\u27t align with the field of architectural design\u27s recent growth. We outline the most recent research on BIM-based architecture education in this article. We contrasted the various software programs used in the education sector, including CAD, SketchUp, and Revit. As a consequence of the experiments and projects using the Revit program during instruction, we receive a BIM competency certificate