555 research outputs found

    Parallelizing Windowed Stream Joins in a Shared-Nothing Cluster

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    The availability of large number of processing nodes in a parallel and distributed computing environment enables sophisticated real time processing over high speed data streams, as required by many emerging applications. Sliding window stream joins are among the most important operators in a stream processing system. In this paper, we consider the issue of parallelizing a sliding window stream join operator over a shared nothing cluster. We propose a framework, based on fixed or predefined communication pattern, to distribute the join processing loads over the shared-nothing cluster. We consider various overheads while scaling over a large number of nodes, and propose solution methodologies to cope with the issues. We implement the algorithm over a cluster using a message passing system, and present the experimental results showing the effectiveness of the join processing algorithm.Comment: 11 page

    Quality-Driven Disorder Handling for M-way Sliding Window Stream Joins

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    Sliding window join is one of the most important operators for stream applications. To produce high quality join results, a stream processing system must deal with the ubiquitous disorder within input streams which is caused by network delay, asynchronous source clocks, etc. Disorder handling involves an inevitable tradeoff between the latency and the quality of produced join results. To meet different requirements of stream applications, it is desirable to provide a user-configurable result-latency vs. result-quality tradeoff. Existing disorder handling approaches either do not provide such configurability, or support only user-specified latency constraints. In this work, we advocate the idea of quality-driven disorder handling, and propose a buffer-based disorder handling approach for sliding window joins, which minimizes sizes of input-sorting buffers, thus the result latency, while respecting user-specified result-quality requirements. The core of our approach is an analytical model which directly captures the relationship between sizes of input buffers and the produced result quality. Our approach is generic. It supports m-way sliding window joins with arbitrary join conditions. Experiments on real-world and synthetic datasets show that, compared to the state of the art, our approach can reduce the result latency incurred by disorder handling by up to 95% while providing the same level of result quality.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures, IEEE ICDE 201

    SQPR: Stream Query Planning with Reuse

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    When users submit new queries to a distributed stream processing system (DSPS), a query planner must allocate physical resources, such as CPU cores, memory and network bandwidth, from a set of hosts to queries. Allocation decisions must provide the correct mix of resources required by queries, while achieving an efficient overall allocation to scale in the number of admitted queries. By exploiting overlap between queries and reusing partial results, a query planner can conserve resources but has to carry out more complex planning decisions. In this paper, we describe SQPR, a query planner that targets DSPSs in data centre environments with heterogeneous resources. SQPR models query admission, allocation and reuse as a single constrained optimisation problem and solves an approximate version to achieve scalability. It prevents individual resources from becoming bottlenecks by re-planning past allocation decisions and supports different allocation objectives. As our experimental evaluation in comparison with a state-of-the-art planner shows SQPR makes efficient resource allocation decisions, even with a high utilisation of resources, with acceptable overheads

    Effective Use Methods for Continuous Sensor Data Streams in Manufacturing Quality Control

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    This work outlines an approach for managing sensor data streams of continuous numerical data in product manufacturing settings, emphasizing statistical process control, low computational and memory overhead, and saving information necessary to reduce the impact of nonconformance to quality specifications. While there is extensive literature, knowledge, and documentation about standard data sources and databases, the high volume and velocity of sensor data streams often makes traditional analysis unfeasible. To that end, an overview of data stream fundamentals is essential. An analysis of commonly used stream preprocessing and load shedding methods follows, succeeded by a discussion of aggregation procedures. Stream storage and querying systems are the next topics. Further, existing machine learning techniques for data streams are presented, with a focus on regression. Finally, the work describes a novel methodology for managing sensor data streams in which data stream management systems save and record aggregate data from small time intervals, and individual measurements from the stream that are nonconforming. The aggregates shall be continually entered into control charts and regressed on. To conserve memory, old data shall be periodically reaggregated at higher levels to reduce memory consumption

    Metrics and Algorithms for Processing Multiple Continuous Queries

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    Data streams processing is an emerging research area that is driven by the growing need for monitoring applications. A monitoring application continuously processes streams of data for interesting, significant, or anomalous events. Such applications include tracking the stock market, real-time detection of diseaseoutbreaks, and environmental monitoring via sensor networks.Efficient employment of those monitoring applications requires advanced data processing techniques that can support the continuous processing of unbounded rapid data streams. Such techniques go beyond the capabilities of the traditional store-then-query Data BaseManagement Systems. This need has led to a new data processing paradigm and created a new generation of data processing systems,supporting continuous queries (CQ) on data streams.Primary emphasis in the development of first generation Data Stream Management Systems (DSMSs) was given to basic functionality. However, in order to support large-scale heterogeneous applications that are envisioned for subsequent generations of DSMSs, greater attention willhave to be paid to performance issues. Towards this, this thesis introduces new algorithms and metrics to the current design of DSMSs.This thesis identifies a collection of quality ofservice (QoS) and quality of data (QoD) metrics that are suitable for a wide range of monitoring applications. The establishment of well-defined metrics aids in the development of novel algorithms that are optimal with respect to a particular metric. Our proposed algorithms exploit the valuable chances for optimization that arise in the presence of multiple applications. Additionally, they aim to balance the trade-off between the DSMS's overall performance and the performance perceived by individual applications. Furthermore, we provide efficient implementations of the proposed algorithms and we also extend them to exploit sharing in optimized multi-query plans and multi-stream CQs. Finally, we experimentally show that our algorithms consistently outperform the current state of the art

    Parallel and Distributed Stream Processing: Systems Classification and Specific Issues

