8 research outputs found


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    This paper seeks to review the enablers for the Travel & Tourism (T&T) industry in India and to rank these factors. The paper aims to introduce a fuzzy TOPSIS approach for this purpose. The paper begins with a literature review to investigate the significant enablers in the T&T sector. The research was conducted among the tourists in the northern state of Uttarakhand, India which is a famous tourist destination both for adventure and pilgrimage. Fuzzy TOPSIS approach is used to meet the objectives of the study. Required information was gathered through a questionnaire. The results show that Safety & Security, Price, Transport and Infrastructure are the most important factors in Indian context.The paper will be helpful in enabling the T&T industry policy makers to identify the key service factors in the sector and take the improvement measuresThe concept of ranking T&T enablers using a Fuzzy TOPSIS is a new approach. The study is the unique application of a fuzzy approach to examine and rank customer expectations of the T&T enablers in Indian context

    Wine tourism on the internet. Evaluation of the websites of the wineries of three wine routes of Extremadura (Spain) and Alentejo and Região Centro (Portugal)

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    El enoturismo, en España y Portugal, viene ganando espacio entre las formas de turismo más tradicionales. Al mismo tiempo, la adopción de herramientas tecnológicas por parte del sector turístico es un proceso continuo y significativo que se refleja en una creciente presencia online de los consumidores que planifican sus viajes, siendo los sitios web cruciales para las empresas, ya que funcionan como puente de enlace directo entre los turistas, organizaciones y turistas. Con el fin de comprender cómo las bodegas pertenecientes a las tres rutas del vino de Extremadura (España), Alentejo y Região Centro (Portugal) utilizan Internet para potenciar su actividad y promocionar el enoturismo, en este artículo presentamos los resultados obtenidos a partir de la aplicación de una matriz de evaluación desarrollada con este fin. Del análisis de 100 sitios web, se verificó que la mayoría de las bodegas tienen sitios web muy estáticos, que ofrecen la mínima cantidad de información, demostrando que la mayoría de las bodegas no entiende el potencial real de Internet como herramienta de marketing para incrementar su actividad enoturística, sus servicios y su presencia en el mercado.Wine tourism, in Spain and Portugal, has been gaining ground among the more traditional forms of tourism. At the same time, the adoption of technological tools by the tourism sector is a continuous and significant process that is reflected in an increasing online presence of consumers planning their trips, with websites being crucial for companies as they function as a bridge between tourist organizations and tourists. In order to understand how the wineries belonging to three wine routes in Extremadura (Spain), Alentejo and Região Centro (Portugal) use the internet to strengthen their activity and promote wine tourism, this article presents the results obtained from applying a website evaluation matrix developed for this purpose. From the analysis of 121 websites, it was verified that most of the wineries have very static websites, which offer the minimum amount of information, demonstrating that most wineries do not understand the real potential of the Internet as a marketing tool to increase their wine tourism activity, its services and its presence in the market.NECE-UBI, Reserach Centre for Business Sciences, Research Centre and this work are funded by FCT –Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, IP, project UIDB/ 04630/2020

