4,031 research outputs found

    Asymptotic Laplacian-Energy-Like Invariant of Lattices

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    Let μ1μ2μn\mu_1\ge \mu_2\ge\cdots\ge\mu_n denote the Laplacian eigenvalues of GG with nn vertices. The Laplacian-energy-like invariant, denoted by LEL(G)=i=1n1μiLEL(G)= \sum_{i=1}^{n-1}\sqrt{\mu_i}, is a novel topological index. In this paper, we show that the Laplacian-energy-like per vertex of various lattices is independent of the toroidal, cylindrical, and free boundary conditions. Simultaneously, the explicit asymptotic values of the Laplacian-energy-like in these lattices are obtained. Moreover, our approach implies that in general the Laplacian-energy-like per vertex of other lattices is independent of the boundary conditions.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Random Tensors and Quantum Gravity

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    We provide an informal introduction to tensor field theories and to their associated renormalization group. We focus more on the general motivations coming from quantum gravity than on the technical details. In particular we discuss how asymptotic freedom of such tensor field theories gives a concrete example of a natural "quantum relativity" postulate: physics in the deep ultraviolet regime becomes asymptotically more and more independent of any particular choice of Hilbert basis in the space of states of the universe.Comment: Section 6 is essentially reproduced from author's arXiv:1507.04190 for self-contained purpose of the revie

    On Connected Diagrams and Cumulants of Erdos-Renyi Matrix Models

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    Regarding the adjacency matrices of n-vertex graphs and related graph Laplacian, we introduce two families of discrete matrix models constructed both with the help of the Erdos-Renyi ensemble of random graphs. Corresponding matrix sums represent the characteristic functions of the average number of walks and closed walks over the random graph. These sums can be considered as discrete analogs of the matrix integrals of random matrix theory. We study the diagram structure of the cumulant expansions of logarithms of these matrix sums and analyze the limiting expressions in the cases of constant and vanishing edge probabilities as n tends to infinity.Comment: 34 pages, 8 figure

    The Tensor Track: an Update

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    The tensor track approach to quantum gravity is based on a new class of quantum field theories, called tensor group field theories (TGFTs). We provide a brief review of recent progress and list some desirable properties of TGFTs. In order to narrow the search for interesting models, we also propose a set of guidelines for TGFT's loosely inspired by the Osterwalder-Schrader axioms of ordinary Euclidean QFT.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure. This paper is based on a talk given at the XXIX International Colloquium on Group-Theoretical Methods in Physics in Tian-Jin (China), very minor change

    Equality of Lifshitz and van Hove exponents on amenable Cayley graphs

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    We study the low energy asymptotics of periodic and random Laplace operators on Cayley graphs of amenable, finitely generated groups. For the periodic operator the asymptotics is characterised by the van Hove exponent or zeroth Novikov-Shubin invariant. The random model we consider is given in terms of an adjacency Laplacian on site or edge percolation subgraphs of the Cayley graph. The asymptotic behaviour of the spectral distribution is exponential, characterised by the Lifshitz exponent. We show that for the adjacency Laplacian the two invariants/exponents coincide. The result holds also for more general symmetric transition operators. For combinatorial Laplacians one has a different universal behaviour of the low energy asymptotics of the spectral distribution function, which can be actually established on quasi-transitive graphs without an amenability assumption. The latter result holds also for long range bond percolation models

    The Tensor Track, III

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    We provide an informal up-to-date review of the tensor track approach to quantum gravity. In a long introduction we describe in simple terms the motivations for this approach. Then the many recent advances are summarized, with emphasis on some points (Gromov-Hausdorff limit, Loop vertex expansion, Osterwalder-Schrader positivity...) which, while important for the tensor track program, are not detailed in the usual quantum gravity literature. We list open questions in the conclusion and provide a rather extended bibliography.Comment: 53 pages, 6 figure

    Decentralized Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Sensor Networks Composed of Nonlinearly Coupled Dynamical Systems

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    In this paper we propose a decentralized sensor network scheme capable to reach a globally optimum maximum likelihood (ML) estimate through self-synchronization of nonlinearly coupled dynamical systems. Each node of the network is composed of a sensor and a first-order dynamical system initialized with the local measurements. Nearby nodes interact with each other exchanging their state value and the final estimate is associated to the state derivative of each dynamical system. We derive the conditions on the coupling mechanism guaranteeing that, if the network observes one common phenomenon, each node converges to the globally optimal ML estimate. We prove that the synchronized state is globally asymptotically stable if the coupling strength exceeds a given threshold. Acting on a single parameter, the coupling strength, we show how, in the case of nonlinear coupling, the network behavior can switch from a global consensus system to a spatial clustering system. Finally, we show the effect of the network topology on the scalability properties of the network and we validate our theoretical findings with simulation results.Comment: Journal paper accepted on IEEE Transactions on Signal Processin

    The Tensor Theory Space

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    The tensor track is a background-independent discretization of quantum gravity which includes a sum over all topologies. We discuss how to define a functional renormalization group flow and the Wetterich equation in the corresponding theory space. This space is different from the Einsteinian theory space of asymptotic safety. It includes all fixed-rank tensor-invariant interactions, hence generalizes matrix models and the (Moyal) non-commutative field theory space.Comment: This short note is intended as a complement to arXiv:1311.1461, to appear in the Proceedings of the Workshop on Noncommutative Field Theory and Gravity in Corfu September 2013, Fortshritt. Phys. 201