13 research outputs found

    Strongly representable atom structures of relation algebras

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    Strongly representable atom structures of cylindric algebras

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    Non-representable relation algebras from vector spaces

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    Extending a construction of Andreka, Givant, and Nemeti (2019), we construct some finite vector spaces and use them to build finite non-representable relation algebras. They are simple, measurable, and persistently finite, and they validate arbitrary finite sets of equations that are valid in the variety RRA of representable relation algebras. It follows that there is no finitely axiomatisable class of relation algebras that contains RRA and validates every equation that is both valid in RRA and preserved by completions of relation algebras. Consequently, the variety generated by the completions of representable relation algebras is not finitely axiomatisable. This answers a question of Maddux (2018)

    Non-representable relation algebras from vector spaces

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    Extending a construction of Andreka, Givant, and Nemeti (2019), we construct some finite vector spaces and use them to build finite non-representable relation algebras. They are simple, measurable, and persistently finite, and they validate arbitrary finite sets of equations that are valid in the variety RRA of representable relation algebras. It follows that there is no finitely axiomatisable class of relation algebras that contains RRA and validates every equation that is both valid in RRA and preserved by completions of relation algebras. Consequently, the variety generated by the completions of representable relation algebras is not finitely axiomatisable. This answers a question of Maddux (2018)

    Representability is not decidable for finite relation algebras

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    Omitting Types in Fragments and Extensions of First Order Logic

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    Fix 2<n<ω2 < n < \omega. Let LnL_n denote first order logic restricted to the first n variables. Using the machinery of algebraic logic, positive and negative results on omitting types are obtained for LnL_n and for infinitary variants and extensions of Lω,ωL_{\omega, \omega}