1,572 research outputs found

    A Reuse-based framework for the design of analog and mixed-signal ICs

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    Despite the spectacular breakthroughs of the semiconductor industry, the ability to design integrated circuits (ICs) under stringent time-to-market (TTM) requirements is lagging behind integration capacity, so far keeping pace with still valid Moore's Law. The resulting gap is threatening with slowing down such a phenomenal growth. The design community believes that it is only by means of powerful CAD tools and design methodologies -and, possibly, a design paradigm shift-that this design gap can be bridged. In this sense, reuse-based design is seen as a promising solution, and concepts such as IP Block, Virtual Component, and Design Reuse have become commonplace thanks to the significant advances in the digital arena. Unfortunately, the very nature of analog and mixed-signal (AMS) design has hindered a similar level of consensus and development. This paper presents a framework for the reuse-based design of AMS circuits. The framework is founded on three key elements: (1) a CAD-supported hierarchical design flow that facilitates the incorporation of AMS reusable blocks, reduces the overall design time, and expedites the management of increasing AMS design complexity; (2) a complete, clear definition of the AMS reusable block, structured into three separate facets or views: the behavioral, structural, and layout facets, the two first for top-down electrical synthesis and bottom-up verification, the latter used during bottom-up physical synthesis; (3) the design for reusability set of tools, methods, and guidelines that, relying on intensive parameterization as well as on design knowledge capture and encapsulation, allows to produce fully reusable AMS blocks. A case study and a functional silicon prototype demonstrate the validity of the paper's proposals.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TEC2004-0175

    Technology Independent Synthesis of CMOS Operational Amplifiers

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    Analog circuit design does not enjoy as much automation as its digital counterpart. Analog sizing is inherently knowledge intensive and requires accurate modeling of the different parametric effects of the devices. Besides, the set of constraints in a typical analog design problem is large, involving complex tradeoffs. For these reasons, the task of modeling an analog design problem in a form viable for automation is much more tedious than the digital design. Consequently, analog blocks are still handcrafted intuitively and often become a bottleneck in the integrated circuit design, thereby increasing the time to market. In this work, we address the problem of automatically solving an analog circuit design problem. Specifically, we propose methods to automate the transistor-level sizing of OpAmps. Given the specifications and the netlist of the OpAmp, our methodology produces a design that has the accuracy of the BSIM models used for simulation and the advantage of a quick design time. The approach is based on generating an initial first-order design and then refining it. In principle, the refining approach is a simulated-annealing scheme that uses (i) localized simulations and (ii) convex optimization scheme (COS). The optimal set of input variables for localized simulations has been selected by using techniques from Design of Experiments (DOE). To formulate the design problem as a COS problem, we have used monomial circuit models that are fitted from simulation data. These models accurately predict the performance of the circuit in the proximity of the initial guess. The models can also be used to gain valuable insight into the behavior of the circuit and understand the interrelations between the different performance constraints. A software framework that implements this methodology has been coded in SKILL language of Cadence. The methodology can be applied to design different OpAmp topologies across different technologies. In other words, the framework is both technology independent and topology independent. In addition, we develop a scheme to empirically model the small signal parameters like \u27gm\u27 and \u27gds\u27 of CMOS transistors. The monomial device models are reusable for a given technology and can be used to formulate the OpAmp design problem as a COS problem. The efficacy of the framework has been demonstrated by automatically designing different OpAmp topologies across different technologies. We designed a two-stage OpAmp and a telescopic OpAmp in TSMC025 and AMI016 technologies. Our results show significant (10–15%) improvement in the performance of both the OpAmps in both the technologies. While the methodology has shown encouraging results in the sub-micrometer regime, the effectiveness of the tool has to be investigated in the deep-sub-micron technologies

