27 research outputs found

    Guessing Winning Policies in LTL Synthesis by Semantic Learning

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    We provide a learning-based technique for guessing a winning strategy in a parity game originating from an LTL synthesis problem. A cheaply obtained guess can be useful in several applications. Not only can the guessed strategy be applied as best-effort in cases where the game's huge size prohibits rigorous approaches, but it can also increase the scalability of rigorous LTL synthesis in several ways. Firstly, checking whether a guessed strategy is winning is easier than constructing one. Secondly, even if the guess is wrong in some places, it can be fixed by strategy iteration faster than constructing one from scratch. Thirdly, the guess can be used in on-the-fly approaches to prioritize exploration in the most fruitful directions. In contrast to previous works, we (i)~reflect the highly structured logical information in game's states, the so-called semantic labelling, coming from the recent LTL-to-automata translations, and (ii)~learn to reflect it properly by learning from previously solved games, bringing the solving process closer to human-like reasoning

    Index appearance record with preorders

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    Transforming ω-automata into parity automata is traditionally done using appearance records. We present an efficient variant of this idea, tailored to Rabin automata, and several optimizations applicable to all appearance records. We compare the methods experimentally and show that our method produces significantly smaller automata than previous approaches

    Automata-Based Software Model Checking of Hyperproperties

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    We develop model checking algorithms for Temporal Stream Logic (TSL) and Hyper Temporal Stream Logic (HyperTSL) modulo theories. TSL extends Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) with memory cells, functions and predicates, making it a convenient and expressive logic to reason over software and other systems with infinite data domains. HyperTSL further extends TSL to the specification of hyperproperties - properties that relate multiple system executions. As such, HyperTSL can express information flow policies like noninterference in software systems. We augment HyperTSL with theories, resulting in HyperTSL(T),and build on methods from LTL software verification to obtain model checking algorithms for TSL and HyperTSL(T). This results in a sound but necessarily incomplete algorithm for specifications contained in the forall*exists* fragment of HyperTSL(T). Our approach constitutes the first software model checking algorithm for temporal hyperproperties with quantifier alternations that does not rely on a finite-state abstraction

    Sharper and Simpler Nonlinear Interpolants for Program Verification

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    Interpolation of jointly infeasible predicates plays important roles in various program verification techniques such as invariant synthesis and CEGAR. Intrigued by the recent result by Dai et al.\ that combines real algebraic geometry and SDP optimization in synthesis of polynomial interpolants, the current paper contributes its enhancement that yields sharper and simpler interpolants. The enhancement is made possible by: theoretical observations in real algebraic geometry; and our continued fraction-based algorithm that rounds off (potentially erroneous) numerical solutions of SDP solvers. Experiment results support our tool's effectiveness; we also demonstrate the benefit of sharp and simple interpolants in program verification examples

    Testing the Limits: Unusual Text Inputs Generation for Mobile App Crash Detection with Large Language Model

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    Mobile applications have become a ubiquitous part of our daily life, providing users with access to various services and utilities. Text input, as an important interaction channel between users and applications, plays an important role in core functionality such as search queries, authentication, messaging, etc. However, certain special text (e.g., -18 for Font Size) can cause the app to crash, and generating diversified unusual inputs for fully testing the app is highly demanded. Nevertheless, this is also challenging due to the combination of explosion dilemma, high context sensitivity, and complex constraint relations. This paper proposes InputBlaster which leverages the LLM to automatically generate unusual text inputs for mobile app crash detection. It formulates the unusual inputs generation problem as a task of producing a set of test generators, each of which can yield a batch of unusual text inputs under the same mutation rule. In detail, InputBlaster leverages LLM to produce the test generators together with the mutation rules serving as the reasoning chain, and utilizes the in-context learning schema to demonstrate the LLM with examples for boosting the performance. InputBlaster is evaluated on 36 text input widgets with cash bugs involving 31 popular Android apps, and results show that it achieves 78% bug detection rate, with 136% higher than the best baseline. Besides, we integrate it with the automated GUI testing tool and detect 37 unseen crashes in real-world apps from Google Play.Comment: Accepted by IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering 2024 (ICSE 2024

    Weighted Transducers for Robustness Verification

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    Automata theory provides us with fundamental notions such as languages, membership, emptiness and inclusion that in turn allow us to specify and verify properties of reactive systems in a useful manner. However, these notions all yield "yes"/"no" answers that sometimes fall short of being satisfactory answers when the models being analyzed are imperfect, and the observations made are prone to errors. To address this issue, a common engineering approach is not just to verify that a system satisfies a property, but whether it does so robustly. We present notions of robustness that place a metric on words, thus providing a natural notion of distance between words. Such a metric naturally leads to a topological neighborhood of words and languages, leading to quantitative and robust versions of the membership, emptiness and inclusion problems. More generally, we consider weighted transducers to model the cost of errors. Such a transducer models neighborhoods of words by providing the cost of rewriting a word into another. The main contribution of this work is to study robustness verification problems in the context of weighted transducers. We provide algorithms for solving the robust and quantitative versions of the membership and inclusion problems while providing useful motivating case studies including approximate pattern matching problems to detect clinically relevant events in a large type-1 diabetes dataset

