541,951 research outputs found

    Genomics knowledge and attitudes among European public health professionals. Results of a cross-sectional survey

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    Background The international public health (PH) community is debating the opportunity to incorporate genomic technologies into PH practice. A survey was conducted to assess attitudes of the European Public Health Association (EUPHA) members towards their role in the implementation of public health genomics (PHG), and their knowledge and attitudes towards genetic testing and the delivery of genetic services. Methods EUPHA members were invited via monthly newsletter and e-mail to take part in an online survey from February 2017 to January 2018. A descriptive analysis of knowledge and attitudes was conducted, along with a univariate and multivariate analysis of their determinants. Results Five hundred and two people completed the questionnaire, 17.9% were involved in PHG activities. Only 28.9% correctly identified all medical conditions for which there is (or not) evidence for implementing genetic testing; over 60% thought that investing in genomics may divert economic resources from social and environmental determinants of health. The majority agreed that PH professionals may play different roles in incorporating genomics into their activities. Better knowledge was associated with positive attitudes towards the use of genetic testing and the delivery of genetic services in PH (OR = 1.48; 95% CI 1.01–2.18). Conclusions Our study revealed quite positive attitudes, but also a need to increase awareness on genomics among European PH professionals. Those directly involved in PHG activities tend to have a more positive attitude and better knowledge; however, gaps are also evident in this group, suggesting the need to harmonize practice and encourage greater exchange of knowledge among professionals

    Examining College Student Athlete Attitudes Towards Concussion Testing and Reporting Concussions

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    Examining College Student Athlete Attitudes and Behaviors Toward Baseline Neurocognitive Concussion Testing FryK, Anderson, M, Anderson, M, Schatz, P, Elbin, RJ: University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Arkansas Context: Examining athletes’ attitudes toward concussion diagnosis, management, and treatment can lead to improved multi-faceted management of a concussion injury. Although attitudes towards concussion injuries have been studied, the examination of athletes’ attitudes towards baseline computerized neurocognitive testing is understudied and is warranted. Objective: To examine the relationship between sex, concussion history, and previous exposure to baseline testing on athletes’ perceptions of effort provided during baseline testing and the utility of neurocognitive testing. Methods: College athletes (18-23 years) completing a baseline neurocognitive test (Immediate Post-Concussion Assessment and Cognitive Test: ImPACT) were asked to complete an anonymous 33-item online survey. Survey questions included demographics and inquired about athletes’ effort and utility of baseline and post-concussion neurocognitive testing. A series of chi-square analyses measured the association between sex, concussion history, and previous exposure to baseline testing on effort provided during testing and utility of the test. Level of statistical significance was p \u3c .05. Results: One hundred eighty-two (88 males, 95 females) athletes (M =19.05, SD = 1.15 years) completed the survey. Thirty-eight percent (70/183) reported prior concussion history and 27% (50/182) were first time test takers. Ninety-four percent (172/183) reported providing above average to maximal effort on the baseline test they completed prior to completing the survey. Ninety percent (158/176) and 87% (156/179) of the sample reported that the baseline and post-concussion test results were useful in mitigating premature return to play, respectively. There was no association between sex, concussion history, or previous exposure to baseline testing on reported effort or perceptions of utility for baseline neurocognitive testing (p \u3e .05). Conclusion: The majority of athletes report high effort on baseline neurocognitive testing and recognize the utility of this measure for safe return to play

    The Market Attitudes Inventory: The Development and Testing of Reliability and Validity

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    In this article we report the development of a 22-statement survey that measures attitudes towards the market system. We report on the testing of the Market Attitude Inventory (MAI) for reliability and validity. Mean scores on the instrument are reported for a random sample of Midwest high school social studies teachers. We conclude that the MAI is a valid and reliable instrument. The MAI has applications in research, educational outcome assessment, and teaching pedagogy for the measurement and evaluation of attitudes and values towards the workings of the market system in the US

