662 research outputs found

    On the Use of Optimization Techniques for Strategy Definition in Multi Issue Negotiations

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    Στην παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία αναλύεται το πρόβλημα της λήψης απόφασης σε συστήματα αυτόματων διαπραγματεύσεων. Σκοπός είναι να σχεδιαστεί ένας αποδοτικός αλγόριθμος βάσει του οποίου οι πράκτορες λογισμικού θα δρουν σε ένα σενάριο ταυτόχρονων διαπραγματεύσεων.Οι πράκτορες δεν έχουν καμία πληροφόρηση για τα χαρακτηριστικά των αντιπάλων.Οι διαπραγματεύσεις πραγματοποιούνται με απώτερο στόχο την ανταλλαγή προϊόντων μεταξύ αγοραστών και πωλητών με συγκεκριμένα ανταλλάγματα. Κάθε προϊόν χαρακτηρίζεται από μια ομάδα χαρακτηριστικών. Για παράδειγμα, ένα προϊόν μπορεί να χαρακτηριζεται από την τιμή, από το χρόνο παράδοσης, κλπ. Κάθε αγοραστής αντιστοιχίζεται στις αυτόματες διαπραγματεύσεις με έναν αριθμό πωλητών. Προτείνουμε αλγόριθμους που προσπαθούν να επιλύσουν το πρόβλημα προσέγγισης αβεβαιότητας με τελικό σκοπό τη μεγιστοποίηση της ανταμοιβής των χρηστών. Η ανταμοιβή υπολογίζεται ως το άθροισμα με τα αντίστοιχα βάρη των χαρακτηριστικών. Εστιάζουμε στην πλευρά του αγοραστή και ορίζουμε μεθοδους για τον υπολογισμό των βαρών που επηρεάζουν τη χρησιμότητα του χρήστη. Πιο συγκεκριμένα, προτείνουμε μεθόδους για την αλλαγή της στρατηγικής του αγοραστή με στόχο να προσεγγίσουμε την καλύτερη συμφωνία. Ακόμα, χρησιμοποείται ο αλγόριθμος της θεωρία του σμήνους (Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm) ώστε μέσω της κίνησης στο Ν-διαστατο χώρο να συγκλίνουν οι πράκτορες λογισμικού στη βέλτιστη συμφωνία. Παρουσιάζεται, τέλος, ένας αριθμός από πειράματα για τις προτεινόμενες μεθόδους για να αξιολογηθεί η απόδοσή τους και να συγκριθούν τα αποτελέσματα με τη σχετική βιβλιογραφία. In this thesis, we deal with the problem of decision making in automated negotiations. We consider the case where software agents undertake the responsibility of representing their owners in such negotiations. The final aim is to provide an efficient algorithm in which software agents will act in a scenario of concurrent negotiations. Agents have no knowledge on the opponents’ characteristics. Negotiations are held for the exchange of products between buyers and sellers with specific returns. Each product is characterized by a set of issues. For example, a product could be characterized by its price, delivery time, and so on. The buyer is involved in concurrent negotiations with a number of sellers. We propose algorithms that try to solve the problem of handling the uncertainty with the final aim of maximizing the entities rewards. The reward is calculated as a weighted sum of the discussed issue values. We focus on the buyer side and define specific methodologies for defining the weights that affect the utility of the buyer. Moreover, we propose a methodology for changing the strategy of the buyer in order to reach the optimal agreement. We are based on the widely known Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm that is implemented by software agents’ movements in N-dimensional space to reach the optimal solution. We present a number of experiments for the proposed methodologies that show their performance and we compare our results with results found in the literature

    A multi-demand negotiation model based on fuzzy rules elicited via psychological experiments

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    This paper proposes a multi-demand negotiation model that takes the effect of human users’ psychological characteristics into consideration. Specifically, in our model each negotiating agent's preference over its demands can be changed, according to human users’ attitudes to risk, patience and regret, during the course of a negotiation. And the change of preference structures is determined by fuzzy logic rules, which are elicited through our psychological experiments. The applicability of our model is illustrated by using our model to solve a problem of political negotiation between two countries. Moreover, we do lots of theoretical and empirical analyses to reveal some insights into our model. In addition, to compare our model with existing ones, we make a survey on fuzzy logic based negotiation, and discuss the similarities and differences between our negotiation model and various consensus models

