169 research outputs found

    Supporting Requirements Verification Using XSLT

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    In this paper we present a light-weight approach for the automatic verification of requirements. This approach is not based on natural language parsing techniques but on the representation of requirements in XML. In our approach, XSLT stylesheets are used not only to automatically generate requirements documents, but also to provide verification–oriented heuristics as well as to measure the quality of requirements using some verification–oriented metrics. These ideas have been implemented in REM, an experimentalXML– based requirements management tool also described in this paper.Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología TIC 2000–1106–C02–0

    The use of data-mining for the automatic formation of tactics

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    This paper discusses the usse of data-mining for the automatic formation of tactics. It was presented at the Workshop on Computer-Supported Mathematical Theory Development held at IJCAR in 2004. The aim of this project is to evaluate the applicability of data-mining techniques to the automatic formation of tactics from large corpuses of proofs. We data-mine information from large proof corpuses to find commonly occurring patterns. These patterns are then evolved into tactics using genetic programming techniques

    Towards a secure service provisioning framework in a Smart city environment

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    © 2017 Elsevier B.V. Over the past few years the concept of Smart cities has emerged to transform urban areas into connected and well informed spaces. Services that make smart cities “smart” are curated by using data streams of smart cities i.e., inhabitants’ location information, digital engagement, transportation, environment and local government data. Accumulating and processing of these data streams raise security and privacy concerns at individual and community levels. Sizeable attempts have been made to ensure the security and privacy of inhabitants’ data. However, the security and privacy issues of smart cities are not only confined to inhabitants; service providers and local governments have their own reservations — service provider trust, reliability of the sensed data, and data ownership, to name a few. In this research we identified a comprehensive list of stakeholders and modelled their involvement in smart cities by using the Onion Model approach. Based on the model we present a security and privacy-aware framework for service provisioning in smart cities, namely the ‘Smart Secure Service Provisioning’ (SSServProv) Framework. Unlike previous attempts, our framework provides end-to-end security and privacy features for trustable data acquisition, transmission, processing and legitimate service provisioning. The proposed framework ensures inhabitants’ privacy, and also guarantees integrity of services. It also ensures that public data is never misused by malicious service providers. To demonstrate the efficacy of SSServProv we developed and tested core functionalities of authentication, authorisation and lightweight secure communication protocol for data acquisition and service provisioning. For various smart cities service provisioning scenarios we verified these protocols by an automated security verification tool called Scyther

    Implementation of a Microsoft Windows embedded standard system.

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    Many dedicated-use computer systems sold as complete products require a turn-key design delivered to the customer. This requires a system which is stable, secure, and serviceable. Adaptability of the system to existing software applications is a key consideration for many vendors. This thesis attempts to establish and gather best practices for designing, configuring, and building a Microsoft Windows Embedded Standard 2009 system. An existing real-world system will be used as a case study and example implementation. The end result will be a relatively compact, secure, and efficient Microsoft Windows Operating System image to support the target software application

    Automated reasoning for reflective programs

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    Reflective programming allows one to construct programs that manipulate or examine their behaviour or structure at runtime. One of the benefits is the ability to create generic code that is able to adapt to being incorporated into different larger programs, without modifications to suit each concrete setting. Due to the runtime nature of reflection, static verification is difficult and has been largely ignored or only weakly supported. This work focusses on supporting verification for cases where generic code that uses reflection is to be used in a “closed” program where the structure of the program is known in advance. This thesis first describes extensions to a verification system and semi-automated tool that was developed to reason about heap-manipulating programs which may store executable code on the heap. These extensions enable the tool to support a wider range of programs on account of the ability to provide stronger specifications. The system’s underlying logic is an extension of separation logic that includes nested Hoare-triples which describe behaviour of stored code. Using this verification tool, with the crucial enhancements in this work, a specified reflective library has been created. The resulting work presents an approach where metadata is stored on the heap such that the reflective library can be implemented using primitive commands and then specified and verified, rather than developing new proof rules for the reflective operations. The supported reflective functions characterise a subset of Java’s reflection library and the specifications guarantee both memory safety and a degree of functional correctness. To demonstrate the application of the developed solution two case studies are carried out, each of which focuses on different reflection features. The contribution to knowledge is a first look at how to support semi-automated static verification of reflective programs with meaningful specifications

    The Omnibus language and integrated verification approach

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    This thesis describes the Omnibus language and its supporting framework of tools. Omnibus is an object-oriented language which is superficially similar to the Java programming language but uses value semantics for objects and incorporates a behavioural interface specification language. Specifications are defined in terms of a subset of the query functions of the classes for which a frame-condition logic is provided. The language is well suited to the specification of modelling types and can also be used to write implementations. An overview of the language is presented and then specific aspects such as subtleties in the frame-condition logic, the implementation of value semantics and the role of equality are discussed. The challenges of reference semantics are also discussed. The Omnibus language is supported by an integrated verification tool which provides support for three assertion-based verification approaches: run-time assertion checking, extended static checking and full formal verification. The different approaches provide different balances between rigour and ease of use. The Omnibus tool allows these approaches to be used together in different parts of the same project. Guidelines are presented in order to help users avoid conflicts when using the approaches together. The use of the integrated verification approach to meet two key requirements of safe software component reuse, to have clear descriptions and some form of certification, are discussed along with the specialised facilities provided by the Omnibus tool to manage the distribution of components. The principles of the implementation of the tool are described, focussing on the integrated static verifier module that supports both extended static checking and full formal verification through the use of an intermediate logic. The different verification approaches are used to detect and correct a range of errors in a case study carried out using the Omnibus language. The case study is of a library system where copies of books, CDs and DVDs are loaned out to members. The implementation consists of 2278 lines of Omnibus code spread over 15 classes. To allow direct comparison of the different assertion-based verification approaches considered, run-time assertion checking, extended static checking and then full formal verification are applied to the application in its entirety. This directly illustrates the different balances between error coverage and ease-of-use which the approaches offer. Finally, the verification policy system is used to allow the approaches to be used together to verify different parts of the application