    A framework for fine-grain synthesis optimization of operational amplifiers

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    This thesis presents a cell-level framework for Operational Amplifiers Synthesis (OASYN) coupling both circuit design and layout. For circuit design, the tool applies a corner-driven optimization, accounting for on-chip performance variations. By exploring the process, voltage, and temperature variations space, the tool extracts design worst case solution. The tool undergoes sensitivity analysis along with Pareto-optimality to achieve required specifications. For layout phase, OASYN generates a DRC proved automated layout based on a sized circuit-level description. Morata et al. (1996) introduced an elegant representation of block placement called sequence pair for general floorplans (SP). Like TCG and BSG, but unlike O-tree, B*tree, and CBL, SP is P-admissible. Unlike SP, TCG supports incremental update during operation and keeps the information of the boundary modules as well as their relative positions in the representation. Block placement algorithms that are based on SP use heuristic optimization algorithms, e.g., simulated annealing where generation of large number of sequence pairs are required. Therefore a fast algorithm is needed to generate sequence pairs after each solution perturbation. The thesis presents a new simple and efficient O(n) runtime algorithm for fast realization of incremental update for cost evaluation. The algorithm integrates sequence pair and transitive closure graph advantages into TCG-S* a superior topology update scheme which facilitates the search for optimum desired floorplan. Experiments show that TCG-S* is better than existing works in terms of area utilization and convergence speed. Routing-aware placement is implemented in OASYN, handling symmetry constraints, e.g., interdigitization, common centroid, along with congestion elimination and the enhancement of placement routability

    Time-domain optimization of amplifiers based on distributed genetic algorithms

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    Thesis presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the subject of Electrical and Computer EngineeringThe work presented in this thesis addresses the task of circuit optimization, helping the designer facing the high performance and high efficiency circuits demands of the market and technology evolution. A novel framework is introduced, based on time-domain analysis, genetic algorithm optimization, and distributed processing. The time-domain optimization methodology is based on the step response of the amplifier. The main advantage of this new time-domain methodology is that, when a given settling-error is reached within the desired settling-time, it is automatically guaranteed that the amplifier has enough open-loop gain, AOL, output-swing (OS), slew-rate (SR), closed loop bandwidth and closed loop stability. Thus, this simplification of the circuit‟s evaluation helps the optimization process to converge faster. The method used to calculate the step response expression of the circuit is based on the inverse Laplace transform applied to the transfer function, symbolically, multiplied by 1/s (which represents the unity input step). Furthermore, may be applied to transfer functions of circuits with unlimited number of zeros/poles, without approximation in order to keep accuracy. Thus, complex circuit, with several design/optimization degrees of freedom can also be considered. The expression of the step response, from the proposed methodology, is based on the DC bias operating point of the devices of the circuit. For this, complex and accurate device models (e.g. BSIM3v3) are integrated. During the optimization process, the time-domain evaluation of the amplifier is used by the genetic algorithm, in the classification of the genetic individuals. The time-domain evaluator is integrated into the developed optimization platform, as independent library, coded using C programming language. The genetic algorithms have demonstrated to be a good approach for optimization since they are flexible and independent from the optimization-objective. Different levels of abstraction can be optimized either system level or circuit level. Optimization of any new block is basically carried-out by simply providing additional configuration files, e.g. chromosome format, in text format; and the circuit library where the fitness value of each individual of the genetic algorithm is computed. Distributed processing is also employed to address the increasing processing time demanded by the complex circuit analysis, and the accurate models of the circuit devices. The communication by remote processing nodes is based on Message Passing interface (MPI). It is demonstrated that the distributed processing reduced the optimization run-time by more than one order of magnitude. Platform assessment is carried by several examples of two-stage amplifiers, which have been optimized and successfully used, embedded, in larger systems, such as data converters. A dedicated example of an inverter-based self-biased two-stage amplifier has been designed, laid-out and fabricated as a stand-alone circuit and experimentally evaluated. The measured results are a direct demonstration of the effectiveness of the proposed time-domain optimization methodology.Portuguese Foundation for the Science and Technology (FCT

    Diseño de circuitos analógicos y de señal mixta con consideraciones de diseño físico y variabilidad

