406 research outputs found

    Aplicación de la celulosa bacteriana a la restauración del patrimonio bibliográfico y documental en papel

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    La preservación del patrimonio bibliográfico y documental en papel es uno de los mayores retos a los que se enfrentan bibliotecas y archivos de todo el mundo. La búsqueda de soluciones al problema del papel degradado ha sido abordada históricamente desde dos líneas de trabajo predominantes: la conservación de estos documentos mediante la neutralización de los ácidos presentes en ellos con agentes alcalinos, y su restauración mediante el método de laminación fundamentalmente con papel de origen vegetal. Sin embargo, no se ha explorado con éxito la posibilidad de reforzar la celulosa dañada, y el problema sigue sin encontrar una solución satisfactoria. Hasta el día de hoy, el desarrollo de tratamientos basados en biotecnología en la conservación del patrimonio documental ha sido muy escaso, aunque la capacidad de ciertas bacterias de producir celulosa lleva a plantear su uso en el campo de la conservación y restauración del papel. La celulosa bacteriana (CB) es químicamente idéntica a la celulosa vegetal, pero su organización macroscópica es diferente. Sus propiedades únicas (alto grado de cristalinidad, durabilidad, resistencia y biocompatibilidad) han hecho de este material un excelente recurso en diferentes campos. En el desarrollo de esta tesis se ha estudiado el uso de la celulosa bacteriana, de alta calidad, generada por Gluconacetobacter sucrofermentans CECT 7291, para restaurar documentos deteriorados y consolidar los que puedan estar en peligro de degradación, evitando así su destrucción y proporcionando al papel que se restaura unas buenas propiedades mecánicas, ópticas y estructurales. Se desarrollan asimismo protocolos de trabajo que permitan la aplicación de dicha celulosa. En primer lugar se seleccionó el medio de cultivo que proporcionó una celulosa adecuada para su uso en restauración. Para ello se evaluó el efecto que tienen sobre la celulosa generada las fuentes de carbono y nitrógeno del medio de cultivo, manteniendo como parámetros fijos la temperatura y el pH inicial del medio, y efectuando los ensayos en condiciones estáticas. Se evaluó, también, el efecto que tiene en la CB la adición de un 1% de etanol al medio de cultivo. Las capas de celulosa se recolectaron a cuatro tiempos distintos, caracterizando en cada uno de ellos el medio de cultivo (pH y consumo de fuente de carbono), y las capas de CB (pH, peso seco y propiedades ópticas y mecánicas). La mejor combinación de fuentes de carbono y nitrógeno resultó ser fructosa más extracto de levadura y extracto de maíz, con o sin etanol, que proporcionaban una buena relación entre la producción de celulosa y el consumo de fuente de carbono, y que generaban una capa de celulosa resistente y homogénea. La adición de etanol al medio de cultivo, si bien aumentaba la productividad, causaba un descenso apreciable de pH. Las capas de CB obtenidas con los medios de cultivo optimizados se caracterizaron en términos de sus índices de desgarro y estallido, propiedades ópticas, microscopía electrónica de barrido (SEM), difracción de rayos-X, espectroscopía infrarroja con transformada de Fourier (FTIR), grado de polimerización, ángulos de contacto estáticos y dinámicos, y porosimetría de intrusión de mercurio. Por otro lado hay que tener en cuenta que el material restaurado debe ser estable con el tiempo. Por ello esta misma caracterización se efectuó tras someter a las capas de CB a un proceso de envejecimiento acelerado. Los resultados mostraron que la CB resultante tiene un elevado índice de cristalinidad, baja porosidad interna, buenas propiedades mecánicas, y alta estabilidad en el tiempo. Para desarrollar los protocolos de trabajo que permitan la restauración con esta celulosa optimizada, se comienzó con un proceso de selección de los papeles que van a ser restaurados. Se eligieron tres tipos de papeles modelo, hechos con pasta mecánica, química y filtro (antes y después de ser sometidos a un proceso de envejecimiento acelerado), y tres libros viejos adquiridos en el mercado de segunda mano. Estos ejemplares a restaurar se caracterizaron también en términos de sus propiedades mecánicas y fisicoquímicas. El primer protocolo de restauración con CB que se evaluó fue el denominado laminación. Consiste en aplicar un material de refuerzo al documento mediante el uso de un adhesivo. Se seleccionó para ello la CB producida en el medio de cultivo optimizado con un 1% de etanol. Se aplicó un método de purificación alcalino (1 hora a 90 °C en NaOH al 1%) y como adhesivo se seleccionó almidón de trigo. El proceso de laminación se efectuó también con papel japonés (PJ), un material habitualmente utilizado en conservación, para comparar ambos materiales. Se concluyó que no hay diferencias significativas en las características estudiadas entre los dos tipos de materiales de refuerzo. Se caracterizó el material reforzado y, también, después de sufrir un proceso de envejecimiento acelerado. Los papeles laminados con CB mostraban diferencias más marcadas en las propiedades ópticas que los restaurados con PJ, con respecto a los originales. Sin embargo, el texto era más legible cuando el material de restauración era la CB. La mojabilidad disminuía con ambos tipos de refuerzo, aunque en los papeles laminados con CB de manera más marcada e independiente del material a restaurar. Esto se debe a la estructura cerrada de la CB, que también conduce a una disminución en la permeabilidad al aire. Este estudio sugiere que la CB mejora la calidad del papel deteriorado, sin alterar la información que contiene, y que esta mejora se mantiene a lo largo del tiempo. Por tanto, la CB puede ser utilizada como material de refuerzo para laminar, pudiendo ser más adecuada que el PJ para ciertos tipos de papeles. El otro método de restauración que se estudió fue la generación in situ de la CB sobre el papel a restaurar. Para ello se seleccionó el medio de cultivo sin etanol, ya que el descenso de pH que causaba su presencia podría dañar el documento a restaurar. El método de purificación elegido fue un tratamiento térmico (24 horas a 65 °C), menos agresivo para el material a restaurar que el tratamiento alcalino. Se seleccionó la aplicación del medio de cultivo con la bacteria mediante pincel sobre el material a restaurar. Una vez caracterizado el material restaurado, y éste mismo tras sufrir un proceso de envejecimiento acelerado, se concluyó que no hay modificación apreciable en ninguna característica, salvo en la permeabilidad al aire, que disminuye de manera muy evidente con la generación de CB, dando lugar a un material prácticamente