8 research outputs found

    Unsupervised Texture Transfer from Images to Model Collections

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    Large 3D model repositories of common objects are now ubiquitous and are increasingly being used in computer graphics and computer vision for both analysis and synthesis tasks. However, images of objects in the real world have a richness of appearance that these repositories do not capture, largely because most existing 3D models are untextured. In this work we develop an automated pipeline capable of transporting texture information from images of real objects to 3D models of similar objects. This is a challenging problem, as an object's texture as seen in a photograph is distorted by many factors, including pose, geometry, and illumination. These geometric and photometric distortions must be undone in order to transfer the pure underlying texture to a new object --- the 3D model. Instead of using problematic dense correspondences, we factorize the problem into the reconstruction of a set of base textures (materials) and an illumination model for the object in the image. By exploiting the geometry of the similar 3D model, we reconstruct certain reliable texture regions and correct for the illumination, from which a full texture map can be recovered and applied to the model. Our method allows for large-scale unsupervised production of richly textured 3D models directly from image data, providing high quality virtual objects for 3D scene design or photo editing applications, as well as a wealth of data for training machine learning algorithms for various inference tasks in graphics and vision

    A knowledge‐enhanced deep reinforcement learning‐based shape optimizer for aerodynamic mitigation of wind‐sensitive structures

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    Structural shape optimization plays an important role in the design of wind‐sensitive structures. The numerical evaluation of aerodynamic performance for each shape search and update during the optimization process typically involves significant computational costs. Accordingly, an effective shape optimization algorithm is needed. In this study, the reinforcement learning (RL) method with deep neural network (DNN)‐based policy is utilized for the first time as a shape optimization scheme for aerodynamic mitigation of wind‐sensitive structures. In addition, “tacit” domain knowledge is leveraged to enhance the training efficiency. Both the specific direct‐domain knowledge and general cross‐domain knowledge are incorporated into the deep RL‐based aerodynamic shape optimizer via the transfer‐learning and meta‐learning techniques, respectively, to reduce the required datasets for learning an effective RL policy. Numerical examples for aerodynamic shape optimization of a tall building are used to demonstrate that the proposed knowledge‐enhanced deep RL‐based shape optimizer outperforms both gradient‐based and gradient‐free optimization algorithms

    Data-driven shape analysis and processing

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    Data-driven methods serve an increasingly important role in discovering geometric, structural, and semantic relationships between shapes. In contrast to traditional approaches that process shapes in isolation of each other, data-driven methods aggregate information from 3D model collections to improve the analysis, modeling and editing of shapes. Through reviewing the literature, we provide an overview of the main concepts and components of these methods, as well as discuss their application to classification, segmentation, matching, reconstruction, modeling and exploration, as well as scene analysis and synthesis. We conclude our report with ideas that can inspire future research in data-driven shape analysis and processing