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    Advances in microelectronic technology has been based on an increasing capacity to integrate transistors, moving this industry to the nanoelectronics realm in recent years. Moore’s Law [1] has predicted (and somehow governed) the growth of the capacity to integrate transistors in a single IC. Nevertheless, while this capacity has grown steadily, the increasing number of design tasks that are involved in the creation of the integrated circuit and their complexity has led to a phenomenon known as the ``design gap´´. This is the difference between what can theoretically be integrated and what can practically be designed. Since the early 2000s, the International Technology Roadmap of Semiconductors (ITRS) reports, published by the Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA), alert about the necessity to limit the growth of the design cost by increasing the productivity of the designer to continue the semiconductor industry’s growth. Design automation arises as a key element to close this ”design gap”. In this sense, electronic design automation (EDA) tools have reached a level of maturity for digital circuits that is far behind the EDA tools that are made for analog circuit design automation. While digital circuits rely, in general, on two stable operation states (which brings inherent robustness against numerous imperfections and interferences, leading to few design constraints like area, speed or power consumption), analog signal processing, on the other hand, demands compliance with lots of constraints (e.g., matching, noise, robustness, ...). The triumph of digital CMOS circuits, thanks to their mentioned robustness, has, ultimately, facilitated the way that circuits can be processed by algorithms, abstraction levels and description languages, as well as how the design information traverse the hierarchical levels of a digital system. The field of analog design automation faces many more difficulties due to the many sources of perturbation, such as the well-know process variability, and the difficulty in treating these systematically, like digital tools can do. In this Thesis, different design flows are proposed, focusing on new design methodologies for analog circuits, thus, trying to close the ”gap” between digital and analog EDA tools. In this chapter, the most important sources for perturbations and their impact on the analog design process are discussed in Section 1.2. The traditional analog design flow is discussed in 1.3. Emerging design methodologies that try to reduce the ”design gap” are presented in Section 1.4 where the key concept of Pareto-Optimal Front (POF) is explained. This concept, brought from the field of economics, models the analog circuit performances into a set of solutions that show the optimal trade-offs among conflicting circuit performances (e.g. DC-gain and unity-gain frequency). Finally, the goals of this thesis are presented in Section 1.5

    Optimization Design Flow of Integrated Circuits based on Machine Learning Approaches

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    Nowadays, the increased complexity of analog/digital circuits and the extremelly wide range of specifications tend to change how an integrated-circuit designer addresses circuit optimization. A traditional analog engineer likes to use some intuition when designing circuits, as a second step following paper-pencil analysis. However, the numerous parameters that influence the circuit IV in modern transistors do not provide good guesses. Moreover, an optimization based on multiple parameter sweep helps only when the design space is reduced, which is not the case in modern designs. The present thesis, developed at INTEL (in Munich site, Germany), addresses new paradigms of circuit optimization. The proposed work relies on the use of machine learning techniques applied to the design of complex CMOS systems

    Ready-to-Fabricate RF Circuit Synthesis Using a Layout- and Variability-Aware Optimization-Based Methodology

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    In this paper, physical implementations and measurement results are presented for several Voltage Controlled Oscillators that were designed using a fully-automated, layout- and variability-aware optimization-based methodology. The methodology uses a highly accurate model, based on machine-learning techniques, to characterize inductors, and a multi-objective optimization algorithm to achieve a Pareto-optimal front containing optimal circuit designs offering different performance trade-offs. The final outcome of the proposed methodology is a set of design solutions (with their GDSII description available and ready-to-fabricate) that need no further designer intervention. Two key elements of the proposed methodology are the use of an optimization algorithm linked to an off-the-shelf simulator and an inductor model that yield EM-like accuracy but with much shorter evaluation times. Furthermore, the methodology guarantees the same high level of robustness against layout parasitics and variability that an expert designer would achieve with the verification tools at his/her disposal. The methodology is technology-independent and can be used for the design of radio frequency circuits. The results are validated with experimental measurements on a physical prototype