16,283 research outputs found

    From computer-aided to intelligent machining: Recent advances in computer numerical control machining research

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    The aim of this paper is to provide an introduction and overview of recent advances in the key technologies and the supporting computerized systems, and to indicate the trend of research and development in the area of computational numerical control machining. Three main themes of recent research in CNC machining are simulation, optimization and automation, which form the key aspects of intelligent manufacturing in the digital and knowledge based manufacturing era. As the information and knowledge carrier, feature is the efficacious way to achieve intelligent manufacturing. From the regular shaped feature to freeform surface feature, the feature technology has been used in manufacturing of complex parts, such as aircraft structural parts. The authors’ latest research in intelligent machining is presented through a new concept of multi-perspective dynamic feature (MpDF), for future discussion and communication with readers of this special issue. The MpDF concept has been implemented and tested in real examples from the aerospace industry, and has the potential to make promising impact on the future research in the new paradigm of intelligent machining. The authors of this paper are the guest editors of this special issue on computational numerical control machining. The guest editors have extensive and complementary experiences in both academia and industry, gained in China, USA and UK

    Constant probe orientation for fast contact-based inspection of 3D free-form surfaces using (3+2)-axis inspection machines

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    A new probe optimization method for contact based (3+2)-axis inspection machines is proposed. Given an inspection path of a stylus on a free-form surface, an optimal orientation of the stylus is computed such that (i) the inclination angle of the stylus is within a given angular range with respect to the surface normal, (ii) the motion of the stylus is globally collision free, and (iii) the stylus remains constant in the coordinate system of the measuring machine. The last condition guarantees that the inspection motion requires only the involvement of the three translational axes of the measuring machine. The numerical simulations were validated through physical experiments on a testcase of a tooth of a bevel gear due to the surface complexity and probe accessibility. This optimized method was compared to 3-axis and 5-axis inspection strategies, showing that the fixed (3+2)-axis stylus returns more accurate inspection results compared to the traditional 3-axis approach and similar to 5-axis approach

    A frame for a computer aided inspection planning system

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    Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM) inspection planning is an activity performed by well-trained operators, but different measurement techniques, using the same data analysis algorithms yield in different measurement results. This is a well-recognized source of uncertainty in coordinate measurement. A CMM, provided with an automatic inspection planning (CAIP) system, permits to implement more accurate and efficient operating procedures and to fit higher quality assurance standards and tighter production timings. In this paper we present a frame of a CAIP system, able to deal with almost all the decisional stages of CMM inspection. Moreover, original approaches have been developed and presented in inspection feature selection, part set -up, probe configuration, and path planning

    Automated NDT inspection for large and complex geometries of composite materials

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    Large components with complex geometries, made of composite materials, have become very common in modern structures. To cope with future demand projections, it is necessary to overcome the current non-destructive testing (NDT) bottlenecks encountered during the inspection phase of manufacture. This thesis investigates several aspects of the introduction of automation within the inspection process of complex parts. The use of six-axis robots for product inspection and non-destructive testing systems is the central investigation of this thesis. The challenges embraced by the research include the development of a novel controlling approach for robotic manipulators and of novel path-planning strategies. The integration of robot manipulators and NDT data acquisition instruments is optimized. An effective and reliable way to encode the NDT data through the interpolated robot feedback positions is implemented. The viability of the new external control method is evaluated experimentally. The observed maximum position and orientation errors are respectively within 2mm and within 1 degree, over an operating envelope of 3m³. A new software toolbox (RoboNDT), aimed at NDT technicians, has been developed during this work. RoboNDT is intended to transform the robot path-planning problem into an easy step of the inspection process. The software incorporates the novel path-planning algorithms developed during this research and is shaped to overcome practical limitations of current OLP software. The software has been experimentally validated using scans on real high value aerospace components. RoboNDT delivers tool-path errors that are lower than the errors given by commercial off-line path-planning software. For example the variability of the standoff is within 10 mm for the tool-paths created with the commercial software and within 4.5 mm for the RoboNDT tool-paths, over a scanned area of 1.6m². The output of this research was used to support a 3-year industrial project, called IntACom and led by TWI on behalf of major aerospace sponsors. The result is a demonstrator system, currently in use at TWI Technology Centre, which is capable of inspecting complex geometries with high throughput. The IntACom system can scan real components 2.8 times faster than traditional 3-DoF scanners deploying phased-array inspection and 6.7 times faster than commercial gantry systems deploying traditional single-element inspection.Large components with complex geometries, made of composite materials, have become very common in modern structures. To cope with future demand projections, it is necessary to overcome the current non-destructive testing (NDT) bottlenecks encountered during the inspection phase of manufacture. This thesis investigates several aspects of the introduction of automation within the inspection process of complex parts. The use of six-axis robots for product inspection and non-destructive testing systems is the central investigation of this thesis. The challenges embraced by the research include the development of a novel controlling approach for robotic manipulators and of novel path-planning strategies. The integration of robot manipulators and NDT data acquisition instruments is optimized. An effective and reliable way to encode the NDT data through the interpolated robot feedback positions is implemented. The viability of the new external control method is evaluated experimentally. The observed maximum position and orientation errors are respectively within 2mm and within 1 degree, over an operating envelope of 3m³. A new software toolbox (RoboNDT), aimed at NDT technicians, has been developed during this work. RoboNDT is intended to transform the robot path-planning problem into an easy step of the inspection process. The software incorporates the novel path-planning algorithms developed during this research and is shaped to overcome practical limitations of current OLP software. The software has been experimentally validated using scans on real high value aerospace components. RoboNDT delivers tool-path errors that are lower than the errors given by commercial off-line path-planning software. For example the variability of the standoff is within 10 mm for the tool-paths created with the commercial software and within 4.5 mm for the RoboNDT tool-paths, over a scanned area of 1.6m². The output of this research was used to support a 3-year industrial project, called IntACom and led by TWI on behalf of major aerospace sponsors. The result is a demonstrator system, currently in use at TWI Technology Centre, which is capable of inspecting complex geometries with high throughput. The IntACom system can scan real components 2.8 times faster than traditional 3-DoF scanners deploying phased-array inspection and 6.7 times faster than commercial gantry systems deploying traditional single-element inspection