    Real-time human performance capture and synthesis

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    Most of the images one finds in the media, such as on the Internet or in textbooks and magazines, contain humans as the main point of attention. Thus, there is an inherent necessity for industry, society, and private persons to be able to thoroughly analyze and synthesize the human-related content in these images. One aspect of this analysis and subject of this thesis is to infer the 3D pose and surface deformation, using only visual information, which is also known as human performance capture. Human performance capture enables the tracking of virtual characters from real-world observations, and this is key for visual effects, games, VR, and AR, to name just a few application areas. However, traditional capture methods usually rely on expensive multi-view (marker-based) systems that are prohibitively expensive for the vast majority of people, or they use depth sensors, which are still not as common as single color cameras. Recently, some approaches have attempted to solve the task by assuming only a single RGB image is given. Nonetheless, they can either not track the dense deforming geometry of the human, such as the clothing layers, or they are far from real time, which is indispensable for many applications. To overcome these shortcomings, this thesis proposes two monocular human performance capture methods, which for the first time allow the real-time capture of the dense deforming geometry as well as an unseen 3D accuracy for pose and surface deformations. At the technical core, this work introduces novel GPU-based and data-parallel optimization strategies in conjunction with other algorithmic design choices that are all geared towards real-time performance at high accuracy. Moreover, this thesis presents a new weakly supervised multiview training strategy combined with a fully differentiable character representation that shows superior 3D accuracy. However, there is more to human-related Computer Vision than only the analysis of people in images. It is equally important to synthesize new images of humans in unseen poses and also from camera viewpoints that have not been observed in the real world. Such tools are essential for the movie industry because they, for example, allow the synthesis of photo-realistic virtual worlds with real-looking humans or of contents that are too dangerous for actors to perform on set. But also video conferencing and telepresence applications can benefit from photo-real 3D characters, as they can enhance the immersive experience of these applications. Here, the traditional Computer Graphics pipeline for rendering photo-realistic images involves many tedious and time-consuming steps that require expert knowledge and are far from real time. Traditional rendering involves character rigging and skinning, the modeling of the surface appearance properties, and physically based ray tracing. Recent learning-based methods attempt to simplify the traditional rendering pipeline and instead learn the rendering function from data resulting in methods that are easier accessible to non-experts. However, most of them model the synthesis task entirely in image space such that 3D consistency cannot be achieved, and/or they fail to model motion- and view-dependent appearance effects. To this end, this thesis presents a method and ongoing work on character synthesis, which allow the synthesis of controllable photoreal characters that achieve motion- and view-dependent appearance effects as well as 3D consistency and which run in real time. This is technically achieved by a novel coarse-to-fine geometric character representation for efficient synthesis, which can be solely supervised on multi-view imagery. Furthermore, this work shows how such a geometric representation can be combined with an implicit surface representation to boost synthesis and geometric quality.In den meisten Bildern in den heutigen Medien, wie dem Internet, BĂŒchern und Magazinen, ist der Mensch das zentrale Objekt der Bildkomposition. Daher besteht eine inhĂ€rente Notwendigkeit fĂŒr die Industrie, die Gesellschaft und auch fĂŒr Privatpersonen, die auf den Mensch fokussierten Eigenschaften in den Bildern detailliert analysieren und auch synthetisieren zu können. Ein Teilaspekt der Anaylse von menschlichen Bilddaten und damit Bestandteil der Thesis ist das Rekonstruieren der 3D-Skelett-Pose und der OberflĂ€chendeformation des Menschen anhand von visuellen Informationen, was fachsprachlich auch als Human Performance Capture bezeichnet wird. Solche Rekonstruktionsverfahren ermöglichen das Tracking von virtuellen Charakteren anhand von Beobachtungen in der echten Welt, was unabdingbar ist fĂŒr Applikationen im Bereich der visuellen Effekte, Virtual und Augmented Reality, um nur einige Applikationsfelder zu nennen. Nichtsdestotrotz basieren traditionelle Tracking-Methoden auf teuren (markerbasierten) Multi-Kamera Systemen, welche fĂŒr die Mehrheit der Bevölkerung nicht erschwinglich sind oder auf Tiefenkameras, die noch immer nicht so gebrĂ€uchlich sind wie herkömmliche Farbkameras. In den letzten Jahren gab es daher erste Methoden, die versuchen, das Tracking-Problem nur mit Hilfe einer Farbkamera zu lösen. Allerdings können diese entweder die Kleidung der Person im Bild nicht tracken oder die Methoden benötigen zu viel Rechenzeit, als dass sie in realen Applikationen genutzt werden könnten. Um diese Probleme zu lösen, stellt die Thesis zwei monokulare Human Performance Capture Methoden vor, die zum ersten Mal eine Echtzeit-Rechenleistung erreichen sowie im Vergleich zu vorherigen Arbeiten die Genauigkeit von Pose und OberflĂ€che in 3D weiter verbessern. Der Kern der Methoden beinhaltet eine neuartige GPU-basierte und datenparallelisierte Optimierungsstrategie, die im Zusammenspiel mit anderen algorithmischen Designentscheidungen akkurate Ergebnisse erzeugt und dabei eine Echtzeit-Laufzeit ermöglicht. Daneben wird eine neue, differenzierbare und schwach beaufsichtigte, Multi-Kamera basierte Trainingsstrategie in Kombination mit einem komplett differenzierbaren Charaktermodell vorgestellt, welches ungesehene 3D PrĂ€zision erreicht. Allerdings spielt nicht nur die Analyse von Menschen in Bildern in Computer Vision eine wichtige Rolle, sondern auch die Möglichkeit, neue Bilder von Personen in unterschiedlichen Posen und Kamera- Blickwinkeln synthetisch zu rendern, ohne dass solche Daten zuvor in der RealitĂ€t aufgenommen wurden. Diese Methoden sind unabdingbar fĂŒr die Filmindustrie, da sie es zum Beispiel ermöglichen, fotorealistische virtuelle Welten mit real aussehenden Menschen zu erzeugen, sowie die Möglichkeit bieten, Szenen, die fĂŒr den Schauspieler zu gefĂ€hrlich sind, virtuell zu produzieren, ohne dass eine reale Person diese Aktionen tatsĂ€chlich ausfĂŒhren muss. Aber auch Videokonferenzen und Telepresence-Applikationen können von fotorealistischen 3D-Charakteren profitieren, da diese die immersive Erfahrung von solchen Applikationen verstĂ€rken. Traditionelle Verfahren zum Rendern von fotorealistischen Bildern involvieren viele mĂŒhsame und zeitintensive Schritte, welche Expertenwissen vorraussetzen und zudem auch Rechenzeiten erreichen, die jenseits von Echtzeit sind. Diese Schritte beinhalten das Rigging und Skinning von virtuellen Charakteren, das Modellieren von Reflektions- und Materialeigenschaften sowie physikalisch basiertes Ray Tracing. Vor Kurzem haben Deep Learning-basierte Methoden versucht, die Rendering-Funktion von Daten zu lernen, was in Verfahren resultierte, die eine Nutzung durch Nicht-Experten ermöglicht. Allerdings basieren die meisten Methoden auf Synthese-Verfahren im 2D-Bildbereich und können daher keine 3D-Konsistenz garantieren. DarĂŒber hinaus gelingt es den meisten Methoden auch nicht, bewegungs- und blickwinkelabhĂ€ngige Effekte zu erzeugen. Daher prĂ€sentiert diese Thesis eine neue Methode und eine laufende Forschungsarbeit zum Thema Charakter-Synthese, die es erlauben, fotorealistische und kontrollierbare 3D-Charakteren synthetisch zu rendern, die nicht nur 3D-konsistent sind, sondern auch bewegungs- und blickwinkelabhĂ€ngige Effekte modellieren und Echtzeit-Rechenzeiten ermöglichen. Dazu wird eine neuartige Grobzu- Fein-CharakterreprĂ€sentation fĂŒr effiziente Bild-Synthese von Menschen vorgestellt, welche nur anhand von Multi-Kamera-Daten trainiert werden kann. Daneben wird gezeigt, wie diese explizite Geometrie- ReprĂ€sentation mit einer impliziten OberflĂ€chendarstellung kombiniert werden kann, was eine bessere Synthese von geomtrischen Deformationen sowie Bildern ermöglicht.ERC Consolidator Grant 4DRepL

