131 research outputs found

    Eesti keele ühendverbide automaattuvastus lingvistiliste ja statistiliste meetoditega

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    Tänapäeval on inimkeeli (kaasa arvatud eesti keelt) töötlevad tehnoloogiaseadmed igapäevaelu osa, kuid arvutite „keeleoskus“ pole kaugeltki täiuslik. Keele automaattöötluse kõige rohkem kasutust leidev rakendus on ilmselt masintõlge. Ikka ja jälle jagatakse sotsiaalmeedias, kuidas tuntud süsteemid (näiteks Google Translate) midagi valesti tõlgivad. Enamasti tekitavad absurdse olukorra mitmest sõnast koosnevad fraasid või laused. Näiteks ei suuda tõlkesüsteemid tabada lauses „Ta läks lepinguga alt“ ühendi alt minema tähendust petta saama, sest õige tähenduse edastamiseks ei saa selle ühendi komponente sõna-sõnalt tõlkida ja seetõttu satubki arvuti hätta. Selleks et nii masintõlkesüsteemide kui ka teiste kasulike rakenduste nagu libauudiste tuvastuse või küsimus-vastus süsteemide kvaliteet paraneks, on oluline, et arvuti oskaks tuvastada mitmesõnalisi üksuseid ja nende eri tähendusi, mida inimesed konteksti põhjal üpriski lihtalt teha suudavad. Püsiühendite (tähenduse) automaattuvastus on oluline kõikides keeltes ja on seetõttu pälvinud arvutilingvistikas rohkelt tähelepanu. Seega on eriti inglise keele põhjal välja pakutud terve hulk meetodeid, mida pole siiamaani eesti keele püsiühendite tuvastamiseks rakendatud. Doktoritöös kasutataksegi masinõppe meetodeid, mis on teiste keelte püsiühendite tuvastamisel edukad olnud, üht liiki eesti keele püsiühendi – ühendverbi – automaatseks tuvastamiseks. Töös demonstreeritakse suurte tekstiandmete põhjal, et seni eesti keele traditsioonilises käsitluses esitatud eesti keele ühendverbide jaotus ainukordseteks (ühendi komponentide koosesinemisel tekib uus tähendus) ja korrapärasteks (ühendi tähendus on tema komponentide summa) ei ole piisavalt põhjalik. Nimelt kinnitab töö arvutilingvistilistes uurimustes laialt levinud arusaama, et püsiühendid (k.a ühendverbid) jaotuvad skaalale, mille ühes otsas on ühendid, mille tähendus on selgelt komponentide tähenduste summa. ja teises need ühendid, mis saavad uue tähenduse. Uurimus näitab, et lisaks kontekstile aitavad arvutil tuvastada ühendverbi õiget tähendust mitmed teised tunnuseid, näiteks subjekti ja objekti elusus ja käänded. Doktoritöö raames valminud andmestikud ja vektoresitused on vajalikud uued ressursid, mis on avalikud edaspidisteks uurimusteks.Nowadays, applications that process human languages (including Estonian) are part of everyday life. However, computers are not yet able to understand every nuance of language. Machine translation is probably the most well-known application of natural language processing. Occasionally, the worst failures of machine translation systems (e.g. Google Translate) are shared on social media. Most of such cases happen when sequences longer than words are translated. For example, translation systems are not able to catch the correct meaning of the particle verb alt (‘from under’) minema (‘to go’) (‘to get deceived’) in the sentence Ta läks lepinguga alt because the literal translation of the components of the expression is not correct. In order to improve the quality of machine translation systems and other useful applications, e.g. spam detection or question answering systems, such (idiomatic) multi-word expressions and their meanings must be well detected. The detection of multi-word expressions and their meaning is important in all languages and therefore much research has been done in the field, especially in English. However, the suggested methods have not been applied to the detection of Estonian multi-word expressions before. The dissertation fills that gap and applies well-known machine learning methods to detect one type of Estonian multi-word expressions – the particle verbs. Based on large textual data, the thesis demonstrates that the traditional binary division of Estonian particle verbs to non-compositional (ainukordne, meaning is not predictable from the meaning of its components) and compositional (korrapärane, meaning is predictable from the meaning of its components) is not comprehensive enough. The research confirms the widely adopted view in computational linguistics that the multi-word expressions form a continuum between the compositional and non-compositional units. Moreover, it is shown that in addition to context, there are some linguistic features, e.g. the animacy and cases of subject and object that help computers to predict whether the meaning of a particle verb in a sentence is compositional or non-compositional. In addition, the research introduces novel resources for Estonian language – trained embeddings and created compositionality datasets are available for the future research.https://www.ester.ee/record=b5252157~S

