1,244 research outputs found

    Automatic Paragraph Segmentation with Lexical and Prosodic Features

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    Comunicació presentada a la Interspeech 2016, celebrada per la International Speech Communication Association (ISCA) els dies 8 a 12 de septembre de 2016 a San Francisco (EUA).As long-form spoken documents become more ubiquitous in everyday life, so does the need for automatic discourse segmentation in spoken language processing tasks. Although previous work has focused on broad topic segmentation, detection of finer-grained discourse units, such as paragraphs, is highly desirable for presenting and analyzing spoken content. To better understand how different aspects of speech cue these subtle discourse transitions, we investigate automatic paragraph segmentation of TED talks. We build lexical and prosodic paragraph segmenters using Support Vector Machines, AdaBoost, and Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) recurrent neural networks. In general, we find that induced cue words and supra-sentential prosodic features outperform features based on topical coherence, syntactic form and complexity. However, our best performance is achieved by combining a wide range of individually weak lexical and prosodic features, with the sequence modelling LSTM generally outperforming the other classifiers by a large margin. Moreover, we find that models that allow lower level interactions between different feature types produce better results than treating lexical and prosodic contributions as separate, independent information sources.The second author is funded from the EU’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under the GA H2020-RIA-645012 and the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity Juan de la Cierva program

    Integrating Prosodic and Lexical Cues for Automatic Topic Segmentation

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    We present a probabilistic model that uses both prosodic and lexical cues for the automatic segmentation of speech into topically coherent units. We propose two methods for combining lexical and prosodic information using hidden Markov models and decision trees. Lexical information is obtained from a speech recognizer, and prosodic features are extracted automatically from speech waveforms. We evaluate our approach on the Broadcast News corpus, using the DARPA-TDT evaluation metrics. Results show that the prosodic model alone is competitive with word-based segmentation methods. Furthermore, we achieve a significant reduction in error by combining the prosodic and word-based knowledge sources.Comment: 27 pages, 8 figure

    Prosody-Based Automatic Segmentation of Speech into Sentences and Topics

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    A crucial step in processing speech audio data for information extraction, topic detection, or browsing/playback is to segment the input into sentence and topic units. Speech segmentation is challenging, since the cues typically present for segmenting text (headers, paragraphs, punctuation) are absent in spoken language. We investigate the use of prosody (information gleaned from the timing and melody of speech) for these tasks. Using decision tree and hidden Markov modeling techniques, we combine prosodic cues with word-based approaches, and evaluate performance on two speech corpora, Broadcast News and Switchboard. Results show that the prosodic model alone performs on par with, or better than, word-based statistical language models -- for both true and automatically recognized words in news speech. The prosodic model achieves comparable performance with significantly less training data, and requires no hand-labeling of prosodic events. Across tasks and corpora, we obtain a significant improvement over word-only models using a probabilistic combination of prosodic and lexical information. Inspection reveals that the prosodic models capture language-independent boundary indicators described in the literature. Finally, cue usage is task and corpus dependent. For example, pause and pitch features are highly informative for segmenting news speech, whereas pause, duration and word-based cues dominate for natural conversation.Comment: 30 pages, 9 figures. To appear in Speech Communication 32(1-2), Special Issue on Accessing Information in Spoken Audio, September 200

    Integrating lexical and prosodic features for automatic paragraph segmentation

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    Spoken documents, such as podcasts or lectures, are a growing presence in everyday life. Being able to automatically identify their discourse structure is an important step to understanding what a spoken document is about. Moreover, finer-grained units, such as paragraphs, are highly desirable for presenting and analyzing spoken content. However, little work has been done on discourse based speech segmentation below the level of broad topics. In order to examine how discourse transitions are cued in speech, we investigate automatic paragraph segmentation of TED talks using lexical and prosodic features. Experiments using Support Vector Machines, AdaBoost, and Neural Networks show that models using supra-sentential prosodic features and induced cue words perform better than those based on the type of lexical cohesion measures often used in broad topic segmentation. Moreover, combining a wide range of individually weak lexical and prosodic predictors improves performance, and modelling contextual information using recurrent neural networks outperforms other approaches by a large margin. Our best results come from using late fusion methods that integrate representations generated by separate lexical and prosodic models while allowing interactions between these features streams rather than treating them as independent information sources. Application to ASR outputs shows that adding prosodic features, particularly using late fusion, can significantly ameliorate decreases in performance due to transcription errors.The second author was funded from the EU’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under the GA H2020-RIA-645012 and the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity Juan de la Cierva program. The other authors were funded by the University of Edinburgh

    Pauses and the temporal structure of speech

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    Natural-sounding speech synthesis requires close control over the temporal structure of the speech flow. This includes a full predictive scheme for the durational structure and in particuliar the prolongation of final syllables of lexemes as well as for the pausal structure in the utterance. In this chapter, a description of the temporal structure and the summary of the numerous factors that modify it are presented. In the second part, predictive schemes for the temporal structure of speech ("performance structures") are introduced, and their potential for characterising the overall prosodic structure of speech is demonstrated

    Cue Phrase Classification Using Machine Learning

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    Cue phrases may be used in a discourse sense to explicitly signal discourse structure, but also in a sentential sense to convey semantic rather than structural information. Correctly classifying cue phrases as discourse or sentential is critical in natural language processing systems that exploit discourse structure, e.g., for performing tasks such as anaphora resolution and plan recognition. This paper explores the use of machine learning for classifying cue phrases as discourse or sentential. Two machine learning programs (Cgrendel and C4.5) are used to induce classification models from sets of pre-classified cue phrases and their features in text and speech. Machine learning is shown to be an effective technique for not only automating the generation of classification models, but also for improving upon previous results. When compared to manually derived classification models already in the literature, the learned models often perform with higher accuracy and contain new linguistic insights into the data. In addition, the ability to automatically construct classification models makes it easier to comparatively analyze the utility of alternative feature representations of the data. Finally, the ease of retraining makes the learning approach more scalable and flexible than manual methods.Comment: 42 pages, uses jair.sty, theapa.bst, theapa.st

    Corpora compilation for prosody-informed speech processing

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    Research on speech technologies necessitates spoken data, which is usually obtained through read recorded speech, and specifically adapted to the research needs. When the aim is to deal with the prosody involved in speech, the available data must reflect natural and conversational speech, which is usually costly and difficult to get. This paper presents a machine learning-oriented toolkit for collecting, handling, and visualization of speech data, using prosodic heuristic. We present two corpora resulting from these methodologies: PANTED corpus, containing 250 h of English speech from TED Talks, and Heroes corpus containing 8 h of parallel English and Spanish movie speech. We demonstrate their use in two deep learning-based applications: punctuation restoration and machine translation. The presented corpora are freely available to the research community

    Participant Subjectivity and Involvement as a Basis for Discourse Segmentation

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    We propose a framework for analyzing episodic conversational activities in terms of expressed relationships between the participants and utterance content. We test the hypothesis that linguistic features which express such properties, e.g. tense, aspect, and person deixis, are a useful basis for automatic intentional discourse segmentation. We present a novel algorithm and test our hypothesis on a set of intentionally segmented conversational monologues. Our algorithm performs better than a simple baseline and as well as or better than well-known lexical-semantic segmentation methods