    Factors related to medical students’ and doctors’ attitudes towards older patients: A systematic review

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    Background:Studies have sought to identify the possible determinants of medical students’ and doctors’ attitudes towards older patients by examining relationships with a variety of factors: demographic; educational/training; exposure to older people; personality/cognitive; and job/career factors. This review collates and synthesises these findings. Methods: An electronic search of ten databases was performed (ABI/Inform, ASSIA, British Nursing Index, CINAHL, Informa Health, Medline, PsycINFO, Science Direct, Scopus, and Web of Science) through to 7 February 2017. Results: The main search identified 2332 articles; 37 studies met the eligibility criteria set. All included studies analysed self-reported attitudes based on correlational analyses or difference testing, therefore causation could not be determined. However, self-reported positive attitudes towards older patients were related to: (i) intrinsic motivation for studying medicine; (ii) increased preference for working with older patients; and (iii) good previous relationships with older people. Additionally, more positive attitudes were also reported in those with higher knowledge scores but these may relate to the use of a knowledge assessment which is an indirect measure of attitudes (i.e. Palmore’s Facts on Aging Quizzes). Four out of the five high quality studies included in this review reported more positive attitudes in females compared to males. Conclusion:This paper identifies factors associated with medical students’ and doctors’ positive attitudes towards older patients. Future research could bring greater clarity to the relationship between knowledge and attitudes by using a knowledge measure which is distinct from attitudes and also measures knowledge that is relevant to clinical care

    Context, ethics and pharmacogenetics

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    Most of the literature on pharmacogenetics assumes that the main problems in implementing the technology will be institutional ones (due to funding or regulation) and that although it involves genetic testing, the ethical issues involved in pharmacogenetics are different from, even less than, 'traditional' genetic testing. Very little attention has been paid to how clinicians will accept this technology, their attitudes towards it and how it will affect clinical practice. This paper presents results from interviews with clinicians who are beginning to use pharmacogenetics and explores how they view the ethics of pharmacogenetic testing, its use to exclude some patients from treatment, and how this kind of testing fits into broader debates around genetics. In particular this paper examines the attitudes of breast cancer and Alzheimer's disease specialists. The results of these interviews will be compared with the picture of pharmacogenetics painted in the published literature, as a way of rooting this somewhat speculative writing in clinical practice

    A DNP Quality Improvement Project Addressing Low HIV Screening Rates of College Students

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    Abstract A DNP Quality Improvement Project Addressing Low HIV Screening Rates of College Students The overall HIV testing rate is very low in the United States. HIV is easily preventable with safe sexual practices, and early HIV screening is effective in identifying individuals affected and assuring linkage to care. The rate of HIV testing among college students reflects the low numbers of the national average. This quality improvement project evaluated attitudes towards HIV testing of undergraduate college students. The project aimed to determine attitudes of college students towards testing as well as relationships between demographic factors, frequency of HIV testing, and attitudes towards testing. A total of 99 undergraduate college students participated in the study. Instruments measured demographic characteristics and specific factors of attitude about HIV testing including friends’ and family’s responses, public opinion, and confidentiality. Data indicated a low positive correlation between previously being tested for HIV and positive attitudes towards HIV testing (r = .28, p \u3c .01). There was also a low positive correlation between age and positive attitudes towards HIV testing (r = .33, p \u3c .01). Further results noted a low positive correlation between sex with opposite-gender partners and sex risk (r = .31, p \u3c .05) and a weak positive correlation between sex with transgender partners and sex risk ( r .21, p \u3c .05) . Additionally, there was a low positive correlation between history of drug use and sex risk (r = .30, p \u3c .01). Similar to previous research, results support HIV testing should target younger undergraduate students who have sex with opposite-gender or transgender partners, and students with a history of drug use. Keywords: college students, undergraduates, HIV testing, HIV screening, Health Belief Mode

