10,295 research outputs found

    Introduction to Library Trends 30 (4) Spring 1982: Mental Health: Information, Libraries and Services to the Patient

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    International Creative Product Exchange

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    The aim of this paper is to analyze and evaluate international trade in creative products with respect to the position of Poland in this exchange. In the introduction some definitions of creative industries and the concept of creative economy are presented. Then the classification of creative products in international trade and some problems with collecting data relating to international trade in creative products are discussed. In further work an empirical analysis of international trade in creative products is carried out. This work is divided into two parts. The aim of the first part is to indicate main tendencies and key players in international creative products exchange. The aim of the second part is to analyze the position of Poland in this exchange. The empirical analysis is based on the first database and report relating to international creative products exchange, published in 2008 by UNCTAD.Celem publikacji jest analiza międzynarodowego handlu produktami kreatywnymi, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem pozycji Polski w tej wymianie. Na początku przedstawione są definicje kreatywnych produktów/ przemysłów oraz koncepcja gospodarki kreatywnej. Następnie omówiona jest klasyfikacja produktów kreatywnych w statystykach handlu międzynarodowego oraz problemy związane ze zbieraniem danych dotyczących międzynarodowego handlu produktami kreatywnymi. W dalszej pracy przeprowadzona jest analiza empiryczna międzynarodowej wymiany produktami kreatywnymi. Ta część pracy podzielona została na dwie części. Celem pierwszej części jest wskazanie głównych tendencji oraz najważniejszych uczestników międzynarodowej wymiany produktami kreatywnymi. Natomiast celem drugiej części jest analiza pozycji Polski w tej wymianie. Analiza empiryczna oparta jest na pierwszej bazie danych oraz raporcie dotyczących międzynarodowej wymiany produktami kreatywnymi, opublikowanych w 2008 roku przez UNCTAD

    Convulsions audiovisuals

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    Educational Technologies. Analysis of Master dissertations carried out in Portugal

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    Acknowledging the importance scientific research may have in terms of the foundation, orientation and evaluation of the use of technologies in an educational context, it is only natural that there should also be greater knowledge on the research carried out in this particular field. This is what we set out to achieve in a recent conference held in Portugal on the theme Research in Education (1). Using the theme of the conference itself – Research in Education between 1960 and 2005 – as our basis, we decided to focus on what has actually been the object of research in our country within the framework of Educational Technology. We realised, at a very early stage, that there were hardly any studies in this field before Portuguese universities took on a more active role, nor in the field of educational technologies, particularly after the appearance of the first Masters courses at the University of Minho in 1987. Even though we are not aware of any in-depth study to characterise scientific research developed in Portugal in this area, several Portuguese authors have referred to this issue in some way or another (Abrantes, 1981, 1998; Blanco & Silva, 1993; Caldas, 2001; Fernandes, 1969;Ponte, 1994; Silva, 2000). On the other hand, since we have stated that a considerable part of research, in this particular field, focuses precisely on this academic qualification, we have decided to construct our analysis around this aspect. Therefore, in this article we present the result of the studies on Masters dissertations carried out in Portugal, with a view to furthering understanding of the studied themes, their theoretical and methodological frameworks, and to finding out where they are carried out, who does the research, what the collection techniques are and the type of data analysis used, just to mention some of the aspects around which our analysis is centred. This is an exploratory analysis within a restricted context, however, we hope that it may contribute to the acquisition of more profound knowledge regarding research practices in this specific field of Educational Sciences in Portugal

    The Phoenician "permanent" display at the National Museum of Archaeology, Malta

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    In this article the author recounts how the Phoenician display came to be organised and finally exhibited. The author recounts that the team working on this project varied from academics to conservators to proof readers. In order to provide the best possible exhibit for the audience, a survey was also carried out and the information it provided was taken in consideration when drafting a story line for the exhibit.peer-reviewe

    Preference Heterogeneity in Relation to Museum Services

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    The prevailing trends in the management of European museums underline the importance of additional museum services in fostering and encouraging the optimisation of cultural assets, while facilitating the collection of the necessary resources for conservation. The paper considers the case of the archaeological site of Paestum (Salerno) and presents an analysis of individual preferences in relation to specific policies of cultural heritage management, each characterised by the supply of different museum services. Since the diversity of these services can prompt different individual preferences, the analysis allows for heterogeneity of parameters among individuals.cultural goods; heterogeneous preferences; stated preference data; conjoint analysis; mixed logit;

    Preparing Negotiations in Services: EC Audiovisuals in the Doha Round.

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    Potenciació de les TIC dins l’àmbit docent de l’Antropologia Social (2016-2018)

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    El projecte "Potenciació de les TIC dins l’àmbit docent de l’Antropologia Social" s’inscrivia en el marc de la millora de la docència que duc a terme a la Universitat de Barcelona. Es tractava d’elaborar un projecte que em permetés aprofundir l’ús de les TIC en el desenvolupament de la docència que imparteixo, emfasitzant-hi els objectius següents: 1. Acompanyar la docència amb l’ús sistematitzat d’una oferta estable i creixent de continguts audiovisuals disponibles en format digital. 2. Dotar l’alumnat dels criteris metodològics bàsics per acudir racionalment a les fonts audiovisuals internacionals –i a les xarxes professionals associades– a fi d’evitar eleccions caòtiques atesa la magna oferta present a internet. I 3. Integrar la dimensió etnogràfica –la meva dilatada experiència de treball de camp a Europa i l’Àfrica als darrers 15 anys– en la docència i aprofitar els mitjans audiovisuals per difondre-la a l’alumnat.Programa de Millora i Innovació Docen

    Trading Cultural Goods in the Era of Digital Piracy

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    The issue of digital piracy as violation of intellectual property rights is a hot button among many governments around the world. Until now, nor legislation or its enforcement have managed to keep up with the most recent technologies facilitating piracy. Piracy rates may significantly affect both internal demand and international trade of cultural goods. This paper aims to empirically assess the effect of digital piracy on bilateral trade in cultural goods. We focus on trade in music and media. Analysing an 11-year panel of 25 countries, we find that piracy does affect negatively bilateral trade, although to a varying extent.trade; cultural goods; piracy; spatial filtering; network autocorrelation