    Safety and Liveness of Quantitative Automata

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    The safety-liveness dichotomy is a fundamental concept in formal languages which plays a key role in verification. Recently, this dichotomy has been lifted to quantitative properties, which are arbitrary functions from infinite words to partially-ordered domains. We look into harnessing the dichotomy for the specific classes of quantitative properties expressed by quantitative automata. These automata contain finitely many states and rational-valued transition weights, and their common value functions Inf, Sup, LimInf, LimSup, LimInfAvg, LimSupAvg, and DSum map infinite words into the totally-ordered domain of real numbers. In this automata-theoretic setting, we establish a connection between quantitative safety and topological continuity and provide an alternative characterization of quantitative safety and liveness in terms of their boolean counterparts. For all common value functions, we show how the safety closure of a quantitative automaton can be constructed in PTime, and we provide PSpace-complete checks of whether a given quantitative automaton is safe or live, with the exception of LimInfAvg and LimSupAvg automata, for which the safety check is in ExpSpace. Moreover, for deterministic Sup, LimInf, and LimSup automata, we give PTime decompositions into safe and live automata. These decompositions enable the separation of techniques for safety and liveness verification for quantitative specifications

    Model-Checking Parametric Lock-Sharing Systems Against Regular Constraints

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    In parametric lock-sharing systems processes can spawn new processes to run in parallel, and can create new locks. The behavior of every process is given by a pushdown automaton. We consider infinite behaviors of such systems under strong process fairness condition. A result of a potentially infinite execution of a system is a limit configuration, that is a potentially infinite tree. The verification problem is to determine if a given system has a limit configuration satisfying a given regular property. This formulation of the problem encompasses verification of reachability as well as of many liveness properties. We show that this verification problem, while undecidable in general, is decidable for nested lock usage. We show Exptime-completeness of the verification problem. The main source of complexity is the number of parameters in the spawn operation. If the number of parameters is bounded, our algorithm works in Ptime for properties expressed by parity automata with a fixed number of ranks

    Logical and deep learning methods for temporal reasoning

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    In this thesis, we study logical and deep learning methods for the temporal reasoning of reactive systems. In Part I, we determine decidability borders for the satisfiability and realizability problem of temporal hyperproperties. Temporal hyperproperties relate multiple computation traces to each other and are expressed in a temporal hyperlogic. In particular, we identify decidable fragments of the highly expressive hyperlogics HyperQPTL and HyperCTL*. As an application, we elaborate on an enforcement mechanism for temporal hyperproperties. We study explicit enforcement algorithms for specifications given as formulas in universally quantified HyperLTL. In Part II, we train a (deep) neural network on the trace generation and realizability problem of linear-time temporal logic (LTL). We consider a method to generate large amounts of additional training data from practical specification patterns. The training data is generated with classical solvers, which provide one of many possible solutions to each formula. We demonstrate that it is sufficient to train on those particular solutions such that the neural network generalizes to the semantics of the logic. The neural network can predict solutions even for formulas from benchmarks from the literature on which the classical solver timed out. Additionally, we show that it solves a significant portion of problems from the annual synthesis competition (SYNTCOMP) and even out-of-distribution examples from a recent case study.Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit logischen Methoden und mehrschichtigen Lernmethoden für das zeitabhängige Argumentieren über reaktive Systeme. In Teil I werden die Grenzen der Entscheidbarkeit des Erfüllbarkeits- und des Realisierbarkeitsproblem von temporalen Hypereigenschaften bestimmt. Temporale Hypereigenschaften setzen mehrere Berechnungsspuren zueinander in Beziehung und werden in einer temporalen Hyperlogik ausgedrückt. Insbesondere werden entscheidbare Fragmente der hochexpressiven Hyperlogiken HyperQPTL und HyperCTL* identifiziert. Als Anwendung wird ein Enforcement-Mechanismus für temporale Hypereigenschaften erarbeitet. Explizite Enforcement-Algorithmen für Spezifikationen, die als Formeln in universell quantifiziertem HyperLTL angegeben werden, werden untersucht. In Teil II wird ein (mehrschichtiges) neuronales Netz auf den Problemen der Spurgenerierung und Realisierbarkeit von Linear-zeit Temporallogik (LTL) trainiert. Es wird eine Methode betrachtet, um aus praktischen Spezifikationsmustern große Mengen zusätzlicher Trainingsdaten zu generieren. Die Trainingsdaten werden mit klassischen Solvern generiert, die zu jeder Formel nur eine von vielen möglichen Lösungen liefern. Es wird gezeigt, dass es ausreichend ist, an diesen speziellen Lösungen zu trainieren, sodass das neuronale Netz zur Semantik der Logik generalisiert. Das neuronale Netz kann Lösungen sogar für Formeln aus Benchmarks aus der Literatur vorhersagen, bei denen der klassische Solver eine Zeitüberschreitung hatte. Zusätzlich wird gezeigt, dass das neuronale Netz einen erheblichen Teil der Probleme aus dem jährlichen Synthesewettbewerb (SYNTCOMP) und sogar Beispiele außerhalb der Distribution aus einer aktuellen Fallstudie lösen kann

    Publication list of Zoltán Ésik

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