29 research outputs found

    An effective approach to develop location-based augmented reality information support

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    Using location-based augmented reality (AR) for pedestrian navigation can greatly improve user action to reduce the travel time. Pedestrian navigation differs in many ways from the conventional navigation system used in a car or other vehicles. A major issue with using location-based AR for navigation to a specific landmark is their quality of usability, especially if the active screen is overcrowded with the augmented POI markers which were overlap each other at the same time. This paper describes the user journey map approach that led to new insights about how users were using location-based AR for navigation. These insights led to a deep understanding of challenges that user must face when using location-based AR application for pedestrian navigation purpose, and more generally, they helped the development team to appreciate the variety of user experience in software requirement specification phase. To prove our concept, a prototype of intuitive location-based AR was built to be compared with existing standard-location based AR. The user evaluation results reveal that the overall functional requirements which are gathered from user journey have same level of success rate criteria when compared with standard location-based AR. Nevertheless, the field study participants highlighted the extended features in our prototype could significantly enhance the user action on locating the right object in particular place when compared with standard location-based AR application (proved with the required time)

    Mobile Augmented Reality (MAR) Berbasis Marker Sebagai Media Simulasi Jilbab Virtual

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    Mobile augmented reality (MAR) merupakan teknologi baru yang mampu memadukan lingkungan nyata dan Virtual. Teknologi MAR dapat dimanfaatkan salah satunya dalam bidang fashion atau tata busana yaitu dalam masalah fitting room, dimana diharapkan pelanggan tidak lagi datang ke toko untuk mencoba produk tetapi dapat melalui aplikasi MAR. Kasus yang diangkat adalah produk jilbab karena jilbab termasuk produk asesoris yang memiliki banyak variasi dan selain itu jilbab harus dicocokkan dengan baju yang akan dipakai tetapi terkadang pembeli tidak membawa baju yang akan dipasangkan sehingga mengalami kesulitan dalam memilih jilbab yang sesuai. Berdasarkan pengujian fungsionalitas pelanggan merasa puas atas aplikasi yang dikembangkan

    Playing with Data: An Augmented Reality Approach to Interact with Visualizations of Industrial Process Tomography

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    Industrial process tomography (IPT) is a specialized imaging technique widely used in industrial scenarios for process supervision and control. Today, augmented/mixed reality (AR/MR) is increasingly being adopted in many industrial occasions, even though there is still an obvious gap when it comes to IPT. To bridge this gap, we propose the first systematic AR approach using optical see-through (OST) head mounted displays (HMDs) with comparative evaluation for domain users towards IPT visualization analysis. The proof-of-concept was demonstrated by a within-subject user study (n=20) with counterbalancing design. Both qualitative and quantitative measurements were investigated. The results showed that our AR approach outperformed conventional settings for IPT data visualization analysis in bringing higher understandability, reduced task completion time, lower error rates for domain tasks, increased usability with enhanced user experience, and a better recommendation level. We summarize the findings and suggest future research directions for benefiting IPT users with AR/MR

    Adopting augmented reality in the age of industrial digitalisation

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    Industrial augmented reality (IAR) is one of the key pillars of the industrial digitalisation concepts, which connects workers with the physical world through overlaying digital information. Augmented reality (AR) market is increasing but still its adoption levels are low in industry. While companies strive to learn and adopt AR, there are chances that they fail in such endeavours due to lack of understanding key challenges and success factors in this space. This study identifies critical success factors and challenges for IAR implementation projects based on field experiments. The broadly used technology, organisation, environment (TOE) framework was used as a theoretical basis for the study, while 22 experiments were conducted for validation. It is found that, while technological aspects are of importance, organisational issues are more relevant for industry, which has not been reflected to the same extent in the literature.No funding source. 22 experiments were conducted with in-kind support (employee time and company access) from Beckhoff Automation, Herman Miller and fluiconnecto as well as University of Cambridge students (see Table 1)

    Augmented reality in support of Industry 4.0—Implementation challenges and success factors

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    Industrial augmented reality (AR) is an integral part of Industry 4.0 concepts, as it enables workers to access digital information and overlay that information with the physical world. While not being broadly adopted in some applications, the compound annual growth rate of the industrial AR market is projected to grow rapidly. Hence, it is important to understand the issues arising from implementation of AR in industry. This study identifies critical success factors and challenges for industrial AR implementation projects, based on an industry survey. The broadly used technology, organisation, environment (TOE) framework is used as a theoretical basis for the quantitative part of the questionnaire. A complementary qualitative part is used to underpin and extend the findings. It is found that, while technological aspects are of importance, organisational issues are more relevant for industry, which has not been reflected to the same extent in literature.University of Cambridg