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    Deploying an infrastructure to execute queries on distributed data streams sources requires to identify a scalable and robust solution able to provide results which can be qualified. Last decade, different Data Stream Management Systems have been designed by exploiting new paradigm and technologies to improve performances of solutions facing specific features of data streams and their growing number. However, some tradeoffs are often achieved between performance of the processing, resources consumption and quality of results. This survey 5 suggests an overview of existing solutions among distributed and parallel systems classified according to criteria able to allow readers to efficiently identify relevant existing Distributed Stream Management Systems according to their needs ans resources

    Processing Exact Results for Queries over Data Streams

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    In a growing number of information-processing applications, such as network-traffic monitoring, sensor networks, financial analysis, data mining for e-commerce, etc., data takes the form of continuous data streams rather than traditional stored databases/relational tuples. These applications have some common features like the need for real time analysis, huge volumes of data, and unpredictable and bursty arrivals of stream elements. In all of these applications, it is infeasible to process queries over data streams by loading the data into a traditional database management system (DBMS) or into main memory. Such an approach does not scale with high stream rates. As a consequence, systems that can manage streaming data have gained tremendous importance. The need to process a large number of continuous queries over bursty, high volume online data streams, potentially in real time, makes it imperative to design algorithms that should use limited resources. This dissertation focuses on processing exact results for join queries over high speed data streams using limited resources, and proposes several novel techniques for processing join queries incorporating secondary storages and non-dedicated computers. Existing approaches for stream joins either, (a) deal with memory limitations by shedding loads, and therefore can not produce exact or highly accurate results for the stream joins over data streams with time varying arrivals of stream tuples, or (b) suffer from large I/O-overheads due to random disk accesses. The proposed techniques exploit the high bandwidth of a disk subsystem by rendering the data access pattern largely sequential, eliminating small, random disk accesses. This dissertation proposes an I/O-efficient algorithm to process hybrid join queries, that join a fast, time varying or bursty data stream and a persistent disk relation. Such a hybrid join is the crux of a number of common transformations in an active data warehouse. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed scheme reduces the response time in output results by exploiting spatio-temporal locality within the input stream, and minimizes disk overhead through disk-I/O amortization. The dissertation also proposes an algorithm to parallelize a stream join operator over a shared-nothing system. The proposed algorithm distributes the processing loads across a number of independent, non-dedicated nodes, based on a fixed or predefined communication pattern; dynamically maintains the degree of declustering in order to minimize communication and processing overheads; and presents mechanisms for reducing storage and communication overheads while scaling over a large number of nodes. We present experimental results showing the efficacy of the proposed algorithms

    Handling Tradeoffs between Performance and Query-Result Quality in Data Stream Processing

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    Data streams in the form of potentially unbounded sequences of tuples arise naturally in a large variety of domains including finance markets, sensor networks, social media, and network traffic management. The increasing number of applications that require processing data streams with high throughput and low latency have promoted the development of data stream processing systems (DSPS). A DSPS processes data streams with continuous queries, which are issued once and return query results to users continuously as new tuples arrive. For stream-based applications, both the query-execution performance (in terms of, e.g., throughput and end-to-end latency) and the quality of produced query results (in terms of, e.g., accuracy and completeness) are important. However, a DSPS often needs to make tradeoffs between these two requirements, either because of the data imperfection within the streams, or because of the limited computation capacity of the DSPS itself. Performance versus result-quality tradeoffs caused by data imperfection are inevitable, because the quality of the incoming data is beyond the control of a DSPS, whereas tradeoffs caused by system limitations can be alleviated—even erased—by enhancing the DSPS itself. This dissertation seeks to advance the state of the art on handling the performance versus result-quality tradeoffs in data stream processing caused by the above two aspects of reasons. For tradeoffs caused by data imperfection, this dissertation focuses on the typical data-imperfection problem of stream disorder and proposes the concept of quality-driven disorder handling (QDDH). QDDH enables a DSPS to make flexible and user-configurable tradeoffs between the end-to-end latency and the query-result quality when dealing with stream disorder. Moreover, compared to existing disorder handling approaches, QDDH can significantly reduce the end-to-end latency, and at the same time provide users with desired query-result quality. In this dissertation, a generic buffer-based QDDH framework and three instantiations of the generic framework for distinct query types are presented. For tradeoffs caused by system limitations, this dissertation proposes a system-enhancement approach that combines the row-oriented and the column-oriented data layout and processing techniques in data stream processing to improve the throughput. To fully exploit the potential of such hybrid execution of continuous queries, a static, cost-based query optimizer is introduced. The optimizer works at the operator level and takes the unique property of execution plans of continuous queries—feasibility—into account

    Streaming the Web: Reasoning over dynamic data.

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    In the last few years a new research area, called stream reasoning, emerged to bridge the gap between reasoning and stream processing. While current reasoning approaches are designed to work on mainly static data, the Web is, on the other hand, extremely dynamic: information is frequently changed and updated, and new data is continuously generated from a huge number of sources, often at high rate. In other words, fresh information is constantly made available in the form of streams of new data and updates. Despite some promising investigations in the area, stream reasoning is still in its infancy, both from the perspective of models and theories development, and from the perspective of systems and tools design and implementation. The aim of this paper is threefold: (i) we identify the requirements coming from different application scenarios, and we isolate the problems they pose; (ii) we survey existing approaches and proposals in the area of stream reasoning, highlighting their strengths and limitations; (iii) we draw a research agenda to guide the future research and development of stream reasoning. In doing so, we also analyze related research fields to extract algorithms, models, techniques, and solutions that could be useful in the area of stream reasoning. © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved
