10 research outputs found

    Prometheus design tool

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    The Prometheus Design Tool (PDT) supports the structured design of intelligent agent systems. It supports the Prometheus methodology, but can also be used more generally. This paper outlines the tool and some of its many features

    Automated unit testing intelligent agents in PDT

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    The Prometheus Design Tool (PDT) is an agent development tool that supports the Prometheus design methodology and includes features like automated code generation. We enhance this tool by adding a feature that allows the automated unit testing of agents that are built from within PDT

    Model based testing for agent systems

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    Although agent technology is gaining world wide popularity, a hindrance to its uptake is the lack of proper testing mechanisms for agent based systems. While many traditional software testing methods can be generalized to agent systems, there are many aspects that are different and which require an understanding of the underlying agent paradigm. In this paper we present certain aspects of a testing framework that we have developed for agent based systems. The testing framework is a model based approach using the design models of the Prometheus agent development methodology. In this paper we focus on unit testing and identify the appropriate units, present mechanisms for generating suitable test cases and for determining the order in which the units are to be tested, present a brief overview of the unit testing process and an example. Although we use the design artefacts from Prometheus the approach is suitable for any plan and event based agent system

    Automated testing for intelligent agent systems

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    This paper describes an approach to unit testing of plan based agent systems, with a focus on automated generation and execution of test cases. Design artefacts, supplemented with some additional data, provide the basis for specification of a comprehensive suite of test cases. Correctness of execution is evaluated against a design model, and a comprehensive report of errors and warnings is provided to the user. Given that it is impossible to design test suites which execute all possible traces of an agent program, it is extremely important to thoroughly test all units in as wide a variety of situations as possible to ensure acceptable behaviour. We provide details of the information required in design models or related data to enable the automated generation and execution of test cases. We also briefly describe the implemented tool which realises this approach

    The perspective of students on drivers and benefits of building information modelling incorporation into quantity surveying profession in Klang Valley Malaysia

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    Building Information Modelling (BIM) is a very useful tool that facilitates architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) professionals and stakeholders in planning, designing and constructing the buildings through 3D models. BIM can be widened to building operations and data storage which can be accessible by owners and others. Such data help owners and stakeholders to generate results according to the information gained through BIM models. The objectives of this study were to identify the perspective of students on drivers of BIM incorporation into the quantity surveying profession and to identify the perspective of students on benefits of BIM incorporation into the quantity surveying profession. A questionnaire survey was carried out to gain the studentsā€™ perspective on drivers and benefits of BIM incorporation into the quantity surveying profession in Klang Valley, Malaysia. Specifically, this study investigated twelve drivers and fourteen benefits of BIM incorporation into the quantity surveying profession. The top three drivers were improving the capacity to provide whole-life value to the client, desire for innovation to remain competitive and strong support from university management and industry. The top three benefits were BIM provides fast, effective and efficient quantity take-off and cost estimation, time savings in the preparation of estimating cost and improved visualization for better understanding of designs for measurement and minimise omissions. For future research, it is recommended that the study be replicated at other regions so that a clearer view of this topic can be obtained. Besides, qualitative research methods could be used in identifying other drivers and benefits not covered in this study. By answering the questions in the survey form, the students were able to gain some knowledge on BIM and its importance to the quantity surveying profession. Also, it would be interesting to include industrial practitioners in this kind of study, allowing comparisons of the results between academia and industry at a later stage. Nonetheless, this study benefited the undergraduate students pursuing the Bachelor of Science (Hons) Quantity Surveying programme, universities, colleges and other institutions that offered the quantity surveying programmes at various levels and quantity surveyors working in the construction industry by exposing them to a comprehensive list of drivers and benefits of BIM incorporation into quantity surveying profession. In a way, this study helped promoted BIM and its implementation in the field of quantity surveying in Klang Valley, Malaysia

    Mutation for Multi-Agent Systems

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    Although much progress has been made in engineering multi-agent systems (MAS), many issues remain to be resolved. One issue is that there is a lack of techniques that can adequately evaluate the effectiveness (fault detection ability) of tests or testing techniques for MAS. Another is that there are no systematic approaches to evaluating the impact of possible semantic changes (changes in the interpretation of agent programs) on agents' behaviour and performance. This thesis introduces syntactic and semantic mutation to address these two issues. Syntactic mutation is a technique that systematically generates variants ("syntactic mutants") of a description (usually a program) following a set of rules ("syntactic mutation operators"). Each mutant is expected to simulate a real description fault, therefore, the effectiveness of a test set can be evaluated by checking whether it can detect each simulated fault, in other words, distinguish the original description from each mutant. Although syntactic mutation is widely considered very effective, only limited work has been done to introduce it into MAS. This thesis extends syntactic mutation for MAS by proposing a set of syntactic mutation operators for the Jason agent language and showing that they can be used to generate real faults in Jason agent programs. By contrast, semantic mutation systematically generates variant interpretations ("semantic mutants") of a description following a set of rules ("semantic mutation operators"). Semantic mutation has two uses: to evaluate the effectiveness of a test set by simulating faults caused by misunderstandings of how the description is interpreted, and to evaluate the impact of possible semantic changes on agents' behaviour and performance. This thesis, for the first time, proposes semantic mutation for MAS, more specifically, for three logic based agent languages, namely Jason, GOAL and 2APL. It proposes semantic mutation operators for these languages, shows that the operators for Jason can represent real misunderstandings and are practically useful