    Language and Culture in Northeast India and Beyond: In Honor of Robbins Burling

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    This volume celebrates the life and work of Robbins Burling, Emeritus Professor of Anthropology and Linguistics at the University of Michigan, giant in the fields of anthropological linguistics, language evolution, and language pedagogy, and pioneer in the ethnography and linguistics of Tibeto-Burmanspeaking groups in the Northeast Indian region. We offer it to Professor Burling – Rob – on the occasion of his 90th birthday, on the occasion of the 60th year of his extraordinary scholarly productivity, and on the occasion of yet another – yet another! – field trip to Northeast India, where his career in anthropology and linguistics effectively began so many decades ago, and where he has amassed so many devoted friends and colleagues – including ourselves. (First paragraph of Editor's Introduction)

    Proceedings of the Conference on Natural Language Processing 2010

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    This book contains state-of-the-art contributions to the 10th conference on Natural Language Processing, KONVENS 2010 (Konferenz zur Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache), with a focus on semantic processing. The KONVENS in general aims at offering a broad perspective on current research and developments within the interdisciplinary field of natural language processing. The central theme draws specific attention towards addressing linguistic aspects ofmeaning, covering deep as well as shallow approaches to semantic processing. The contributions address both knowledgebased and data-driven methods for modelling and acquiring semantic information, and discuss the role of semantic information in applications of language technology. The articles demonstrate the importance of semantic processing, and present novel and creative approaches to natural language processing in general. Some contributions put their focus on developing and improving NLP systems for tasks like Named Entity Recognition or Word Sense Disambiguation, or focus on semantic knowledge acquisition and exploitation with respect to collaboratively built ressources, or harvesting semantic information in virtual games. Others are set within the context of real-world applications, such as Authoring Aids, Text Summarisation and Information Retrieval. The collection highlights the importance of semantic processing for different areas and applications in Natural Language Processing, and provides the reader with an overview of current research in this field

    Papers in Southeast Asian Linguistics No. 9: Language policy, language planning and sociolinguistics in South-East Asia

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    Using Comparable Corpora to Augment Statistical Machine Translation Models in Low Resource Settings

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    Previously, statistical machine translation (SMT) models have been estimated from parallel corpora, or pairs of translated sentences. In this thesis, we directly incorporate comparable corpora into the estimation of end-to-end SMT models. In contrast to parallel corpora, comparable corpora are pairs of monolingual corpora that have some cross-lingual similarities, for example topic or publication date, but that do not necessarily contain any direct translations. Comparable corpora are more readily available in large quantities than parallel corpora, which require significant human effort to compile. We use comparable corpora to estimate machine translation model parameters and show that doing so improves performance in settings where a limited amount of parallel data is available for training. The major contributions of this thesis are the following: * We release ‘language packs’ for 151 human languages, which include bilingual dictionaries, comparable corpora of Wikipedia document pairs, comparable corpora of time-stamped news text that we harvested from the web, and, for non-roman script languages, dictionaries of name pairs, which are likely to be transliterations. * We present a novel technique for using a small number of example word translations to learn a supervised model for bilingual lexicon induction which takes advantage of a wide variety of signals of translation equivalence that can be estimated over comparable corpora. * We show that using comparable corpora to induce new translations and estimate new phrase table feature functions improves end-to-end statistical machine translation performance for low resource language pairs as well as domains. * We present a novel algorithm for composing multiword phrase translations from multiple unigram translations and then use comparable corpora to prune the large space of hypothesis translations. We show that these induced phrase translations improve machine translation performance beyond that of component unigrams. This thesis focuses on critical low resource machine translation settings, where insufficient parallel corpora exist for training statistical models. We experiment with both low resource language pairs and low resource domains of text. We present results from our novel error analysis methodology, which show that most translation errors in low resource settings are due to unseen source language words and phrases and unseen target language translations. We also find room for fixing errors due to how different translations are weighted, or scored, in the models. We target both error types; we use comparable corpora to induce new word and phrase translations and estimate novel translation feature scores. Our experiments show that augmenting baseline SMT systems with new translations and features estimated over comparable corpora improves translation performance significantly. Additionally, our techniques expand the applicability of statistical machine translation to those language pairs for which zero parallel text is available

