25 research outputs found

    Detection of potential green open space area using landsat 8 satellite imagery

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    Green city development policies have an essential role in improving the ecological functions of a municipality. According to Law 26/2007 on spatial planning, it contains provinsions for green open space which oblige the government to set aside 30% of the city as green open space. However, the main obstacle in providing green open space remains the limited availability of urban land. Therefore, efforts are needed to detect urban land that is available for use as green open space. The purpose of this study is to determine the initia l description of the availability of green open space in Malang City. This study uses an integrated method of calculating the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) with land cover classification . NDVI analysis reveals the distribution value of vegetation density in Malang City. Based on NDVI analysis results, green open space requires medium and highdensityvegetation. In Malang City, only 2946.56 ha, or 26.60% of the city, meets these requirements. The availability of green open space in Malang City therefore does not meet minimum green open space requirements. This study's results suggest the need for additional policies aimed at providing greenopen space for Malang Cit

    Análisis multi-temporal de la abundancia y distribución de zonas verdes en ámbitos urbanos, como insumo para la planeación del territorio. Caso: casco urbano de Medellín entre los años 1948 y 2014

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    RESUMEN: El presente trabajo evaluó la dinámica evolutiva de las zonas verdes en ámbitos urbanos a partir del procesamiento de georegistros multitemporales. Se identificaron seis momentos en el estado de los espacios verdes en la zona urbana Medellín, los cuales fueron analizados en términos de área, abundancia y, distribución categórica y jerárquica; así como, de acuerdo a su tamaño relativo. Las valoraciones realizadas permitieron evidenciar que Medellín en principio, se preocupó por mantener y preservar sus grandes espacios verdes, pero, con el tiempo, estos amplios espacios decayeron y las zonas a mantener, pasaron a ser pequeños parches remotos de áreas verdes, con otras características y funciones para la ciudad, y, por tanto, con cambio en su oferta de servicios ecosistémicos

    آشکارسازی تغییرات کاربری / پوشش اراضی شهر گنبد کاووس با استفاده از سنجش از دور

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    توجه به توسعه فیزیکی شهری پایدار، به عنوان یک ضرورت اساسی در برنامه‌های توسعه‌ی شهری، حاکی از اهمیت این موضوع در تقویت جبهه‌های فرهنگی، اجتماعی و کالبدی شهر می‌باشد. تغییرات پوشش سرزمین و توسعه شهرها سبب تخریب زیستگاه‌های طبیعی و کاهش تنوع زیستی شده است، یکی از روش‌های مورد استفاده برنامه‌ریزان جهت کنترل روند تغییرات پوشش سرزمین و کاربری اراضی، مدل‌سازی می‌باشد. این مطالعه با هدف مدل‌سازی تغییرات کاربری اراضی شهر گنبدکاووس با استفاده از LCM  انجام شد. آشکارسازی تغییرات کاربری اراضی با استفاده از تصاویر ماهواره لندست متعلق به سال‌های 1366، 1379، 1389 و 1393 انجام شد. مدل‌سازی نیروی انتقال با استفاده از پرسپترون چندلایه شبکه عصبی مصنوعی و 10 متغیر انجام پذیرفت. سپس با استفاده از مدل پیش‌بینی سخت و دوره واسنجی 1366 تا 1379 مدل‌سازی برای سال 1389 صورت گرفت و برای ارزیابی با نقشه واقعیت زمینی سال 1389 مورد مقایسه قرار گرفت، در پایان نیز با استفاده از دوره واسنجی 1379 تا 1389 پوشش سرزمین سال 1404 ،1419 و 1429پیش‌بینی شد. نتایج نشان می‌دهد در کل دوره مورد مطالعه به ترتیب 32/2858  کاربری شهری و 47/1106 اراضی آبی افزایش داشته و همچنین به ترتیب 77/2331 اراضی بایر و 5/2135 هکتار از وسعت اراضی دیم کاسته شده است. نتایج مدل‌سازی نیروی انتقال در اکثر زیرمدل‌ها صحت بالایی را نشان می‌دهد. نتایج مدل‌سازی با استفاده از زنجیره‌های مارکوف نشان داد که در سال‌های آتی شهر گنبدکاووس توسعه شدیدی خواهد داشت و اغلب به سمت شرق و جنوب خواهد بود، همچنین توسعه در سمت شمال و غرب نیز وجود دارد که در صورت عدم توجه باعث توسعه حاشیه‌نشینی خواهد شد

    Sustainable urban spatial resilience in improving the quality of livable Green Open Space (GOS). case study: An implementation of Green City Development Program (GCDP) in Malang City Center development area, Indonesia

