18 research outputs found

    Islamic Education Philosophy Development (Study Analysis on Ta'lim al-Kitab al-Zarnuji Muta'allim Works)

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    Ta'lim Muta'allim is one of the monumental works of Shaykh Tajuddin Nu'man ibn Ibrahim ibn al-Khalil al-Zarnuji, who lived in the 6th century H / 13-14 M. The reason for writing this study ie: (1) it is very rich with the basic values of Islamic education, (2) the values are already widely practiced in the world of education, especially among boarding schools, and (3) most teachings are so relevant applied in education today, given the students a lot to lose character and Indonesian identity as a religious community and plural. As the subject of the study are (1) what is the nature of learning objectives (2) how the moral nature of man and the action of the outside world, and (3) how the thought of al-Zarnuji position among Islamic educational philosophy flow map. The approach used writing tools philosophy of Islamic education (eclectic incorporative) and engineering analysis using content analysis. The findings, according to al-Zarnuji that the purpose of education / knowledge gained is more focused on religious values (theocentric) compared with human values (anthropocentric) and values to the experience (Cosmo centric). The nature and process of development is a positive-active. While the position of his thinking on the map of Islamic educational philosophy located on the territory of the conservative-religious. Keywords: ta'lim al-muta'allim, educational, moral nature, and the flow of educational thought

    The electronic government implementation model in the Republic of Korea based on the theory of planned behavior TPB

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    This paper explains that the theory of planned behavior is a theoretical framework that explains the factors that affect the intention of the person which will affect his behavior. These factors are the attitude toward the behavior, the subjective norm, and the perceived behavioral control. Ajzen depended on Bandura’s self-efficacy theory which changed it to the perceived behavioral control. That tells more about the capability of the individual from the available resources and the possibilities of him to be able to proceed with a behavior. The research objective deals with the fact that Ajzen (1991) criticizes the technology acceptance model TAM theory applied in social science, he said that it does not provide the extendibility element in the research that needs to explain more about the usefulness elements. Therefore, other researchers advocated for the implantation of the TPB theory of planned behavior to be able to apply the extendibility element in the research of the electronic government field. In the domain of explaining human behavior the theory of planning behavior indicates a good direction in this field of explaining and understanding human behavior. Recently, technology has become a main factor in social science, here to discuss the government to citizens providing services G2C electronic government initiatives. Most of the research depends on the technology acceptance model TAM, and UTAT theories to explain the effect of the technology in the electronic government implementation. Most of the research about the Republic of Korea’ electronic government implements the technology acceptance model TAM theory and other theories. The results indicate that most foreigners are very familiar with the internet in their home countries more than they are with the electronic government in their home countries. Therefore, the Republic of Korean’ lifestyle made foreigners more familiar with the electronic government portal. The last general question is about whether to use the electronic government portal in Republic of Korea or not according to the yes or no answers are 78%, 22%

    A window of opportunity? The relevance of the rotating European Union presidency in the public eye

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    The rotating EU presidency's relevance for EU politics has decreased since the introduction of a permanent council president. However, news salience and framing of the own government acting as the EU presidency can amplify publicity for EU affairs. We, therefore, evaluate the visibility and framing of the EU presidency in 12 Austrian newspapers for 2009-2019. We conduct an automated text analysis of 22 presidencies over 11 years, testing several hypotheses statistically, and qualify results via manually coded frames of the Austrian EU presidency in 2018. The results confirm the crucial importance of the domestication of EU politics, underscoring the potential of the presidency to serve as a window of opportunity for public debate. We discuss our findings with reference to the EU's democratic deficit

    Cognitive engagement and online political participation on Facebook and Twitter among youths in Nigeria and Malaysia

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    The role of social media in online political participation cannot be understated. Yet, limited research has been conducted in this area. Thus, this study aims to investigate this phenomenon in comparative terms from the cognitive engagement perspective. This study adopts the Cognitive Engagement Theory (CET) to examine the relationship between Access to Political Information on Facebook and Twitter (APIFT), Political Interest (PI) and Policy Satisfaction (PS) and Online Political Participation of youth via Facebook and Twitter (OPPFT) in Nigeria and Malaysia combined, and each country individually. This study also analyses the moderating role of Political Knowledge (PK) in this relationship. A cross-sectional survey was conducted on 476 undergraduate students of Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria and Universiti Utara Malaysia. A questionnaire was used to collect data which was analysed using Partial Least Squares-Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) and Partial Least Squares-MultiGroup Analysis (PLS-MGA). Results reveal that APIFT, PI and PS lead to OPPFT among the youth in Nigeria and Malaysia, except the relationship between PS and OPPFT for Malaysian youth. Also, PK moderates the relationship between APIFT and OPPFT for the combined youth as well as Malaysian youth, but not for Nigerian youth. Furthermore, in the relationship between PI and OPPFT, PK does not moderate the relationship for the combined youth and Nigerian youth, but it does for the Malaysian youth. Additionally, PK is found not to moderate the relationship between PS and OPPFT for the combined youth and Malaysian youth but it does for Nigerian youth. Furthermore, for country differences in terms of direct relationships, there is no significant difference between Nigerian and Malaysian youth in terms of the relationship between APIFT and OPPFT, but there is a significant difference in the relationship between PI and PS with OPPFT. Generally, these findings suggest that from a social media angle, access to political information, PI, PK and PS are likely to reduce the gap in political participation among the youth in Nigeria and Malaysia. Consequently, this study contributes in the modelling of the relationship between CET and political participation. Thus, empirical findings of this study add to the body of knowledge on online political participation

    The Mediating Effect of Trust on the Relationship between Attitude and Perceived Service Quality towards Compliance Behavior of Zakah

