1,135 research outputs found

    Automatic text categorisation of racist webpages

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    Automatic Text Categorisation (TC) involves the assignment of one or more predefined categories to text documents in order that they can be effectively managed. In this thesis we examine the possibility of applying automatic text categorisation to the problem of categorising texts (web pages) based on whether or not they are racist. TC has proven successful for topic-based problems such as news story categorisation. However, the problem of detecting racism is dissimilar to topic-based problems in that lexical items present in racist documents can also appear in anti-racist documents or indeed potentially any document. The mere presence of a potentially racist term does not necessarily mean the document is racist. The difficulty is finding what discerns racist documents from non-racist. We use a machine learning method called Support Vector Machines (SVM) to automatically learn features of racism in order to be capable of making a decision about the target class of unseen documents. We examine various representations within an SVM so as to identify the most effective method for handling this problem. Our work shows that it is possible to develop automatic categorisation of web pages, based on these approache

    Support vector machine based classification in condition monitoring of induction motors

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    Continuous and trouble-free operation of induction motors is an essential part of modern power and production plants. Faults and failures of electrical machinery may cause remarkable economical losses but also highly dangerous situations. In addition to analytical and knowledge-based models, application of data-based models has established a firm position in the induction motor fault diagnostics during the last decade. For example, pattern recognition with Neural Networks (NN) is widely studied. Support Vector Machine (SVM) is a novel machine learning method introduced in early 90's. It is based on the statistical learning theory presented by V.N. Vapnik, and it has been successfully applied to numerous classification and pattern recognition problems such as text categorization, image recognition and bioinformatics. SVM based classifier is built to minimize the structural misclassification risk, whereas conventional classification techniques often apply minimization of the empirical risk. Therefore, SVM is claimed to lead enhanced generalisation properties. Further, application of SVM results in the global solution for a classification problem. Thirdly, SVM based classification is attractive, because its efficiency does not directly depend on the dimension of classified entities. This property is very useful in fault diagnostics, because the number of fault classification features does not have to be drastically limited. However, SVM has not yet been widely studied in the area of fault diagnostics. Specifically, in the condition monitoring of induction motor, it does not seem to have been considered before this research. In this thesis, a SVM based classification scheme is designed for different tasks in induction motor fault diagnostics and for partial discharge analysis of insulation condition monitoring. Several variables are compared as fault indicators, and forces on rotor are found to be important in fault detection instead of motor current that is currently widely studied. The measurement of forces is difficult, but easily measurable vibrations are directly related to the forces. Hence, vibration monitoring is considered in more detail as the medium for the motor fault diagnostics. SVM classifiers are essentially 2-class classifiers. In addition to the induction motor fault diagnostics, the results of this thesis cover various methods for coupling SVMs for carrying out a multi-class classification problem.reviewe

    Exact heat kernel on a hypersphere and its applications in kernel SVM

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    Many contemporary statistical learning methods assume a Euclidean feature space. This paper presents a method for defining similarity based on hyperspherical geometry and shows that it often improves the performance of support vector machine compared to other competing similarity measures. Specifically, the idea of using heat diffusion on a hypersphere to measure similarity has been previously proposed, demonstrating promising results based on a heuristic heat kernel obtained from the zeroth order parametrix expansion; however, how well this heuristic kernel agrees with the exact hyperspherical heat kernel remains unknown. This paper presents a higher order parametrix expansion of the heat kernel on a unit hypersphere and discusses several problems associated with this expansion method. We then compare the heuristic kernel with an exact form of the heat kernel expressed in terms of a uniformly and absolutely convergent series in high-dimensional angular momentum eigenmodes. Being a natural measure of similarity between sample points dwelling on a hypersphere, the exact kernel often shows superior performance in kernel SVM classifications applied to text mining, tumor somatic mutation imputation, and stock market analysis

    Automatic Emphysema Detection using Weakly Labeled HRCT Lung Images

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    A method for automatically quantifying emphysema regions using High-Resolution Computed Tomography (HRCT) scans of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) that does not require manually annotated scans for training is presented. HRCT scans of controls and of COPD patients with diverse disease severity are acquired at two different centers. Textural features from co-occurrence matrices and Gaussian filter banks are used to characterize the lung parenchyma in the scans. Two robust versions of multiple instance learning (MIL) classifiers, miSVM and MILES, are investigated. The classifiers are trained with the weak labels extracted from the forced expiratory volume in one minute (FEV1_1) and diffusing capacity of the lungs for carbon monoxide (DLCO). At test time, the classifiers output a patient label indicating overall COPD diagnosis and local labels indicating the presence of emphysema. The classifier performance is compared with manual annotations by two radiologists, a classical density based method, and pulmonary function tests (PFTs). The miSVM classifier performed better than MILES on both patient and emphysema classification. The classifier has a stronger correlation with PFT than the density based method, the percentage of emphysema in the intersection of annotations from both radiologists, and the percentage of emphysema annotated by one of the radiologists. The correlation between the classifier and the PFT is only outperformed by the second radiologist. The method is therefore promising for facilitating assessment of emphysema and reducing inter-observer variability.Comment: Accepted at PLoS ON

    Theoretical results on a weightless neural classifier and application to computational linguistics

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    WiSARD é um classificador n-upla, historicamente usado em tarefas de reconhecimento de padrões em imagens em preto e branco. Infelizmente, não era comum que este fosse usado em outras tarefas, devido á sua incapacidade de arcar com grandes volumes de dados por ser sensível ao conteúdo aprendido. Recentemente, a técnica de bleaching foi concebida como uma melhoria à arquitetura do classificador n-upla, como um meio de coibir a sensibilidade da WiSARD. Desde então, houve um aumento na gama de aplicações construídas com este sistema de aprendizado. Pelo uso frequente de corpora bastante grandes, a etiquetação gramatical multilíngue encaixa-se neste grupo de aplicações. Esta tese aprimora o mWANN-Tagger, um etiquetador gramatical sem peso proposto em 2012. Este texto mostra que a pesquisa em etiquetação multilíngue com WiSARD foi intensificada através do uso de linguística quantitativa e que uma configuração de parâmetros universal foi encontrada para o mWANN-Tagger. Análises e experimentos com as bases da Universal Dependencies (UD) mostram que o mWANN-Tagger tem potencial para superar os etiquetadores do estado da arte dada uma melhor representação de palavra. Esta tese também almeja avaliar as vantagens do bleaching em relação ao modelo tradicional através do arcabouço teórico da teoria VC. As dimensões VC destes foram calculadas, atestando-se que um classificador n-upla, seja WiSARD ou com bleaching, que possua N memórias endereçadas por n-uplas binárias tem uma dimensão VC de exatamente N (2n − 1) + 1. Um paralelo foi então estabelecido entre ambos os modelos, onde deduziu-se que a técnica de bleaching é uma melhoria ao método n-upla que não causa prejuízos à sua capacidade de aprendizado.WiSARD é um classificador n-upla, historicamente usado em tarefas de reconhecimento de padrões em imagens em preto e branco. Infelizmente, não era comum que este fosse usado em outras tarefas, devido á sua incapacidade de arcar com grandes volumes de dados por ser sensível ao conteúdo aprendido. Recentemente, a técnica de bleaching foi concebida como uma melhoria à arquitetura do classificador n-upla, como um meio de coibir a sensibilidade da WiSARD. Desde então, houve um aumento na gama de aplicações construídas com este sistema de aprendizado. Pelo uso frequente de corpora bastante grandes, a etiquetação gramatical multilíngue encaixa-se neste grupo de aplicações. Esta tese aprimora o mWANN-Tagger, um etiquetador gramatical sem peso proposto em 2012. Este texto mostra que a pesquisa em etiquetação multilíngue com WiSARD foi intensificada através do uso de linguística quantitativa e que uma configuração de parâmetros universal foi encontrada para o mWANN-Tagger. Análises e experimentos com as bases da Universal Dependencies (UD) mostram que o mWANN-Tagger tem potencial para superar os etiquetadores do estado da arte dada uma melhor representação de palavra. Esta tese também almeja avaliar as vantagens do bleaching em relação ao modelo tradicional através do arcabouço teórico da teoria VC. As dimensões VC destes foram calculadas, atestando-se que um classificador n-upla, seja WiSARD ou com bleaching, que possua N memórias endereçadas por n-uplas binárias tem uma dimensão VC de exatamente N (2n − 1) + 1. Um paralelo foi então estabelecido entre ambos os modelos, onde deduziu-se que a técnica de bleaching é uma melhoria ao método n-upla que não causa prejuízos à sua capacidade de aprendizado

    Accelerated Particle Swarm Optimization and Support Vector Machine for Business Optimization and Applications

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    Business optimization is becoming increasingly important because all business activities aim to maximize the profit and performance of products and services, under limited resources and appropriate constraints. Recent developments in support vector machine and metaheuristics show many advantages of these techniques. In particular, particle swarm optimization is now widely used in solving tough optimization problems. In this paper, we use a combination of a recently developed Accelerated PSO and a nonlinear support vector machine to form a framework for solving business optimization problems. We first apply the proposed APSO-SVM to production optimization, and then use it for income prediction and project scheduling. We also carry out some parametric studies and discuss the advantages of the proposed metaheuristic SVM.Comment: 12 page