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    Sustainable Development Goals are collective agreements that generally result in harmonious and sustainable development. Harmony contains understanding related to ecological, humanities, and economic aspects. Sustainable development aims to improve the quality of life of present and future generations. In other words, sustainable city development leads to the creation of livable city ecosystems. A livable city is an ideal condition that can provide space for city life in a natural and sustainable urban area. The GOS revitalization must pay attention to the dimensions of scale, structure, shape, function, and urban spatial networks. Urban Resilience as a process can interpret as an effort to increase the ability to absorb and respond to the effects of disasters and reorganize to overcome disruptions in achieving normal conditions after disaster stress or urban changes. This discussion aims to create a sustainable urban spatial resilience model in improving the quality of livable GOS. The research method used is descriptive exploratory based on GOS map data and filed survey of GOS improving implementation in the Central Malang Development Area. Analysis of spatial structure resilience and spatial accessibility was carried out to assess the convenience of using public spaces. This analysis is conducted to answer the question of what factors affect the sustainability of resilience urban Green Open Space

    Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Model in Improving the Quality of Green Open Space (GOS) to Create a Livable City

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    Sustainable urban development leads to the creation of livable cities. The Green Open Space (GOS) of City requires the quality of life requirements to support the ecological, socio-cultural, and urban economic functions. In Indonesia, the provision of GOS is the city government’s responsibility, which has to carried out transparently and implemented with the involvement of stakeholders. The limited funding for the provision and improvement of the quality of GOS by the city government has developed a CSR scheme from the private sector. This CSR governance model enriches the use of CSR in addition to social assistance or charity activities, which can realize for the wider city community. The city government’s role in using CSR models is significant to ensure transparency of costs, accountable design policies, and their implementation and maintenance

    Small-scale land use change modelling using transient groundwater levels and salinities as driving factors – An example from a sub-catchment of Australia’s Murray-Darling Basin

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    This is the final version. Available from Elsevier via the DOI in this record. Data availability: Data will be made available on requestAlthough land-use change (LUC) can have detrimental environmental impacts, very few studies have explored the idea that changes in groundwater conditions and water management directly influence LU. This study models how water management policies, groundwater quality (as salinity) and availability drive and impact LUC at a small scale. The Angas Bremer (AB) irrigation district (Murray-Darling Basin, Australia) was used as a case study because it provides a rare example of complex and transient groundwater management. The key questions raised were (i) how has LU, more specifically agricultural practices, changed groundwater quality and availability; (ii) how have groundwater conditions (salinity and levels) subsequently driven LUC and influenced policy changes; and, (iii) how have groundwater conditions improved as a consequence of LU and policy changes. Using the newly-developed Patch-generating LU Simulation (PLUS) model, LUC was simulated and driving factors analysed for the period 1949–2014. To the best of our knowledge, PLUS was able to successfully model groundwater-driven LUC at a small, local scale for the first time in the international literature. The results show that (i) LUC driving factors depend on groundwater conditions and extent of policy in place, and (ii) changes in groundwater salinity and levels led to new water management policy, which in turn dictated LU changes where more water-efficient crops were favoured. LUC likely contributed to a recovery of groundwater levels and low salinity, i.e. groundwater improved to pre-development conditions. Groundwater-related driving factors are responsible for 5–12% depending on agricultural land use and phase.Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Counci

    The importance of connected and interspersed urban green and blue space for biodiversity: A case study in Cork City, Ireland

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    Urban green and blue space (UGBS) is becoming increasingly important for supporting biodiversity, with the spatial configuration of these landscapes essential to supporting a range of taxa. The role of UGBS for supporting biodiversity is well established, but there remains a lack of consensus on the importance of the overall landscape configuration and the scale at which these configurations are analyzed. Moreover, statistical models are often compounded by coarse representations of UGBS that ignore ‘invisible’ spaces (i.e., gardens and brownfield sites). Using Sentinel-2 satellite data and a maximum likelihood classification, a comprehensive landcover map of Cork City, Ireland was produced with reliable accuracy. FRAGSTATS was then used to capture landscape metrics regarding the spatial configuration of the study area, at a city scale and at three spatial extents for each field site. Field surveys at 72 locations captured data on bird species richness and abundance, before generalized linear models (GLMs) were parameterized between biodiversity metrics and the landscape metrics at 50, 100, and 200 m scales. The UGBS classification revealed that two-thirds of the city is composed of green and blue space. The field surveys recorded 62 species in the city, while GLMs revealed that green space was a significant driver in increasing species richness and abundance, while blue space produced inversions in coefficient estimates, suggesting a more nuanced relationship. The edge effect phenomenon was suggested to play a key role in increasing bird diversity, with a diversified and varied urban landscape important. The impact of scale also affected how blue space was viewed as a connective network within the city, particularly in relation to biodiversity metrics. Overall, this study has demonstrated that UGBS is intrinsically linked to bird diversity. Moreover, 38% of the species recorded are listed as species of conservation concern in Ireland, highlighting how urban spaces can provide habitats for vulnerable species and should inform discussion on the role of geography within the implementation of conservation and planning initiatives for urban environs

