658 research outputs found

    Volumetric relief map for intracranial cerebrospinal fluid distribution analysis

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    International audienceCerebrospinal fluid imaging plays a significant role in the clinical diagnosis of brain disorders, such as hydrocephalus and Alzheimer's disease. While three-dimensional images of cerebrospinal fluid are very detailed, the complex structures they contain can be time-consuming and laborious to interpret. This paper presents a simple technique that represents the intracranial cerebrospinal fluid distribution as a two-dimensional image in such a way that the total fluid volume is preserved. We call this a volumetric relief map, and show its effectiveness in a characterization and analysis of fluid distributions and networks in hydrocephalus patients and healthy adults

    Intelligent FMI-Reduct Ensemble Frame Work for Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS)

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    The era of computer networks and information systems includes finance, transport, medicine, and education contains a lot of sensitive and confidential data. With the amount of confidential and sensitive data running over network applications are growing vulnerable to a variety of cyber threats. The manual monitoring of network connections and malicious activities is extremely difficult, leading to an increasing concern for malicious attacks on network-related systems. Network intrusion is an increasing issue in the virtual realm of the internet and computer networks that could harm the network structure in various ways, such as by altering system configurations and parameters. To address this issue, the creation of an efficient Network Intrusion Detection System (NID) that identifies malicious activities within a network has become necessary. The NID must regularly monitor network activities to detect malicious connections and help secure computer networks. The utilization of ML and mining of data approaches has proven to be beneficial in these types of scenarios. In this article, mutual a data-driven Fuzzy-Rough feature selection technique has been suggested to rank important features for the NIDS model to enforce cyber security attacks. The primary goal of the research is to classify potential attacks in high dimensional scenario, handling redundant and irrelevant features using proposed dimensionality reduction technique by combining Fuzzy and Rough set Theory techniques. The classical anomaly intrusion detection approaches that use individual classifiers Such as SVM, Decision Tree, Naive Bayes, k-Nearest Neighbor, and Multi Layer Perceptron are not enough to increase the effectiveness of detecting modern attacks. Hence, the suggested anomaly-based Network Intrusion Detection System named "FMI-Reduct based Ensemble Classifier" has been tested on highly imbalanced benchmark datasets, NSL_KDD and UNSW_NB15datasets of intrusion

    Medical Image Segmentation with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Medical imaging is the technique and process of creating visual representations of the body of a patient for clinical analysis and medical intervention. Healthcare professionals rely heavily on medical images and image documentation for proper diagnosis and treatment. However, manual interpretation and analysis of medical images are time-consuming, and inaccurate when the interpreter is not well-trained. Fully automatic segmentation of the region of interest from medical images has been researched for years to enhance the efficiency and accuracy of understanding such images. With the advance of deep learning, various neural network models have gained great success in semantic segmentation and sparked research interests in medical image segmentation using deep learning. We propose three convolutional frameworks to segment tissues from different types of medical images. Comprehensive experiments and analyses are conducted on various segmentation neural networks to demonstrate the effectiveness of our methods. Furthermore, datasets built for training our networks and full implementations are published

    Studies on the fluidised bed granulation process.

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    This study is an evaluation of the process of fluidised bed granulation with the objectives of elucidating the mechanism of granule formation and identifying the fundamental parameters affecting granule quality thereby enabling the true benefits of the process to be realised. Initially the effect of seven process variables upon granule quality was quantified using a factorially designed experiment. During granule assessment the torque generated by a paddle revolving in a granule mass was shown to be a useful measure of granule quality. The variables found to exert a significant effect upon granule quality were those which affected the wetting of the powder mix and rate of evaporation during granulation. A closer examination of those factors influencing bed wettability was indicated. This was achieved by studying the spray characteristics and droplet size of the atomised granulating solution, and investigating powder bed hydrophobicity. Spray characteristics of the atomised granulating solution were measured using a Malvern ST 1800 Particle and Droplet Size Analyser. A direct correlation was shown between droplet size and granule siize. Coarse, free flowing granules were obtained from sprays with large droplets, wide droplet size distributions and high granulating solution addition rates. A linear relationship was shown between the cosine of the solid/liquid contact angle and granule size. The addition of surfactant {sodium lauryl sulphate} to a model hydrophobic system was shown to improve granulation. This was related to improved powder/liquid affinity. Surfactant dissolved in the granulating solution gave slightly coarser granules with improved flow properties than when added directly to the powder mix. This was attributed to changes in spray characteristics and improved wetting by the atomised granulating solution. The growth mechanism and granule structure were subsequently investigated in a number of model powder systems using sieve analysis, scanning electron microscopy, a specially developed fluorescent technique to monitor binder distribution and a solvent extraction procedure which left a network of binder. Close examination of the data enabled a growth mechanism to be proposed for lactose and modifications to this were discussed for the other materials investigated. Thus, based on the changes occurring in the microenvironment during powder particle/droplet collision, those factors which significantly influence granule formation have been identified. These were principally the physico-chemical properties of the starting materials and the properties of the granulating droplets

    A study of the age related changes on the endocranial surface of the skull

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    SIGLEAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre-DSC:DXN012472 / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreGBUnited Kingdo

    Systematics and biogeography of the Australian burrowing freshwater crayfish genus Engaewa Riekk (Decapoda: Parastacidae)

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    The overall aim of this study was to explore the systematics and biogeographic patterns of the freshwater crayfish genus Engaewa Riek, a strongly burrowing freshwater crayfish restricted to the coastal corner of south-western Australia (SWA). The genus Engaewa is a Gondwanan relict with great potential as a marker of historical processes, due to its high habitat specificity and low dispersal ability. This study comprises an extensive taxonomic and phylogenetic revision of the genus Engaewa (using both molecular and morphological data), a detailed study of its distribution and uses the knowledge gained to explore biogeographic patterns in the biodiversity hotspot of SWA. The molecular analyses undertaken in this project support the monophyly of the genus Engaewa. They also, combined with a re-evaluation of morphological characters, support the recognition of (at least) two new species in addition to the five currently described species. Diagnostic morphological characters for the current species and two additional previously undescribed species, along with an updated taxonomic key, are presented. Engaewa species possess a genetic structure that is highly unusual and is characterised by particularly low intra-population diversity, and very high interpopulation diversity on a scale seemingly not observed in freshwater crayfish before. Based on the updated species designations, the ecology, distribution and conservation status of each species level lineage are also reviewed in this study. A biogeographic interpretation of the phylogenetic trees and population analyses/summary statistics from the genetic data is consistent with a scenario wherein lineages within this genus have undergone cyclical periods of expansion followed by contraction into refugia, in response to repeated changes in both climate and sea-level. This cyclical process concurs with the Taxon Pulse Hypothesis and has driven lineage diversification, via vicariant speciation, causing rapid bursts of speciation within the genus. This study has identified a number of refugia (from periods of inhospitable climate) centered on locations within the Cape-to-Cape region of SWA (i.e. between Cape Naturaliste and Cape Leeuwin) and on the south coast (specifically the region around the town of Walpole), which are supported by information from other taxa likewise adapted to mesic habitat, such as other freshwater crayfish, slaters, frogs, orchids and sedges. Not only does this study recognise biogeographic concordance between these taxa in SWA, it highlights a possible central role for Engaewa in creating habitat for other taxa

    Application of microwaves in pharmaceutical processes

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    English writing and reading for academic purposes

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    Учебно-методическое пособие представляет собой рекомендации, демонстрирующие основные этапы работы над научной статьей на английском языке. В пособие включены базовые клише и выражения, которые призваны стать необходимой опорой для российских авторов в процессе создания научных текстов на английском языке. Авторы пособия полагают, что знакомство с представленными наборами фраз и образцами научных текстов будет способствовать генерации научных текстов на английском языке в среде российских авторов. Пособие содержит ряд практикоориентированных заданий, которые могут быть расширены и дополнены по желанию преподавателей. Пособие предназначено для студентов, изучающих дисциплины «Практический курс первого иностранного языка», «Академическое письмо» и «Академический английский язык», для магистрантов, аспирантов и преподавателей, которые стремятся повысить свою публикационную активность на английском языке

    Aspects of the taxonomy and ecology of the ground beetle (Coleoptera: Carabidae) assemblage of the Swan Coastal Plain : (with particular reference to habitat fragmentation and the Quindalup dune system)

