17 research outputs found

    Which of DEA or AHP can best be employed to measure efficiency of projects?

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    [EN] This paper compares Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) approaches for monitoring projects, in order to determine their performance in terms of economic, environmental and social organizational goals. This work is founded on an existing methodology to select and monitor projects based on DEA, and discusses modifications and additions arising from using AHP. The proposal is applied to a real case. The results indicate that AHP constitutes an insightful approach in situations requiring a modelling of managerial preferences regarding the relative importance of organizational goals.Sánchez, MA. (2015). Which of DEA or AHP can best be employed to measure efficiency of projects?. International Journal of Production Management and Engineering. 3(2):111-122. doi:10.4995/ijpme.2015.3528.SWORD11112232Banker, R. D., Charnes, A., & Cooper, W. W. (1984). Some Models for Estimating Technical and Scale Inefficiencies in Data Envelopment Analysis. Management Science, 30(9), 1078-1092. doi:10.1287/mnsc.30.9.1078Bible, M., Bivins, S. (2011). Mastering Project Portfolio Management. Fort Lauderdale: J. Ross Publishing, Inc.Chang, D., Yang, F. (2010). Data Envelopment Analysis with Two Distinct Objectives of Inputs or Outputs. In Proc. the 6th International Symposium on Management, Engineering and Informatics. International Institute of Informatics and Systemics, Florida, USA.Joro, T., & Viitala, E.-J. (2004). Weight-restricted DEA in action: from expert opinions to mathematical models. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 55(8), 814-821. doi:10.1057/palgrave.jors.2601752Kaplan, R., Norton, R. (2004). Strategy Maps. Converting Intangible Assets into Tangible Outcomes. Boston: Harvard Business School Press.Kendrick, J., Saaty, D. (2007). Use Analytic Hierarchy Process for Project Selection. Six Sigma Forum Magazine, pp. 22-29.Kumar, S. (2004). AHP- based formal system for R&D project evaluation. Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research, 63: 888-896.Mar, C. (2009). Specialization versus diversification: non-homogeneity in Data Envelopment Analysis. Proc. 3rd International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Industrial Management, Barcelona, Spain, pp. 1125-1133.Porter, M., Kramer, M. (2011). Creating shared value. How to reinvent capitalism -and unleash a wave of innovation and growth. Harvard Business Review, 1-17.Saaty, T. (1997). Toma de decisiones para líderes: El proceso analítico jerárquico. La toma de decisiones en un mundo complejo. Pittsburgh: RWS Publications

    Methodological Approach to the Environmental and Economic Assessment of Biogas Energy Projects