    Modeling urban expansion in Zahedan’s dry climate: insights from the SLEUTH model

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    IntroductionRapid uncontrolled growth of build-up areas has increasingly challenged the sustainable use of urban area simulating the growth patterns of fastest-growing cities is more necessary in dry climates, due to low ecological suitability for urban development and meeting the needs of citizens. Therefore, this research conducted aiming at predicting the expansion of urban land use in Zahedan City, Iran, which has a dry climate with an evenness landscape.MethodsUrban Expansion in Zahedan Modeled using SLEUTH (slope, land use, exclusion, urban extent, transportation and hillshade) in two historical and environmental scenarios until 2050. The input data were extracted from processing on DEM and remote sensing data and the SLEUTH model was calibrated in four stages from 1990 to 2020.Results and discussionThe results showed that the increase in Ahead extent in 2050 is more than twice as much as in 2020, and this increase was associated with a less dispersion of urban patches in the environmental scenario compared to the historical scenario. Also, the results clarified that the developable spaces are saturated in terms of slope in the east and there is the lack of urban green spaces. These results reveal the need for the attention of city managers in predicting the urban green space in the expected growth areas and compensating for the lack of vegetation cover in the former urban areas. Geographic extension of predicted urban land can be used in future environmental planning and urban developing strategies, as well as it is suggested to adopt this approach as a plan for urban planning in dry climates

    Spatiotemporal model for landscape ecological assessment in landscape planning

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    Ecological landscape area is rich with biodiversity and ecosystem are two important factors that balance the serenity of the environment through its ecological function and services. However, landscape change especially rapid urbanization has led to extensive land use and land cover (LULC) transformation that degrades the ecological landscape area and ecosystem services. The limitation of integration analysis in LULC change with ecological interaction has caused detrimental impact on natural landscape area and environmental quality. Analysing the spatiotemporal characteristics of landscape changes and ecological response in a multidisciplinary research is necessary to extend the understanding of spatial change behaviour and ecological consequences. Thus, the aim of this research is to study the integration of spatiotemporal dimension of landscape change with ecological landscape sensitivity consideration in Iskandar Malaysia region (Johor Bahru). The spatiotemporal dimension of historical and future LULC change is analysed to identify the direction and characteristics of the landscape structure and function change. Logistic regression model, analytical hierarchical process, markov chain model and cellular automata were used to identify the spatiotemporal LULC change in the study area. A series of landscape matrices in landscape index at class and landscape levels were used to analyse the spatiotemporal dimension of the landscape change pattern. It includes measurement of the ecological integrity and function responses towards spatiotemporal landscape change by using Core Area Model. Satellite images of 1994, 2000, 2007 and 2013 were used to understand the historical landscape changes and as a basis for future projection. Geographic Information System and Remote Sensing were utilized to evaluate the temporal landscape characteristics and spatial pattern changes. The results indicate that rapid urbanization of Iskandar Malaysia region from 2007 to 2013 has substantially changed the structure and function of the ecological area. The urban area significantly increased from 8,031.6 hectares (3.84%) in 1994 to 42,972.94 (20.1%) in 2013, and expected to increase to 112,224.6 hectares (53.59%) in 2030. As a consequence, the natural ecological areas reduced from 55,201.77 hectares (26.37%) in 1994 to 19,011.5 hectares (9.08%) in 2013. Due to the landscape mosaic change, the core ecological areas are affected from 21,465.9 hectares (38%) reduced to 9,317.61 hectares (49%) and expected to further reduce at 8,416.71 hectares (41%) in 1994, 2013 and 2030, respectively. It shows the response of ecological condition in natural landscape areas towards the landscape changes which subsequently disturb the ecological values and services. As a conclusion, the findings of this research could provide decision makers with better understanding on the environmental consequences of the landscape changes. In addition, it contributes to enhancement of methods in multidisciplinary research and finally increases the capability of the process in adaptive management for the spatiotemporal landscape change