579 research outputs found

    Image processing techniques for mixed reality and biometry

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    2013 - 2014This thesis work is focused on two applicative fields of image processing research, which, for different reasons, have become particularly active in the last decade: Mixed Reality and Biometry. Though the image processing techniques involved in these two research areas are often different, they share the key objective of recognizing salient features typically captured through imaging devices. Enabling technologies for augmented/mixed reality have been improved and refined throughout the last years and more recently they seems to have finally passed the demo stage to becoming ready for practical industrial and commercial applications. To this regard, a crucial role will likely be played by the new generation of smartphones and tablets, equipped with an arsenal of sensors connections and enough processing power for becoming the most portable and affordable AR platform ever. Within this context, techniques like gesture recognition by means of simple, light and robust capturing hardware and advanced computer vision techniques may play an important role in providing a natural and robust way to control software applications and to enhance onthe- field operational capabilities. The research described in this thesis is targeted toward advanced visualization and interaction strategies aimed to improve the operative range and robustness of mixed reality applications, particularly for demanding industrial environments... [edited by Author]XIII n.s

    Methods for Augmented Reality E-commerce

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    A new type of e-commerce system and related techniques are presented in this dissertation that customers of this type of e-commerce could visually bring product into their physical environment for interaction. The development and user study of this e-commerce system are provided. A new modeling method, which recovers 3D model directly from 2D photos without knowing camera information, is also presented to reduce the modeling cost of this new type of e-commerce. Also an immersive AR environment with GPU based occlusion is also presented to improve the rendering and usability of AR applications. Experiment results and data show the validity of these new technologies

    Augmented reality for non-rigid surfaces

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    Augmented Reality (AR) is the process of integrating virtual elements in reality, often by mixing computer graphics into a live video stream of a real scene. It requires registration of the target object with respect to the cameras. To this end, some approaches rely on dedicated hardware, such as magnetic trackers or infra-red cameras, but they are too expensive and cumbersome to reach a large public. Others are based on specifically designed markers which usually look like bar-codes. However, they alter the look of objects to be augmented, thereby hindering their use in application for which visual design matters. Recent advances in Computer Vision have made it possible to track and detect objects by relying on natural features. However, no such method is commonly used in the AR community, because the maturity of available packages is not sufficient yet. As far as deformable surfaces are concerned, the choice is even more limited, mainly because initialization is so difficult. Our main contribution is therefore a new AR framework that can properly augment deforming surfaces in real-time. Its target platform is a standard PC and a single webcam. It does not require any complex calibration procedure, making it perfectly suitable for novice end-users. To satisfy to the most demanding application designers, our framework does not require any scene engineering, renders virtual objects illuminated by real light, and let real elements occlude virtual ones. To meet this challenge, we developed several innovative techniques. Our approach to real-time registration of a deforming surface is based on wide-baseline feature matching. However, traditional outlier elimination techniques such as RANSAC are unable to handle the non-rigid surface's large number of degrees of freedom. We therefore proposed a new robust estimation scheme that allows both 2–D and 3–D non-rigid surface registration. Another issue of critical importance in AR to achieve realism is illumination handling, for which existing techniques often require setup procedures or devices such as reflective spheres. By contrast, our framework includes methods to estimate illumination for rendering purposes without sacrificing ease of use. Finally, several existing approaches to handling occlusions in AR rely on multiple cameras or can only deal with occluding objects modeled beforehand. Our requires only one camera and models occluding objects at runtime. We incorporated these components in a consistent and flexible framework. We used it to augment many different objects such as a deforming T-shirt or a sheet of paper, under challenging conditions, in real-time, and with correct handling of illumination and occlusions. We also used our non-rigid surface registration technique to measure the shape of deformed sails. We validated the ease of deployment of our framework by distributing a software package and letting an artist use it to create two AR applications

    Navigating Immersive and Interactive VR Environments With Connected 360° Panoramas