    An evaluation of the Microsoft HoloLens for a manufacturing-guided assembly task

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    Many studies have confirmed the benefits of using Augmented Reality (AR) work instructions over traditional digital or paper instructions, but few have compared the effects of different AR hardware for complex assembly tasks. For this research, previously published data using Desktop Model Based Instructions (MBI), Tablet MBI, and Tablet AR instructions were compared to new assembly data collected using AR instructions on the Microsoft HoloLens Head Mounted Display (HMD). Participants completed a mock wing assembly task, and measures like completion time, error count, Net Promoter Score, and qualitative feedback were recorded. The HoloLens condition yielded faster completion times than all other conditions. HoloLens users also had lower error rates than those who used the non-AR conditions. Despite the performance benefits of the HoloLens AR instructions, users of this condition reported lower net promoter scores than users of the Tablet AR instructions. The qualitative data showed that some users thought the HoloLens device was uncomfortable and that the tracking was not always exact. Although the user feedback favored the Tablet AR condition, the HoloLens condition resulted in significantly faster assembly times. As a result, it is recommended to use the HoloLens for complex guided assembly instructions with minor changes, such as allowing the user to toggle the AR instructions on and off at will. The results of this paper can help manufacturing stakeholders better understand the benefits of different AR technology for manual assembly tasks

    Object Registration in Semi-cluttered and Partial-occluded Scenes for Augmented Reality

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    This paper proposes a stable and accurate object registration pipeline for markerless augmented reality applications. We present two novel algorithms for object recognition and matching to improve the registration accuracy from model to scene transformation via point cloud fusion. Whilst the first algorithm effectively deals with simple scenes with few object occlusions, the second algorithm handles cluttered scenes with partial occlusions for robust real-time object recognition and matching. The computational framework includes a locally supported Gaussian weight function to enable repeatable detection of 3D descriptors. We apply a bilateral filtering and outlier removal to preserve edges of point cloud and remove some interference points in order to increase matching accuracy. Extensive experiments have been carried to compare the proposed algorithms with four most used methods. Results show improved performance of the algorithms in terms of computational speed, camera tracking and object matching errors in semi-cluttered and partial-occluded scenes

    Augmented reality in support of intelligent manufacturing – A systematic literature review

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    Industry increasingly moves towards digitally enabled ‘smart factories’ that utilise the internet of things (IoT) to realise intelligent manufacturing concepts like predictive maintenance or extensive machine to machine communication. A core technology to facilitate human integration in such a system is augmented reality (AR), which provides people with an interface to interact with the digital world of a smart factory. While AR is not ready yet for industrial deployment in some areas, it is already used in others. To provide an overview of research activities concerning AR in certain shop floor operations, a total of 96 relevant papers from 2011 to 2018 are reviewed. This paper presents the state of the art, the current challenges, and future directions of manufacturing related AR research through a systematic literature review and a citation network analysis. The results of this review indicate that the context of research concerning AR gets increasingly broader, especially by addressing challenges when implementing AR solutions.No funding was received

    Exploring the Multi-touch Interaction Design Space for 3D Virtual Objects to Support Procedural Training Tasks

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    Multi-touch interaction has the potential to be an important input method for realistic training in 3D environments. However, multi-touch interaction has not been explored much in 3D tasks, especially when trying to leverage realistic, real-world interaction paradigms. A systematic inquiry into what realistic gestures look like for 3D environments is required to understand how users translate real-world motions to multi-touch motions. Once those gestures are defined, it is important to see how we can leverage those gestures to enhance training tasks. In order to explore the interaction design space for 3D virtual objects, we began by conducting our first study exploring user-defined gestures. From this work we identified a taxonomy and design guidelines for 3D multi-touch gestures and how perspective view plays a role in the chosen gesture. We also identified a desire to use pressure on capacitive touch screens. Since the best way to implement pressure still required some investigation, our second study evaluated two different pressure estimation techniques in two different scenarios. Once we had a taxonomy of gestures we wanted to examine whether implementing these realistic multi-touch interactions in a training environment provided training benefits. Our third study compared multi-touch interaction to standard 2D mouse interaction and to actual physical training and found that multi-touch interaction performed better than 2D mouse and as well as physical training. This study showed us that multi-touch training using a realistic gesture set can perform as well as training on the actual apparatus. One limitation of the first training study was that the user had constrained perspective to allow for us to focus on isolating the gestures. Since users can change their perspective in a real life training scenario and therefore gain spatial knowledge of components, we wanted to see if allowing users to alter their perspective helped or hindered training. Our final study compared training with Unconstrained multi-touch interaction, Constrained multi-touch interaction, or training on the actual physical apparatus. Results show that the Unconstrained multi-touch interaction and the Physical groups had significantly better performance scores than the Constrained multi-touch interaction group, with no significant difference between the Unconstrained multi-touch and Physical groups. Our results demonstrate that allowing users more freedom to manipulate objects as they would in the real world benefits training. In addition to the research already performed, we propose several avenues for future research into the interaction design space for 3D virtual objects that we believe will be of value to researchers and designers of 3D multi-touch training environments