    Integrated inpection of sculptured surface products using machine vision and a coordinate measuring machine

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    In modem manufacturing technology with increasing automation of manufacturing processes and operations, the need for automated measurement has become much more apparent. Computer measuring machines are one of the essential instruments for quality control and measurement of complex products, performing measurements that were previously laborious and time consuming. Inspection of sculptured surfaces can be time consuming since, for exact specification, an almost infinite number of points would be required. Automated measurement with a significant reduction of inspected points can be attempted if prior knowledge of the part shape is available. The use of a vision system can help to identify product shape and features but, unfortunately, the accuracy required is often insufficient. In this work a vision system used with a Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM), incorporating probing, has enabled fast and accurate measurements to be obtained. The part features have been enhanced by surface marking and a simple 2-D vision system has been utilised to identify part features. In order to accurately identify all parts of the product using the 2-D vision system, a multiple image superposition method has been developed which enables 100 per cent identification of surface features. A method has been developed to generate approximate 3-D surface position from prior knowledge of the product shape. A probing strategy has been developed which selects correct probe angle for optimum accuracy and access, together with methods and software for automated CMM code generation. This has enabled accurate measurement of product features with considerable reductions in inspection time. Several strategies for the determination and assessment of feature position errors have been investigated and a method using a 3-D least squares assessment has been found to be satisfactory. A graphical representation of the product model and errors has been developed using a 3-D solid modelling CAD system. The work has used golf balls and tooling as the product example

    Feature-based hybrid inspection planning for complex mechanical parts

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    Globalization and emerging new powers in the manufacturing world are among many challenges, major manufacturing enterprises are facing. This resulted in increased alternatives to satisfy customers\u27 growing needs regarding products\u27 aesthetic and functional requirements. Complexity of part design and engineering specifications to satisfy such needs often require a better use of advanced and more accurate tools to achieve good quality. Inspection is a crucial manufacturing function that should be further improved to cope with such challenges. Intelligent planning for inspection of parts with complex geometric shapes and free form surfaces using contact or non-contact devices is still a major challenge. Research in segmentation and localization techniques should also enable inspection systems to utilize modern measurement technologies capable of collecting huge number of measured points. Advanced digitization tools can be classified as contact or non-contact sensors. The purpose of this thesis is to develop a hybrid inspection planning system that benefits from the advantages of both techniques. Moreover, the minimization of deviation of measured part from the original CAD model is not the only characteristic that should be considered when implementing the localization process in order to accept or reject the part; geometric tolerances must also be considered. A segmentation technique that deals directly with the individual points is a necessary step in the developed inspection system, where the output is the actual measured points, not a tessellated model as commonly implemented by current segmentation tools. The contribution of this work is three folds. First, a knowledge-based system was developed for selecting the most suitable sensor using an inspection-specific features taxonomy in form of a 3D Matrix where each cell includes the corresponding knowledge rules and generate inspection tasks. A Travel Salesperson Problem (TSP) has been applied for sequencing these hybrid inspection tasks. A novel region-based segmentation algorithm was developed which deals directly with the measured point cloud and generates sub-point clouds, each of which represents a feature to be inspected and includes the original measured points. Finally, a new tolerance-based localization algorithm was developed to verify the functional requirements and was applied and tested using form tolerance specifications. This research enhances the existing inspection planning systems for complex mechanical parts with a hybrid inspection planning model. The main benefits of the developed segmentation and tolerance-based localization algorithms are the improvement of inspection decisions in order not to reject good parts that would have otherwise been rejected due to misleading results from currently available localization techniques. The better and more accurate inspection decisions achieved will lead to less scrap, which, in turn, will reduce the product cost and improve the company potential in the market

    Latest Developments in Industrial Hybrid Machine Tools that Combine Additive and Subtractive Operations

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    Hybrid machine tools combining additive and subtractive processes have arisen as a solution to increasing manufacture requirements, boosting the potentials of both technologies, while compensating and minimizing their limitations. Nevertheless, the idea of hybrid machines is relatively new and there is a notable lack of knowledge about the implications arisen from their in-practice use. Therefore, the main goal of the present paper is to fill the existing gap, giving an insight into the current advancements and pending tasks of hybrid machines both from an academic and industrial perspective. To that end, the technical-economical potentials and challenges emerging from their use are identified and critically discussed. In addition, the current situation and future perspectives of hybrid machines from the point of view of process planning, monitoring, and inspection are analyzed. On the one hand, it is found that hybrid machines enable a more efficient use of the resources available, as well as the production of previously unattainable complex parts. On the other hand, it is concluded that there are still some technological challenges derived from the interaction of additive and subtractive processes to be overcome (e.g., process planning, decision planning, use of cutting fluids, and need for a post-processing) before a full implantation of hybrid machines is fulfilledSpecial thanks are addressed to the Industry and Competitiveness Spanish Ministry for the support on the DPI2016-79889-R INTEGRADDI project and to the PARADDISE project H2020-IND-CE-2016-17/H2020-FOF-2016 of the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program
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