690 research outputs found

    RFID based systematic student's attendance management system

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    Most educational institutions’ administrators are concerned about student irregular attendance. Truancies can affect student overall academic performance. The conventional method of taking attendance by calling names or signing on paper is very time consuming and insecure, hence inefficient. Therefore, computer-based student attendance management system is required to assist the faculty and the lecturer for this time-consuming process. For this project, RFID based systematic student’s attendance management system can provide much convenient method to take attendance, but some prerequisites has to be done before start using the program. Although the use of RFID systems in educational institutions is not new, it is intended to show how the use of it came to solve daily problems in our university. Assisted by the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) methodology, the system has been built using the web-based applications such as JSP, MySQL and Apache to cater the recording and reporting of the students’ attendances. NetBeans IDE 6.1 is used for developing the overall system, MySQL as the database and Java act as the scripting programming language. RFID Based Systematic Student’s Attendance Management System was built using open source software and it will reduce the cost of development process. The system can be easily accessed by the lecturers via the web and most importantly, the reports can be generated in real-time processing, thus, providing valuable information about the students’ commitments in attending the classes

    A Survey of Smart Classroom Literature

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    Recently, there has been a substantial amount of research on smart classrooms, encompassing a number of areas, including Information and Communication Technology, Machine Learning, Sensor Networks, Cloud Computing, and Hardware. Smart classroom research has been quickly implemented to enhance education systems, resulting in higher engagement and empowerment of students, educators, and administrators. Despite decades of using emerging technology to improve teaching practices, critics often point out that methods miss adequate theoretical and technical foundations. As a result, there have been a number of conflicting reviews on different perspectives of smart classrooms. For a realistic smart classroom approach, a piecemeal implementation is insufficient. This survey contributes to the current literature by presenting a comprehensive analysis of various disciplines using a standard terminology and taxonomy. This multi-field study reveals new research possibilities and problems that must be tackled in order to integrate interdisciplinary works in a synergic manner. Our analysis shows that smart classroom is a rapidly developing research area that complements a number of emerging technologies. Moreover, this paper also describes the co-occurrence network of technological keywords using VOSviewer for an in-depth analysis

    Low-Cost Active Monitoring of Attendance using Passive RFID Technology

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    In this paper, a smart attendance system for students attending schools is proposed. The proposed attendance system is based on Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology to facilitate automation and convenience. The proposed RFID Attendance System (RFID-AS) should be used by school administration to ensure safety for students as well as using it for grading and evaluation purposes. After careful study, passive RFID technology is selected to be used by the proposed system for its reasonable cost. The main components of the system are an RFID tag, an RFID reader, Visual Studio (XAF Tool), and SQL Server to compare the data from the RFID tag with the students’ database to record attendance automatically. A Graphical User Interface (GUI) is developed using Visual Studio (XAF Tool) to allow parents and school faculty to log in and browse the students’ records. Students will pass the classroom door, which will have an integrated RFID reader device to read their RFID. The paper discusses the design of the solution as well as the testing scenarios

    The Effect of the Internet of Things (IoT) on Education Business Model

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    The introduction of the Internet of Things (IoT) in education, which allows Internet based communications to happen between physical objects, sensors and controllers, has changed educational institutions massively. By embedding sensors in objects and integrating cloud computing, augmented reality, wearable technologies and big data in this platform, different parameters of the educational environment can be measured and analysed to provide useful information. It also has created a new interaction between people and the environment in educational organisation. In this research based on the recent IoT projects in education, we will categorize the application of IoT in education into four groups: energy management and real time ecosystem monitoring, monitoring student’s healthcare, classroom access control and improving teaching and learning. We will investigate and analyse how this platform has changed the Education Business Model and added new value propositions in such organizations based on the Canvas Business Model

    IoT Based Smart Classroom

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    A classroom is a place where there is always room for development; therefore just as the development for a student results in the ease of living, similarly a smart classroom focuses on the structural development leading to effective time and energy utilization. This project offers three major upgradation in classroom; the first being able to book a classroom dynamically using Raspberry Pi and toggling lights and fans using NodeMCU and a mobile application which also helps notify a student about the subject of the lecture, the time and the venue related to the commencement of a period. The second section of this project inputs the attendance of a student check in, using a portable real-time biometric system whose data can further be used to calculate the attendance statistics of each student which can be viewed by the respective student or the teachers can keep a track on their own assigned class using the mobile application. And the last part of the project focuses on keeping track of all the lights and fans, which are on after the lecture. After the lecture is done, it will check the status of the room, whether some other teacher for some other subject is using the lecture hall. Also when the teacher ends the class, the lights and fans will be switched off after 5 minutes buffer provided for the students to checkout. It will wait for 15 minutes and if it still does not receive any request then it will switch off the lights and fans of that particular lecture hall

    Face Recognition Based Attendance System Using Histogram of Oriented Gradients and Linear Support Vector Machine

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    In the 21st century, modern technology is playing an important role in providing innovative on traditional challenges across various domains or sectors. One such challenging task is of daily attendance marking and tracking. Manual attendance requires efforts and it is time-consuming. Sometimes attendance cannot be mark due to human errors. Relying on voice, iris, or fingerprint recognition, increases the complexity and the hardware infrastructure of the system and also increases the cost. To effectively address such issues, we have developed a “Camera based Attendance System”. This system encompasses several crucial stages, including data entry, dataset of multiple people. It is an image-based face recognition system for marking attendance on the SQL database. It excels in detecting and recognizing multiple individuals faces from image and comparing it with the dataset for accurately marking the attendance. This makes the attendance marking process fully automatic. Remarkably, our proposed system attains an impressive recognition and provides the accuracy of approximately 95%. With this solution, daily attendance marking and recording becomes effortless and the stored attendance record can be also used in future if require, eliminating the risk of attendance not getting marked due to human error.&nbsp

    Engineering Design Process of Arduino Uno-based Smart Classroom Technology

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    The important role of higher education in the 21 st century is to participate in educating the public through the development of research results, therefore the Department of Electrical Engineering at the Raja Ali Haji Maritime University emphasizes the importance of implementing an engineering design process to be able to produce technology-based innovations needed by society. This research is a form of higher education contribution in improving student learning outcomes in elementary schools, through the provision of facilities in classrooms. Technology in schools is one of the driving forces for advancing education in schools and is expected to be able to change the mindset of students at Government Primary School (SD Negeri) 011 Tanjungpinang Timur to get to know technology more. It can be said that to realize the perfection of students, in addition to learning activities, supporting facilities are also needed at school according to technological developments. It is hoped that the facilities in technology-based schools will be able to encourage students to be more enthusiastic about learning, have a desire to know developments in the world of technology and change their mindset towards the use of technology in everyday life. From the observations, it was found that the main problem was the minimal use of technology in schools. With these technological problems, this study will design technology-based prototypes, namely smart classrooms based on Arduino Uno, with the aim of making it easier for teachers to turn on electrical equipment in class without direct contact with switches. The intelligent classroom system design uses the Arduino uno as a controller, the HC-06 bluetooth module as a liaison for the user's android with the Arduino Uno, and the boarduino application as a command from the android via bluetooth transmission medi
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