    The application of three-dimensional mass-spring structures in the real-time simulation of sheet materials for computer generated imagery

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    Despite the resources devoted to computer graphics technology over the last 40 years, there is still a need to increase the realism with which flexible materials are simulated. However, to date reported methods are restricted in their application by their use of two-dimensional structures and implicit integration methods that lend themselves to modelling cloth-like sheets but not stiffer, thicker materials in which bending moments play a significant role. This thesis presents a real-time, computationally efficient environment for simulations of sheet materials. The approach described differs from other techniques principally through its novel use of multilayer sheet structures. In addition to more accurately modelling bending moment effects, it also allows the effects of increased temperature within the environment to be simulated. Limitations of this approach include the increased difficulties of calibrating a realistic and stable simulation compared to implicit based methods. A series of experiments are conducted to establish the effectiveness of the technique, evaluating the suitability of different integration methods, sheet structures, and simulation parameters, before conducting a Human Computer Interaction (HCI) based evaluation to establish the effectiveness with which the technique can produce credible simulations. These results are also compared against a system that utilises an established method for sheet simulation and a hybrid solution that combines the use of 3D (i.e. multilayer) lattice structures with the recognised sheet simulation approach. The results suggest that the use of a three-dimensional structure does provide a level of enhanced realism when simulating stiff laminar materials although the best overall results were achieved through the use of the hybrid model

    Generation of 3D characters from existing cartoons and a unified pipeline for animation and video games.

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    Despite the remarkable growth of 3D animation in the last twenty years, 2D is still popular today and often employed for both films and video games. In fact, 2D offers important economic and artistic advantages to production. In this thesis has been introduced an innovative system to generate 3D character from 2D cartoons, while maintaining important 2D features in 3D as well. However, handling 2D characters and animation in a 3D environment is not a trivial task, as they do not possess any depth information. Three different solutions have been proposed in this thesis. A 2.5D modelling method, which exploits billboarding, parallax scrolling and 2D shape interpolation to simulate the depth between the different body parts of the characters. Two additional full 3D solution have been presented. One based on inflation and supported by a surface registration method, and one that produces more accurate approximations by using information from the side views to solve an optimization problem. These methods have been introduced into a new unified pipeline that involves a game engine, and that could be used for animation and video games production. A unified pipeline introduces several benefits to animation production for either 2D and 3D content. On one hand, assets can be shared for different productions and media. On the other hand, real-time rendering for animated films allows immediate previews of the scenes and offers artists a way to experiment more during the making of a scene

    Novel mechanical test methods applied to bulk metallic glasses

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    By their nature Bulk Metallic Glasses (BMGs) are generally available with limited volumes. Therefore, to understand their mechanical behaviour, innovative small scales tests are required. Here aspects of mechanical behaviour covering elastic, time dependent and plastic deformation are explored. For indentation (elastic moduli and hardness measurements), test data contained displacement burst signals; dependent on indentation load and loading rates; hypothesised to be due to shear bands and Shear Transformation Zones (STZs). Measurements of the energy associated with these signals were heavily influenced by data smoothing. Nevertheless, shear banding is seen to be more energetic process than STZ activation, and STZ activation during loading is more energetic than in load-hold or unloading. Teter’s empirical relationship [1] provided the best estimate of elastic properties from hardness data. Whilst indentation size effects made the method unreliable for bulk estimates, these effects are suggested as a means to map free volume distributions within BMG structures. Poor reproducibility of indentation creep data and the influence of analysis methods led to the conclusion that indentation creep measurements are unreliable. Practices to improve this reliability are given, however the fundamentals of the test limits its usefulness. Finally, shear banding of BMGs was explored through a new testing methodology based on the dynamic measurement of resistivity. Two types of signal were detected; both accountable through the shear band process. Analysis of the signals indicated that thermal and structural changes were required to explain the observed resistivity changes. Monte-Carlo and Ising based models were used to relate the observed signals to structure and temperature. Whilst these require further work, the method provides the means to measure shear band structure evolution

    Automated Target Selection for DrivenShape

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