    A Hybrid Machine Translation Framework for an Improved Translation Workflow

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    Over the past few decades, due to a continuing surge in the amount of content being translated and ever increasing pressure to deliver high quality and high throughput translation, translation industries are focusing their interest on adopting advanced technologies such as machine translation (MT), and automatic post-editing (APE) in their translation workflows. Despite the progress of the technology, the roles of humans and machines essentially remain intact as MT/APE are moving from the peripheries of the translation field closer towards collaborative human-machine based MT/APE in modern translation workflows. Professional translators increasingly become post-editors correcting raw MT/APE output instead of translating from scratch which in turn increases productivity in terms of translation speed. The last decade has seen substantial growth in research and development activities on improving MT; usually concentrating on selected aspects of workflows starting from training data pre-processing techniques to core MT processes to post-editing methods. To date, however, complete MT workflows are less investigated than the core MT processes. In the research presented in this thesis, we investigate avenues towards achieving improved MT workflows. We study how different MT paradigms can be utilized and integrated to best effect. We also investigate how different upstream and downstream component technologies can be hybridized to achieve overall improved MT. Finally we include an investigation into human-machine collaborative MT by taking humans in the loop. In many of (but not all) the experiments presented in this thesis we focus on data scenarios provided by low resource language settings.Aufgrund des stetig ansteigenden Übersetzungsvolumens in den letzten Jahrzehnten und gleichzeitig wachsendem Druck hohe Qualität innerhalb von kürzester Zeit liefern zu müssen sind Übersetzungsdienstleister darauf angewiesen, moderne Technologien wie Maschinelle Übersetzung (MT) und automatisches Post-Editing (APE) in den Übersetzungsworkflow einzubinden. Trotz erheblicher Fortschritte dieser Technologien haben sich die Rollen von Mensch und Maschine kaum verändert. MT/APE ist jedoch nunmehr nicht mehr nur eine Randerscheinung, sondern wird im modernen Übersetzungsworkflow zunehmend in Zusammenarbeit von Mensch und Maschine eingesetzt. Fachübersetzer werden immer mehr zu Post-Editoren und korrigieren den MT/APE-Output, statt wie bisher Übersetzungen komplett neu anzufertigen. So kann die Produktivität bezüglich der Übersetzungsgeschwindigkeit gesteigert werden. Im letzten Jahrzehnt hat sich in den Bereichen Forschung und Entwicklung zur Verbesserung von MT sehr viel getan: Einbindung des vollständigen Übersetzungsworkflows von der Vorbereitung der Trainingsdaten über den eigentlichen MT-Prozess bis hin zu Post-Editing-Methoden. Der vollständige Übersetzungsworkflow wird jedoch aus Datenperspektive weit weniger berücksichtigt als der eigentliche MT-Prozess. In dieser Dissertation werden Wege hin zum idealen oder zumindest verbesserten MT-Workflow untersucht. In den Experimenten wird dabei besondere Aufmertsamfit auf die speziellen Belange von sprachen mit geringen ressourcen gelegt. Es wird untersucht wie unterschiedliche MT-Paradigmen verwendet und optimal integriert werden können. Des Weiteren wird dargestellt wie unterschiedliche vor- und nachgelagerte Technologiekomponenten angepasst werden können, um insgesamt einen besseren MT-Output zu generieren. Abschließend wird gezeigt wie der Mensch in den MT-Workflow intergriert werden kann. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es verschiedene Technologiekomponenten in den MT-Workflow zu integrieren um so einen verbesserten Gesamtworkflow zu schaffen. Hierfür werden hauptsächlich Hybridisierungsansätze verwendet. In dieser Arbeit werden außerdem Möglichkeiten untersucht, Menschen effektiv als Post-Editoren einzubinden

    Tune your brown clustering, please

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    Brown clustering, an unsupervised hierarchical clustering technique based on ngram mutual information, has proven useful in many NLP applications. However, most uses of Brown clustering employ the same default configuration; the appropriateness of this configuration has gone predominantly unexplored. Accordingly, we present information for practitioners on the behaviour of Brown clustering in order to assist hyper-parametre tuning, in the form of a theoretical model of Brown clustering utility. This model is then evaluated empirically in two sequence labelling tasks over two text types. We explore the dynamic between the input corpus size, chosen number of classes, and quality of the resulting clusters, which has an impact for any approach using Brown clustering. In every scenario that we examine, our results reveal that the values most commonly used for the clustering are sub-optimal