567 research outputs found

    MongoDB Incidence Response

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    NoSQL (Not only SQL) databases have been gaining some popularity over the last few years. Such big companies as Expedia, Shutterfly, MetLife, and Forbes use NoSQL databases to manage data on different projects. These databases can contain a variety of information ranging from nonproprietary data to personally identifiable information like social security numbers. Databases run the risk of cyber intrusion at all times. This paper gives a brief explanation of NoSQL and thoroughly explains a method of Incidence Response with MongoDB, a NoSQL database provider. This method involves an automated process with a new self-built software tool that analyzing MongoDB audit log\u27s and generates an html page with indicators to show possible intrusions and activities on the instance of MongoDB. When dealing with NoSQL databases there is a lot more to consider than with the traditional RDMS\u27s, and since there is not a lot of out of the box support forensics tools can be very helpful

    A new auditing mechanism for open source NoSQL database a case study on open source MongoDB database

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    MongoDB as a NoSQL database management system is relatively new on the database market and it is used in many important projects and products. Security analysis for MongoDB revealed that it doesn’t provide any facilities for auditing actions performed in the database. Recently, MongoDB company tried to rectify the auditing gap by providing MongoDB new enterprise version 2.6 (8th of April 2014). The auditing system logs operations information including; schema data definition language operations and operations related to replica set in addition to operations of authentication and authorization, and eventually general operations. But unfortunately still cannot record Data Manipulation Language (DML). Thus, this study aims to improve the auditing functionality in MongoDB by presenting a new mechanism for auditing NoSQL MongoDB database to include Data Manipulation Language (DML)/ CRUD (Create, Read, Update and delete) operations

    Towards a NoSQL security map

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    NoSQL solutions have recently been gaining significant attention because they address some of the inefficiencies of traditional database management systems. NoSQL databases offer features such as performant distributed architecture, flexibility and horizontal scaling. Despite these advantages, there is a vast quantity of NoSQL systems available, which differ greatly from each other. The resulting lack of standardization of security features leads to a questionable maturity in terms of security. What is therefore much needed is a systematic lab research of the availability and maturity of the implementation of the most common standard database security features in NoSQL systems, resulting in a NoSQL security map. This paper summarizes the first part of our research project trying to outline such a map. It documents the definition of the standard security features to be investigated as well as the security research and results for the most commonly used NoSQL systems

    Forensic attribution challenges during forensic examinations of databases

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    An aspect of database forensics that has not yet received much attention in the academic research community is the attribution of actions performed in a database. When forensic attribution is performed for actions executed in computer systems, it is necessary to avoid incorrectly attributing actions to processes or actors. This is because the outcome of forensic attribution may be used to determine civil or criminal liability. Therefore, correctness is extremely important when attributing actions in computer systems, also when performing forensic attribution in databases. Any circumstances that can compromise the correctness of the attribution results need to be identified and addressed. This dissertation explores possible challenges when performing forensic attribution in databases. What can prevent the correct attribution of actions performed in a database? Thirst identified challenge is the database trigger, which has not yet been studied in the context of forensic examinations. Therefore, the dissertation investigates the impact of database triggers on forensic examinations by examining two sub questions. Firstly, could triggers due to their nature, combined with the way databases are forensically acquired and analysed, lead to the contamination of the data that is being analysed? Secondly, can the current attribution process correctly identify which party is responsible for which changes in a database where triggers are used to create and maintain data? The second identified challenge is the lack of access and audit information in NoSQL databases. The dissertation thus investigates how the availability of access control and logging features in databases impacts forensic attribution. The database triggers, as dened in the SQL standard, are studied together with a number of database trigger implementations. This is done in order to establish, which aspects of a database trigger may have an impact on digital forensic acquisition, analysis and interpretation. Forensic examinations of relational and NoSQL databases are evaluated to determine what challenges the presence of database triggers pose. A number of NoSQL databases are then studied to determine the availability of access control and logging features. This is done because these features leave valuable traces for the forensic attribution process. An algorithm is devised, which provides a simple test to determine if database triggers played any part in the generation or manipulation of data in a specific database object. If the test result is positive, the actions performed by the implicated triggers will have to be considered in a forensic examination. This dissertation identified a group of database triggers, classified as non-data triggers, which have the potential to contaminate the data in popular relational databases by inconspicuous operations, such as connection or shutdown. It also established that database triggers can influence the normal ow of data operations. This means what the original operation intended to do, and what actually happened, are not necessarily the same. Therefore, the attribution of these operations becomes problematic and incorrect deductions can be made. Accordingly, forensic processes need to be extended to include the handling and analysis of all database triggers. This enables safer acquisition and analysis of databases and more accurate attribution of actions performed in databases. This dissertation also established that popular NoSQL databases either lack sufficient access control and logging capabilities or do not enable them by default to support attribution to the same level as in relational databases.Dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2018.Computer ScienceMScUnrestricte