impermeable al aire. En general se puede concluir que ha quedado demostrada la capacidad que tiene la celulosa generada por la bacteria Gluconacetobacter sucrofermentans CECT 7291 para ser utilizada como material de refuerzo en la restauración del patrimonio documental en papel. Asimismo se han desarrollado dos métodos de aplicación, uno ex situ y otro in situ, para efectuar esta tarea de restauración. ABSTRACT The preservation of bibliographic and documentary heritage is one of the biggest challenges that libraries and archives around the world have to face. The search for solutions to the problem of degraded paper has historically been focused from two predominants lines of work: the conservation of these documents by the neutralization of acids in them with alkaline agents, and their restoration by lining them with, basically, cellulose from vegetal sources. However, the possibility of strengthening the damaged cellulose has not been successfully explored, and the problem still persists. Until today, the development of biotechnology-based treatments in documentary heritage conservation has been scarce, although the ability of certain bacteria to produce cellulose takes to propose its use in the field of conservation and restoration of paper. The bacterial cellulose (BC) is chemically identical to the plant cellulose, but its macroscopic organization is different. Its unique properties (high degree of crystallinity, durability, strength and biocompatibility), makes it an excellent resource in different fields. The use of high-quality BC generated by Gluconacetobacter sucrofermentans CECT 7291 to restore damaged documents and to consolidate those that may be at risk of degradation, has been studied in this thesis, trying to prevent the document destruction, and to get reinforced papers with good mechanical, optical and structural properties. Protocols that allow the implementation of the BC as a reinforcing material were also developed. First of all, in order to select the culture medium that provides a cellulose suitable for its use in restoration, it has been evaluated the effect that the carbon and nitrogen sources from the culture medium have on the generated BC, keeping the temperature and the initial pH of the medium as fixed parameters, and performing the culture without shaking. The effect of the addition of 1% ethanol to the culture medium on BC properties was also evaluated. The cellulose layers were collected at four different times, characterizing in all of them the culture medium (pH and carbon source consumption), and the BC sheets (pH, dry weight and optical and mechanical properties). The best combination of carbon and nitrogen sources proved to be fructose plus yeast extract and corn steep liquor, with or without ethanol, which provided a good balance between the cellulose production and the consumption of carbon source, and generating BC sheets homogeneous and resistant. The addition of ethanol to the culture medium increased productivity but caused a noticeable decrement in pH. The BC layers generated with these optimized culture media, have been characterized in terms of tear and burst index, optical properties, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction, infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy (FTIR), polymerization degree, static and dynamic contact angles, and mercury intrusion porosimetry. Moreover it must be kept in mind that the restored materials should be stable over time. Therefore, the same characterization was performed after subjecting the layers of BC to an accelerated aging process. The results showed that the BC sheets obtained have a high crystallinity index, low internal porosity, good mechanical properties, and high stability over time. To develop working protocols to use this optimized BC in paper restoration, the first step was to select the samples to restore. Three types of model papers, made from mechanical pulp, chemical pulp and filter paper (before and after an accelerated aging process), and three old books purchased in the second hand market, were chosen. These specimens to be restored were also characterized in terms of its mechanical and physicochemical properties. The first protocol of restoration with BC to be evaluated is called linning. It consists on applying a reinforcing material to the document using an adhesive. The BC produced in the optimized culture medium with 1% ethanol was selected. An alkali purification method (1 hour at 90 °C in 1% NaOH) was applied, and wheat starch was selected as adhesive. The linning process was also carried out with Japanese paper (JP), a material commonly used in conservation, in order to compare both materials. It was concluded that there are no significant differences in the characteristics studied of the two types of reinforcing materials. The reinforced materials were characterized before and after undergoing to an accelerated aging. Papers lined with BC showed more marked differences in the optical properties that papers restored with JP. However, the text was more readable when BC was the reinforcing material. Wettability decreased with both types of reinforcement, although in the papers linned with BC it happened more marked and independently of the sample to restore. This is due to the closed structure of BC, which also leads to a decrement in air permeance. This study suggests that BC improves the deteriorated paper quality, without altering the information on it, and that this improvement is maintained over time. Therefore, the BC may be used as reinforcing material for linning, being more suitable than the JP to restore certain types of papers. The other restoration method to be evaluated was the in situ generation of BC over the paper to restore. For this purpose the culture medium without ethanol was selected, as the pH decrement caused by his presence would damage the document to restore. As purification method a heat treatment (24 hours at 65 °C) was chosen, less aggressive to the material to restore than the alkaline treatment. It was decided to apply the culture medium with the bacteria onto the material to restore with a brush. The reinforced material was characterized before and after an accelerated aging process. It was concluded that there was no substantial change in any characteristic, except for air permeance, which decreases very sharply after the generation of BC, getting a substantially air impermeable material. In general, it can be concluded that the ability of BC produced by Gluconacetobacter sucrofermentans CECT 7291 for its use as a reinforcing material in the restoration of paper documentary heritage, has been demonstrated. Also, two restoration methods, one ex situ and another in situ have been developed