    A DNP Quality Improvement Project Addressing Low HIV Testing Rates of College Students

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    Abstract The overall HIV testing rate is very low in the United States. HIV is easily preventable with safe sexual practices, and early HIV screening is effective in identifying individuals affected and assuring linkage to care. The rate of HIV testing among college students reflects the low numbers of the national average. This quality improvement project evaluated attitudes towards HIV testing of undergraduate college students. The project aimed to determine attitudes of college students towards testing as well as relationships between demographic factors, frequency of HIV testing, and attitudes towards testing. A total of 99 undergraduate college students participated in the study. Instruments measured demographic characteristics and specific factors of attitude about HIV testing including friends’ and family’s responses, public opinion, and confidentiality. Data indicated a low positive correlation between previously being tested for HIV and positive attitudes towards HIV testing (r = .28, p \u3c .01). There was also a low positive correlation between age and positive attitudes towards HIV testing (r = .33, p \u3c .01). Further results noted a low positive correlation between sex with opposite-gender partners and sex risk (r = .31, p \u3c .05) and a weak positive correlation between sex with transgender partners and sex risk ( r .21, p = \u3c .050 . Additionally, there was a low positive correlation between history of drug use and sex risk (r = .30, p \u3c .01). Similar to previous research, results support HIV testing should target younger undergraduate students who have sex with opposite-gender or transgender partners, and students with a history of drug use. Keywords: college students, undergraduates, HIV testing, HIV screening, Health Belief Mode

    Reporting of Clinical Adverse Events Scale: a measure of doctor and nurse attitudes to adverse event reporting

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    Objective: To develop a validated measure of professionals' attitudes towards clinical adverse event reporting (CAER). Design: Cross-sectional survey with follow-up. Participants: 201 doctors and nurse/nurse-midwives undergoing postqualification training in Leeds, York and Hull Universities in 2003. Materials: A questionnaire which comprised 73 items extracted from interviews with professionals; a second, statistically reduced version of this questionnaire. Results: The analysis supported a 25-item questionnaire comprising five factors: blame as a consequence of reporting (six items); criteria for reporting (six items); colleagues' expectations (six items); perceived benefits of reporting events (five items); and clarity of reporting procedures (two items). The resulting questionnaire, the Reporting of Clinical Adverse Effects Scale (RoCAES), had satisfactory internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha = 0.83) and external reliability (Spearman's correlation = 0.65). The construct validity hypothesis -doctors have less positive attitudes towards CAER than nurses -was supported (t = 5.495; p < 0.0001). Conclusion: Initial development of an evidence-based, psychometrically rigorous measure of attitudes towards CAER has been reported. Following additional testing, RoCAES may be used to systematically elicit professionals' views about, and inform interventions to improve, reporting behaviour

    Changing children’s intergroup attitudes towards refugees: Testing different models of extended contact

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    The present research evaluated an intervention, derived from the "extended contact hypothesis," which aimed to change children's intergroup attitudes toward refugees. The study (n=253) tested 3 models of extended contact among 5- to 11-year-old children: dual identity, common ingroup identity, and decategorization. Children read friendship stories based upon these models featuring in- and outgroup members. Outgroup attitudes were significantly more positive in the extended contact conditions, compared with the control, and this was mediated by "inclusion of other in self." The dual identity intervention was the most effective extended contact model at improving outgroup attitudes. The effect of condition on outgroup intended behavior was moderated by subgroup identity. Implications for theoretically based prejudice-reduction interventions among children are discussed

    Communicating Ethical Arguments to Organic Consumers: A Study Across Five European Countries

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    Additional ethical claims were tested with mock organic egg labels in five EU countries. The attitudes towards the advertising labels were assessed by multiple copy testing measures. A total of 156 individual responses were analysed. The study confirms the difficulty of conducting advertising research in a multicultural framework, and shows that additional local/ regional claims can reinforce the appeal of organic products
