455 research outputs found

    Mathematical and Statistical Techniques for Systems Medicine: The Wnt Signaling Pathway as a Case Study

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    The last decade has seen an explosion in models that describe phenomena in systems medicine. Such models are especially useful for studying signaling pathways, such as the Wnt pathway. In this chapter we use the Wnt pathway to showcase current mathematical and statistical techniques that enable modelers to gain insight into (models of) gene regulation, and generate testable predictions. We introduce a range of modeling frameworks, but focus on ordinary differential equation (ODE) models since they remain the most widely used approach in systems biology and medicine and continue to offer great potential. We present methods for the analysis of a single model, comprising applications of standard dynamical systems approaches such as nondimensionalization, steady state, asymptotic and sensitivity analysis, and more recent statistical and algebraic approaches to compare models with data. We present parameter estimation and model comparison techniques, focusing on Bayesian analysis and coplanarity via algebraic geometry. Our intention is that this (non exhaustive) review may serve as a useful starting point for the analysis of models in systems medicine.Comment: Submitted to 'Systems Medicine' as a book chapte

    Insights into the variability of nucleated amyloid polymerization by a minimalistic model of stochastic protein assembly

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    Self-assembly of proteins into amyloid aggregates is an important biological phenomenon associated with human diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease. Amyloid brils also have potential applications in nano-engineering of biomaterials. The kinetics of amyloid assembly show an exponential growth phase preceded by a lag phase, variable in duration as seen in bulk experiments and experiments that mimic the small volumes of cells. Here, to investigate the origins and the properties of the observed variability in the lag phase of amyloid assembly currently not accounted for by deterministic nucleation dependent mechanisms, we formulate a new stochastic minimal model that is capable of describing the characteristics of amyloid growth curves despite its simplicity. We then solve the stochastic di erential equations of our model and give mathematical proof of a central limit theorem for the sample growth trajectories of the nucleated aggregation process. These results give an asymptotic description for our simple model, from which closed form analytical results capable of describing and predicting the variability of nucleated amyloid assembly were derived. We also demonstrate the application of our results to inform experiments in a conceptually friendly and clear fashion. Our model o ers a new perspective and paves the way for a new and e cient approach on extracting vital information regarding the key initial events of amyloid formation

    Intrinsic noise of microRNA-regulated genes and the ceRNA hypothesis

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    MicroRNAs are small noncoding RNAs that regulate genes post-transciptionally by binding and degrading target eukaryotic mRNAs. We use a quantitative model to study gene regulation by inhibitory microRNAs and compare it to gene regulation by prokaryotic small non-coding RNAs (sRNAs). Our model uses a combination of analytic techniques as well as computational simulations to calculate the mean-expression and noise profiles of genes regulated by both microRNAs and sRNAs. We find that despite very different molecular machinery and modes of action (catalytic vs stoichiometric), the mean expression levels and noise profiles of microRNA-regulated genes are almost identical to genes regulated by prokaryotic sRNAs. This behavior is extremely robust and persists across a wide range of biologically relevant parameters. We extend our model to study crosstalk between multiple mRNAs that are regulated by a single microRNA and show that noise is a sensitive measure of microRNA-mediated interaction between mRNAs. We conclude by discussing possible experimental strategies for uncovering the microRNA-mRNA interactions and testing the competing endogenous RNA (ceRNA) hypothesis.Comment: 32 pages, 11 figure

    Analysis of Large Unreliable Stochastic Networks

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    In this paper a stochastic model of a large distributed system where users' files are duplicated on unreliable data servers is investigated. Due to a server breakdown, a copy of a file can be lost, it can be retrieved if another copy of the same file is stored on other servers. In the case where no other copy of a given file is present in the network, it is definitively lost. In order to have multiple copies of a given file, it is assumed that each server can devote a fraction of its processing capacity to duplicate files on other servers to enhance the durability of the system. A simplified stochastic model of this network is analyzed. It is assumed that a copy of a given file is lost at some fixed rate and that the initial state is optimal: each file has the maximum number dd of copies located on the servers of the network. Due to random losses, the state of the network is transient and all files will be eventually lost. As a consequence, a transient dd-dimensional Markov process (X(t))(X(t)) with a unique absorbing state describes the evolution this network. By taking a scaling parameter NN related to the number of nodes of the network. a scaling analysis of this process is developed. The asymptotic behavior of (X(t))(X(t)) is analyzed on time scales of the type t↩Nptt\mapsto N^p t for 0≀p≀d−10\leq p\leq d{-}1. The paper derives asymptotic results on the decay of the network: Under a stability assumption, the main results state that the critical time scale for the decay of the system is given by t↩Nd−1tt\mapsto N^{d-1}t. When the stability condition is not satisfied, it is shown that the state of the network converges to an interesting local equilibrium which is investigated. As a consequence it sheds some light on the role of the key parameters λ\lambda, the duplication rate and dd, the maximal number of copies, in the design of these systems

    Probing microscopic origins of confined subdiffusion by first-passage observables

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    Subdiffusive motion of tracer particles in complex crowded environments, such as biological cells, has been shown to be widepsread. This deviation from brownian motion is usually characterized by a sublinear time dependence of the mean square displacement (MSD). However, subdiffusive behavior can stem from different microscopic scenarios, which can not be identified solely by the MSD data. In this paper we present a theoretical framework which permits to calculate analytically first-passage observables (mean first-passage times, splitting probabilities and occupation times distributions) in disordered media in any dimensions. This analysis is applied to two representative microscopic models of subdiffusion: continuous-time random walks with heavy tailed waiting times, and diffusion on fractals. Our results show that first-passage observables provide tools to unambiguously discriminate between the two possible microscopic scenarios of subdiffusion. Moreover we suggest experiments based on first-passage observables which could help in determining the origin of subdiffusion in complex media such as living cells, and discuss the implications of anomalous transport to reaction kinetics in cells.Comment: 21 pages, 3 figures. Submitted versio

    Stochastic Delay Accelerates Signaling in Gene Networks

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    The creation of protein from DNA is a dynamic process consisting of numerous reactions, such as transcription, translation and protein folding. Each of these reactions is further comprised of hundreds or thousands of sub-steps that must be completed before a protein is fully mature. Consequently, the time it takes to create a single protein depends on the number of steps in the reaction chain and the nature of each step. One way to account for these reactions in models of gene regulatory networks is to incorporate dynamical delay. However, the stochastic nature of the reactions necessary to produce protein leads to a waiting time that is randomly distributed. Here, we use queueing theory to examine the effects of such distributed delay on the propagation of information through transcriptionally regulated genetic networks. In an analytically tractable model we find that increasing the randomness in protein production delay can increase signaling speed in transcriptional networks. The effect is confirmed in stochastic simulations, and we demonstrate its impact in several common transcriptional motifs. In particular, we show that in feedforward loops signaling time and magnitude are significantly affected by distributed delay. In addition, delay has previously been shown to cause stable oscillations in circuits with negative feedback. We show that the period and the amplitude of the oscillations monotonically decrease as the variability of the delay time increases

    Collective Effects in Models for Interacting Molecular Motors and Motor-Microtubule Mixtures

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    Three problems in the statistical mechanics of models for an assembly of molecular motors interacting with cytoskeletal filaments are reviewed. First, a description of the hydrodynamical behaviour of density-density correlations in fluctuating ratchet models for interacting molecular motors is outlined. Numerical evidence indicates that the scaling properties of dynamical behavior in such models belong to the KPZ universality class. Second, the generalization of such models to include boundary injection and removal of motors is provided. In common with known results for the asymmetric exclusion processes, simulations indicate that such models exhibit sharp boundary driven phase transitions in the thermodynamic limit. In the third part of this paper, recent progress towards a continuum description of pattern formation in mixtures of motors and microtubules is described, and a non-equilibrium ``phase-diagram'' for such systems discussed.Comment: Proc. Int. Workshop on "Common Trends in Traffic Systems", Kanpur, India, Feb 2006; to be published in Physica
