2,395 research outputs found


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    This dissertation addresses rigid body attitude control with piecewise sinusoidal signals. We consider rigid-body attitude kinematics on SO(3) with a class of sinusoidal inputs. We present a new closed-form solution of the rotation matrix kinematics. The solution is analyzed and used to prove controllability. We then present kinematic-level orientation-feedback controllers for setpoint tracking and command following. Next, we extend the sinusoidal kinematic-level control to the dynamic level. As a representative dynamic system, we consider a CubeSat with vibrating momentum actuators that are driven by small ϵ\epsilon-amplitude piecewise sinusoidal internal torques. The CubeSat kinetics are derived using Newton-Euler\u27s equations of motion. We assume there is no external forcing and the system conserves zero angular momentum. A second-order approximation of the CubeSat rotational motion on SO(3) is derived and used to derive a setpoint tracking controller that yields order O(ε2) closed-loop error. Numerical simulations are presented to demonstrate the performance of the controls. We also examine the effect of the external damping on the CubeSat kinetics. In addition, we investigate the feasibility of the piecewise sinusoidal control techniques using an experimental CubeSat system. We present the design of the CubeSat mechanical system, the control system hardware, and the attitude control software. Then, we present and discuss the experiment results of yaw motion control. Furthermore, we experimentally validate the analysis of the external damping effect on the CubeSat kinetics

    Analysis of Meteorological Satellite location and data collection system concepts

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    A satellite system that employs a spaceborne RF interferometer to determine the location and velocity of data collection platforms attached to meteorological balloons is proposed. This meteorological advanced location and data collection system (MALDCS) is intended to fly aboard a low polar orbiting satellite. The flight instrument configuration includes antennas supported on long deployable booms. The platform location and velocity estimation errors introduced by the dynamic and thermal behavior of the antenna booms and the effects of the presence of the booms on the performance of the spacecraft's attitude control system, and the control system design considerations critical to stable operations are examined. The physical parameters of the Astromast type of deployable boom were used in the dynamic and thermal boom analysis, and the TIROS N system was assumed for the attitude control analysis. Velocity estimation error versus boom length was determined. There was an optimum, minimum error, antenna separation distance. A description of the proposed MALDCS system and a discussion of ambiguity resolution are included

    Design of strapdown gyroscopes for a dynamic environment Interim scientific report

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    Error analysis for single degree of freedom integrating gyro, and figure of merit relating gyro errors to orientation error of strapdown inertial reference syste

    Nonlinear Attitude Control of Planar Structures in Space Using Only Internal Controls

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    An attitude control strategy for maneuvers of an interconnection of planar bodies in space is developed. It is assumed that there are no exogeneous torques and that torques generated by joint motors are used as means of control so that the total angular momentum of the multibody system is a constant, assumed to be zero. The control strategy utilizes the nonintegrability of the expression for the angular momentum. Large angle maneuvers can be designed to achieve an arbitrary reorientation of the multibody system with respect to an inertial frame. The theoretical background for carrying out the required maneuvers is summarized

    Analysis of the passive stabilization of the long duration exposure facility

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    The nominal Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF) configurations and the anticipated orbit parameters are presented. A linear steady state analysis was performed using these parameters. The effects of orbit eccentricity, solar pressure, aerodynamic pressure, magnetic dipole, and the magnetically anchored rate damper were evaluated to determine the configuration sensitivity to variations in these parameters. The worst case conditions for steady state errors were identified, and the performance capability calculated. Garber instability bounds were evaluated for the range of configuration and damping coefficients under consideration. The transient damping capabilities of the damper were examined, and the time constant as a function of damping coefficient and spacecraft moment of inertia determined. The capture capabilities of the damper were calculated, and the results combined with steady state, transient, and Garber instability analyses to select damper design parameters

    Inflight magnetic characterization of the test masses onboard LISA Pathfinder

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    LISA Pathfinder is a science and technology demonstrator of the European Space Agency within the framework of its LISA mission, the latter aiming to be the first space-borne gravitational wave observatory. The payload of LISA Pathfinder is the so-called LISA Technology Package, which is designed to measure relative accelerations between two test masses in nominal free fall. The diagnostics subsystem consists of several modules, one of which is the magnetic diagnostics unit. Its main function is the assessment of the differential acceleration noise between the test masses due to magnetic effects. This subsystem is composed of two onboard coils intended to produce controlled magnetic fields at the location of the test masses. These magnetic fields couple with the remanent magnetic moment and susceptibility and produce forces and torques on the test masses. These, in turn, produce kinematic excursions of the test masses which are sensed by the onboard interferometer. We prove that adequately processing these excursions, the magnetic properties of the test masses can be estimated using classical multi-parameter estimation techniques. Moreover, we show that special processing procedures to minimize the effect of the multi channel cross-talks are needed. Finally, we demonstrate that the quality of our estimates is frequency dependent. We also suggest that using a multiple frequency experiment the global estimate can be obtained in such a way that the results of the magnetic experiment are more reliable. Finally, using our procedure we compute the the contribution of the magnetic noise to the total proof-mass acceleration noise.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, Physical Review D, accepted on Feb 6th, 201

    Spacecraft attitude control for a solar electric geosynchronous transfer mission

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    A study of the Attitude Control System (ACS) is made for a solar electric propulsion geosynchronous transfer mission. The basic mission considered is spacecraft injection into a low altitude, inclined orbit followed by low thrust orbit changing to achieve geosynchronous orbit. Because of the extended thrusting time, the mission performance is a strong function of the attitude control system. Two attitude control system design options for an example mission evolve from consideration of the spacecraft configuration, the environmental disturbances, and the probable ACS modes of operation. The impact of these design options on other spacecraft subsystems is discussed. The factors which must be considered in determining the ACS actuation and sensing subsystems are discussed. The effects of the actuation and sensing subsystems on the mission performance are also considered

    The dynamics and optimal control of spinning spacecraft and movable telescoping appendages, part B: Effect of gravity-gradient torques on the dynamics of a spinning spacecraft with telescoping appendages

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    The effects of gravity gradient torques during boom deployment maneuvers of a spinning spacecraft are examined. Configurations where the booms extended only along the hub principal axes and where one or two booms are offset from the principal axes were considered. For the special case of symmetric deployment (principal axes booms) the stability boundaries are determined, and a stability chart is used to study the system behavior. Possible cases of instability during this type of maneuver are identified. In the second configuration an expression for gravity torque about the hub center of mass was developed. The nonlinear equations of motion are solved numerically, and the substantial influence of the gravity torque during asymmetric deployment maneuvers is indicated

    Description and simulation of an integrated power and attitude control system concept for space-vehicle application

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    An Integrated Power and Attitude Control System (IPACS) concept with potential application to a broad class of space missions is discussed. A description is given of the basic concept of combining the onboard energy storage and attitude control functions by storing energy in spinning flywheels which are used to provide control torques. A shuttle-launched Research and Applications Module (RAM) A303B solar-observatory mission having stringent pointing requirements (1.0 arc second) is selected to investigate possible interactions between energy storage and attitude control. A simulation of this spacecraft involving actual laboratory-model control-system hardware is presented. Simulation results are discussed which indicate that the IPACS concept, even in a failure-mode configuration, can readily meet the RAM A303B pointing requirements