15 research outputs found

    Deep Networks Based Energy Models for Object Recognition from Multimodality Images

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    Object recognition has been extensively investigated in computer vision area, since it is a fundamental and essential technique in many important applications, such as robotics, auto-driving, automated manufacturing, and security surveillance. According to the selection criteria, object recognition mechanisms can be broadly categorized into object proposal and classification, eye fixation prediction and saliency object detection. Object proposal tends to capture all potential objects from natural images, and then classify them into predefined groups for image description and interpretation. For a given natural image, human perception is normally attracted to the most visually important regions/objects. Therefore, eye fixation prediction attempts to localize some interesting points or small regions according to human visual system (HVS). Based on these interesting points and small regions, saliency object detection algorithms propagate the important extracted information to achieve a refined segmentation of the whole salient objects. In addition to natural images, object recognition also plays a critical role in clinical practice. The informative insights of anatomy and function of human body obtained from multimodality biomedical images such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), transrectal ultrasound (TRUS), computed tomography (CT) and positron emission tomography (PET) facilitate the precision medicine. Automated object recognition from biomedical images empowers the non-invasive diagnosis and treatments via automated tissue segmentation, tumor detection and cancer staging. The conventional recognition methods normally utilize handcrafted features (such as oriented gradients, curvature, Haar features, Haralick texture features, Laws energy features, etc.) depending on the image modalities and object characteristics. It is challenging to have a general model for object recognition. Superior to handcrafted features, deep neural networks (DNN) can extract self-adaptive features corresponding with specific task, hence can be employed for general object recognition models. These DNN-features are adjusted semantically and cognitively by over tens of millions parameters corresponding to the mechanism of human brain, therefore leads to more accurate and robust results. Motivated by it, in this thesis, we proposed DNN-based energy models to recognize object on multimodality images. For the aim of object recognition, the major contributions of this thesis can be summarized below: 1. We firstly proposed a new comprehensive autoencoder model to recognize the position and shape of prostate from magnetic resonance images. Different from the most autoencoder-based methods, we focused on positive samples to train the model in which the extracted features all come from prostate. After that, an image energy minimization scheme was applied to further improve the recognition accuracy. The proposed model was compared with three classic classifiers (i.e. support vector machine with radial basis function kernel, random forest, and naive Bayes), and demonstrated significant superiority for prostate recognition on magnetic resonance images. We further extended the proposed autoencoder model for saliency object detection on natural images, and the experimental validation proved the accurate and robust saliency object detection results of our model. 2. A general multi-contexts combined deep neural networks (MCDN) model was then proposed for object recognition from natural images and biomedical images. Under one uniform framework, our model was performed in multi-scale manner. Our model was applied for saliency object detection from natural images as well as prostate recognition from magnetic resonance images. Our experimental validation demonstrated that the proposed model was competitive to current state-of-the-art methods. 3. We designed a novel saliency image energy to finely segment salient objects on basis of our MCDN model. The region priors were taken into account in the energy function to avoid trivial errors. Our method outperformed state-of-the-art algorithms on five benchmarking datasets. In the experiments, we also demonstrated that our proposed saliency image energy can boost the results of other conventional saliency detection methods

    Minimally Interactive Segmentation with Application to Human Placenta in Fetal MR Images

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    Placenta segmentation from fetal Magnetic Resonance (MR) images is important for fetal surgical planning. However, accurate segmentation results are difficult to achieve for automatic methods, due to sparse acquisition, inter-slice motion, and the widely varying position and shape of the placenta among pregnant women. Interactive methods have been widely used to get more accurate and robust results. A good interactive segmentation method should achieve high accuracy, minimize user interactions with low variability among users, and be computationally fast. Exploiting recent advances in machine learning, I explore a family of new interactive methods for placenta segmentation from fetal MR images. I investigate the combination of user interactions with learning from a single image or a large set of images. For learning from a single image, I propose novel Online Random Forests to efficiently leverage user interactions for the segmentation of 2D and 3D fetal MR images. I also investigate co-segmentation of multiple volumes of the same patient with 4D Graph Cuts. For learning from a large set of images, I first propose a deep learning-based framework that combines user interactions with Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) based on geodesic distance transforms to achieve accurate segmentation and good interactivity. I then propose image-specific fine-tuning to make CNNs adaptive to different individual images and able to segment previously unseen objects. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithms outperform traditional interactive segmentation methods in terms of accuracy and interactivity. Therefore, they might be suitable for segmentation of the placenta in planning systems for fetal and maternal surgery, and for rapid characterization of the placenta by MR images. I also demonstrate that they can be applied to the segmentation of other organs from 2D and 3D images

    Robust computational intelligence techniques for visual information processing

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    The third part is exclusively dedicated to the super-resolution of Magnetic Resonance Images. In one of these works, an algorithm based on the random shifting technique is developed. Besides, we studied noise removal and resolution enhancement simultaneously. To end, the cost function of deep networks has been modified by different combinations of norms in order to improve their training. Finally, the general conclusions of the research are presented and discussed, as well as the possible future research lines that are able to make use of the results obtained in this Ph.D. thesis.This Ph.D. thesis is about image processing by computational intelligence techniques. Firstly, a general overview of this book is carried out, where the motivation, the hypothesis, the objectives, and the methodology employed are described. The use and analysis of different mathematical norms will be our goal. After that, state of the art focused on the applications of the image processing proposals is presented. In addition, the fundamentals of the image modalities, with particular attention to magnetic resonance, and the learning techniques used in this research, mainly based on neural networks, are summarized. To end up, the mathematical framework on which this work is based on, â‚š-norms, is defined. Three different parts associated with image processing techniques follow. The first non-introductory part of this book collects the developments which are about image segmentation. Two of them are applications for video surveillance tasks and try to model the background of a scenario using a specific camera. The other work is centered on the medical field, where the goal of segmenting diabetic wounds of a very heterogeneous dataset is addressed. The second part is focused on the optimization and implementation of new models for curve and surface fitting in two and three dimensions, respectively. The first work presents a parabola fitting algorithm based on the measurement of the distances of the interior and exterior points to the focus and the directrix. The second work changes to an ellipse shape, and it ensembles the information of multiple fitting methods. Last, the ellipsoid problem is addressed in a similar way to the parabola

    U-Net based deep convolutional neural network models for liver segmentation from CT scan images

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    Liver segmentation is a critical task for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up processes of liver cancer. Computed Tomography (CT) scans are the common medical image modality for the segmentation task. Liver segmentation is considered a very hard task for many reasons. Medical images are limited for researchers. Liver shape is changing based on the patient position during the CT scan process, and varies from patient to another based on the health conditions. Liver and other organs, for example heart, stomach, and pancreas, share similar gray scale range in CT images. Liver treatment using surgery operations is very critical because liver contains significant amount of blood and the position of liver is very close to critical organs like heart, lungs, stomach, and crucial blood veins. Therefore the accuracy of segmentation is critical to define liver and tumors shape and position especially when the treatment surgery conducted using radio frequency heating or cryoablation needles. In the literature, convolutional neural networks (CNN) have achieved very high accuracy on liver segmentation and the U-Net model is considered the state-of-the-art for the medical image segmentation task. Many researchers have developed CNN models based on U-Net and stacked U-Nets with/without bridged connections. However, CNN models need significant number of labeled samples for training and validation which is not commonly available in the case of liver CT images. The process of generating manual annotated masks for the training samples are time consuming and need involvement of expert clinical doctors. Data augmentation has thus been widely used in boosting the sample size for model training. Using rotation with steps of 15o and horizontal and vertical flipping as augmentation techniques, the lack of dataset and training samples issue is solved. The choice of rotation and flipping because in the real life situations, most of the CT scans recorded while the while patient lies on face down or with 45o, 60o,90o on right side according to the location of the tumor. Nonetheless, such process has brought up a new issue for liver segmentation. For example, due to the augmentation operations of rotation and flipping, the trained model detected part of the heart as a liver when it is on the wrong side of the body. The first part of this research conducted an extensive experimental study of U-Net based model in terms of deeper and wider, and variant bridging and skip-connections in order to give recommendation for using U-Net based models. Top-down and bottom-up approaches were used to construct variations of deeper models, whilst two, three, and four stacked U-Nets were applied to construct the wider U-Net models. The variation of the skip connections between two and three U-Nets are the key factors in the study. The proposed model used 2 bridged U-Nets with three extra skip connections between the U-Nets to overcome the flipping issue. A new loss function based on minimizing the distance between the center of mass between the predicted blobs has also enhanced the liver segmentation accuracy. Finally, the deep-supervision concept was integrated with the new loss functions where the total loss was calculated as the sum of weighted loss functions over each weighted deeply supervision. It has achieved a segmentation accuracy of up to 90%. The proposed model of 2 bridged U-Nets with compound skip-connections and specific number of levels, layers, filters, and image size has increased the accuracy of liver segmentation to ~90% whereas the original U-Net and bridged nets have recorded a segmentation accuracy of ~85%. Although applying extra deeply supervised layers and weighted compound of dice coefficient and centroid loss functions solved the flipping issue with ~93%, there is still a room for improving the accuracy by applying some image enhancement as pre-processing stage

    U-Net based deep convolutional neural network models for liver segmentation from CT scan images