    Debugging multi-agent systems with design documents

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    Debugging multi-agent systems, which are concurrent, distributed, and consist of complex components is difficult, yet crucial. The development of these complex systems is supported by agent-oriented software engineering methodologies which utilise agents as the central design metaphor. The systems that are developed are inherently complex since the components of these systems may interact in flexible and sophisticated ways and traditional debugging techniques are not appropriate. Despite this, very little effort has been applied to developing appropriate debugging tools and techniques. Debugging multi-agent systems without good debugging tools is highly impractical and without suitable debugging support developing and maintaining multi-agent systems will be more difficult than it need be. In this thesis we propose that the debugging process can be supported by following an agent-oriented design methodology, and then using the developed design artifacts in the debugging phase. We propose a domain independent debugging framework which comprises the developed processes and components that are necessary in using design artifacts as debugging artifacts. Our approach is to take a non-formal design artifact, such as an AUML protocol design, and encode it in a machine interpretable manner such that the design can be used as a model of correct system behaviour. These models are used by a run-time debugging system to compare observed behaviour against specified behaviour. We provide details for transforming two design artifact types into equivalent debugging artifacts and show how these can be used to detect bugs. During a debugging episode in which a bug has been identified our debugging approach can provide detailed information about the possible reason for the bug occurring. To determine if this information was useful in helping to debug programs we undertook a thorough empirical study and identified that use of the debugging tool translated to an improvement in debugging performance. We conclude that the debugging techniques developed in this thesis provide effective debugging support for multi-agent systems and by having an extensible framework new design artifacts can be explored and as translations are developed they can be added to the debugging system

    A model-driven framework for engineering multiagent systems

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    This dissertation presents the Bochica framework for Agent-Oriented Software Engineering (AOSE). The frameworkā€™s task in the software development process is (i) to capture the design decisions for a system under consideration on a platform-independent level of abstraction and (ii) to project this design to a target platform. Bochica goes beyond the state-of-the-art in AOSE as it combines the beneļ¬ts of a platform-independent approach with the possibility to address concepts of custom application domains and execution environments. Several extension interfaces are speciļ¬ed to enable the customization of the underlying modeling language to the engineerā€™s needs. Bochica is accompanied by an iterative adaptation process to gradually incorporate extensions. Conceptual mappings for projecting Bochica models to executable code are speciļ¬ed. In order to enable Bochica for modeling agents that inhabit semantically-enhanced virtual worlds, an according extension model is proposed. Finally, a model-driven reverse engineering approach for lifting the underlying design of already implemented Multiagent System (MAS) to the platform-independent layer is introduced. The framework has been successfully evaluated for designing intelligent agents that operate a virtual production line as well as for extracting the underlying design of an already implemented MAS. The evaluation results show that the Bochica approach to AOSE contributes to overcome the gap between design and code.Diese Arbeit prƤsentiert das Bochica Rahmenwerk fĆ¼r agentenorientierte Softwareentwicklung. Die Aufgabe des Rahmenwerks ist es, die Designentscheidungen fĆ¼r ein IT-System auf einer plattformunabhƤngigen Ebene festzuhalten und auf eine Zielplattform abzubilden. Bochica erweitert den Stand der Wissenschaft der agentenorientierten Softwareentwicklung durch die Kombination von plattformunabhƤngigen und plattformspeziļ¬schen Eigenschaften. Zu diesem Zweck werden konzeptionelle Schnittstellen fĆ¼r die Anpassung an benutzerspeziļ¬sche AnwendungsdomƤnen und AusfĆ¼hrungsumgebungen speziļ¬ziert. Ein iterativer Adaptionsprozess ermƶglicht die schrittweise Integration von neuen Konzepten. FĆ¼r die Projektion von Bochica-Modellen auf eine Agentenplattform werden entsprechende Abbildungsregeln speziļ¬ziert. Um das Bochica Rahmenwerk fĆ¼r die Modellierung von Agenten in semantisch annotierten virtuellen Welten anzupassen wird eine entsprechende Erweiterung eingefĆ¼hrt. AbschlieƟend wird ein modellgetriebener Ansatz fĆ¼r die Extraktion des zugrundeliegenden Designs eines bereits implementierten Agentensystems auf die platformunabhƤngige Ebene vorgestellt. Bochica wurde in zwei Fallstudien fĆ¼r die Modellierung von Agenten in einer virtuelle Fabrikumgebung und die Extraktion des Designs eines bereits implementierten Agentensystems evaluiert. Die Evaluierungsergebnisse zeigen, daƟ das Rahmenwerk die LĆ¼cke zwischen einem plattformunabhƤngigen agentenorientiertem Design und der Zielplattform effektiv verringert

    Assurance of agent systems: What role should formal verification play?

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    In this paper we consider the broader issue of gaining assurance that an agent system will behave appropriately when it is deployed. We ask to what extent this problem is addressed by existing research into formal veriļ¬cation. We identify a range of issues with existing work which leads us to conclude that, broadly speaking, veriļ¬cation approaches on their own are too narrowly focussed. We argue that a shift in direction is needed, and outline some possibilities for such a shift in direction.Unpublished[1] N. Alechina, M. Dastani, B.S. Logan, and J.-J. Ch. Meyer. A logic of agent programs. In Proceedings of the Twenty-Second AAAI Conference on Artiļ¬cial Intelligence (AAAI), pages 795ā€“800, 2007. [2] N. Alechina, M. Dastani, B.S. Logan, and J.-J. Ch. Meyer. Reasoning about agent deliberation. In Gerhard Brewka and JĆ©rĆ“me Lang, editors, Proceedings, Eleventh International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, pages 16ā€“26, 2008. 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