    Comunicação digital: websites, dialogismos e estabelecimentos hoteleiros

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    Diante das crescentes mudanças tecnológicas, as organizações tiveram de se adaptar para se destacarem da competição e manterem as relações com os consumidores. Sendo os websites um dos meios mais eficientes para estabelecer interações com o público, a implementação de princípios dialógicos tornou-se uma mais-valia não só para as empresas, mas também para os clientes, possibilitando uma maior interatividade e promovendo a comunicação bilateral. Dado que uma relação mutuamente vantajosa e uma comunicação eficiente é alcançada incorporando pilares como mutualidade, proximidade, empatia, risco e compromisso, o princípio do ciclo dialógico destaca-se como a diretriz que mais incorpora estas bases e a adoção deste nos websites potencializa uma maior interação entre organizações-clientes. Assim, a dissertação tem como principal objetivo estudar o grau de adoção dos dialogismos digitais nos websites de hotéis, designadamente, identificar os indicadores pertencentes ao ciclo dialógico mais utilizados para estabelecer comunicações com os clientes, formar e preservar as relações com os mesmos. Para atingir este propósito, o estudo adotou uma metodologia mista – qualitativa e quantitativa. A análise recaiu nos websites dos hotéis candidatos aos prémios World Travel Awards 2023, que foram analisados de forma individual e, posteriormente, por categorias - Melhor Hotel; Melhor Resort; Melhor Boutique -, com intuito de ser feita uma análise comparativa e a identificar padrões ou diferenças. Após a análise dos dados, os resultados permitiram concluir que os websites são um meio privilegiado na comunicação entre hotel e público, havendo discrepância na adoção dos indicadores, com os meios de contacto e os links para as redes sociais a apresentarem uma adoção de 100%, enquanto indicadores como questionário (feedback) e partilha de experiências vividas pelos clientes com adoção quase nula. Relativamente à análise comparativa, apesar de não se identificar diferenças acentuadas entre as categorias, o grupo “Melhor Hotel” evidenciou maior adoção do princípio dialógico.Faced with growing technological changes, organizations have had to adapt in order to stand out from the competition and maintain relationships with consumers. As websites are one of the most efficient means to establish interactions with the public, the implementation of dialogic principles has become an asset not only for companies, but also for customers, enabling greater interactivity and promoting bilateral communication. Given that a mutually advantageous relationship and efficient communication is achieved by incorporating pillars such as mutuality, proximity, empathy, risk and commitment, the principle of the dialogic cycle stands out as the guideline that most incorporates these bases and the adoption of this on websites enhances greater interaction between organizations-clients. Thus, the main objective of this dissertation is to study the degree of adoption of digital dialogisms in hotel websites, more specifically, to identify the indicators belonging to the dialogic cycle are most used to establish communications with customers as well as to form and preserve relationships with them. To achieve this purpose, this study uses a mixed methodology – qualitative and quantitative. The analysis fell in the websites of the hotels nominated for World Travel Awards 2023, which were analyzed individually and, subsequently, by categories - Best Hotel; Best Resort; Best Boutique – in order to make a comparative analysis and identify patterns or differences. After analyzing the data, the results allowed us to conclude that websites are a privileged means of communication between hotel and the public, however, there is a discrepancy in the adoption of indicators, with the means of contact and links to social networks showing a 100% adoption, while indicators such as questionnaire (feedback) and sharing of experiences lived by customers with almost zero adoption. Regarding the comparative analysis, although there were no marked differences between the categories, the "Best Hotel" showed greater adoption of the dialogic principle

    The role and potential of ICT in the visitor attractions sector: the case of Scotland’s tourism industry

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    An investigation into destination management systems website evaluation theory and practice

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    The main aim of this thesis is an investigation into Destination Management Systems (DMS) website effectiveness and evaluation in the tourism domain from both academic and industry (destination management) perspectives. This thesis begins with a comprehensive review of the literature about theories, concepts and methods used for DMS website effectiveness evaluation. The future direction of DMS website evaluation in tourism and a conceptual framework that defines the contemporary theory versus practice of the DMS websites evaluation is elaborated. The research employed first three rounds of Delphi study to generate an up-to-date definition and aims of DMS. The Delphi study also generated an up-to-date comprehensive set of dimensions and criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of DMS websites. The research then employed structured interviews as well as online survey sent to forty-six official destination websites to review how industry is evaluating their DMS websites. What approaches they use in addition to the criteria and dimensions when evaluating the effectiveness of their DMS websites is explored. This thesis also reviews additional aspects related to the in destination evaluation. The findings of the Delphi study indicated that there is a rising emergence of social media as a new important component related to DMS. The findings also suggested additional aims to previously identified aims of the DMS. The new additional aims of DMS found in this research are: support sustainable destination management; empower and support tourism firms; enable collaboration at the destination; increase consumer satisfaction level and capture consumer data. Further findings also indicated compared with these established by previous researchers there are new additions to the evaluation dimensions of DMS websites proposed which are: sustainability, marketing, collaboration issues, and goals of the website. The findings of this thesis indicated that there is a congruence and consensus between academic experts and industry in terms of the most dimensions that are crucial for DMS websites evaluation. The findings, however, indicated that there is limited parallel between criteria identified with the Delphi study and those found and used by destination management practitioners. This thesis calls for additional research to develop a support system to ensure a focused involvement between academia and industry in the area of DMS website evaluation. This thesis contributes to knowledge by generating an up-to-date and comprehensive set of dimensions and criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of a DMS website. This thesis also contributes to knowledge through the identification of the current dimensions, criteria, and evaluation approaches used by industry practitioners. This research adopted a strategy in presenting the literature review that enhanced the understanding of the DMS websites and their comprehensive evaluation in tourism. This research is one of the first studies in the tourism field that reviews and sheds light on and compares and contracts contemporary thinking on both academia and industry evaluation of DMS websites.sub_behsubmitted2197_ethesessubmitte

    أثر التسويق الإلكتروني على تطوير الخدمات السياحية - دراسة مجموعة من الوكالات السياحية بولاية بسكرة