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    Liver segmentation is a critical task for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up processes of liver cancer. Computed Tomography (CT) scans are the common medical image modality for the segmentation task. Liver segmentation is considered a very hard task for many reasons. Medical images are limited for researchers. Liver shape is changing based on the patient position during the CT scan process, and varies from patient to another based on the health conditions. Liver and other organs, for example heart, stomach, and pancreas, share similar gray scale range in CT images. Liver treatment using surgery operations is very critical because liver contains significant amount of blood and the position of liver is very close to critical organs like heart, lungs, stomach, and crucial blood veins. Therefore the accuracy of segmentation is critical to define liver and tumors shape and position especially when the treatment surgery conducted using radio frequency heating or cryoablation needles. In the literature, convolutional neural networks (CNN) have achieved very high accuracy on liver segmentation and the U-Net model is considered the state-of-the-art for the medical image segmentation task. Many researchers have developed CNN models based on U-Net and stacked U-Nets with/without bridged connections. However, CNN models need significant number of labeled samples for training and validation which is not commonly available in the case of liver CT images. The process of generating manual annotated masks for the training samples are time consuming and need involvement of expert clinical doctors. Data augmentation has thus been widely used in boosting the sample size for model training. Using rotation with steps of 15o and horizontal and vertical flipping as augmentation techniques, the lack of dataset and training samples issue is solved. The choice of rotation and flipping because in the real life situations, most of the CT scans recorded while the while patient lies on face down or with 45o, 60o,90o on right side according to the location of the tumor. Nonetheless, such process has brought up a new issue for liver segmentation. For example, due to the augmentation operations of rotation and flipping, the trained model detected part of the heart as a liver when it is on the wrong side of the body. The first part of this research conducted an extensive experimental study of U-Net based model in terms of deeper and wider, and variant bridging and skip-connections in order to give recommendation for using U-Net based models. Top-down and bottom-up approaches were used to construct variations of deeper models, whilst two, three, and four stacked U-Nets were applied to construct the wider U-Net models. The variation of the skip connections between two and three U-Nets are the key factors in the study. The proposed model used 2 bridged U-Nets with three extra skip connections between the U-Nets to overcome the flipping issue. A new loss function based on minimizing the distance between the center of mass between the predicted blobs has also enhanced the liver segmentation accuracy. Finally, the deep-supervision concept was integrated with the new loss functions where the total loss was calculated as the sum of weighted loss functions over each weighted deeply supervision. It has achieved a segmentation accuracy of up to 90%. The proposed model of 2 bridged U-Nets with compound skip-connections and specific number of levels, layers, filters, and image size has increased the accuracy of liver segmentation to ~90% whereas the original U-Net and bridged nets have recorded a segmentation accuracy of ~85%. Although applying extra deeply supervised layers and weighted compound of dice coefficient and centroid loss functions solved the flipping issue with ~93%, there is still a room for improving the accuracy by applying some image enhancement as pre-processing stage

    Medical Informatics and Data Analysis

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    During recent years, the use of advanced data analysis methods has increased in clinical and epidemiological research. This book emphasizes the practical aspects of new data analysis methods, and provides insight into new challenges in biostatistics, epidemiology, health sciences, dentistry, and clinical medicine. This book provides a readable text, giving advice on the reporting of new data analytical methods and data presentation. The book consists of 13 articles. Each article is self-contained and may be read independently according to the needs of the reader. The book is essential reading for postgraduate students as well as researchers from medicine and other sciences where statistical data analysis plays a central role

    Brainlesion: Glioma, Multiple Sclerosis, Stroke and Traumatic Brain Injuries

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    This two-volume set LNCS 12962 and 12963 constitutes the thoroughly refereed proceedings of the 7th International MICCAI Brainlesion Workshop, BrainLes 2021, as well as the RSNA-ASNR-MICCAI Brain Tumor Segmentation (BraTS) Challenge, the Federated Tumor Segmentation (FeTS) Challenge, the Cross-Modality Domain Adaptation (CrossMoDA) Challenge, and the challenge on Quantification of Uncertainties in Biomedical Image Quantification (QUBIQ). These were held jointly at the 23rd Medical Image Computing for Computer Assisted Intervention Conference, MICCAI 2020, in September 2021. The 91 revised papers presented in these volumes were selected form 151 submissions. Due to COVID-19 pandemic the conference was held virtually. This is an open access book

    Tracking the Temporal-Evolution of Supernova Bubbles in Numerical Simulations

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    The study of low-dimensional, noisy manifolds embedded in a higher dimensional space has been extremely useful in many applications, from the chemical analysis of multi-phase flows to simulations of galactic mergers. Building a probabilistic model of the manifolds has helped in describing their essential properties and how they vary in space. However, when the manifold is evolving through time, a joint spatio-temporal modelling is needed, in order to fully comprehend its nature. We propose a first-order Markovian process that propagates the spatial probabilistic model of a manifold at fixed time, to its adjacent temporal stages. The proposed methodology is demonstrated using a particle simulation of an interacting dwarf galaxy to describe the evolution of a cavity generated by a Supernov