8,070 research outputs found

    Language (Technology) is Power: A Critical Survey of "Bias" in NLP

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    We survey 146 papers analyzing "bias" in NLP systems, finding that their motivations are often vague, inconsistent, and lacking in normative reasoning, despite the fact that analyzing "bias" is an inherently normative process. We further find that these papers' proposed quantitative techniques for measuring or mitigating "bias" are poorly matched to their motivations and do not engage with the relevant literature outside of NLP. Based on these findings, we describe the beginnings of a path forward by proposing three recommendations that should guide work analyzing "bias" in NLP systems. These recommendations rest on a greater recognition of the relationships between language and social hierarchies, encouraging researchers and practitioners to articulate their conceptualizations of "bias"---i.e., what kinds of system behaviors are harmful, in what ways, to whom, and why, as well as the normative reasoning underlying these statements---and to center work around the lived experiences of members of communities affected by NLP systems, while interrogating and reimagining the power relations between technologists and such communities

    Racial categories in machine learning

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    Controversies around race and machine learning have sparked debate among computer scientists over how to design machine learning systems that guarantee fairness. These debates rarely engage with how racial identity is embedded in our social experience, making for sociological and psychological complexity. This complexity challenges the paradigm of considering fairness to be a formal property of supervised learning with respect to protected personal attributes. Racial identity is not simply a personal subjective quality. For people labeled "Black" it is an ascribed political category that has consequences for social differentiation embedded in systemic patterns of social inequality achieved through both social and spatial segregation. In the United States, racial classification can best be understood as a system of inherently unequal status categories that places whites as the most privileged category while signifying the Negro/black category as stigmatized. Social stigma is reinforced through the unequal distribution of societal rewards and goods along racial lines that is reinforced by state, corporate, and civic institutions and practices. This creates a dilemma for society and designers: be blind to racial group disparities and thereby reify racialized social inequality by no longer measuring systemic inequality, or be conscious of racial categories in a way that itself reifies race. We propose a third option. By preceding group fairness interventions with unsupervised learning to dynamically detect patterns of segregation, machine learning systems can mitigate the root cause of social disparities, social segregation and stratification, without further anchoring status categories of disadvantage

    "Call me sexist, but...": Revisiting Sexism Detection Using Psychological Scales and Adversarial Samples

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    Research has focused on automated methods to effectively detect sexism online. Although overt sexism seems easy to spot, its subtle forms and manifold expressions are not. In this paper, we outline the different dimensions of sexism by grounding them in their implementation in psychological scales. From the scales, we derive a codebook for sexism in social media, which we use to annotate existing and novel datasets, surfacing their limitations in breadth and validity with respect to the construct of sexism. Next, we leverage the annotated datasets to generate adversarial examples, and test the reliability of sexism detection methods. Results indicate that current machine learning models pick up on a very narrow set of linguistic markers of sexism and do not generalize well to out-of-domain examples. Yet, including diverse data and adversarial examples at training time results in models that generalize better and that are more robust to artifacts of data collection. By providing a scale-based codebook and insights regarding the shortcomings of the state-of-the-art, we hope to contribute to the development of better and broader models for sexism detection, including reflections on theory-driven approaches to data collection.Comment: Indira Sen and Julian Kohne contributed equally to this wor

    Bias In, Bias Out? Evaluating the Folk Wisdom

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    We evaluate the folk wisdom that algorithmic decision rules trained on data produced by biased human decision-makers necessarily reflect this bias. We consider a setting where training labels are only generated if a biased decision-maker takes a particular action, and so "biased" training data arise due to discriminatory selection into the training data. In our baseline model, the more biased the decision-maker is against a group, the more the algorithmic decision rule favors that group. We refer to this phenomenon as bias reversal. We then clarify the conditions that give rise to bias reversal. Whether a prediction algorithm reverses or inherits bias depends critically on how the decision-maker affects the training data as well as the label used in training. We illustrate our main theoretical results in a simulation study applied to the New York City Stop, Question and Frisk dataset

    Uncovering exceptional predictions using exploratory analysis of second stage machine learning.

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    Nowadays, algorithmic systems for making decisions are widely used to facilitate decisions in a variety of fields such as medicine, banking, applying for universities or network security. However, many machine learning algorithms are well-known for their complex mathematical internal workings which turn them into black boxes and makes their decision-making process usually difficult to understand even for experts. In this thesis, we try to develop a methodology to explain why a certain exceptional machine learned decision was made incorrectly by using the interpretability of the decision tree classifier. Our approach can provide insights about potential flaws in feature definition or completeness, as well as potential incorrect training data and outliers. It also promises to help find the stereotypes learned by machine learning algorithms which lead to incorrect predictions and especially, to prevent discrimination in making socially sensitive decisions, such as credit decisions as well as crime-related and policing predictions

    Exposing implicit biases and stereotypes in human and artificial intelligence: state of the art and challenges with a focus on gender

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    Biases in cognition are ubiquitous. Social psychologists suggested biases and stereotypes serve a multifarious set of cognitive goals, while at the same time stressing their potential harmfulness. Recently, biases and stereotypes became the purview of heated debates in the machine learning community too. Researchers and developers are becoming increasingly aware of the fact that some biases, like gender and race biases, are entrenched in the algorithms some AI applications rely upon. Here, taking into account several existing approaches that address the problem of implicit biases and stereotypes, we propose that a strategy to cope with this phenomenon is to unmask those found in AI systems by understanding their cognitive dimension, rather than simply trying to correct algorithms. To this extent, we present a discussion bridging together findings from cognitive science and insights from machine learning that can be integrated in a state-of-the-art semantic network. Remarkably, this resource can be of assistance to scholars (e.g., cognitive and computer scientists) while at the same time contributing to refine AI regulations affecting social life. We show how only through a thorough understanding of the cognitive processes leading to biases, and through an interdisciplinary effort, we can make the best of AI technology

    Using Artificial Intelligence for the Specification of m-Health and e-Health Systems

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    Artificial intelligence (AI) techniques such as machine learning (ML) have wide application in medical informatics systems. In this chapter, we employ AI techniques to assist in deriving software specifications of e-Health and m-Health systems from informal requirements statements. We use natural language processing (NLP), optical character recognition (OCR), and machine learning to identify required data and behaviour elements of systems from textual and graphical requirements documents. Heuristic rules are used to extract formal specification models of the systems from these documents. The extracted specifications can then be used as the starting point for automated software production using model-driven engineering (MDE). We illustrate the process using an example of a stroke recovery assistant app and evaluate the techniques on several representative systems
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