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    Zakah contribution to Muslim socio-economic development could not be denied by any parties. This development could be improved through incremental of zakah fund. However, the zakah collection including zakah on income is still found to be unsatisfactory due to a low level of zakah compliance. While a great deal of researches had been undertaken in the area of taxation, little is known about zakah compliance behavior and its determinants. The objective of the paper is to propose a research model in examining the influence of attitude and perceived service quality towards zakah compliance behavior, taking into consideration trust as a mediator for those relationships. Four hypotheses were drawn for this paper to be tested regarding the influence of selected variables to zakah on income compliance behavior. Moreover, theoretical and practical implications of the study, as well as suggestions for future research were also discussed. Keywords: attitude, perceived service quality, trust, zakah compliance behaviour JEL Classifications: I31, Z12, Z13, O3

    Intermedia agenda setting en medios nacionales cubanos: casos <i>Granma</i> y Noticiero Nacional de Televisión : Estudio sobre temas no experienciales

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    La investigación sobre intermedia agenda setting es de reciente aplicación en Cuba. Los resultados encontrados sobre temáticas experienciales han expuesto los puntos de coincidencia y las divergencias de la teoría para el contexto nacional, el cual está dotado de características sociales, políticas y culturales diferentes al escenario habitual de investigación sobre la teoría. El presente estudio pretende explicar las relaciones e influencias entre las agendas de dos medios nacionales: el periódico Granma y el Noticiero Nacional de Televisión, respecto a temáticas no experienciales a partir de los factores que inciden en el efecto de intermedia agenda setting. Se utilizó un diseño metodológico cuantitativo longitudinal de tipo explicativo y los métodos análisis-síntesis e inductivo-deductivo. Las técnicas aplicadas fueron la revisión bibliográfica, la observación participante, el análisis de contenido cuantitativo y el coeficiente de correlación de Spearman. Los resultados encontraron altas correlaciones en los dos niveles de las agendas y otros matices del efecto de agenda intermedia relacionados, sobre todo, con la estructuración de los relatos noticiosos y la funcionalidad de cada medio.Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Socia

    Intermedia agenda setting en medios nacionales cubanos: casos <i>Granma</i> y Noticiero Nacional de Televisión : Estudio sobre temas no experienciales

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    La investigación sobre intermedia agenda setting es de reciente aplicación en Cuba. Los resultados encontrados sobre temáticas experienciales han expuesto los puntos de coincidencia y las divergencias de la teoría para el contexto nacional, el cual está dotado de características sociales, políticas y culturales diferentes al escenario habitual de investigación sobre la teoría. El presente estudio pretende explicar las relaciones e influencias entre las agendas de dos medios nacionales: el periódico Granma y el Noticiero Nacional de Televisión, respecto a temáticas no experienciales a partir de los factores que inciden en el efecto de intermedia agenda setting. Se utilizó un diseño metodológico cuantitativo longitudinal de tipo explicativo y los métodos análisis-síntesis e inductivo-deductivo. Las técnicas aplicadas fueron la revisión bibliográfica, la observación participante, el análisis de contenido cuantitativo y el coeficiente de correlación de Spearman. Los resultados encontraron altas correlaciones en los dos niveles de las agendas y otros matices del efecto de agenda intermedia relacionados, sobre todo, con la estructuración de los relatos noticiosos y la funcionalidad de cada medio.Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Socia

    Intermedia agenda setting en medios nacionales cubanos: casos <i>Granma</i> y Noticiero Nacional de Televisión : Estudio sobre temas no experienciales

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    La investigación sobre intermedia agenda setting es de reciente aplicación en Cuba. Los resultados encontrados sobre temáticas experienciales han expuesto los puntos de coincidencia y las divergencias de la teoría para el contexto nacional, el cual está dotado de características sociales, políticas y culturales diferentes al escenario habitual de investigación sobre la teoría. El presente estudio pretende explicar las relaciones e influencias entre las agendas de dos medios nacionales: el periódico Granma y el Noticiero Nacional de Televisión, respecto a temáticas no experienciales a partir de los factores que inciden en el efecto de intermedia agenda setting. Se utilizó un diseño metodológico cuantitativo longitudinal de tipo explicativo y los métodos análisis-síntesis e inductivo-deductivo. Las técnicas aplicadas fueron la revisión bibliográfica, la observación participante, el análisis de contenido cuantitativo y el coeficiente de correlación de Spearman. Los resultados encontraron altas correlaciones en los dos niveles de las agendas y otros matices del efecto de agenda intermedia relacionados, sobre todo, con la estructuración de los relatos noticiosos y la funcionalidad de cada medio.Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Socia

    Automatic extraction of agendas for action from news coverage of violent conflict

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    Words can make people act. Indeed, a simple phrase ‘Will you, please, open the window?’ can cause a person to do so. However, does this still hold, if the request is communicated indirectly via mass media and addresses a large group of people? Different disciplines have approached this problem from different angles, showing that there is indeed a connection between what is being called for in media and what people do. This dissertation, being an interdisciplinary work, bridges different perspectives on the problem and explains how collective mobilisation happens, using the novel term ‘agenda for action’. It also shows how agendas for action can be extracted from text in automated fashion using computational linguistics and machine learning. To demonstrate the potential of agenda for action, the analysis of The NYT and The Guardian coverage of chemical weapons crises in Syria in 2013 is performed. Katsiaryna Stalpouskaya has always been interested in applied and computational linguistics. Pursuing this interest, she joined FP7 EU-INFOCORE project in 2014, where she was responsible for automated content analysis. Katsiaryna’s work on the project resulted in a PhD thesis, which she successfully defended at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München in 2019. Currently, she is working as a product owner in the field of text and data analysis