    Advanced sensors technology survey

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    This project assesses the state-of-the-art in advanced or 'smart' sensors technology for NASA Life Sciences research applications with an emphasis on those sensors with potential applications on the space station freedom (SSF). The objectives are: (1) to conduct literature reviews on relevant advanced sensor technology; (2) to interview various scientists and engineers in industry, academia, and government who are knowledgeable on this topic; (3) to provide viewpoints and opinions regarding the potential applications of this technology on the SSF; and (4) to provide summary charts of relevant technologies and centers where these technologies are being developed

    Residues of the Cold War: Emergent Waste Consciousness in Postwar American Culture and Fiction

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    Residues of the Cold War: Emergent Waste Consciousness in Postwar American Culture and Fiction argues that garbage of the post-World War II period can be read as an index of the Cold War cultural landscape and its structure of feeling. This dissertation treats these remainders as archival materials, documents with a kind of textuality, and suggests that when rendered legible their function as crucial sites of conflicting ideologies and discourses can be recognized. Employing the interdisciplinary methods of ecocriticism and cultural materialism, I read Cold War trash to provide a new account of American Cold War culture and literature by tracing the emergence of household garbage as a significant trope in varying cultural contexts. Considering the material effects of the American Cold War project on American landscapes, I elucidate garbage’s role within Cold War matrices of spatial organization and show how some postwar fiction uses garbage and the discourses of disposal as grounds for a critique of dominant Cold War discourses of gender, consumption, and politics. In analyzing the ways waste is represented in different Cold War spaces in literature—the kitchen, the fallout shelter, public urban and suburban spaces, the sanitary landfill—my project argues that proto-ecological conceptualizations of waste concurrently emerged alongside, and challenged, the dominant discourses of Cold War waste management

