580 research outputs found

    Computational design contributions of integrative architectural and urban digital design methodology based on satellite images

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    This study is based on innovative researches and combines technology, methodologies and means which are used in different sciences and processes such as informatics and computational processes, telegeoprocessing–telegeomonitoring technologies, survey science methodologies, urban and regional planning techniques in order to describe computational processes of innovative digital integrative design. This procedure refers to aspects of digital integrative design – modeling and simulation of a built-up architectural or urban area. These aspects concern a modeling process based on satellite images and specifically developed computational interfaces adapted to a CAD system, such as DTM’s mesh control points, conversion from geodetic to cartesian coordinates, bitmap adjustment to the buildings facades and surfaces normals handling, taking into account techniques that refer to other sciences such as survey, maths, astronomy and computer science. This modeling process is supported by an innovated proposed procedure that transfers remotely spatial data collected from the field (geographical coordinates and relative measurements taken in place) directly into a modeling system in order to model architectural entities and simulate simultaneously qualitative characteristics of an urban space (sound, temperature, humidity, etc) in real-time

    User modeling In adaptive hypermedia educational systems

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    This document is a survey in the research area of User Modeling (UM) for the specific field of Adaptive Learning. The aims of this document are: To define what it is a User Model; To present existing and well known User Models; To analyze the existent standards related with UM; To compare existing systems. In the scientific area of User Modeling (UM), numerous research and developed systems already seem to promise good results, but some experimentation and implementation are still necessary to conclude about the utility of the UM. That is, the experimentation and implementation of these systems are still very scarce to determine the utility of some of the referred applications. At present, the Student Modeling research goes in the direction to make possible reuse a student model in different systems. The standards are more and more relevant for this effect, allowing systems communicate and to share data, components and structures, at syntax and semantic level, even if most of them still only allow syntax integration

    Computer-based assessment system for e-learning applied to programming education

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    Tese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Informática e Computação. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 201

    Ohjelmistoratkaisu vuorovaikutteisiin WWW-pohjaisiin itseopiskelusovelluksiin

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    This thesis deals with computer-based education of acoustics and digital signal processing. The focus throughout the thesis is on interactive, self-study web-based applications even though many issues are of more general nature as well. The emphasis is especially on describing interactivity while using educational applications and the use of log information for evaluation of learning. The goal for the thesis has been to develop a web-based solution for audio signal processing education with emphasis on advanced, intelligent interactivity. The basis for this interactivity is the double agent architecture for web applications. The architecture allows the control of the interaction process by means of logs and using them as a basis for content adaptation. Furthermore, the novelty of this method is its applicability to evaluation of learning. The log information, provided by the architecture, can be used for on-line evaluation of users' requests and thus provides means for content adaptation. Furthermore, the log information can also be post-processed and used for off-line evaluation of the learning process by both teachers as well as students themselves. The latter has also pedagogical importance supporting the development of self-reflection and metacognitive skills.Työ käsittelee akustiikan ja digitaalisen signaalinkäsittelyn tietokonevusteista opetusta. Painopiste on kautta linjan vuorovaikutteisissa, itseopiskeluun tarkoitetuissa WWW-sovelluksissa, vaikka työssä käsitellään aihepiiriä laajemminkin. Työ keskittyy erityisesti vuorovaikutteisuuden kuvaamiseen ohjelmistoa käytettäessä sekä käytön yhteydessä saatavan lokitiedon hyödyntämiseen oppimisen arvioinnissa. Työn tavoitteena on ollut kehittää etenkin audiosignaalinkäsittelyyn soveltuva ohjelmistoratkaisu hyödyntämällä nykyaikaista WWW-teknologiaa. Avainasemassa on ollut pyrkiä kehittämään nimenomaan älykkään vuorovaikutteisuuden kuvaamiseen sopiva ratkaisu. Vuorovaikutteisuuden perustana toimii WWW-sovelluksille suunniteltu ns. kaksoisagenttiarkkitehtuuri. Arkkitehtuuri mahdollistaa vuorovaikutusprosessin ja sisällön ohjaamisen lokitiedon avulla. Menetelmän keskeisin uusi oivallus on tämän lokitiedon käyttö oppimisen arviointiin. Lokitiedot mahdollistavat sekä reaaliaikaisen käyttäjien toimien analysoinnin ja sisältömateriaalin muokkaamisen tämän mukaisesti, että jälkikäteen tapahtuvan oppimisprosessin arvioinnin. Arviointia voivat jälkikäteen tehdä sekä oppimateriaalin tuottajat (opettajat) että oppimateriaalin käyttäjät (opiskelijat) itsearviointina. Tällä on oppimisen kannalta tärkeä merkitys ns. metakognitiivisten taitojen kehittymiselle

    Applying Recommender Systems and Adaptive Hypermedia for e-Learning Personalizatio

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    Learners learn differently because they are different -- and they grow more distinctive as they mature. Personalized learning occurs when e-learning systems make deliberate efforts to design educational experiences that fit the needs, goals, talents, and interests of their learners. Researchers had recently begun to investigate various techniques to help teachers improve e-learning systems. In this paper we present our design and implementation of an adaptive and intelligent web-based programming tutoring system -- Protus, which applies recommendation and adaptive hypermedia techniques. This system aims at automatically guiding the learner's activities and recommend relevant links and actions to him/her during the learning process. Experiments on real data sets show the suitability of using both recommendation and hypermedia techniques in order to suggest online learning activities to learners based on their preferences, knowledge and the opinions of the users with similar characteristics

    Computer-based assessment system for e-learning applied to programming education

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    Tese de Mestrado Integrado. Engenharia Informática e Computação. Faculdade de Engemharia. Universidade do Porto. 201

    Process control and configuration of a reconfigurable production system using a multi-agent software system

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    Thesis (M. Tech. (Information Technology)) -- Central University of technology, Free State, 2011Traditional designs for component-handling platforms are rigidly linked to the product being produced. Control and monitoring methods for these platforms consist of various proprietary hardware controllers containing the control logic for the production process. Should the configuration of the component handling platform change, the controllers need to be taken offline and reprogrammed to take the changes into account. The current thinking in component-handling system design is the notion of re-configurability. Reconfigurability means that with minimum or no downtime the system can be adapted to produce another product type or overcome a device failure. The re-configurable component handling platform is built-up from groups of independent devices. These groups or cells are each responsible for some aspect of the overall production process. By moving or swopping different versions of these cells within the component-handling platform, re-configurability is achieved. Such a dynamic system requires a flexible communications platform and high-level software control architecture to accommodate the reconfigurable nature of the system. This work represents the design and testing of the core of a re-configurable production control software platform. Multiple software components work together to control and monitor a re-configurable component handling platform. The design and implementation of a production database, production ontology, communications architecture and the core multi-agent control application linking all these components together is presented

    Authentication/authorization issues and fulltext document migration for the CERN Document Server

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    This thesis describes a master degree project, ending studies at Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca of Computer Science, Milano. This work has been realized at the European Organization of Nuclear Research (CERN), in Geneva. The aim of the project was to enhance CDS Invenio, a digital library software developed by CERN, in the authentication/authorization area, to develop an automatic migration tool for moving documents from the legacy architecture and to develop an extension to Python in C for solving indexing time issues

    Activity Report: Automatic Control 2009

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