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    Emerging research is expanding the idea of using 360-degree spherical panoramas of real-world environments for use in 360 VR experiences beyond video and image viewing. However, most of these experiences are strictly guided, with few opportunities for interaction or exploration. There is a desire to develop experiences with cohesive virtual environments created with 360 VR that allow for choice in navigation, versus scripted experiences with limited interaction. Unlike standard VR with the freedom of synthetic graphics, there are challenges in designing appropriate user interfaces (UIs) for 360 VR navigation within the limitations of fixed assets. To tackle this gap, we designed RealNodes, a software system that presents an interactive and explorable 360 VR environment. We also developed four visual guidance UIs for 360 VR navigation. The results of a pilot study showed that choice of UI had a significant effect on task completion times, showing one of our methods, Arrow, was best. Arrow also exhibited positive but non-significant trends in average measures with preference, user engagement, and simulator-sickness. RealNodes, the UI designs, and the pilot study results contribute preliminary information that inspire future investigation of how to design effective explorable scenarios in 360 VR and visual guidance metaphors for navigation in applications using 360 VR environments

    DeepDR: Deep Structure-Aware RGB-D Inpainting for Diminished Reality

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    Diminished reality (DR) refers to the removal of real objects from the environment by virtually replacing them with their background. Modern DR frameworks use inpainting to hallucinate unobserved regions. While recent deep learning-based inpainting is promising, the DR use case is complicated by the need to generate coherent structure and 3D geometry (i.e., depth), in particular for advanced applications, such as 3D scene editing. In this paper, we propose DeepDR, a first RGB-D inpainting framework fulfilling all requirements of DR: Plausible image and geometry inpainting with coherent structure, running at real-time frame rates, with minimal temporal artifacts. Our structure-aware generative network allows us to explicitly condition color and depth outputs on the scene semantics, overcoming the difficulty of reconstructing sharp and consistent boundaries in regions with complex backgrounds. Experimental results show that the proposed framework can outperform related work qualitatively and quantitatively.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures + 13 pages, 10 figures supplementary. Accepted at 3DV 202

    Hybrid Integration of Euclidean and Geodesic Distance-Based RBF Interpolation for Facial Animation

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    Simulating believable facial animation is a topic of increasing interest in computer graphics and visual effects. In this paper we present a hybrid technique for the generation of facial animation based on motion capture data. After capturing a range of facial expressions defined by Facial Action Coding System (FACS), the radial basis function (RBF) is used to transfer the motion data onto two facial models, one realistic and one stylized. The calculations of the distances for the RBF technique are approached in three variants: Euclidean-based, geodesic mesh-based and hybrid-based. The last one takes the advantages of the first two approaches. In order to raise the efficiency, the calculations are aided by preprocessed distance data. The results are then evaluated in a quantitative and qualitative manner, comparing the animation outcomes with the real footage. Our findings show the efficiency of the hybrid technique when generating facial animation with motion capture

    Capturing Hand-Object Interaction and Reconstruction of Manipulated Objects

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    Hand motion capture with an RGB-D sensor gained recently a lot of research attention, however, even most recent approaches focus on the case of a single isolated hand. We focus instead on hands that interact with other hands or with a rigid or articulated object. Our framework successfully captures motion in such scenarios by combining a generative model with discriminatively trained salient points, collision detection and physics simulation to achieve a low tracking error with physically plausible poses. All components are unified in a single objective function that can be optimized with standard optimization techniques. We initially assume a-priori knowledge of the object’s shape and skeleton. In case of unknown object shape there are existing 3d reconstruction methods that capitalize on distinctive geometric or texture features. These methods though fail for textureless and highly symmetric objects like household articles, mechanical parts or toys. We show that extracting 3d hand motion for in-hand scanning e↵ectively facilitates the reconstruction of such objects and we fuse the rich additional information of hands into a 3d reconstruction pipeline. Finally, although shape reconstruction is enough for rigid objects, there is a lack of tools that build rigged models of articulated objects that deform realistically using RGB-D data. We propose a method that creates a fully rigged model consisting of a watertight mesh, embedded skeleton and skinning weights by employing a combination of deformable mesh tracking, motion segmentation based on spectral clustering and skeletonization based on mean curvature flow

    Realtime Editing in Virtual Reality for Room Scale Scans

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    This work presents a system for the design and implementation of tools that support the editing of room-scale scans within a virtual reality environment, in real time. The moniker REVRRSS ( reverse ) thus stands for Real-time Editing (in) Virtual Reality (of) Room Scale Scans. The tools were evaluated for usefulness based upon whether they meet the criterion of real time usability. Users evaluated the editing experience with traditional keyboard-video-mouse compared to a head mounted display and hand-held controllers for Virtual Reality. Results show that users prefer the VR approach. The quality of the finished product when using VR is comparable to that of traditional desktop controls. The architecture developed here can be adapted to innumerable future projects and tools
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