    Efficient Communication in Agent-based Autonomous Logistic Processes

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    Transportation of goods plays a vital role for the success of a logistics network. The ability to transport goods quickly and cost effectively is one of the major requirements of the customers. Dynamics involved in the logistics process like change or cancellation of orders or uncertain information about the orders add to the complexity of the logistic network and can even reduce the efficiency of the entire logistics process. This brings about a need of integrating technology and making the system more autonomous to handle these dynamics and to reduce the complexity. Therefore, the distributed logistics routing protocol (DLRP) was developed at the University of Bremen. In this thesis, DLRP is extended with the concept of clustering of transport goods, two novel routing decision schemes and a negotiation process between the cluster of goods and the vehicle. DLRP provides the individual logistic entities the ability to perform routing tasks autonomously e.g., discovering the best route to the destination at the given time. Even though DLRP seems to solve the routing problem in real-time, the amount of message flooding involved in the route discovery process is enormous. This motivated the author to introduce a cluster-based routing approach using software agents. The DLRP along with the clustering algorithm is termed as the cluster-based DLRP. In the latter, the goods are first clustered into groups based on criteria such as the common destination. The routing is now handled by the cluster head rather than the individual transport goods which results in a reduced communication volume in the route discovery. The latter is proven by evaluating the performance of the cluster-based DLRP approach compared to the legacy DLRP. After the routing process is completed by the cluster heads, the next step is to improve the transport performance in the logistics network by identifying the best means to transport the clustered goods. For example, to have better utilization of the transport capacity, clusters can be transported together on a stretch of overlapping route. In order to make optimal transport decisions, the vehicle calculates the correlation metric of the routes selected by the various clusters. The correlation metric aids in identifying the clusters which can be transported together and thereby can result in better utilization of the transport resources. In turn, the transportation cost that has to be paid to the vehicle can be shared between the different clusters. The transportation cost for a stretch of route is calculated by the vehicle and offered to the cluster. The latter can decide based upon the transportation cost or the selected route whether to accept the transport offer from the vehicle or not. In this regard, different strategies are developed and investigated. Thereby a performance evaluation of the capacity utilization of the vehicle and the transportation cost incurred by the cluster is presented. Finally, the thesis introduces the concept of negotiation in the cluster based routing methods. The negotiation process enhances the transport decisions by giving the clusters and the vehicles the flexibility to negotiate the transportation cost. Thus, the focus of this part of the thesis is to analyse the negotiation strategies used by the logistics entities and their role in saving negotiation time while achieving a favorable transportation cost. In this regard, a performance evaluation of the different proposed strategies is presented, which in turn gives the logistics practitioners an overview of the best strategy to be deployed in various scenarios. Clustering of goods aid in the negotiation process as on the one hand, a group of transport goods have a stronger basis for negotiation to achieve a favorable transportation price from the vehicle. On the other hand it makes it easier for the vehicle to select the packages for transport and helps the vehicle to operate close to its capacity. In addition, clustering enables the negotiation process to be less complex and voluminous. From the analytical considerations and obtained results in the three parts of this thesis, it can be concluded that efficient transport decisions, though very complex in a logistics network, can be simplified to a certain extent utilizing the available information of the goods and vehicles in the network

    Modified bargaining protocols for automated negotiation in open multi-agent systems

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    Current research in multi-agent systems (MAS) has advanced to the development of open MAS, which are characterized by the heterogeneity of agents, free exit/entry and decentralized control. Conflicts of interest among agents are inevitable, and hence automated negotiation to resolve them is one of the promising solutions. This thesis studies three modifications on alternating-offer bargaining protocols for automated negotiation in open MAS. The long-term goal of this research is to design negotiation protocols which can be easily used by intelligent agents in accommodating their need in resolving their conflicts. In particular, we propose three modifications: allowing non-monotonic offers during the bargaining (non-monotonic-offers bargaining protocol), allowing strategic delay (delay-based bargaining protocol), and allowing strategic ignorance to augment argumentation when the bargaining comprises argumentation (ignorance-based argumentation-based negotiation protocol). Utility theory and decision-theoretic approaches are used in the theoretical analysis part, with an aim to prove the benefit of these three modifications in negotiation among myopic agents under uncertainty. Empirical studies by means of computer simulation are conducted in analyzing the cost and benefit of these modifications. Social agents, who use common human bargaining strategies, are the subjects of the simulation. In general, we assume that agents are bounded rational with various degrees of belief and trust toward their opponents. In particular in the study of the non-monotonic-offers bargaining protocol, we assume that our agents have diminishing surplus. We further assume that our agents have increasing surplus in the study of delay-based bargaining protocol. And in the study of ignorance-based argumentation-based negotiation protocol, we assume that agents may have different knowledge and use different ontologies and reasoning engines. Through theoretical analysis under various settings, we show the benefit of allowing these modifications in terms of agents’ expected surplus. And through simulation, we show the benefit of allowing these modifications in terms of social welfare (total surplus). Several implementation issues are then discussed, and their potential solutions in terms of some additional policies are proposed. Finally, we also suggest some future work which can potentially improve the reliability of these modifications

