8 research outputs found

    Incremental Cardinality Constraints for MaxSAT

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    Maximum Satisfiability (MaxSAT) is an optimization variant of the Boolean Satisfiability (SAT) problem. In general, MaxSAT algorithms perform a succession of SAT solver calls to reach an optimum solution making extensive use of cardinality constraints. Many of these algorithms are non-incremental in nature, i.e. at each iteration the formula is rebuilt and no knowledge is reused from one iteration to another. In this paper, we exploit the knowledge acquired across iterations using novel schemes to use cardinality constraints in an incremental fashion. We integrate these schemes with several MaxSAT algorithms. Our experimental results show a significant performance boost for these algo- rithms as compared to their non-incremental counterparts. These results suggest that incremental cardinality constraints could be beneficial for other constraint solving domains.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figures, 1 table. Final version published in Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP) 201

    Are There Good Mistakes? A Theoretical Analysis of CEGIS

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    Counterexample-guided inductive synthesis CEGIS is used to synthesize programs from a candidate space of programs. The technique is guaranteed to terminate and synthesize the correct program if the space of candidate programs is finite. But the technique may or may not terminate with the correct program if the candidate space of programs is infinite. In this paper, we perform a theoretical analysis of counterexample-guided inductive synthesis technique. We investigate whether the set of candidate spaces for which the correct program can be synthesized using CEGIS depends on the counterexamples used in inductive synthesis, that is, whether there are good mistakes which would increase the synthesis power. We investigate whether the use of minimal counterexamples instead of arbitrary counterexamples expands the set of candidate spaces of programs for which inductive synthesis can successfully synthesize a correct program. We consider two kinds of counterexamples: minimal counterexamples and history bounded counterexamples. The history bounded counterexample used in any iteration of CEGIS is bounded by the examples used in previous iterations of inductive synthesis. We examine the relative change in power of inductive synthesis in both cases. We show that the synthesis technique using minimal counterexamples MinCEGIS has the same synthesis power as CEGIS but the synthesis technique using history bounded counterexamples HCEGIS has different power than that of CEGIS, but none dominates the other.Comment: In Proceedings SYNT 2014, arXiv:1407.493

    A Theory of Formal Synthesis via Inductive Learning

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    Formal synthesis is the process of generating a program satisfying a high-level formal specification. In recent times, effective formal synthesis methods have been proposed based on the use of inductive learning. We refer to this class of methods that learn programs from examples as formal inductive synthesis. In this paper, we present a theoretical framework for formal inductive synthesis. We discuss how formal inductive synthesis differs from traditional machine learning. We then describe oracle-guided inductive synthesis (OGIS), a framework that captures a family of synthesizers that operate by iteratively querying an oracle. An instance of OGIS that has had much practical impact is counterexample-guided inductive synthesis (CEGIS). We present a theoretical characterization of CEGIS for learning any program that computes a recursive language. In particular, we analyze the relative power of CEGIS variants where the types of counterexamples generated by the oracle varies. We also consider the impact of bounded versus unbounded memory available to the learning algorithm. In the special case where the universe of candidate programs is finite, we relate the speed of convergence to the notion of teaching dimension studied in machine learning theory. Altogether, the results of the paper take a first step towards a theoretical foundation for the emerging field of formal inductive synthesis

    Quantum Algorithm for Variant Maximum Satisfiability

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    In this paper, we proposed a novel quantum algorithm for the maximum satisfiability problem. Satisfiability (SAT) is to find the set of assignment values of input variables for the given Boolean function that evaluates this function as TRUE or prove that such satisfying values do not exist. For a POS SAT problem, we proposed a novel quantum algorithm for the maximum satisfiability (MAX-SAT), which returns the maximum number of OR terms that are satisfied for the SAT-unsatisfiable function, providing us with information on how far the given Boolean function is from the SAT satisfaction. We used Grover’s algorithm with a new block called quantum counter in the oracle circuit. The proposed circuit can be adapted for various forms of satisfiability expressions and several satisfiability-like problems. Using the quantum counter and mirrors for SAT terms reduces the need for ancilla qubits and realizes a large Toffoli gate that is then not needed. Our circuit reduces the number of ancilla qubits for the terms T of the Boolean function from T of ancilla qubits to ≈⌈log2⁡T⌉+1. We analyzed and compared the quantum cost of the traditional oracle design with our design which gives a low quantum cost