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    Efficient energy supply of industrial enterprises, especially energy-intensive ones, together with a negative environmental impact decrease, is considered to be an important issue throughout the fourth energy transition and the implementation of circular economy principles that are aimed at resource optimization, energy saving, carbon-free technologies and zero waste production. In this context, quite a significant amount of accumulated and annually increasing organic waste could become a valuable resource for Russia. Thereby, biogas technologies development and implementation is one of the potential directions that determine the efficiency of its energy use. The purpose of the study is to develop a methodological approach for the environmental and economic assessment of biogas energy projects. The possibility of introducing biogas and other renewable energy installations into the Russian regional energy system is considered in this manuscript. The methodological features of the environmental and economic assessment of energy facilities are substantiated, taking into account the key performance indicators corresponding to the implementation of circular economy strategies. Alternative approaches to the environmental and economic assessment of investment projects are proposed using an integral indicator of environmental and economic efficiency, which is calculated both with: (a) positive and negative consequences of an environmental and economic entities that are significant for the region; (b) aggregated private indicators, which take into account the intensity of nature use and environmental friendliness of projects; (c) complex score. The proposed approach can be used for the environmental and economic assessment of the introduction of biogas technologies efficiency, as well as through the comparison of alternatives for modernization projects in the energy sector.Задача рационального энергообеспечения промышленных предприятий, особенно энергоемких, с одновременной минимизацией негативного экологического воздействия, приобретает особую актуальность на пути четвертого энергетического перехода и при формировании циркулярной экономики, нацеленной на ресурсную оптимизацию, энергосбережение, углеродно-нейтральные технологии, безотходное производство. В данном контексте для России ценным ресурсом мог бы стать весьма значительный объем накопленных органических отходов, пополняемый ежегодно. Одним из потенциальных направлений, определяющих эффективность их энергетического использования, является развитие и внедрение биогазовых технологий. Целью исследования является разработка методического подхода к эколого-экономической оценке проектов биогазовой энергетики. Гипотеза исследования заключается в необходимости учета стратегий и принципов циркулярной экономики при эколого-экономической оценке биогазовых энерготехнологий. Изучены возможности и особенности введения установок на биогазе и других возобновляемых источников энергии в систему региональной энергетики России, показано их соответствие принципам циркулярной экономики. На основе обобщения подходов к определению эффективности реализации стратегий циркулярной экономики и учета технико-экономических особенностей отрасли сформированы соответствующие показатели эколого-экономической оценки энергетических инвестиционных проектов. Обоснованы методические особенности эколого-экономической оценки объектов энергетики с учетом предложенных показателей эффективности, соответствующих реализации стратегий циркулярной экономики, сформулированы принципы и этапы оценки. Разработаны альтернативные подходы к эколого-экономической оценке инвестиционных проектов с использованием интегрального показателя эколого-экономической эффективности, рассчитываемого с учетом значимой для региона совокупности возникающих как положительных, так и отрицательных последствий экологического и экономического характера; агрегированных частных показателей, учитывающих природоемкость и экологичность проектов; комплексной балльной оценки. Сформированный подход может быть использован при эколого-экономической оценке внедрения биогазовых технологий, а также при сравнении альтернативных вариантов проектов модернизации в энергетике и упрощают расчеты, облегчая принятие управленческих решений, ввиду учета только наиболее значимых для региона реализации проекта его положительных и отрицательных результатов.Задача рационального энергообеспечения промышленных предприятий, особенно энергоемких, с одновременной минимизацией негативного экологического воздействия, приобретает особую актуальность на пути четвертого энергетического перехода и при формировании циркулярной экономики, нацеленной на ресурсную оптимизацию, энергосбережение, углеродно-нейтральные технологии, безотходное производство. В данном контексте для России ценным ресурсом мог бы стать весьма значительный объем накопленных органических отходов, пополняемый ежегодно. Одним из потенциальных направлений, определяющих эффективность их энергетического использования, является развитие и внедрение биогазовых технологий. Целью исследования является разработка методического подхода к эколого-экономической оценке проектов биогазовой энергетики. Гипотеза исследования заключается в необходимости учета стратегий и принципов циркулярной экономики при эколого-экономической оценке биогазовых энерготехнологий. Изучены возможности и особенности введения установок на биогазе и других возобновляемых источников энергии в систему региональной энергетики России, показано их соответствие принципам циркулярной экономики. На основе обобщения подходов к определению эффективности реализации стратегий циркулярной экономики и учета технико-экономических особенностей отрасли сформированы соответствующие показатели эколого-экономической оценки энергетических инвестиционных проектов. Обоснованы методические особенности эколого-экономической оценки объектов энергетики с учетом предложенных показателей эффективности, соответствующих реализации стратегий циркулярной экономики, сформулированы принципы и этапы оценки. Разработаны альтернативные подходы к эколого-экономической оценке инвестиционных проектов с использованием интегрального показателя эколого-экономической эффективности, рассчитываемого с учетом значимой для региона совокупности возникающих как положительных, так и отрицательных последствий экологического и экономического характера; агрегированных частных показателей, учитывающих природоемкость и экологичность проектов; комплексной балльной оценки. Сформированный подход может быть использован при эколого-экономической оценке внедрения биогазовых технологий, а также при сравнении альтернативных вариантов проектов модернизации в энергетике и упрощают расчеты, облегчая принятие управленческих решений, ввиду учета только наиболее значимых для региона реализации проекта его положительных и отрицательных результатов.The research was supported by the Russian Science Foundation grant No. 22-28-01740, https://rscf.ru/en/project/22–28–01740/.Исследование выполнено за счет гранта Российского научного фонда № 22-28-01740, https://rscf.ru/project/22–28–01740/

    A survey of Multi-Criteria Decision Making Technique used in Renewable Energy Planning

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    Fossil based oil, gas and coal reserves will exhaust in few decades and the accelerated demand for conventional energy have forced planners and policy makers to look for alternate sources of Energy. Renewable energies option serves as a solutions for a sustainable, environmentally friendly and long-term cost effective sources of energies to meet our ever increasing needs of energy.  Renewable energy sites selection can be viewed as a Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) problem. MCDM is a complex Decision Making (DM) tools as it involves both quantitative and qualitative criteria. In recent years, several MCDM techniques and approaches have been suggested to solve energy planning problems. The main objective of this paper is to systematically review MCDM techniques and approaches in sustainable and renewable energy planning problems. A review of more than 100 published papers based on MCDM analysis is studied and presented in this paper. Findings of this review paper confirm that MCDM techniques can assist stakeholders and decision makers in unravelling some of the uncertainties inherent in renewable energy decision making. Classification of methodology used, criteria selection and application area are summarized and presented

    Measuring and explaining productivity growth of renewable energy producers: An empirical study of Austrian biogas plants.

