14 research outputs found

    Factorization in Formal Languages

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    We consider several novel aspects of unique factorization in formal languages. We reprove the familiar fact that the set uf(L) of words having unique factorization into elements of L is regular if L is regular, and from this deduce an quadratic upper and lower bound on the length of the shortest word not in uf(L). We observe that uf(L) need not be context-free if L is context-free. Next, we consider variations on unique factorization. We define a notion of "semi-unique" factorization, where every factorization has the same number of terms, and show that, if L is regular or even finite, the set of words having such a factorization need not be context-free. Finally, we consider additional variations, such as unique factorization "up to permutation" and "up to subset"

    On Boolean closed full trios and rational Kripke frames

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    A Boolean closed full trio is a class of languages that is closed under the Boolean operations (union, intersection, and complementation) and rational transductions. It is well-known that the regular languages constitute such a Boolean closed full trio. It is shown here that every such language class that contains any non-regular language already includes the whole arithmetical hierarchy (and even the one relative to this language). A consequence of this result is that aside from the regular languages, no full trio generated by one language is closed under complementation. Our construction also shows that there is a fixed rational Kripke frame such that assigning an arbitrary non-regular language to some variable allows the definition of any language from the arithmetical hierarchy in the corresponding Kripke structure using multimodal logic

    Operations preserving recognizable languages

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    Given a strictly increasing sequence s of non-negative integers, filtering a word a_0a_1 ... a_n by s consists in deleting the letters ai such that i is not in the set {s_0, s_1, ...}. By a natural generalization, denote by L[s], where L is a language, the set of all words of L filtered by s. The filtering problem is to characterize the filters s such that, for every regular language L, L[s] is regular. In this paper, the filtering problem is solved, and a unified approach is provided to solve similar questions, including the removal problem considered by Seiferas and McNaughton. Our approach relies on a detailed study of various residual notions, notably residually ultimately periodic sequences and residually rational transductions

    Detecting palindromes, patterns, and borders in regular languages

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    Given a language L and a nondeterministic finite automaton M, we consider whether we can determine efficiently (in the size of M) if M accepts at least one word in L, or infinitely many words. Given that M accepts at least one word in L, we consider how long a shortest word can be. The languages L that we examine include the palindromes, the non-palindromes, the k-powers, the non-k-powers, the powers, the non-powers (also called primitive words), the words matching a general pattern, the bordered words, and the unbordered words.Comment: Full version of a paper submitted to LATA 2008. This is a new version with John Loftus added as a co-author and containing new results on unbordered word

    Unique Decipherability in Formal Languages

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    We consider several language-theoretic aspects of various notions of unique decipherability (or unique factorization) in formal languages. Given a language L at some position within the Chomsky hierarchy, we investigate the language of words UD(L) in L^* that have unique factorization over L. We also consider similar notions for weaker forms of unique decipherability, such as numerically decipherable words ND(L), multiset decipherable words MSD(L) and set decipherable words SD(L). Although these notions of unique factorization have been considered before, it appears that the languages of words having these properties have not been positioned in the Chomsky hierarchy up until now. We show that UF(L), ND(L), MSD(L) and SD(L) need not be context-free if L is context-free. In fact ND(L) and MSD(L) need not be context-free even if L is finite, although UD(L) and SD(L) are regular in this case. We show that if L is context-sensitive, then so are UD(L), ND(L), MSD(L) and SD(L). We also prove that the membership problem (resp., emptiness problem) for these classes is PSPACE-complete (resp., undecidable). We finally determine upper and lower bounds on the length of the shortest word of L^* not having the various forms of unique decipherability into elements of L

    Monoids and the State Complexity of the Operation root(<i>L</i>)

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    In this thesis, we cover the general topic of state complexity. In particular, we examine the bounds on the state complexity of some different representations of regular languages. As well, we consider the state complexity of the operation root(L). We give quick treatment of the deterministic state complexity bounds for nondeterministic finite automata and regular expressions. This includes an improvement on the worst-case lower bound for a regular expression, relative to its alphabetic length. The focus of this thesis is the study of the increase in state complexity of a regular language L under the operation root(L). This operation requires us to examine the connections between abstract algebra and formal languages. We present results, some original to this thesis, concerning the size of the largest monoid generated by two elements. Also, we give good bounds on the worst-case state complexity of root(L). In turn, these new results concerning root(L) allow us to improve previous bounds given for the state complexity of two-way deterministic finite automata

    Bounds for long max-plus matrix products

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    We consider long matrix products over max-plus algebra and develop bounds on the transient of their length after which they admit a certain decomposition as the product length exceeds these bounds. First we build on the weak CSR approach for max-plus powers of a matrix by Merlet, Nowak, and Sergeev [68] and consider the case when the products are tropical matrix powers of just one matrix. For this case we obtain new bounds on the above mentioned transient that make use of the cyclicity of the associated digraph and the tropical factor rank. Next, we develop a CSR decomposition for tropical inhomogeneous matrix products and establish bounds in which certain matrix products become CSR. We also critically examine the limitations of the developed theory by presenting a number of counterexamples in the cases where no bound exists for a matrix product to be CSR

    Fibonacci length and efficiency in group presentations

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    In this thesis we shall consider two topics that are contained in combinatorial group theory and concern properties of finitely presented groups. The first problem we examine is that of calculating the Fibonacci length of certain families of finitely presented groups. In pursuing this we come across ideas and unsolved problems from number theory. We mainly concentrate on finding the Fibonacci length of powers of dihedral groups, certain Fibonacci groups and a family of metacyclic groups. The second problem we investigate in this thesis is finding if the group PGL(2, p), for p a prime, is efficient on a minimal generating set. We find various presentations that define PGL(2,p) or Câ‚‚ x PSL(2,p) and direct products of these groups. As in the previous sections we come across number theoretic problems. We also have occasion to use results from tensor theory and homological algebra in order to obtain our results

    Automata for branching and layered temporal structures: An investigation into regularities of infinite transition systems

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    This manuscript is a revised version of the PhD Thesis I wrote under the supervision of Prof. Angelo Montanari at Udine University. The leitmotif underlying the results herein provided is that, given any infinite complex system (e.g., a computer program) to be verified against a finite set of properties, there often exists a simpler system that satisfies the same properties and, in addition, presents strong regularities (e.g., periodicity) in its structure. Those regularities can then be exploited to decide, in an effective way, which property is satisfied by the system and which is not. Perhaps the most natural and effective way to deal with inherent regularities of infinite systems is through the notion of finite-state automaton. Intuitively, a finite-state automaton is an abstract machine with only a bounded amount of memory at its disposal, which processes an input (e.g., a sequence of symbols) and eventually outputs true or false, depending on the way the machine was designed and on the input itself. The present book focuses precisely on automaton-based approaches that ease the representation of and the reasoning on properties of infinite complex systems. The most simple notion of finite-state automaton, is that of single-string automaton. Such a device outputs true on a single (finite or infinite) sequence of symbols and false on any other sequence. We will show how single-string automata processing infinite sequences of symbols can be successfully applied in various frameworks for temporal representation and reasoning. In particular, we will use them to model single ultimately periodic time granularities, namely, temporal structures that are left-bounded and that, ultimately, periodically group instants of the underlying temporal domain (a simple example of such a structure is given by the partitioning of the temporal domain of days into weeks). The notion of single-string automaton can be further refined by introducing counters in order to compactly represent repeated occurrences of the same subsequence in the given input. By introducing restricted policies of counter update and by exploiting suitable abstractions of the configuration space for the resulting class of automata, we will devise efficient algorithms for reasoning on quasi-periodic time granularities (e.g., the partitioning of the temporal domain of days into years). Similar abstractions can be used when reasoning on infinite branching (temporal) structures. In such a case, one has to consider a generalized notion of automaton, which is able to process labeled branching structures (hereafter called trees), rather than linear sequences of symbols. We will show that sets of trees featuring the same properties can be identified with the equivalence classes induced by a suitable automaton. More precisely, given a property to be verified, one can first define a corresponding automaton that accepts all and only the trees satisfying that property, then introduce a suitable equivalence relation that refines the standard language equivalence and groups all trees being indistinguishable by the automaton, and, finally, exploit such an equivalence to reduce several instances of the verification problem to equivalent simpler instances, which can be eventually decided