    Assessing the vulnerabilities and securing MongoDB and Cassandra databases

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    Due to the increasing amounts and the different kinds of data that need to be stored in the databases, companies, and organizations are rapidly adopting NoSQL databases to compete. These databases were not designed with security as a priority. NoSQL open-source software was primarily developed to handle unstructured data for the purpose of business intelligence and decision support. Over the years, security features have been added to these databases but they are not as robust as they should be, and there is a scope for improvement as the sophistication of the hackers has been increasing. Moreover, the schema-less design of these databases makes it more difficult to implement traditional RDBMS like security features in these databases. Two popular NoSQL databases are MongoDB and Apache Cassandra. Although there is a lot of research related to security vulnerabilities and suggestions to improve the security of NoSQL databases, this research focusses specifically on MongoDB and Cassandra databases. This study aims to identify and analyze all the security vulnerabilities that MongoDB and Cassandra databases have that are specific to them and come up with a step-by-step guide that can help organizations to secure their data stored in these databases. This is very important because the design and vulnerabilities of each NoSQL database are different from one another and hence require security recommendations that are specific to them

    Cloud computing adoption framework:A security framework for business clouds

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    This paper presents a Cloud Computing Adoption Framework (CCAF) security suitable for business clouds. CCAF multi-layered security is based on the development and integration of three major security technologies: firewall, identity management and encryption based on the development of Enterprise File Sync and Share technologies. This paper presents our motivation, related work and our views on security framework. Core technologies have been explained in details and experiments were designed to demonstrate the robustness of the CCAF multi-layered security. In penetration testing, CCAF multi-layered security could detect and block 99.95% viruses and trojans and could maintain 85% and above of blocking for 100 hours of continuous attacks. Detection and blocking took less than 0.012 second per trojan and viruses. A full CCAF multi-layered security protection could block all SQL injection providing real protection to data. CCAF multi-layered security had 100% rate of not reporting false alarm. All F-measures for CCAF test results were 99.75% and above. How CCAF multi-layered security can blend with policy, real services and blend with business activities have been illustrated. Research contributions have been justified and CCAF multi-layered security can offer added value for volume, velocity and veracity for Big Data services operated in the Cloud

    Plan B

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    The main objective of this project is to build an android application which can help people plan an event or hangout based on all the available time slots of each and every one participating in the event and come up with an optimized time slot. In this way the communication between each and every one participating will be easier and saves a lot of time and cuts down unnecessary discussion. Based on the user’s likings the application can come up with suggestions in future, such as movie recommendation, a new restaurant opened

    Towards Exascale Scientific Metadata Management

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    Advances in technology and computing hardware are enabling scientists from all areas of science to produce massive amounts of data using large-scale simulations or observational facilities. In this era of data deluge, effective coordination between the data production and the analysis phases hinges on the availability of metadata that describe the scientific datasets. Existing workflow engines have been capturing a limited form of metadata to provide provenance information about the identity and lineage of the data. However, much of the data produced by simulations, experiments, and analyses still need to be annotated manually in an ad hoc manner by domain scientists. Systematic and transparent acquisition of rich metadata becomes a crucial prerequisite to sustain and accelerate the pace of scientific innovation. Yet, ubiquitous and domain-agnostic metadata management infrastructure that can meet the demands of extreme-scale science is notable by its absence. To address this gap in scientific data management research and practice, we present our vision for an integrated approach that (1) automatically captures and manipulates information-rich metadata while the data is being produced or analyzed and (2) stores metadata within each dataset to permeate metadata-oblivious processes and to query metadata through established and standardized data access interfaces. We motivate the need for the proposed integrated approach using applications from plasma physics, climate modeling and neuroscience, and then discuss research challenges and possible solutions
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