    Canadian Audiovisual Archives: The Politics of Preservation and Access

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    In 2005, in the spirit of Canadas total archives philosophy, the Western University Archives in London, Ontario acquired over ninety regional films on 8mm. Archival staff digitized the films in a Do-It-Yourself (DIY) fashion: they were simply repaired, projected, and captured off the wall with a digital camera. The raw files were then processed and given basic titling before being exported onto DVDs for public and institutional sale. While digitization was quite rudimentary, the public has access to a forgotten regional history. This dissertation analyzes the tensions and politics of audiovisual acquisition, preservation, and dissemination by recounting steps taken by DIY archivists to bring films from a personal archive to an institutional archive. I trace this collection of amateur itinerant films as they move from the filmmakers home in Dundee, New York, to the Western Archives. Reverend Leroy (Roy) Massecar (1918-2003) was a Baptist Minister and itinerant filmmaker who between 1947-1949 visited over ninety towns throughout Central and Southwestern Ontario, documenting daily life, screening films in these towns as Stars of the Town See Yourself and Your Friends on the Screen! and capturing the fleeting energy of small town rural Ontario. The dissertation mobilizes what Canadian archivist Terry Cook calls, archival contextual knowledge, a history from the bottom-up, and uses this case study to highlight larger issues facing Canadian audiovisual collections in the early 21st century: the shifting value in antiquated audiovisual formats and marginal film collections; the tension between professional preservation and public access; the hidden labour of audiovisual archivists; and the politics of DIY audiovisual discourse. I make the labour and bureaucracy of traditional archives visible by examining the discourses of the Archive not only within a theoretical space, but also in actual archive spaces whether physical or digital. I argue that bringing transparency to the roles and actions of donors, artists, archivists, scholars, and the public will allow for the larger ecology of Canadian audiovisual preservation to be activated, allowing actors in each point of the cycle to collectively move towards a holistic and networked audiovisual preservation strategy

    Ophthalmic Optics and Visual Function

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    Exploring quality of vision is one of the most important issues in modern ophthalmology, and research into ophthalmic optics and visual function is essential for making progress in this field. The present Special Issue aims to enlighten readers about the broad range of clinical research in the field of ophthalmic optics and visual function, mainly related to the anterior segment and myopia control. Submissions of original research articles were welcomed that highlight innovative findings with the potential to enhance the clinical capabilities of diagnosing and monitoring ophthalmic conditions and treatments especially of the anterior segment. Review articles of high interest were also considered for publication

    Digital Humanism

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    This open access book deals with cultural and philosophical aspects of artificial intelligence (AI) and pleads for a “digital humanism”. This term is beginning to be en vogue everywhere. Due to a growing discontentment with the way digitalization is being used in the world, particularly formulated by former heroes of Internet, social media and search engine companies, philosophical as well as industrial thought leaders begin to plead for a humane use of digital tools. Yet the term “digital humanism” is a particular terminology that lacks a sound conceptual and philosophical basis and needs clarification still – and this gap is exactly filled by this book. It propagates a vision of society in which digitization is used to strengthen human self-determination, autonomy and dignity and whose time has come to be propagated throughout the world. The advantage of this book is that it is philosophically sound and yet written in a way that will make it accessible for everybody interested in the subject. Every chapters begins with a film scene illustrating a precise philosophical problem with AI and how we look at it – making the book not only readable, but even entertaining. And after having read the book the reader will have a clear vision of what it means to live in a world where digitization and AI are central technologies for a better and more humane civilization

    The Third NASA Goddard Conference on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies

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    This report contains copies of nearly all of the technical papers and viewgraphs presented at the Goddard Conference on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies held in October 1993. The conference served as an informational exchange forum for topics primarily relating to the ingestion and management of massive amounts of data and the attendant problems involved. Discussion topics include the necessary use of computers in the solution of today's infinitely complex problems, the need for greatly increased storage densities in both optical and magnetic recording media, currently popular storage media and magnetic media storage risk factors, data archiving standards including a talk on the current status of the IEEE Storage Systems Reference Model (RM). Additional topics addressed System performance, data storage system concepts, communications technologies, data distribution systems, data compression, and error detection and correction