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    هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى تحدید أثر التسويق الإلكتروني على تطویر الخدمات السياحية في مجموعة من الوكالات السياحية بولاية بسكرة، وذلك بالتركيز على متغیرین رئیسین هما: التسويق الإلكتروني كمتغیر مستقل والذي تم قیاسه من خلال: ( الهاتف المحمول، البريد الإلكتروني، مواقع التواصل الإجتماعي، الموقع الإلكتروني، محركات البحث )، وتطویر الخدمات السياحية كمتغیر تابع تم قیاسه من خلال: ( إستراتیجیة إختراق السوق، إستراتیجیة تطویر السوق، إستراتیجیة تطویر الخدمات، إستراتیجیة التنویع). وتحقیقا لهدف الدراسة تم تبني المنهج الوصفي والمنهج التفسیري، مع إعتماد الإستبیان كأداة جمع البیانات من عینة من عمال مجموعة الوكالات السياحية بولاية بسكرة، حیث تم جمع البیانات الأولیة في الفترة الممتدة بین 02 جانفي 2023 إلى غایة 26 فيفري 2023، وقد بلغت عینة الدراسة 142 موظف موزعین على 47 وكالة سياحية بولاية بسكرة، وبعد تحلیل البیانات بإستعمال النسخة 22 من برنامج الحزم الإحصائیة للعلوم الإجتماعیة "SPSS"، تمثلت أهم نتائج هذه الدراسة في أن التسويق الإلكتروني له تأثیر على تطویر الخدمات السياحية في الوكالات السياحية محل الدراسة، كما إتضح أن أبعاد التسويق الإلكتروني (الهاتف المحمول، البريد الإلكتروني، مواقع التواصل الإجتماعي، الموقع الإلكتروني، محركات البحث) لها تأثیر على تطویر الخدمات السياحية، وفي الأخیر قدمت الدراسة مجموعة من الإقتراحات موجهة إلى الوكالات السياحية وإلى القائمین على القطاع السياحي في الجزائر تؤكد على ضرورة تبني إستخدام التسويق الإلكتروني في تطویر الخدمات السياحية. الكلمات المفتاحیة: تسويق إلكتروني، أدوات تسويق إلكتروني، خدمات سياحية، إستراتیجیات تطویر الخدمات، وكالات سياحية

    Conception d’un outil de gestion de la performance d’un système de gestion de la destination touristique

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    Cette recherche porte sur la performance des systèmes d’information inter organisationnels dans le domaine du tourisme et, plus particulièrement, sur la performance des systèmes d’information utilisés par les organismes de gestion de la destination touristique. La démarche suivie dans l’élaboration d’un outil d’évaluation de la performance d'un système de gestion de la destination représente la principale contribution de la thèse. Cet outil analyse les effets du système de gestion de la destination sur les processus opérationnels et de gestion et ensuite, établit un lien entre l’amélioration de ces processus et la satisfaction des détenteurs d’enjeux. L’outil d’évaluation de la performance du système de gestion de la destination devient un outil de gestion qui met en évidence les possibilités d’amélioration du système de gestion de la destination.Abstract: This research focuses on the performance of inter-organizational information systems in the field of tourism and, more specifically, on the performance of information systems used by destination management organizations (DMOs). The interest for these systems, the destination management systems (DMS), comes from the importance of investments and the challenges they represent for the tourism industry and for the development of the regional economy. Empirical research analysis revealed the limited success of DMS, the disappointing participation of tourism product suppliers and destination promoters in DMS, and the key challenges faced by managers at the destination management organization, resulting in the following managerial question: "How to help managers of tourist destinations manage the performance of a destination management system, taking into account the achievement of the objectives of the stakeholders? ". Given the diversity of its theoretical foundations, the research on the evaluation of information systems presents several models and still reports difficulties in assessing the impact of information technologies. To evaluate the performance of DMS, the conceptual framework of this thesis combines a process model of IS business value (Melville, Kraemer and Gurbaxani, 2004) with an integrated method of organizational performance measurement (Neely, Adams and Kennerley, 2002). The prism of the performance of Neely et al. (2002) was designed to take into account a significant number of stakeholders. The research framework was developed to produce rich data for discovery purposes. It uses an exploratory qualitative approach based on inductive reasoning and favors the case study method to answer a descriptive question. The choice of a single case with multiple groups (Embedded Case Study Research) facilitates a new understanding of the performance of a given DMS, from different perspectives, being those of the stakeholders involved. Twenty-six semi-structured interviews were conducted, of which eighteen were conducted within the DMO and eight were conducted with the tourist SMEs of the destination chosen for the study. The data were coded using CAQDAS Atlas.ti reflective software and aggregated using a matrix analysis. […