    Semi­Automatic Generation of Tests for Assessing Correct Integration of Security Mechanisms in the Internet of Things

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    Internet of Things (IoT) is expanding at a global level and its influence in our daily lives is increasing. This fast expansion, with companies competing to be the first to deploy new IoT systems, has led to the majority of the software being created and produced without due attention being given to security considerations and without adequate security testing. Software quality and security testing are inextricably linked. The most successful approach to achieve secure software is to adhere to secure development, deployment, and maintenance principles and practices throughout the development process. Security testing is a procedure for ensuring that a system keeps the users data secure and performs as expected. However, extensively testing a system can be a very daunting task, that usually requires professionals to be well versed in the subject, so as to be performed correctly. Moreover, not all development teams can have access to a security expert to perform security testing in their IoT systems. The need to automate security testing emerged as a potential means to solve this issue. This dissertation describes the process undertaken to design and develop a module entitled Assessing Correct Integration of Security Mechanisms (ACISM) that aims to provide system developers with the means to improve system security by anticipating and preventing potential attacks. Using the list of threats that the system is vulnerable as inputs, this tool provides developers with a set of security tests and tools that will allow testing how susceptible the system is to each of those threats. This tool outputs a set of possible attacks derived from the threats and what tools could be used to simulate these attacks. The tool developed in this dissertation has the purpose to function as a plugin of a framework called Security Advising Modules (SAM). It has the objective of advising users in the development of secure IoT, cloud and mobile systems during the design phases of these systems. SAM is a modular framework composed by a set of modules that advise the user in different stages of the security engineering process. To validate the usefulness of the ACISM module in real life, it was tested by 17 computer science practitioners. The feedback received from these users was very positive. The great majority of the participants found the tool to be extremely helpful in facilitating the execution of security tests in IoT. The principal contributions achieved with this dissertation were: the creation of a tool that outputs a set of attacks and penetration tools to execute the attacks mentioned, all starting from the threats an IoT system is susceptible to. Each of the identified attacking tools will be accompanied with a brief instructional guide; all summing up to an extensive review of the state of the art in testing.A Internet das Coisas (IoT) é um dos paradigmas com maior expansão mundial à data de escrita da dissertação, traduzindo­se numa influência incontornável no quotidiano. As empresas pretendem ser as primeiras a implantar novos sistemas de IoT como resultado da sua rápida expansão, o que faz com que a maior parte do software seja criado e produzido sem considerações de segurança ou testes de segurança adequados. A qualidade do software e os testes de segurança estão intimamente ligados. A abordagem mais bemsucedida para obter software seguro é aderir aos princípios e práticas de desenvolvimento, implantação e manutenção seguros em todo o processo de desenvolvimento. O teste de segurança é um procedimento para garantir que um sistema proteja os dados do utilizador e execute conforme o esperado. Esta dissertação descreve o esforço despendido na concepção e desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta que, tendo em consideração as ameaças às quais um sistema é vulnerável, produz um conjunto de testes e identifica um conjunto de ferramentas de segurança para verificar a susceptibilidade do sistema às mesmas. A ferramenta mencionada anteriormente foi desenvolvida em Python e tem como valores de entrada uma lista de ameaças às quais o sistema é vulnerável. Depois de processar estas informações, a ferramenta produz um conjunto de ataques derivados das ameaças e possíveis ferramentas a serem usadas para simular esses ataques. Para verificar a utilidade da ferramenta em cenários reais, esta foi testada por 17 pessoas com conhecimento na área de informática. A ferramenta foi avaliada pelos sujeitos de teste de uma forma muito positiva. A grande maioria dos participantes considerou a ferramenta extremamente útil para auxiliar a realização de testes de segurança em IoT. As principais contribuições alcançadas com esta dissertação foram: a criação de uma ferramenta que, através das ameaças às quais um sistema IoT é susceptível, produzirá um conjunto de ataques e ferramentas de penetração para executar os ataques mencionados. Cada uma das ferramentas será acompanhada por um breve guia de instruções; uma extensa revisão do estado da arte em testes.The work described in this dissertation was carried out at the Instituto de Telecomunicações, Multimedia Signal Processing – Covilhã Laboratory, in Universidade da Beira Interior, at Covilhã, Portugal. This research work was funded by the S E C U R I o T E S I G N Project through FCT/COMPETE/FEDER under Reference Number POCI­01­0145­FEDER030657 and by Fundação para Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) research grant with reference BIL/Nº11/2019­B00701