    Enforcement in Abstract Argumentation via Boolean Optimization

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    Computational aspects of argumentation are a central research topic of modern artificial intelligence. A core formal model for argumentation, where the inner structure of arguments is abstracted away, was provided by Dung in the form of abstract argumentation frameworks (AFs). AFs are syntactically directed graphs with the nodes representing arguments and edges representing attacks between them. Given the AF, sets of jointly acceptable arguments or extensions are defined via different semantics. The computational complexity and algorithmic solutions to so-called static problems, such as the enumeration of extensions, is a well-studied topic. Since argumentation is a dynamic process, understanding the dynamic aspects of AFs is also important. However, computational aspects of dynamic problems have not been studied thoroughly. This work concentrates on different forms of enforcement, which is a core dynamic problem in the area of abstract argumentation. In this case, given an AF, one wants to modify it by adding and removing attacks in a way that a given set of arguments becomes an extension (extension enforcement) or that given arguments are credulously or skeptically accepted (status enforcement). In this thesis, the enforcement problem is viewed as a constrained optimization task where the change to the attack structure is minimized. The computational complexity of the extension and status enforcement problems is analyzed, showing that they are in the general case NP-hard optimization problems. Motivated by this, algorithms are presented based on the Boolean optimization paradigm of maximum satisfiability (MaxSAT) for the NP-complete variants, and counterexample-guided abstraction refinement (CEGAR) procedures, where an interplay between MaxSAT and Boolean satisfiability (SAT) solvers is utilized, for problems beyond NP. The algorithms are implemented in the open source software system Pakota, which is empirically evaluated on randomly generated enforcement instances

    혼성 신호 시스템에서의 확률적 검증과 디버깅 자동화

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    학위논문 (박사)-- 서울대학교 대학원 : 전기·컴퓨터공학부, 2014. 8. 김재하.Increasing system complexity, growing uncertainty in semiconductor technology, and demanding requirements in complex specifications pose significant challenges to both pre-silicon design verification and post-silicon chip validation. Thus, this dissertation investigates efficient pre-silicon/post-silicon validation and debugging methodology, especially for analog and mixed-signal (AMS) systems. Principally, validation is formulated as a Bayesian inference problem and analyzed in a probabilistic manner. For instance, pass/fail property can be checked by Bayesian sampling – the posterior distribution of the unknown failure probability can be measured after many sample validation trials so as to quantify the confidence of pass with a given tolerance and model accuracy. This approach is first taken in the pre-silicon verification to check a systems property. In other words, the efficient Monte Carlo-based methods for ensuring global convergence property are proposed using two techniques: fast sample batch verification using cluster analysis and efficient sampling using Gaussian process regression. In addition, a practical design flow for preventing global convergence failure is presented – the notion of indeterminate state X is extended to AMS systems. For the post-silicon validation, in particular, the probabilistic graphical model is proposed as one effective abstraction of AMS systems. Using the probabilistic graphical model and statistical inference, we can compute the probability of each parameter to satisfy a given specification and use it for bug localization and ranking. The proposed model and method are especially useful at the post-silicon validation phase, since they can check and localize bugs in the system under limited observability and controllability.Contents Abstract Contents List of Tables List of Figures 1 Introduction 2 Probabilistic Validation and Computer-Aided Debugging in AMS Systems 2.1 Validation as Inference 2.2 Bayesian Property Checking by Sampling 2.3 Probabilistic Graphical Models 3 Global Convergence Property Checking withMonte CarloMethods in Pre-Silicon Validation 3.1 Problem Formulation 3.2 Fast Sample Batch Verification using Cluster Analysis 3.2.1 Global convergence failures in state space models 3.2.2 Finding global convergence failures by cluster-split detection 3.2.3 Experimental results 3.3 Efficient Covering and Sampling of Parameter Space 3.3.1 Attempt to cover the parameter space – finding transient regions in circuits state space 3.3.2 Rare-event failure simulation using Gaussian process 3.4 Preventing Global Convergence Failure via Indeterminate State X Elimination 3.4.1 Preventing start-up failure by eliminating all indeterminate states 3.4.2 Procedure of eliminating indeterminate states with the extended X for AMS systems 3.4.3 Reducing reset circuits in the X elimination procedure 3.4.4 Experimental results 4 Bug Localization using Probabilistic GraphicalModels in Post-Silicon Validation 4.1 Problem Formulation 4.2 Modeling of AMS Circuits using Probabilistic Graphical Models 4.2.1 Probabilistic graphical models 4.2.2 Generating probabilistic graphical models for AMS circuits 4.3 Probabilistic Bug Localization using Probabilistic Graphical Models 4.3.1 Posterior estimation using statistical inference 4.3.2 Probabilistic bug localization and ranking 4.3.3 Implementation details 4.4 Experimental Results 4.5 Possible Extensions of Graphical Models – Equivalence Checking 5 Conclusion BibliographyDocto

    SAT-based approaches for constraint optimization

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    La optimització amb restriccions ha estat utilitzada amb èxit par a resoldre problemes en molts dominis reals (industrials). Aquesta tesi es centra en les aproximacions lògiques, concretament en Màxima Satisfactibilitat (MaxSAT) que és la versió d’optimització del problema de Satisfactibilitat booleana (SAT). A través de MaxSAT, s’han resolt molts problemes de forma eficient. Famílies d’instàncies de la majoria d’aquests problemes han estat sotmeses a la MaxSAT Evaluation (MSE), creant així una col•lecció pública i accessible d’instàncies de referència. En les edicions recents de la MSE, els algorismes SAT-based han estat les aproximacions que han tingut un millor comportament per a les instàncies industrials. Aquesta tesi està centrada en millorar els algorismes SAT-based . El nostre treball ha contribuït a tancar varies instàncies obertes i a reduir dramàticament el temps de resolució en moltes altres. A més, hem trobat sorprenentment que reformular y resoldre el problema MaxSAT a través de programació lineal sencera era especialment adequat per algunes famílies. Finalment, hem desenvolupat el primer portfoli altament eficient par a MaxSAT que ha dominat en totes las categories de la MSE des de 2013.La optimización con restricciones ha sido utilizada con éxito para resolver problemas en muchos dominios reales (industriales). Esta tesis se centra en las aproximaciones lógicas, concretamente en Máxima Satisfacibilidad (MaxSAT) que es la versión de optimización del problema de Satisfacibilidad booleana (SAT). A través de MaxSAT, se han resuelto muchos problemas de forma eficiente. Familias de instancias de la mayoría de ellos han sido sometidas a la MaxSAT Evaluation (MSE), creando así una colección pública y accesible de instancias de referencia. En las ediciones recientes de la MSE, los algoritmos SAT-based han sido las aproximaciones que han tenido un mejor comportamiento para las instancias industriales. Esta tesis está centrada en mejorar los algoritmos SAT-based. Nuestro trabajo ha contribuido a cerrar varias instancias abiertas y a reducir dramáticamente el tiempo de resolución en muchas otras. Además, hemos encontrado sorprendentemente que reformular y resolver el problema MaxSAT a través de programación lineal entera era especialmente adecuado para algunas familias. Finalmente, hemos desarrollado el primer portfolio altamente eficiente para MaxSAT que ha dominado en todas las categorías de la MSE desde 2013.Constraint optimization has been successfully used to solve problems in many real world (industrial) domains. This PhD thesis is focused on logic-based approaches, in particular, on Maximum Satisfiability (MaxSAT) which is the optimization version of Satisfiability (SAT). There have been many problems efficiency solved through MaxSAT. Instance families on the majority of them have been submitted to the international MaxSAT Evaluation (MSE), creating a collection of publicly available benchmark instances. At recent editions of MSE, SAT-based algorithms were the best performing single algorithm approaches for industrial problems. This PhD thesis is focused on the improvement of SAT-based algorithms. All this work has contributed to close up some open instances and to reduce dramatically the solving time in many others. In addition, we have surprisingly found that reformulating and solving the MaxSAT problem through Integer Linear Programming (ILP) was extremely well suited for some families. Finally, we have developed the first highly efficient MaxSAT portfolio that dominated all categories of MSE since 2013

    Quantum Search Algorithms for Constraint Satisfaction and Optimization Problems Using Grover\u27s Search and Quantum Walk Algorithms with Advanced Oracle Design

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    The field of quantum computing has emerged as a powerful tool for solving and optimizing combinatorial optimization problems. To solve many real-world problems with many variables and possible solutions for constraint satisfaction and optimization problems, the required number of qubits of scalable hardware for quantum computing is the bottleneck in the current generation of quantum computers. In this dissertation, we will demonstrate advanced, scalable building blocks for the quantum search algorithms that have been implemented in Grover\u27s search algorithm and the quantum walk algorithm. The scalable building blocks are used to reduce the required number of qubits in the design. The proposed architecture effectively scales and optimizes the number of qubits needed to solve large problems with a limited number of qubits. Thus, scaling and optimizing the number of qubits that can be accommodated in quantum algorithm design directly reflect on performance. Also, accuracy is a key performance metric related to how accurately one can measure quantum states. The search space of quantum search algorithms is traditionally created by using the Hadamard operator to create superposition. However, creating superpositions for problems that do not need all superposition states decreases the accuracy of the measured states. We present an efficient quantum circuit design that the user has control over to create the subspace superposition states for the search space as needed. Using only the subspace states as superposition states of the search space will increase the rate of correct solutions. In this dissertation, we will present the implementation of practical problems for Grover\u27s search algorithm and quantum walk algorithm in logic design, logic puzzles, and machine learning problems such as SAT, MAX-SAT, XOR-SAT, and like SAT problems in EDA, and mining frequent patterns for association rule mining