16 research outputs found

    Indonesian Plate Number Identification Using YOLACT and Mobilenetv2 in the Parking Management System

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    A vehicle registration plate is used for vehicle identity. In recent years, technology to identify plate numbers automatically or known as Automatic License Plate Recognition (ALPR) has grown over time. Convolutional Neural Network and   YOLACT are used to do plate number recognition from a video. The number plate recognition process consists of 3 stages. The first stage determines the coordinates of the number plate area on a video frame using YOLACT. The second stage is to separate each character inside the plat number using morphological operations, horizontal projection, and topological structural. The third stage is recognizing each character candidate using CNN MobileNetV2. To reduce computation time by only take several frames in the video, frame sampling is performed. This experiment study uses frame sampling, YOLACT epoch, MobileNet V2 epoch, and the ratio of validation data as parameters. The best results are with 250ms frame sampling succeed to reduce computational times up to 78%, whereas the accuracy is affected by the MobileNetV2 model with 100 epoch and ratio of split data validation 0,1 which results in 83,33% in average accuracy. Frame sampling can reduce computational time however higher frame sampling value causes the system fails to obtain plate region area

    A hierarchical RCNN for vehicle and vehicle license plate detection and recognition

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    Vehicle and vehicle license detection obtained incredible achievements during recent years that are also popularly used in real traffic scenarios, such as intelligent traffic monitoring systems, auto parking systems, and vehicle services. Computer vision attracted much attention in vehicle and vehicle license detection, benefit from image processing and machine learning technologies. However, the existing methods still have some issues with vehicle and vehicle license plate recognition, especially in a complex environment. In this paper, we propose a multivehicle detection and license plate recognition system based on a hierarchical region convolutional neural network (RCNN). Firstly, a higher level of RCNN is employed to extract vehicles from the original images or video frames. Secondly, the regions of the detected vehicles are input to a lower level (smaller) RCNN to detect the license plate. Thirdly, the detected license plate is split into single numbers. Finally, the individual numbers are recognized by an even smaller RCNN. The experiments on the real traffic database validated the proposed method. Compared with the commonly used all-in-one deep learning structure, the proposed hierarchical method deals with the license plate recognition task in multiple levels for sub-tasks, which enables the modification of network size and structure according to the complexity of sub-tasks. Therefore, the computation load is reduced

    Social application with Pepper Robot

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    Pepper robot is a social robot with the ability of maintaining a dynamic communication with people. The aim of this project is to develop a system based on face detection and recognition as a kind of interactive app for people, especially for kids and children with disabilities. The robot has to be able to recognize the person who is in front of it, performing predefined movements and holding a basic real-time conversation based on the children's preferences (favourite color, hobbies, etc.)

    A vision-based machine learning method for barrier access control using vehicle license plate authentication

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    Automatic vehicle license plate recognition is an essential part of intelligent vehicle access control and monitoring systems. With the increasing number of vehicles, it is important that an effective real-time system for automated license plate recognition is developed. Computer vision techniques are typically used for this task. However, it remains a challenging problem, as both high accuracy and low processing time are required in such a system. Here, we propose a method for license plate recognition that seeks to find a balance between these two requirements. The proposed method consists of two stages: detection and recognition. In the detection stage, the image is processed so that a region of interest is identified. In the recognition stage, features are extracted from the region of interest using the histogram of oriented gradients method. These features are then used to train an artificial neural network to identify characters in the license plate. Experimental results show that the proposed method achieves a high level of accuracy as well as low processing time when compared to existing methods, indicating that it is suitable for real-time applications

    Towards End-to-end Car License Plate Location and Recognition in Unconstrained Scenarios

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    Benefiting from the rapid development of convolutional neural networks, the performance of car license plate detection and recognition has been largely improved. Nonetheless, challenges still exist especially for real-world applications. In this paper, we present an efficient and accurate framework to solve the license plate detection and recognition tasks simultaneously. It is a lightweight and unified deep neural network, that can be optimized end-to-end and work in real-time. Specifically, for unconstrained scenarios, an anchor-free method is adopted to efficiently detect the bounding box and four corners of a license plate, which are used to extract and rectify the target region features. Then, a novel convolutional neural network branch is designed to further extract features of characters without segmentation. Finally, recognition task is treated as sequence labelling problems, which are solved by Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC) directly. Several public datasets including images collected from different scenarios under various conditions are chosen for evaluation. A large number of experiments indicate that the proposed method significantly outperforms the previous state-of-the-art methods in both speed and precision

    License Plate Detection Using Images

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    Cílem této práce je vytvoření aplikace, která bude detekovat státní poznávací značky pomocí obrazů. Aplikace tohoto druhu může být použita například v oblasti automatických parkovacích systémů, systému pro vymáhání práva, analýzy dopravy a mnoho dalších. Dále jsou v práci popsány metody používané k detekci registračních značek. V další části jsou popsány vlastní úpravy již existujícího detektoru objektů a tvorba datasetů pro potřeby této práce. Poslední část je věnována experimentům, kde je porovnána přesnost a rychlost detekce detektorů objektů, trénovaných na různých datech a parametrech.This work aims to create an application that will detect license plates using images. Applications of this kind can be used, for example, in the field of automatic parking systems, law enforcement systems, traffic analysis, and many others. Furthermore, the work describes the methods used to detect license plates. The next part describes the modifications of the existing object detector and the creation of datasets for the needs of this work. The last part is devoted to experiments where the accuracy and speed of detection of object detectors, trained on various data and parameters, are compared.460 - Katedra informatikyvýborn

    Holistic interpretation of public scenes using computer vision and temporal graphs to identify social distancing violations

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    Social distancing measures are proposed as the primary strategy to curb the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, identifying situations where these protocols are violated has implications for curtailing the spread of the disease and promoting a sustainable lifestyle. This paper proposes a novel computer vision-based system to analyze CCTV footage to provide a threat level assessment of COVID-19 spread. The system strives to holistically interpret the information in CCTV footage spanning multiple frames to recognize instances of various violations of social distancing protocols, across time and space, as well as identification of group behaviors. This functionality is achieved primarily by utilizing a temporal graph-based structure to represent the information of the CCTV footage and a strategy to holistically interpret the graph and quantify the threat level of the given scene. The individual components are evaluated in a range of scenarios, and the complete system is tested against human expert opinion. The results reflect the dependence of the threat level on people, their physical proximity, interactions, protective clothing, and group dynamics, with a system performance of 76% accuracy

    Holistic interpretation of public scenes using computer vision and temporal graphs to identify social distancing violations

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    Social distancing measures are proposed as the primary strategy to curb the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, identifying situations where these protocols are violated has implications for curtailing the spread of the disease and promoting a sustainable lifestyle. This paper proposes a novel computer vision-based system to analyze CCTV footage to provide a threat level assessment of COVID-19 spread. The system strives to holistically interpret the information in CCTV footage spanning multiple frames to recognize instances of various violations of social distancing protocols, across time and space, as well as identification of group behaviors. This functionality is achieved primarily by utilizing a temporal graph-based structure to represent the information of the CCTV footage and a strategy to holistically interpret the graph and quantify the threat level of the given scene. The individual components are evaluated in a range of scenarios, and the complete system is tested against human expert opinion. The results reflect the dependence of the threat level on people, their physical proximity, interactions, protective clothing, and group dynamics, with a system performance of 76% accuracy