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    This study explores productivity growth for a group of 65 Austrian biogas plants from 2006 to 2014 using Data Envelopment Analysis. The sample covers about 25 % of the installed electric capacity of Austrian biogas plants. Productivity growth is measured by calculating the Malmquist productivity index, and the contributions of technical change, efficiency change and scale change to productivity growth are isolated. Average annual productivity growth between 2006 and 2014 is 1.1 %. The decomposition of the Malmquist index shows that the annual scale change, technical change, and efficiency change for the average plant is 0.6 %, 0.3 % and 0.3 %, respectively. Those results indicate that the exploitation of returns to scale is a major driver of productivity growth in the Austrian biogas sector. However, there is a large variation in productivity growth across biogas plants. A second-stage regression analysis identifies important determinants of productivity growth. The results show that i) the exploitation of returns to scale as well as changes in ii) output diversification iii) capital intensity, iv) capacity utilization and v) feedstock prices are positively associated with productivity growth

    Measuring and explaining productivity growth of renewable energy producers: An empirical study of Austrian biogas plants.

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    This study explores productivity growth for a group of 65 Austrian biogas plants from 2006 to 2014 using Data Envelopment Analysis. The sample covers about 25 % of the installed electric capacity of Austrian biogas plants. Productivity growth is measured by calculating the Malmquist productivity index, and the contributions of technical change, efficiency change and scale change to productivity growth are isolated. Average annual productivity growth between 2006 and 2014 is 1.1 %. The decomposition of the Malmquist index shows that the annual scale change, technical change, and efficiency change for the average plant is 0.6 %, 0.3 % and 0.3 %, respectively. Those results indicate that the exploitation of returns to scale is a major driver of productivity growth in the Austrian biogas sector. However, there is a large variation in productivity growth across biogas plants. A second-stage regression analysis identifies important determinants of productivity growth. The results show that i) the exploitation of returns to scale as well as changes in ii) output diversification iii) capital intensity, iv) capacity utilization and v) feedstock prices are positively associated with productivity growth

    Assessing the performance of biogas plants with multi-criteria and data envelopment analysis

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    This paper performs an assessment of 41 agricultural biogas plants located in Austria to determine their relative performance in terms of economic, environmental, and social criteria and corresponding indicators. The comparison of these renewable energy conversion plants is based on two complementary analyses. Data envelopment analysis (DEA) was conducted to provide measures of radial efficiency relative to the observed frontier of production possibilities. Multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA), using the IRIS/ELECTRE TRI methodology, was conducted to obtain a different perspective on the results, and as a tool that would enable to incorporate managerial preferences easily. To be able to use IRIS while keeping the spirit behind DEA, the evaluation criteria were defined as different output/input efficiency ratios, and no information about criteria weights was introduced at the outset. The results suggest that MCDA, and the use of IRIS in particular, constitutes a useful approach that can be applied in a complementary way to DEA.http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6VCT-4S21TKY-8/1/e1baf47717275b1b0ec0279429e2de5

    Estudo de melhorias em ETAR com produção de Biogás e geração de Eletricidade ETAR Municipal de Abrantes

