488 research outputs found

    An Open Framework for Constructing Continuous Optimization Problems

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    Many artificial benchmark problems have been proposed for different kinds of continuous optimization, e.g., global optimization, multi-modal optimization, multi-objective optimization, dynamic optimization, and constrained optimization. However, there is no unified framework for constructing these types of problems and possible properties of many problems are not fully tunable. This will cause difficulties for researchers to analyze strengths and weaknesses of an algorithm. To address these issues, this paper proposes a simple and intuitive framework, which is able to construct different kinds of problems for continuous optimization. The framework utilizes the k-d tree to partition the search space and sets a certain number of simple functions in each subspace. The framework is implemented into global/multimodal optimization, dynamic single objective optimization, multiobjective optimization, and dynamic multi-objective optimization, respectively. Properties of the proposed framework are discussed and verified with traditional evolutionary algorithms

    A self-learning particle swarm optimizer for global optimization problems

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    Copyright @ 2011 IEEE. All Rights Reserved. This article was made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.Particle swarm optimization (PSO) has been shown as an effective tool for solving global optimization problems. So far, most PSO algorithms use a single learning pattern for all particles, which means that all particles in a swarm use the same strategy. This monotonic learning pattern may cause the lack of intelligence for a particular particle, which makes it unable to deal with different complex situations. This paper presents a novel algorithm, called self-learning particle swarm optimizer (SLPSO), for global optimization problems. In SLPSO, each particle has a set of four strategies to cope with different situations in the search space. The cooperation of the four strategies is implemented by an adaptive learning framework at the individual level, which can enable a particle to choose the optimal strategy according to its own local fitness landscape. The experimental study on a set of 45 test functions and two real-world problems show that SLPSO has a superior performance in comparison with several other peer algorithms.This work was supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council of U.K. under Grants EP/E060722/1 and EP/E060722/2

    Benchmarking Continuous Dynamic Optimization: Survey and Generalized Test Suite

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    Dynamic changes are an important and inescapable aspect of many real-world optimization problems. Designing algorithms to find and track desirable solutions while facing challenges of dynamic optimization problems is an active research topic in the field of swarm and evolutionary computation. To evaluate and compare the performance of algorithms, it is imperative to use a suitable benchmark that generates problem instances with different controllable characteristics. In this paper, we give a comprehensive review of existing benchmarks and investigate their shortcomings in capturing different problem features. We then propose a highly configurable benchmark suite, the generalized moving peaks benchmark, capable of generating problem instances whose components have a variety of properties such as different levels of ill-conditioning, variable interactions, shape, and complexity. Moreover, components generated by the proposed benchmark can be highly dynamic with respect to the gradients, heights, optimum locations, condition numbers, shapes, complexities, and variable interactions. Finally, several well-known optimizers and dynamic optimization algorithms are chosen to solve generated problems by the proposed benchmark. The experimental results show the poor performance of the existing methods in facing new challenges posed by the addition of new properties

    Particle Swarm Optimization

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    Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is a population based stochastic optimization technique influenced by the social behavior of bird flocking or fish schooling.PSO shares many similarities with evolutionary computation techniques such as Genetic Algorithms (GA). The system is initialized with a population of random solutions and searches for optima by updating generations. However, unlike GA, PSO has no evolution operators such as crossover and mutation. In PSO, the potential solutions, called particles, fly through the problem space by following the current optimum particles. This book represents the contributions of the top researchers in this field and will serve as a valuable tool for professionals in this interdisciplinary field

    A Survey of Evolutionary Continuous Dynamic Optimization Over Two Decades:Part B

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    Many real-world optimization problems are dynamic. The field of dynamic optimization deals with such problems where the search space changes over time. In this two-part paper, we present a comprehensive survey of the research in evolutionary dynamic optimization for single-objective unconstrained continuous problems over the last two decades. In Part A of this survey, we propose a new taxonomy for the components of dynamic optimization algorithms, namely, convergence detection, change detection, explicit archiving, diversity control, and population division and management. In comparison to the existing taxonomies, the proposed taxonomy covers some additional important components, such as convergence detection and computational resource allocation. Moreover, we significantly expand and improve the classifications of diversity control and multi-population methods, which are under-represented in the existing taxonomies. We then provide detailed technical descriptions and analysis of different components according to the suggested taxonomy. Part B of this survey provides an indepth analysis of the most commonly used benchmark problems, performance analysis methods, static optimization algorithms used as the optimization components in the dynamic optimization algorithms, and dynamic real-world applications. Finally, several opportunities for future work are pointed out

    Global Trajectory Optimisation : Can We Prune the Solution Space When Considering Deep Space Manoeuvres? [Final Report]

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    This document contains a report on the work done under the ESA/Ariadna study 06/4101 on the global optimization of space trajectories with multiple gravity assist (GA) and deep space manoeuvres (DSM). The study was performed by a joint team of scientists from the University of Reading and the University of Glasgow