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    Long term studies encompassing seasonal variation in abundance and species present, forming base-line phenological data, arc required to understand the responses of the carabid (Ground Beetle) fauna to major habitat changes. In addition, few habitats unaffected by human disturbance remain in Australia, and evaluation of these fauna in these areas is required before further habitat loss occurs. Generally an unknown group of terrestrial predatory invertebrates in Australia, carabids have been the subjects of few ecological studies in this country. This restricts the utility of the Carabidae in environmental or conservation assessment programs in Australia. A study was initiated to assess the effects of habitat fragmentation and to provide base-line phenological data on the carabid fauna occurring in remnant bushland areas within part of the Perth Metropolitan Area, encompassing the Quindalup, Spearwood and Bassendean Dunes Systems, and Ridge Hill Shelf geological landforms of the Swan Coastal Plain. An intensive study, documenting and comparing seasonal occurrence of carabids was also carried out in bushland remnants within the Quindalup Dune System. Pitfall traps from a Western Australian Museum survey and from the author\u27s fieldwork, accessed 39 sites in 14 remnant areas across the four geological landforms of the Swan Coastal Plain concurrently in 1993 through to 1997. A total of 3049 specimens of 37 species representing 26 genera and 11 subfamilies were collected. The richest geological landform was found to be the Bassendean Dune System with 17 species, followed closely by the Quindalup Dune System (12) and the Ridge Hill Shelf (14 species). Relationships were found between the carabid fauna and the size of the remnant areas. The r values of the regressions between the total number of carabid species (r = 0.3782, p\u3c 0.05), and the number of volant species (r = 0.3776, p\u3c 0.05) and the Jog of remnant area were statistica11y significant. However, these r values are very low and indicate that only about 14% of the variation in total and volant species richness is accounted for by remnant area. The non-volant species richness and log of remnant area correlation was not significant (r = 0.1912, p\u3e0.05). In this case, the variable remnant area accounted for less than 4% of the variation in the non-volant species richness. The distribution of volant to non-volant species across the Plain was highly irregular, with volant species represented usually by few individuals in either the Quindalup or Bassendean Dune Systems whereas the non-volant species were generally more common and widespread. This is probably attributable to the collection method rather than a reflection of real distributional patterns. A series of environmental parameters were generated by the climate program Bioclim. Most of the carabid species present on the Plain are at the extremity of their ranges and the physical and environmental parameters were found to have limited influence on species richness, individual species\u27 abundances or distributions spatially across the Plain. Environmental parameters were also scored for each sampling period for the Quindalup Dune System sites between 1996 and 1997 to determine their influence on the species distribution temporally and spatially in that dune system. As previously, these parameters had little apparent influence on either the non-volant assemblage species richness or individual species abundances. Evidence of seasonality of several species was observed, along with possible spatial and temporal partitioning between two species, Scaraphites lucidus and S. silenus. The former was only found on Quindalup and associated soils, and the latter found in most other remnants across the Plain. Similarity classifications revealed that it is possible to discriminate the broader geological features of the Swan Coastal Plain on the basis of the entire carabid assemblage. However, finer-grained discrimination is possible if only the non-volant assemblage is used. Within the Quindalup Dune System discrimination between the remnants is not as clear, with sites tending to cluster in three main groups, beach associated, heath associated and older areas. Distinct seasonal activity levels (within a six week window) were documented for the first time for several common species, with only two species active at some level through all seasons. Most species were found to be active in the adult form during spring and summer months, activity tapering off in autumn. Slight variations between remnants were observed. Redescriptions of eight non-volant species and Gnathoxys pannuceus sp. nov. (with details of gross male genitalia) are presented. An identification key to the carabid species encountered on the Quindalup Dune System is also presented. While this study does not provide conclusive evidence of habitat fragmentation directly affecting the carabid assemblage structure it indicates that the species are not uniformly distributed across the Swan Coastal Plain either temporarily or spatially. Also, the presence of both rare and undescribed forms within the remnants underline the desirability of further surveys of these localities. Research into the relationships between the various taxa in these localities is required before fully informed conservation decisions for either the carabid fauna or the remnants themselves can be made