    A hybrid model of electronic negotiation : integration of negotiation support and automated negotiation models

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    Electronic business negotiations are enabled by different electronic negotiation models: automated negotiation models for software agents, negotiation support models for human negotiators, and auction models for both. To date, there is no electronic negotiation model that enables bilateral multi-issue negotiations between a human negotiator and a negotiation agent?an important task in electronic negotiation research. In this thesis, a model is presented that integrates the automated negotiation model and the negotiation support model. The resulting hybrid negotiation model paves the way for human-agent business negotiations. The integration of two models is realised at the levels of negotiation process, communication support and decision making. To this end, the negotiation design, negotiation process, negotiation decision making, and negotiation communication in negotiation support systems (NSSs) and agent negotiation systems (ANSs) are studied and analysed. The analyses on these points help in strengthening the motivation behind hybrid negotiation model and setting aims for the integration of an NSS and an ANS in hybrid negotiation model. We mainly propose a human-agent negotiation design, negotiation process protocols to support the design, a hybrid communication model for human-agent interaction, an agent decision-making model for negotiation with human, and a component for interoperability between NSS and ANS. The agent decision-making model is composed of heuristic and argumentation-based negotiation techniques. It is proposed after analysing different automated negotiation models for different human negotiation strategies. The proposed communication model supports human negotiator and negotiation agent to understand and process negotiation messages from each other. This communication model consists of negotiation ontology, a wrapper agent, and a proper selection of an agent communication language (ACL) and a content language. The wrapper agent plays a role for interoperability between agent system and NSS by providing a communication interface along with the negotiation ontology. The negotiation ontology, ACL and agent content language make the communication model of negotiation agent in ANS. The proposed hybrid model is realised by integrating an ANS into NSS Negoisst. The research aim is to show that a hybrid negotiation system, composed of two heterogeneous negotiation models, can enable human-agent multi-issue integrative negotiations.Elektronische ökonomische Verhandlungen werden durch verschiedene Verhandlungsmodelle ermöglicht: Automatisierte Verhandlungsmodelle für Softwareagenten, Verhandlungsunterstützung für menschliche Verhandelnde und Auktionsmodelle für Beide. Bis heute existiert kein elektronisches Verhandlungsmodell, das bilaterale multi-attributive Verhandlungen zwischen einem menschlichen Verhandelnden und einem Verhandlungsagenten ? eine wichtige Aufgabe in der Forschung im Bereich elektronischer Verhandlungen. In dieser Arbeit wird ein Modell präsentiert, welches das automatisierte Verhandlungsmodell und das Verhandlungsunterstützungsmodell integriert. Das resultierende hybride Verhandlungsmodell ebnet den Weg für ökonomische Mensch-Agent-Verhandlungen. Die Integration der zwei Modelle ist realisiert auf der Ebene von Verhandlungsprozess, Kommunikationsunterstützung und Entscheidungsunterstützung. Dazu werden Verhandlungsdesign, Verhandlungsprozess, verhandlungsbezogene Entscheidungsfindung und Verhandlungskommunikation in Verhandlungsunterstützungssystemen (NSS) und Agentenverhandlungssystemen (ANS) studiert und analysiert. Die Analysen zu diesen Punkten verstärken die Motivation hinter dem hybriden Verhandlungsmodell und bestimmen die Ziele für die Integration von NSS und ANS. Es werden hauptsächlich ein Mensch-Agent-Verhandlungsdesign, Verhandlungsprozessprotokolle zur Unterstützung des Designs, ein hybrides Kommunikationsmodell für Mensch-Agent-Kommunikation, ein Agenten-Entscheidungsmodell für die Verhandlung mit menschlichem Gegenpart und eine Komponente für die Interoperabilität zwischen NSS und ANS. Das Entscheidungsmodell für Agenten besteht aus heuristischen und argumentativen Verhandlungstechniken. Es wird aufgestellt nachdem verschiedene automatisierte Verhandlungsmodelle für verschiedene menschliche Verhandlungsstrategien analysiert worden sind. Die vorgeschlagenen Kommunikationsmodelle unterstützen menschliche Verhandler und Verhandlungsagenten dabei Verhandlungsnachrichten voneinander zu verstehen und zu verarbeiten. Dieses Kommunikationsmodell besteht aus einer Verhandlungsontologie, einem Wrapper-Agenten und einer angemessenen Auswahl der Agentenkommunikationssprache (ACL) und der Inhaltssprache. Der Wrapper-Agent spielt eine Rolle bei der Interoperabilität zwischen dem Agentensystem und dem NSS durch eine Kommunikationsschnittstelle zusammen mit der Verhandlungsontologie. Die Verhandlungsontologie, die ACL und die Inhaltssprache der Agenten ergeben das Kommunikationsmodell der Verhandlungsagenten im ANS. Das vorgestellte hybride Modell ist realisiert als Integration eines ANS in das NSS Negoisst. Das Forschungsziel ist zu zeigen, dass ein hybrides Verhandlungssystem, basierend auf zwei heterogenen Verhandlungsmodellen, integrative multi-attributive Mensch-Agent-Verhandlungen ermöglicht

    A hybrid model of electronic negotiation : integration of negotiation support and automated negotiation models

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    Electronic business negotiations are enabled by different electronic negotiation models: automated negotiation models for software agents, negotiation support models for human negotiators, and auction models for both. To date, there is no electronic negotiation model that enables bilateral multi-issue negotiations between a human negotiator and a negotiation agent?an important task in electronic negotiation research. In this thesis, a model is presented that integrates the automated negotiation model and the negotiation support model. The resulting hybrid negotiation model paves the way for human-agent business negotiations. The integration of two models is realised at the levels of negotiation process, communication support and decision making. To this end, the negotiation design, negotiation process, negotiation decision making, and negotiation communication in negotiation support systems (NSSs) and agent negotiation systems (ANSs) are studied and analysed. The analyses on these points help in strengthening the motivation behind hybrid negotiation model and setting aims for the integration of an NSS and an ANS in hybrid negotiation model. We mainly propose a human-agent negotiation design, negotiation process protocols to support the design, a hybrid communication model for human-agent interaction, an agent decision-making model for negotiation with human, and a component for interoperability between NSS and ANS. The agent decision-making model is composed of heuristic and argumentation-based negotiation techniques. It is proposed after analysing different automated negotiation models for different human negotiation strategies. The proposed communication model supports human negotiator and negotiation agent to understand and process negotiation messages from each other. This communication model consists of negotiation ontology, a wrapper agent, and a proper selection of an agent communication language (ACL) and a content language. The wrapper agent plays a role for interoperability between agent system and NSS by providing a communication interface along with the negotiation ontology. The negotiation ontology, ACL and agent content language make the communication model of negotiation agent in ANS. The proposed hybrid model is realised by integrating an ANS into NSS Negoisst. The research aim is to show that a hybrid negotiation system, composed of two heterogeneous negotiation models, can enable human-agent multi-issue integrative negotiations.Elektronische ökonomische Verhandlungen werden durch verschiedene Verhandlungsmodelle ermöglicht: Automatisierte Verhandlungsmodelle für Softwareagenten, Verhandlungsunterstützung für menschliche Verhandelnde und Auktionsmodelle für Beide. Bis heute existiert kein elektronisches Verhandlungsmodell, das bilaterale multi-attributive Verhandlungen zwischen einem menschlichen Verhandelnden und einem Verhandlungsagenten ? eine wichtige Aufgabe in der Forschung im Bereich elektronischer Verhandlungen. In dieser Arbeit wird ein Modell präsentiert, welches das automatisierte Verhandlungsmodell und das Verhandlungsunterstützungsmodell integriert. Das resultierende hybride Verhandlungsmodell ebnet den Weg für ökonomische Mensch-Agent-Verhandlungen. Die Integration der zwei Modelle ist realisiert auf der Ebene von Verhandlungsprozess, Kommunikationsunterstützung und Entscheidungsunterstützung. Dazu werden Verhandlungsdesign, Verhandlungsprozess, verhandlungsbezogene Entscheidungsfindung und Verhandlungskommunikation in Verhandlungsunterstützungssystemen (NSS) und Agentenverhandlungssystemen (ANS) studiert und analysiert. Die Analysen zu diesen Punkten verstärken die Motivation hinter dem hybriden Verhandlungsmodell und bestimmen die Ziele für die Integration von NSS und ANS. Es werden hauptsächlich ein Mensch-Agent-Verhandlungsdesign, Verhandlungsprozessprotokolle zur Unterstützung des Designs, ein hybrides Kommunikationsmodell für Mensch-Agent-Kommunikation, ein Agenten-Entscheidungsmodell für die Verhandlung mit menschlichem Gegenpart und eine Komponente für die Interoperabilität zwischen NSS und ANS. Das Entscheidungsmodell für Agenten besteht aus heuristischen und argumentativen Verhandlungstechniken. Es wird aufgestellt nachdem verschiedene automatisierte Verhandlungsmodelle für verschiedene menschliche Verhandlungsstrategien analysiert worden sind. Die vorgeschlagenen Kommunikationsmodelle unterstützen menschliche Verhandler und Verhandlungsagenten dabei Verhandlungsnachrichten voneinander zu verstehen und zu verarbeiten. Dieses Kommunikationsmodell besteht aus einer Verhandlungsontologie, einem Wrapper-Agenten und einer angemessenen Auswahl der Agentenkommunikationssprache (ACL) und der Inhaltssprache. Der Wrapper-Agent spielt eine Rolle bei der Interoperabilität zwischen dem Agentensystem und dem NSS durch eine Kommunikationsschnittstelle zusammen mit der Verhandlungsontologie. Die Verhandlungsontologie, die ACL und die Inhaltssprache der Agenten ergeben das Kommunikationsmodell der Verhandlungsagenten im ANS. Das vorgestellte hybride Modell ist realisiert als Integration eines ANS in das NSS Negoisst. Das Forschungsziel ist zu zeigen, dass ein hybrides Verhandlungssystem, basierend auf zwei heterogenen Verhandlungsmodellen, integrative multi-attributive Mensch-Agent-Verhandlungen ermöglicht

    Studying the Impact of Negotiation Environments on Negotiation Teams' Performance

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    [EN] In this article we study the impact of the negotiation environment on the performance of several intra-team strategies (team dynamics) for agent-based negotiation teams that negotiate with an opponent. An agent-based negotiation team is a group of agents that joins together as a party because they share common interests in the negotiation at hand. It is experimentally shown how negotiation environment conditions like the deadline of both parties, the concession speed of the opponent, similarity among team members, and team size affect performance metrics like the minimum utility of team members, the average utility of team members, and the number of negotiation rounds. Our goal is identifying which intra-team strategies work better in different environmental conditions in order to provide useful knowledge for team members to select appropriate intra-team strategies according to environmental conditions.This work is supported by TIN2011-27652-C03-01, TIN2009-13839-C03-01, CSD2007-00022 of the Spanish Government, and FPU Grant AP2008-00600 awarded to Victor Sanchez-Anguix. We would also like to thank anonymous reviewers and assistants of AAMAS 2011 who helped us to improve our previous work, making this present work possible.Sanchez-Anguix, V.; Julian Inglada, VJ.; Botti, V.; García-Fornes, A. (2013). Studying the impact of negotiation environments on negotiation teams' performance. Information Sciences. 219:17-40. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ins.2012.07.017S174021

    Complex negotiations in multi-agent systems

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    Los sistemas multi-agente (SMA) son sistemas distribuidos donde entidades autónomas llamadas agentes, ya sean humanos o software, persiguen sus propios objetivos. El paradigma de SMA ha sido propuesto como la aproximación de modelo apropiada para aplicaciones como el comercio electrónico, los sistemas multi-robot, aplicaciones de seguridad, etc. En la comunidad de SMA, la visión de sistemas multi-agente abiertos, donde agentes heterogéneos pueden entrar y salir del sistema dinámicamente, ha cobrado fuerza como paradigma de modelado debido a su relación conceptual con tecnologías como la Web, la computación grid, y las organizaciones virtuales. Debido a la heterogeneidad de los agentes, y al hecho de dirigirse por sus propios objetivos, el conflicto es un fenómeno candidato a aparecer en los sistemas multi-agente. En los últimos años, el término tecnologías del acuerdo ha sido usado para referirse a todos aquellos mecanismos que, directa o indirectamente, promueven la resolución de conflictos en sistemas computacionales como los sistemas multi-agente. Entre las tecnologías del acuerdo, la negociación automática ha sido propuesta como uno de los mecanismos clave en la resolución de conflictos debido a su uso análogo en la resolución de conflictos entre humanos. La negociación automática consiste en el intercambio automático de propuestas llevado a cabo por agentes software en nombre de sus usuarios. El objetivo final es conseguir un acuerdo con todas las partes involucradas. Pese a haber sido estudiada por la Inteligencia Artificial durante años, distintos problemas todavía no han sido resueltos por la comunidad científica todavía. El principal objetivo de esta tesis es proponer modelos de negociación para escenarios complejos donde la complejidad deriva de (1) las limitaciones computacionales o (ii) la necesidad de representar las preferencias de múltiples individuos. En la primera parte de esta tesis proponemos un modelo de negociación bilateral para el problema deSánchez Anguix, V. (2013). Complex negotiations in multi-agent systems [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/21570Palanci