1,279,027 research outputs found

    Living apart, losing sympathy? How neighbourhood context affects attitudes to redistribution and to welfare recipients

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    Rising levels of income inequality have been directly linked to rising levels of spatial segregation. In this paper, we explore whether rising segregation may in turn erode support for the redistributive policies of the welfare state, further increasing levels of inequality – a form of positive feedback. The role of the neighbourhood has been neglected in attitudes research but, building on both political geography and ‘neighbourhood effects’ literatures, we theorise that neighbourhood context may shape attitudes through the transmission of attitudes directly and through the accumulation of relevant knowledge. We test this through multilevel modelling of data from England on individual attitudes to redistribution in general and to welfare benefit recipients in particular. We show that the individual factors shaping these attitudes are quite different and that the influence of neighbourhood context also varies as a result. The findings support the idea that neighbourhood context shapes attitudes, with the knowledge accumulation mechanism likely to be the more important. Rising spatial segregation would appear to erode support for redistribution but to increase support for welfare recipients – at least in a context where the dominant media discourse presents such a stigmatising image of those on welfare benefits

    An analysis of the determinants of risk attitudes in Ireland and the United Kingdom

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    In this paper we avail of new data in studies of financial capability conducted separately in the United Kingdom and Ireland to model the determinants of individuals’ attitudes to risk. These risk attitudes are explored explicitly in the context of savings and investments and are modelled on the basis of socio-economic characteristics such as age, gender, region of residence and educational attainment. Furthermore, we explore the relatively complex relationship between risk attitudes and proxies of individual’s wealth levels in the context of potential reverse causation.

    Gender differences in the ICT profile of University students : a quantitative analysis

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    This study responds to a call for research on how gender differences emerge in young generations of computer users. A large-scale survey involving 1138 university students in Flanders (Belgium) was conducted to examine the relationship between gender, computer access, attitudes, and uses in both learning and everyday activities of university students. The results show that women have a less positive attitude towards computers in general. However, their attitude towards computers for educational purposes does not differ from men’s. In the same way, being female is negatively related to computer use for leisure activities, but no relationship was found between gender and study-related computer use. Based on the results, it could be argued that computer attitudes are context-dependent constructs and that when dealing with gender differences, it is essential to take into account the context-specific nature of computer attitudes and uses

    Are the attitudes of exercise instructors who work with older adults influenced by training and personal characteristics?

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    Little is known about the relationship between attitudes and characteristics of instructors and uptake and adherence of older people to exercise classes. This article explores these issues.Methods:The authors surveyed 731 UK exercise instructors with specialist older adult exercise qualifications. A questionnaire investigated instructors’ characteristics and attitudes toward older adults’ participation in exercise.Results:For mostly seated classes, EXTEND qualification (B = 0.36, p = .005) had a positive effect on instructors’ attitudes. Later Life Training qualification (B = −2.80, p = .003), clinical background (B = −3.99, p = .005), and delivering classes in National Health Services (B = −3.12, p &lt; .001), leisure centers (B = −2.75, p = .002), or nursing homes (B = −2.29, p = .005) had a negative effect on attitudes. For mostly standing classes, experience (B = 0.20, p = .003) and delivering in leisure centers (B = 0.46, p = .032) had a positive and clinical background (B = −1.78, p = .018) had a negative effect on instructors’ attitudes.Conclusions:Most instructors have positive attitudes, but training and work context can influence attitudes toward older people’s participation in exercise classes both positively and negatively.</jats:sec

    Attitudes of undergraduate nursing students to cultural diversity: (Portuguese-Spanish) in a transboundary context.

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    Our main goal was to identify the attitudes of nursing students to cultural diversity in a healthcare setting, and find the potential relationship between this and the students' national background and their knowledge of cultural diversity. A descriptive observational study comparing two culturally different populations within a cross-border area (Algarve-Huelva) was conducted. The attitudes of the participants were measured across six categories: this study will describe the most significant ones. The cultural context is essential to the development of attitudes to immigration. Nursing care is a communicative act and encountering the "other" the core of the nursing professionals' work. (C) 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd

    Religiosity Versus Homosexuality in America (& Elsewhere)

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    This paper examines how adherence to religion impacts attitudes toward homosexuality, in particular same-sex marriage in the United States. The study considers previous, current and future legislation in the United States in the context of these attitudinal belief patterns

    Father inclusive practice in a parenting and early childhood organisation: The development and analysis of a staff survey

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    Aim: The successful embedding of father inclusive practice (FIP) in parenting and early childhood organisations is relatively new and therefore challenging to assess. The purpose of this study was to describe the process of adapting an existing tool, the Knowledge about fatherhood checklist (KAFC), to suit the parenting service context and apply the modified survey to establish a baseline of attitudes and practice of all staff at an established parenting and early childhood service in Western Australia, Ngala. Method: Following the application of the KAFC at Ngala in 2016, feedback provided by the staff led to a reflective and iterative process of review to adapt the KAFC. In 2018, all staff were asked to complete the adapted survey – the 23-item Father inclusive practice survey (FIP survey) – in order to assess the attitudes and behaviours of everyone in the organisation. The FIP survey covers aspects of competency as well as knowledge and attitudes in relation to fatherhood or father engagement. Results: Results indicated generally high levels of appreciation of the fathering role by Ngala staff. However, a number of areas for improvement in staff knowledge and attitudes were identified, including the benefit of reflecting on personal experiences of fathering, the awareness of the gendered stereotyped view of men, and the importance of the influence fathers can make in the context of attachment and breastfeeding. Conclusions: The implementation of this FIP survey informs improvements to staff orientation and training in FIP, and provides insights into staff attitudes, beliefs and practice regarding acknowledgement of the important contribution fathers make to the development and wellbeing of their children

    Thinking in Chinese vs. Thinking in English: Social Preference and Risk Attitudes of Multicultural Minds

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    This paper investigates whether language priming activates different cultural identities and norms associated with the language communicated with respect to social preference and risk attitudes. Our contribution is on identifying the conditions where there will be language priming effects. We conduct economic games with bilingual subjects using Chinese and English as instructions. It is found that language priming affects social preference, but only in context involving strategic interactions. In social preference games involving strategic interactions, e.g., the trust game, subjects in the Chinese treatment are more trusting and trustworthy. In individual choice games, such as the dictator game, there is no treatment difference. Further, we also find that language priming affects risk attitudes. Subjects in the Chinese treatment prefer to pick Chinese lucky numbers in Mark Six lottery. These findings suggest that the effect of language priming is context dependent.language, bilingual, biculture, social preference, risk attitudes

    ELF Pedagogy in Spain and the UK

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    Our research project shows that exposing ELT practitioners to language change and to reflective attitudes towards language and towards new developments in ELT methodology can in return help them envisage an ELF aware pedagogical approach. Our research project has three phases: a) understanding pre-service ELT practitioners’ attitudes towards ELF and ELF Pedagogy; b) analyzing in-service ELT practitioners’ attitudes towards ELF and ELF Pedagogy; c) Observing and assessing classroom implementations of ELF-aware strategies. We are currently conducting the second stage. Educational context, teachers’ experience, and field of expertise affect the level of understanding and commitment to ELF Pedagogy. A comparison between both institutions will be presented together with data addressing the differences between the first and the second stages of the project.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec