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    A Estação de Tratamento de Águas Residuais (ETAR) da Fonte Quente, situada em Alferrarede, serve a Cidade de Abrantes do Distrito de Santarém. Anteriormente gerida pela Câmara Municipal passou em 2007 para a gestão de Abrantáqua Serviço de Águas Residuais Urbanas do Município de Abrantes, S.A. Além de cumprir a sua função no tratamento das águas residuais, trata as poluentes águas ruças dos lagares de azeite da região, com o benefício no aumento da produção de biogás. A lama mista resultante da clarificação das águas residuais é misturada com as águas ruças (codigestão) prosseguindo para um digestor isolado onde ocorre a decomposição da matéria orgânica por microrganismos anaeróbios (digestão anaeróbia) cujo metabolismo produz metano e dióxido de carbono, os principais componentes do biogás. Este trabalho pretende destacar a importância da melhoria contínua em instalações com produção de energia elétrica através de fontes de energia renovável e demonstrar a aplicabilidade de ferramentas simples do Pensamento Lean, como o mapeamento da cadeia de valor ou Value Stream Mapping (VSM) no diagnóstico e melhoria global de uma instalação. Do estudo do mapa atual (as-is) ressaltam elevados consumos de energia elétrica de alguns processos, baixa disponibilidade dos equipamentos/processos, elevados custos de Manutenção, essencialmente Curativa. Através de um gráfico de Pareto das horas de paragem, foi priorizada a determinação da causa raiz para as atuais 4968 horas de paragem de um grupo motor-gerador, sem data esperada para resolução. A solução mais premente prende-se com a implementação de um programa de Manutenção Produtiva Total, onde a Manutenção autónoma é uma prioridade. Outras melhorias sugeridas incluem a utilização de substratos disponíveis, nomeadamente das lamas das restantes 26 ETAR do Distrito; esgoto de suiniculturas e resíduos sólidos biodegradáveis de restaurantes, cooperativas e mercados de frutas e legumes para aumento da produção de biogás, rentabilizando a capacidade dos digestores e dos motores-geradores, como mencionado na memória descritiva do projeto da ETAR; restringir o esgoto de indústrias da área metalomecânica com elevados metais pesados, para que as lamas digeridas sejam rentabilizadas como fertilizante natural da área florestal e agrícola da região.The Fonte Quente Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) is located in Alferrarede and serves the City of Abrantes, from Santarém District. Originally it pertained to the City Council administration and, since 2007, was transferred to the Abrantáqua Serviço de Águas Residuais Urbanas do Município de Abrantes, S.A. management. In addition to fulfill its role performing the municipality wastewater treatment, it also process olive mill effluents from the region, with the benefit in potentially increasing biogas production. The resulting sludge from wastewater clarification is mixed with olive mill wastewater (co-digestion) and proceeds to an insulated digester where the breakdown of organic matter occurs by anaerobic organisms (anaerobic digestion) whose metabolism produces methane and carbon dioxide, the main biogas components. This Work aims to highlight the importance of continuous Improvement in facilities producing electric power from renewable energy sources and demonstrate the applicability of simple tools from Lean Thinking such as chain value or Value Stream Mapping (VSM) in diagnosis and the overall Improvement of a facility. The study of the current map (as-is) emphasize high consumption of electricity for some processes, low availability of equipment and/or processes, high maintenance (essentially corrective) costs. Through a chart of stopping hours, it was prioritized to determine the root cause for the current 4968 stopping hours for one motor-generator set, with no expected date for resolution. The most compelling solution lies in implementing a Total Productive Maintenance program, where the autonomous maintenance is a priority. Other suggested improvements include the use of available substrates, particularly sludge from the other 26 WWTP of the municipality, pig slurry and biodegradable solid waste from restaurants, cooperatives and fruit and vegetable markets to increase biogas production, thus maximizing the digester and engine generators capability, as mentioned in the descriptive document of the WWTP project. Also, it is of importance to restrict sewage from metallurgical industries with attendant high heavy metals content so that the digested sludge can be enhanced as natural fertilizer to the forest and agricultural municipality area

    Eficiência da inserção da energia fotovoltaica no Brasil: uma abordagem por análise envoltória de dados.

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    A busca pela redução de impactos negativos ao meio ambiente pela emissão de poluentes e a crescente demanda por energia pela retomada do crescimento econômico mundial reforça a inserção de fontes renováveis nas matrizes energéticas dos países. O Brasil tem vantagem frente a outras nações, dado que mais da metade da geração de energia é via hidrelétrica. Essa superioridade, porém, está comprometida devido à alteração recorrente no regime hidrológico, fator de instabilidade na oferta brasileira de energia. Este problema leva à busca de outras fontes de geração de energia. A Energia Solar - especialmente a fotovoltaica, constitui uma solução de baixo impacto negativo ambiental, fazendo uso de inesgotável fonte de energia, o sol. Corroboram com isso, o fato do Brasil possuir elevado índice de irradiação solar durante todo o ano. Outro fato para busca de fonte alternativa de energia é a inconstância nas tarifas de energia. A energia fotovoltaica pode ser gerada de modo descentralizado por microusinas. Este trabalho contribui nesta direção, apresentando uma análise técnico-financeira para apoio à decisão para inserção de sistemas fotovoltaicos para geração distribuída de energia. Esse estudo, por meio de Análise Envoltória de Dados, analisa e compara por meio da formulação de cenários, a eficiência relativa das 26 capitais do Brasil mais o Distrito Federal. A escolha destas unidades é devido a serem grandes centros consumidores de energia e estarem espalhados pelo Brasil em locais de diferente nível de irradiação solar. Os resultados evidenciam que as condições de retorno financeiro de algumas capitais são comprometidas por políticas governamentais não adotadas atualmente, tal como a aplicação do Convênio ICMS 16/2015 para Vitória, Curitiba, Florianópolis, Macapá e Manaus, o qual representou um ganho de eficiência relativo médio destas capitais de 129%, com especial destaque para Manaus que passou da 22º colocação no ranqueamento no cenário atual do Brasil para 4º com aplicação de tal política. Um outro cenário de redução dos impostos de importação foi proposto trazendo benefício sensível ao valor inicial do investimento e para o incremento da eficiência de inserção desta fonte em nossa matriz energética