111,183 research outputs found

    Mechanism of Lattice-Distortion-Induced Electric-Polarization Flop in the Multiferroic Perovskite Manganites

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    Magnetoelectric phase diagrams of the perovskite manganites, Eu1-xYxMnO3 and Gd1-xTbxMnO3, are theoretically studied. We first construct a microscopic model, and then analyze the model using the Monte-Carlo method. We reproduce the diagrams, which contain two different multiferroic states, i.e., the ab-plane spin cycloid with electric polarization P//a and the bc-plane spin cycloid with P//c. We reveal that their competition originates from a conflict between the single-ion anisotropy and the Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya interaction, which is controlled by the second-neighbor spin exchanges enhanced by the GdFeO3-type distortion. This leads to a P flop from a to c with increasing x in agreement with the experiments.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures. Recalculated results after correcting errors in the assignment of DM vectors. The conclusion is not affecte

    Thanks for the quick reply! : Email Chronemics and Instructor Liking

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    This study explored how chronemic conditions in email exchanges affect student liking of instructors. Participants (N = 123) were exposed to one of four email vignettes that simulated a message exchange between a student and instructor. In each vignette, a student posed a question to their instructor about a class assignment. The researchers manipulated the importance of the assignment discussed (low and high assignment point value) as well as the speed at which the instructor responded (10 hours and 14 days). A factorial ANOVA indicated that only instructor response time significantly influenced student liking of instructor. Implications of these findings are discussed and practical suggestions are offered for instructors

    Age-Based Preferences in Paired Kidney Exchange

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    We consider a model of Paired Kidney Exchange (PKE) with feasibility constraints on the number of patient-donor pairs involved in exchanges. Patients' preferences are restricted so that patients prefer kidneys from compatible younger donors to kidneys from older donors. In this framework, patients with compatible donors may enroll on PKE programs to receive an organ with higher expected graft survival than that of their intended donor. PKE rules that satisfy individual rationality, eciency, and strategy-proofness necessarily select pairwise exchanges. Such rules maximize the number of transplantations among pairs with the youngest donors, and sequentially among pairs with donors of dierent age group

    A GPU-enabled solver for time-constrained linear sum assignment problems

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    This paper deals with solving large instances of the Linear Sum Assignment Problems (LSAPs) under realtime constraints, using Graphical Processing Units (GPUs). The motivating scenario is an industrial application for P2P live streaming that is moderated by a central tracker that is periodically solving LSAP instances to optimize the connectivity of thousands of peers. However, our findings are generic enough to be applied in other contexts. Our main contribution is a parallel version of a heuristic algorithm called Deep Greedy Switching (DGS) on GPUs using the CUDA programming language. DGS sacrifices absolute optimality in favor of a substantial speedup in comparison to classical LSAP solvers like the Hungarian and auctioning methods. We show the modifications needed to parallelize the DGS algorithm and the performance gains of our approach compared to a sequential CPU-based implementation of DGS and a mixed CPU/GPU-based implementation of it

    Joint Cooperative Spectrum Sensing and MAC Protocol Design for Multi-channel Cognitive Radio Networks

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    In this paper, we propose a semi-distributed cooperative spectrum sen sing (SDCSS) and channel access framework for multi-channel cognitive radio networks (CRNs). In particular, we c onsider a SDCSS scheme where secondary users (SUs) perform sensing and exchange sensing outcomes with ea ch other to locate spectrum holes. In addition, we devise the p -persistent CSMA-based cognitive MAC protocol integrating the SDCSS to enable efficient spectrum sharing among SUs. We then perform throughput analysis and develop an algorithm to determine the spectrum sensing and access parameters to maximize the throughput for a given allocation of channel sensing sets. Moreover, we consider the spectrum sensing set optimization problem for SUs to maxim ize the overall system throughput. We present both exhaustive search and low-complexity greedy algorithms to determine the sensing sets for SUs and analyze their complexity. We also show how our design and analysis can be extended to consider reporting errors. Finally, extensive numerical results are presented to demonstrate the sig nificant performance gain of our optimized design framework with respect to non-optimized designs as well as the imp acts of different protocol parameters on the throughput performance.Comment: accepted for publication EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 201

    On the Design of Clean-Slate Network Control and Management Plane

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    We provide a design of clean-slate control and management plane for data networks using the abstraction of 4D architecture, utilizing and extending 4D’s concept of a logically centralized Decision plane that is responsible for managing network-wide resources. In this paper, a scalable protocol and a dynamically adaptable algorithm for assigning Data plane devices to a physically distributed Decision plane are investigated, that enable a network to operate with minimal configuration and human intervention while providing optimal convergence and robustness against failures. Our work is especially relevant in the context of ISPs and large geographically dispersed enterprise networks. We also provide an extensive evaluation of our algorithm using real-world and artificially generated ISP topologies along with an experimental evaluation using ns-2 simulator

    Co-Constructing Writing Knowledge: Students’ Collaborative Talk Across Contexts

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    Although compositionists recognize that student talk plays an important role in learning to write, there is limited understanding of how students use conversational moves to collaboratively build knowledge about writing across contexts. This article reports on a study of focus group conversations involving first-year students in a cohort program. Our analysis identified two patterns of group conversation among students: “co-telling” and “co-constructing,” with the latter leading to more complex writing knowledge. We also used Beaufort’s domains of writing knowledge to examine how co-constructing conversations supported students in abstracting knowledge beyond a single classroom context and in negotiating local constraints. Our findings suggest that co-constructing is a valuable process that invites students to do the necessary work of remaking their knowledge for local use. Ultimately, our analysis of the role of student conversation in the construction of writing knowledge contributes to our understanding of the myriad activities that surround transfer of learning
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